321 research outputs found

    Regolith production and transport at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Part 2: Insights from meteoric 10Be

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    Regolith-mantled hillslopes are ubiquitous features of most temperate landscapes, and their morphology reflects the climatically, biologically, and tectonically mediated interplay between regolith production and downslope transport. Despite intensive research, few studies have quantified both of these mass fluxes in the same field site. Here we present an analysis of 87 meteoric 10Be measurements from regolith and bedrock within the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHO), in central Pennsylvania. Meteoric 10Be concentrations in bulk regolith samples (n=73) decrease with regolith depth. Comparison of hillslope meteoric 10Be inventories with analyses of rock chip samples (n=14) from a 24 m bedrock core confirms that >80% of the total inventory is retained in the regolith. The systematic downslope increase of meteoric 10Be inventories observed at SSHO is consistent with 10Be accumulation in slowly creeping regolith (∼ 0.2 cm yr-1). Regolith flux inferred from meteoric 10Be varies linearly with topographic gradient (determined from high-resolution light detection and ranging-based topography) along the upper portions of hillslopes at SSHO. However, regolith flux appears to depend on the product of gradient and regolith depth where regolith is thick, near the base of hillslopes. Meteoric 10Be inventories at the north and south ridgetops indicate minimum regolith residence times of 10.5 ± 3.7 and 9.1 ± 2.9 ky, respectively, similar to residence times inferred from U-series isotopes in Ma et al. (2013). The combination of our results with U-series-derived regolith production rates implies that regolith production and erosion rates are similar to within a factor of two on SSHO hillcrests. ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Fluvio-deltaic avulsions during relative sea-level fall.

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    Understanding river response to changes in relative sea level (RSL) is essential for predicting fluvial stratigraphy and source-to-sink dynamics. Recent theoretical work has suggested that rivers can remain aggradational during RSL fall, but field data are needed to verify this response and investigate sediment deposition processes. We show with field work and modeling that fluvio-deltaic systems can remain aggradational or at grade during RSL fall, leading to superelevation and continuation of delta lobe avulsions. The field site is the Goose River, Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada, which has experienced steady RSL fall of around 3–4 mm yr⁻¹ in the past 5 k.y. from post-glacial isostatic rebound. Elevation analysis and optically stimulated luminescence dating suggest that the Goose River avulsed and deposited three delta lobes during RSL fall. Simulation results from Delft3D software show that if the characteristic fluvial response time is longer than the duration of RSL fall, then fluvial systems remain aggradational or at grade, and continue to avulse during RSL fall due to superelevation. Intriguingly, we find that avulsions become more frequent at faster rates of RSL fall, provided the system response time remains longer than the duration of RSL fall. This work suggests that RSL fall rate may influence the architecture of falling-stage or forced regression deposits by controlling the number of deposited delta lobes

    Non-locality of non-Abelian anyons

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    Topological systems, such as fractional quantum Hall liquids, promise to successfully combat environmental decoherence while performing quantum computation. These highly correlated systems can support non-Abelian anyonic quasiparticles that can encode exotic entangled states. To reveal the non-local character of these encoded states we demonstrate the violation of suitable Bell inequalities. We provide an explicit recipe for the preparation, manipulation and measurement of the desired correlations for a large class of topological models. This proposal gives an operational measure of non-locality for anyonic states and it opens up the possibility to violate the Bell inequalities in quantum Hall liquids or spin lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fourier transform and the Verlinde formula for the quantum double of a finite group

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    A Fourier transform S is defined for the quantum double D(G) of a finite group G. Acting on characters of D(G), S and the central ribbon element of D(G) generate a unitary matrix representation of the group SL(2,Z). The characters form a ring over the integers under both the algebra multiplication and its dual, with the latter encoding the fusion rules of D(G). The Fourier transform relates the two ring structures. We use this to give a particularly short proof of the Verlinde formula for the fusion coefficients.Comment: 15 pages, small errors corrected and references added, version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Composite Fermion Wavefunctions Derived by Conformal Field Theory

