330 research outputs found


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    Author analyzes increase of the risk being object of insurance and the way this affects rights and obligations of the contractual parties from insurance contract. For such specified goal, author decided to compare legal solutions of the few EU member states against Serbian legislation. Hence, author analyzes duty of the policyholder to advise insurer about risk increase, policyholder right to premium reduction and right to cancel insurance contract due to premium increase. Particular attention was given to the insurer right to demand higher premium, right to full premium amount, right to terminate insurance contract and right to be released from liability. Results of his research show desirable direction of the Serbian insurance law reform in the Draft Civil Code of Republic of Serbia.U ovom radu, autor analizira povećanje rizika koji je predmet osiguranja i uticaj koji ta činjenica ima na prava i obaveze ugovornih strana kod ugovora o osiguranju. Za potrebe ovako postavljenog cilja, autor se opredelili da uporedimo zakonska rešenja određenih država članica EU i zakonskih rešenja srpskog prava. U tom smislu autor je u posebnim poglavljima analizirao obavezu ugovarača osiguranja da obavesti osiguravača o povećanju rizika, pravu ugovarača na sniženje premije osiguranja i pravu na otkaz ugovora o osiguranju zbog povećanja premije osiguranja, dok je na strani osiguravača, pažnju posvetio pravu osiguravača da zahteva povećanje premije osiguranja, pravu na pun iznos premije, pravu na otkaz ugovora o osiguranju i pravu na oslobađanje od obaveze isplate naknade. Rezultati autorovog istraživanja ukazuju na poželjni smer razvoja reforme domaćeg prava osiguranja u Prednacrtu Građanskog zakonika Republike Srbije

    An analysis of research into urban flora and vegetation in Southeast Europe

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    In the last two decades, the number of research articles focused on urban ecosystems in Europe has increased significantly. However, the cities investigated are very unevenly distributed, and most of the studies are focused on Central Europe. The aim of this analysis was to provide a realistic insight into the results of previous research into the urban flora and vegetation of Southeast Europe. The analysis covers a total of 149 articles, classified according to the topic and concept of research. The rates of exploration of urban flora and vegetation vary considerably across the countries of Southeast Europe. The floristic approach was the most common. Although some countries of Southeast Europe have a significant number of floristic studies (e.g. Serbia and Croatia with more than 20 each), their urban flora is still insufficiently explored compared to other European regions. Also, the use of different methodologies makes it impossible to compare results in an adequate way and draw relevant conclusions. Unlike the studies in most of Europe, with a broader spatial framework and uniform methodology, in Southeast Europe they usually referred to individual cities, specific habitats or certain parts of the cities. Hence, including Southeast Europe in large-scale studies would be beneficial

    Adsorption isotherms of chloroform on macroporous copolymers determined by inverse gas chromatography

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    The inverse gas chromatography (IGC) under finite surface coverage conditions was used for the determination of adsorption isotherms of chloroform on macroporous crosslinked poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate), PGME and copolymer modified with ethylene diamine, EDA, PGME-en. The specific surface areas of initial and modified copolymer samples calculated from IGC data are in fair agreement with those determined by the BET method from the low-temperature nitrogen adsorption isotherms.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Jovan Ristić: écrivain et historien

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    L’un des plus grands hommes d’État serbes du XIXe siècle, Jovan Ristić (1831-1899) fut également historien distingué qui contribua largement au développement de l’histoire diplomatique en tant que discipline en Serbie, précédant de tels histo­riens remarqués comme Mihailo Gavrilović et Grgur Jakšić . Ayant étudié à Berlin et à Heidelberg, Ristić se développa sous l’influence décisive du grand maître allemand de l’époque qui fut Leopold von Ranke. L’auteur examine les écrits majeurs de Ristić questionnant son approche méthodologique et la notion de l’objectivité à la lumière des débats du XIXe siècle. En analysant l’expérience de Ristić en tant qu’homme poli­tique, Jovanović met l’accent sur la distinction entre mémoires et histoire dans l’oeuvre de cette figure illustrée de la vie politique et culturelle serbe

    Measurement and analysis of vibrations on the helicopter structure in order to detect defects of operating elements

