217 research outputs found

    Prickly power: liberal appeal as a liability

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    Prickly Power: Liberal Appeal as a Liability In a video released this September, Laszlo Toroczkai, the ultranationalist mayor of Ásotthalom and founder of a far-right youth movement in Hungary, published a personal “Message to illegal immigrants from Hungary” on YouTube

    Networks of Care: Tech Abuse Advocates’ Digital Security Practices

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    As technology becomes an enabler of relationship abuse and coercive control, advocates who support survivors develop digital security practices to counter this. Existing research on technology-related abuse has primarily focused on describing the dynamics of abuse and developing solutions for this problem; we extend this literature by focusing on the security practices of advocates working "on the ground", i.e. in domestic violence shelters and other support services. We present findings from 26 semi-structured interviews and a data walkthrough workshop in which advocates described how they support survivors. We identified a variety of intertwined emotional and technical support practices, including establishing trust, safety planning, empowerment, demystification, supporting evidence collection and making referrals. By building relationships with other services and stakeholders, advocates also develop networks of care throughout society to create more supportive environments for survivors. Using critical and feminist theories, we see advocates as sources of crucial technical expertise to reduce this kind of violence in the future. Security and privacy researchers can build on and develop these networks of care by employing participatory methods and expanding threat modelling to account for interpersonal harms like coercive control and structural forms of discrimination such as misogyny and racism

    Método de suma de gausianas para el problema de scan-matching

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    Un robot tiene que saber dónde está en un entorno para poder moverse autónomamente e inteligentemente. La auto-localización requiere de la existencia de un mapa, y es lo que ha llevado al desarrollo de algoritmos de SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) a lo largo de los últimos 20 años, dónde el robot va construyendo partes del mapa mientras va explorando el entorno. La forma más predominante de SLAM es la estocástica. Este método tiene explícitamente en cuenta el error que se comete en las medidas; estos errores de medida inducen incertidumbre en las estimaciones del entorno, que consiguientemente conllevan a incertidumbres en la posición del robot. Por lo cual se puede decir que el mapa del entorno y la pose están directamente relacionados. Las implementaciones de SLAM estocástico representan estas incertidumbres y correlaciones mediante la distribución gausiana (PDF), y propagan las incertidumbres usando el filtro de Kalman extendido(Extended Kalman Filter) (EKF). Esto es conocido como EKF-SLAM. Un problema del EKF-SLAM es que requiere modelos geométricos del entorno, lo que limita las aproximaciones deseadas para tales entornos. Una alternativa a estos modelos son los procedimientos llamados scan-correlation. Con estos métodos se calcula el máximo alineamiento que hay entre 2 series de datos. Entonces, dadas una serie de observaciones y un mapa de referencia construido también de datos sin tratar, el robot se puede localizar a sí mismo sin la necesidad de convertir los datos a ningún tipo de forma geométrica. Las observaciones son simplemente alineadas con el mapa de datos hasta maximizar la correlación de la medida. Scan-correlation ha sido usado como algoritmo de localización para mapas a priori, siendo el algoritmo ICP o la correlación de matriz de ocupación los métodos más utilizados. Este trabajo consistirá en el estudio y análisis del método de la suma de guasianas y ver cuales son sus prestaciones. En situaciones donde el robot se mueve en un entorno con el objetivo de localizarse a si mismo y recopilar información de sus alrededores, por ejemplo para mapeo o seguimiento de objetivos, el tema de SLAM se hace necesario. Para problemas de localización en robots móviles, scan-matching es un mecanismo muy útil para facilitar localización basada en "dead reckoning” de sensores desde un mapa a priori, y para generación de mapas offline. A día de hoy implementar SLAM estocástico en tiempo real resultaría intratable dado el elevado coste computacional, pero recientemente han salido ciertas investigaciones basadas en EM-SLAM y SLAM híbrido topológico métrico que van en esas direcciones.Ingeniería Industria

    Leadership and internal relational capital of enterprises

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    Purpose: The paper aims to identify the actions that foster the development of positive relationships between employees and the company and help build internal relational capital. The authors also attempted to describe the patterns of formation of intra-organizational relations by identifying the actions that contribute the most to the development of internal relational capital. Design/Methodology/Approach: Two studies conducted in 2018-2020 focused on the importance of relational competencies in creating company value and the role of leadership. The first study concentrated on the managers (N=10), whereas the second one focused on the analyzed companies' employees (N=185). The obtained information was used to perform structural analysis, based on structural indicators expressed as percentage values. Factor analysis was also carried out as part of the data analysis to determine the relationships between factors. The principal component analysis was used. Findings: The results indicate that in the process of creation and development of intellectual capital in an enterprise, the role of a leader involves mainly the establishment of values desired for the company's success, creation of a corporate culture that helps to accomplish goals, and assistance in reaching the targets by employees, as well as support for workers and their activity. The analyzed enterprises are engaged in developing proper internal relations and apply different methods to build relations between the company and the employees. Practical Implications: The results indicate the directions for building internal relations. Identification of the actions that demonstrate a greater impact on the development of positive relationships between employees and the company and those with a lesser impact. Originality/Value: Concentration on effective relational management and creation of relational capital are the key elements of modern leadership. The development of positive relationships between employees and the company contributes to the company's relational capital, which considerably affects an enterprise's growth and competitive position.peer-reviewe

    Improving the internal relations versus shaping the external relations of the enterprise