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    U radu je prezentovan praktičan primer merenja i analize vibracija na helikopterskoj strukturi sa ciljem da se otkriju potencijalna oštećenja radnih elemenata. Sveobuhvatna metodologija merenja vibracija je predstavljena u ovom članku i sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi ispravan rad rotirajućih komponenata. Poseban osvrt je dat na analizi uzdužnih i vertikalnih vibracija trupa helikoptera u frekventnom domenu za različite profile leta. Merenje i analiza vibracija na određenim lokacijama helikopterske strukture, rezultiralo je blagovremenim tehničkim pregledom odgovarajuće komponente i otkrivanjem njenog površinskog oštećenja. Praktična upotreba predložene metodologije merenja i analize je moguće implementirati na više vrsta letelica u cilju produženja životnog veka.A practical example of the measurement and analysis of vibrations on helicopter structures in order to detect defects on operating elements is presented in this paper. A comprehensive methodology of vibration testing is presented in this article and implemented in order to determine the correct operation of rotating components. A particular attention is given to the analysis of longitudinal and vertical vibrations on the helicopter fuselage in the frequency domain for different flight profiles. The vibration measurement and analysis on specific locations on a helicopter structure resulted in a timely technical review of a relevant component and a disclosure of the damage on its surface. The proposed methodology of measurement and analysis can be implemented on different types of aircraft in order to extend their life expectancy.

    Polimeri na bazi obnovljivih sirovina – II. dio

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    A short review of biopolymers based on starch (starch derivatives, thermoplastic starch), lignin and hemicelluloses, chitin (chitosan) and products obtained by degradation of starch and other polysaccharides and sugars (poly(lactic acid), poly(hydroxyalkanoates)), as well as some of their basic properties and application area, are given in this part. The problem of environmental and economic feasibility of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials and their competitiveness with polymers based on fossil raw materials is discussed. Also pointed out are the problems that appear due to the increasing use of agricultural land for the production of raw materials for the chemical industry and energy, instead for the production of food for humans and animals. The optimistic assessments of experts considering the development perspectives of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials in the next ten years have also been pointed out. At the end of the paper, the success of a team of researchers gathered around the experts from the company Bayer is indicated. They were the first in the world to develop a catalyst by which they managed to effectively activate CO- and incorporate it into polyols, used for the synthesis of polyurethanes in semi-industrial scale. By applying this process, for the first time a pollutant will be used as a basic raw material for the synthesis of organic compounds, which will have significant consequences on the development of the chemical industry, and therefore the production of polymers.U okviru ovoga dijela rada dan je kratak prikaz biopolimera na bazi škroba (derivati škroba, termoplastièni škrob), lignina i hemiceluloze, hitina (hitozan) i na bazi proizvoda razgradnje škroba, drugih polisaharida i šećera (poli(mliječna kiselina), polihidroksialkanoati), kao i neka njihova osnovna svojstva i područje primjene. Razmatran je problem ekološke i ekonomske prihvatljivosti biopolimera na bazi obnovljivih sirovina i njihove konkurentnosti s polimerima na bazi fosilnih sirovina. Ukazano je i na probleme do kojih već dolazi zbog sve veće upotrebe poljoprivrednog zemljišta za proizvodnju sirovina za kemijsku industriju i energente, umjesto za proizvodnju hrane za ljude i životinje. Ukazano je također na optimistične procjene stručnjaka o perspektivi razvoja proizvodnje biopolimera na bazi obnovljivih sirovina. Na kraju rada je ukazano i na uspjeh tima istraživača okupljenih oko stručnjaka tvrtke Bayer, koji su prvi u svijetu razvili katalizator, pomoću kojeg su uspjeli učinkovito aktivirati CO i ugraditi ga u poliole, koje upotrebljavaju za sintezu poliuretana u poluindrustrijskim razmjerima. Ovim postupkom će prvi put jedan zagađivač biti upotrijebljen kao osnovna sirovina za sintezu organskih spojeva, što će imati nesagledive posljedice na razvoj kemijske industrije, a samim tim i proizvodnje polimera

    Measurement and analysis of vibrations on the helicopter structure in order to detect defects of operating elements

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    U radu je prezentovan praktičan primer merenja i analize vibracija na helikopterskoj strukturi sa ciljem da se otkriju potencijalna oštećenja radnih elemenata. Sveobuhvatna metodologija merenja vibracija je predstavljena u ovom članku i sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi ispravan rad rotirajućih komponenata. Poseban osvrt je dat na analizi uzdužnih i vertikalnih vibracija trupa helikoptera u frekventnom domenu za različite profile leta. Merenje i analiza vibracija na određenim lokacijama helikopterske strukture, rezultiralo je blagovremenim tehničkim pregledom odgovarajuće komponente i otkrivanjem njenog površinskog oštećenja. Praktična upotreba predložene metodologije merenja i analize je moguće implementirati na više vrsta letelica u cilju produženja životnog veka.A practical example of the measurement and analysis of vibrations on helicopter structures in order to detect defects on operating elements is presented in this paper. A comprehensive methodology of vibration testing is presented in this article and implemented in order to determine the correct operation of rotating components. A particular attention is given to the analysis of longitudinal and vertical vibrations on the helicopter fuselage in the frequency domain for different flight profiles. The vibration measurement and analysis on specific locations on a helicopter structure resulted in a timely technical review of a relevant component and a disclosure of the damage on its surface. The proposed methodology of measurement and analysis can be implemented on different types of aircraft in order to extend their life expectancy.

    Imobilizacija invertaze preko ugljenohidratnog dela na makroporozni glicidil metakrilat

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    Immobilization via carbohydrate moiety is suitable for immobilization of glycoenzymes because it has little effect on enzyme active site. Macroporous glycidyl methacrylate is better support for enzyme immobilization from the much more used polystyrene because of its lesser hydrophobicity. We found optimal conditions for invertase immobilization via its carbohydrate moiety on macroporous glycidyl methacryate by varying enzyme concentration. We obtained immobilized enzyme with specific activity of 5500 lU/g, which is the highest activity reported in the literature. Immobilized enzyme has Km=43 mmol/l, temperature optimum of 60ºC, and pH optimum between 3.5 and 5.5.Imobilizacija preko šećernog dela je pogodna za glikoenzime zato što ima malo uticaja na aktivno mesto enzima. Makroporozni glicidil metakrilat je bolji nosač za imobilizaciju enzima od više korišćenog polistirena zbog svoje hidrofilnosti. Utvrđeni su optimalni uslovi za imobilizaciju invertaze preko šećernog dela na makroporozni glicidil metalkrilat variranjem koncentracije enizima. Dobijen je imobilizovani enzim specifične aktivnosti 5000 IU/g, što je najveća aktivnost do sada opisana u literaturi. Imobilizovani enzim je imao Km 43 mmol/l, temperaturni optimum na 60ºC i pH optimum između 4 i 5

    Variability of albumin in blood serum as a possible reflection of evolutional influence of diluvial horses on population of native mountain horse in Serbia

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    Native mountain horse is an autochthonous ungulata with a domicile extending to the whole mountaneous region of Serbia, south of the Sava and Danube rivers. Along with native horses of other Balkan countries it is classified as Mediterranean pony, but unlike Balkan horses such as Skiros, Pinea, Pindos, Karakachan, Bosnian mountineous horse etc., mountineous horses in Serbia neither have been morphologically described nor were of concern to the scientific community till the end of the twentieth century. Investigations of albumin polymorphism in blood serum of native mountain horse were taken within a comprehensive reserch on morphologic, physiologic and genetic structure of this autochtonous ungulata breed. On the basis of the results obtained by electrophoretic separation of albumine types in native mountaneous horse blood serum, there were determined four albumine phenotypes: AA, AB, BB and BI which are inherited by three autosomal alleles AlA, Alb, All . The appearance of All allele in native mountaneous horse population points out to diluvial forest horse impact on process of microevolution of autochtonous native mountaneous horse. Occidental- specific albumin isoforms presence indicate the necessity of thorough study of evolution position and historic influence of different ancestors, and especially occidental horses on native mountain horse population in Serbia

    Multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors for vibration control based on the particle swarm optimization technique: Part 2: Numerical analysis

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    Ovo je drugi deo istraživanja višeciljne fazi optimizacije veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora na tankozidnoj kompozitnoj gredi. Prvi rad je fokusiran na teorijskom modelu optimizacione tehnike za optimalno dimenzionisanje i postavljanje piezoelektičnih aktuatora i senzora na pametnu strukturu za aktivno upravljanje vibracijama. U ovom delu, biće prikazana numerička analiza predstavljene optimizacione tehnike za kompozitnu konzolu sa i bez ograničenja u pogledu stepena upravljivosti za rezidualne modove.This is the second part of a two-paper research of the multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of the collocated piezoelectric actuators and sensors on the thin-walled composite beam. The first paper is focussed on the theoretical model of a optimization techique for optimal sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a smart structure for active vibration control. In this part, the numerical analysis of the presented optimization technique will be presented for the cantilever composite beam with and without limitations in degrees of controllability (DCs) for residual modes