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    Purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify the importance of actions for enhancing internal relations in a company, with the aim to improve company’s relations with its environment. Design/Methodology/Approach: The studies conducted in 2018-2020 focused on the importance of relational competencies in the creation of company value and on the role of leadership. The first study concentrated on managers (N=10). The second study focused on the employees of the analysed companies (N=185). The obtained information was used to perform a structural analysis, based on structural indicators expressed as percentage values. Findings: The findings indicate that assessments of the importance of actions for enhancing internal relations in a company to improve company’s relations with its environment vary. The managers of the surveyed enterprises perceive it differently than the employees. In addition, cluster analysis showed that the managers and employees are not unanimous in their assessments of the actions. Practical Implications: The results of the analysis indicate that both the management and employees recognise the importance of taking actions for enhancing internal relations in a company in order to improve company’s relations with its environment. This analysis may identify the directions for building internal relations to improve company’s relations with its environment. Originality/Value: Business strategy making with regard to creation and enhancement of relational competencies and relational capital, both internally and externally, is becoming a key trend in the development of operational philosophy in business. Focusing on internal relations translates into formation of external relations. Development of relational capital essentially affects the growth of an enterprise and its competitive advantage.peer-reviewe

    The attitudes and actions of the superior and the participative management style

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    Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyse the characteristics of participative management style in the context of open attitudes and actions of a leader. Design/Methodology/Approach: The assessment of specific measures implemented by the superior was grouped using factor analysis. The principal component analysis was used to identify factors. Factor rotation was conducted using the Oblimin method, and the significance of the analysis was confirmed by the Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin and Bartlett’s tests. Using the proportion of variance explained criterion, 2 variants (factor loadings) were distinguished participative style, and communication and feedback. The chi-square tests and Pearson’s C (contingency) coefficient were used to analyse the relations between the variants and the superior's management style. Findings: The article presents the relationship between the value of variables “participative style” and “communication and information” and management styles. We demonstrated that elements of participative leadership style in the behaviour of the superior result in a more open approach in interactions with employees. When a task is unstructured, the leader's participatory behaviour can stimulate subordinates, as the task is explained in more detail. Practical Implications: The analysis of the data shows that effective leadership requires mobilisation of the talents of subordinates, so it is extremely important to recognise the potential of employees. In practice, this means that participation stimulates the development of innovative solutions and fosters creativity in employees. Originality/Value: Demonstrating the importance of using participation as a tool to improve the decision-making skills of subordinates contributes to the present understanding of the role of leadership in strengthening intra-organisational relations.peer-reviewe

    Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using Voronoi Diagram and Fast Marching

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    For navigation in complex environments, a robot need s to reach a compromise between the need for having efficient and optimized trajectories and t he need for reacting to unexpected events. This paper presents a new sensor-based Path Planner w hich results in a fast local or global motion planning able to incorporate the new obstacle information. In the first step the safest areas in the environment are extracted by means of a Vorono i Diagram. In the second step the Fast Marching Method is applied to the Voronoi extracted a reas in order to obtain the path. The method combines map-based and sensor-based planning o perations to provide a reliable motion plan, while it operates at the sensor frequency. The m ain characteristics are speed and reliability, since the map dimensions are reduced to an almost uni dimensional map and this map represents the safest areas in the environment for moving the robot. In addition, the Voronoi Diagram can be calculated in open areas, and with all kind of shaped obstacles, which allows to apply the proposed planning method in complex environments wher e other methods of planning based on Voronoi do not work.This work has been supported by the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 I

    Trust and Abusability Toolkit: Centering Safety in Human-Data Interactions

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    If you care about security, you care about safety. So you need to care about abusability and trust. This toolkit will provide information about why centering peoples’ safety in our digital technologies is important. We present the concepts of abusability and trust as two important tenets of building such safer technologies, followed by resources that can help us build safer technologies

    Металографічний аналіз потенційних ділянок зародження руйнування зони термічного вливу низьковуглицевих сталей після лазерного зварювання

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    The work investigates the detection of dangerous areas of the zones of thermal impact on the basis of the research of welding joint structure formation after laser welding of low-carbon steels 09Mn2Si, 10CrNiCu, 10Mn2VNb. The complex of studies carried out showed that the welded joint is structurally divided into several zones. At the same time, metallographic analysis showed that in the zones of the welded joint there is a conglomerate of structures, which contains components characteristic both for metal in the cast state and for metal after accelerated cooling.Досліджено виявлення небезпечних ділянок зони термічного впливу на підставі дослідження формування структури зварного з'єднання після лазерного зварювання низьковуглецевих сталей 09Г2С, 10ХСНД, 10Г2ФБ. Проведений комплекс досліджень показав, що зварене з'єднання структурно розділити на кілька зон. При цьому, металографічний аналіз показав, що в зонах зварного з'єднання присутні конгломерат структур, який містить складові характерні як для металу в литому стані так і для металу після прискореного охолодження.Исследовано выявление опасных участков зоны термического влияния на основании исследования формирования структуры сварного соединения после лазерной сварки низкоуглеродистых сталей 09Г2С, 10ХСНД, 10Г2ФБ. Проведенный комплекс исследований показал, что сварное соединение структурно разделить на несколько зон. При этом, металлографический анализ показал, что в зонах сварного соединения присутствуют конгломерат структур, который содержит составляющие характерные как для металла в литом состоянии так и для металла после ускоренного охлаждения