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    The Jain theory of hierarchical Hall states is reconsidered in the light of recent analyses that have found exact relations between projected Jain wavefunctions and conformal field theory correlators. We show that the underlying conformal theory is precisely given by the W-infinity minimal models introduced earlier. This theory involves a reduction of the multicomponent Abelian theory that is similar to the projection to the lowest Landau level in the Jain approach. The projection yields quasihole excitations obeying non-Abelian fractional statistics. The analysis closely parallels the bosonic conformal theory description of the Pfaffian and Read-Rezayi states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Use of FreeStyle Libre Flash Monitor Register in the Netherlands (FLARE-NL1):Patient Experiences, Satisfaction, and Cost Analysis

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    In patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), adequate glucose control is of major importance. When treatment schemes become more complicated, proper self-management through intermittent self-measurement of blood glucose (SMBG), among others, becomes crucial in achieving this goal. In the last decade, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has been on the rise, providing not only intermittent information but also information on continuous glucose trends. The FreeStyle Libre (FSL) Flash CGM system is a CGM system mainly used for patients with DM and is designed based on the same techniques as early CGMs. Compared with earlier CGMs, the FSL is factory calibrated, has no automated readings or direct alarms, and is cheaper to use. Although less accurate compared with the gold standard for SMBG, users report high satisfaction because it is easy to use and can help users monitor glucose trends. The Flash Monitor Register in the Netherlands (FLARE-NL) study aims to assess the effects of FSL Flash CGM use in daily practice. The study has a before-after design, with each participant being his or her own control. Users will be followed for at least 1 year. The endpoints include changes in HbA1c, frequency and severity of hypoglycemias, and quality of life. In addition, the effects of its use on work absenteeism rate, diabetes-related hospital admission rate, and daily functioning (including sports performance) will be studied. Furthermore, cost-benefit analysis based on the combination of registered information within the health insurance data will be investigated. Ultimately, the data gathered in this study will help increase the knowledge and skills of the use of the Flash CGM in daily practice and assess the financial impact on the use of the Flash CGM within the Dutch healthcare system

    Regolith production and transport at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, part 2: Insights from meteoric10Be

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    Regolith-mantled hillslopes are ubiquitous features of most temperate landscapes, and their morphology reflects the climatically, biologically, and tectonically mediated interplay between regolith production and downslope transport. Despite intensive research, few studies have quantified both of these mass fluxes in the same field site. Here we present an analysis of 87 meteoric 10Be measurements from regolith and bedrock within the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHO), in central Pennsylvania. Meteoric 10Be concentrations in bulk regolith samples (n=73) decrease with regolith depth. Comparison of hillslope meteoric 10Be inventories with analyses of rock chip samples (n=14) from a 24 m bedrock core confirms that >80% of the total inventory is retained in the regolith. The systematic downslope increase of meteoric 10Be inventories observed at SSHO is consistent with 10Be accumulation in slowly creeping regolith (∼ 0.2 cm yr-1). Regolith flux inferred from meteoric 10Be varies linearly with topographic gradient (determined from high-resolution light detection and ranging-based topography) along the upper portions of hillslopes at SSHO. However, regolith flux appears to depend on the product of gradient and regolith depth where regolith is thick, near the base of hillslopes. Meteoric 10Be inventories at the north and south ridgetops indicate minimum regolith residence times of 10.5 ± 3.7 and 9.1 ± 2.9 ky, respectively, similar to residence times inferred from U-series isotopes in Ma et al. (2013). The combination of our results with U-series-derived regolith production rates implies that regolith production and erosion rates are similar to within a factor of two on SSHO hillcrests

    Morphodynamics of a width-variable gravel bed stream: new insights on pool-riffle formation from physical experiments

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    Field observations, experiments, and numerical simulations suggest that pool-riffles along gravel bed mountain streams develop due to downstream variations of channel width. Where channels narrow, pools are observed, and at locations of widening, riffles occur. Based on previous work, we hypothesize that the bed profile is coupled to downstream width variations through momentum fluxes imparted to the channel surface, which scale with downstream changes of flow velocity. We address this hypothesis with flume experiments understood through scaling theory. Our experiments produce pool-riffle like structures across average Shields stresses t* that are a factor 1.5–2 above the threshold mobility condition of the experimental grain size distribution. Local topographic responses are coupled to channel width changes, which drive flows to accelerate or decelerate on average, for narrowing and widening, respectively. We develop theory which explains the topography-width-velocity coupling as a ratio of two reinforcing timescales. The first timescale captures the time necessary to do work to the channel bed. The second timescale characterizes the relative time magnitude of momentum transfer from the flowing fluid to the channel bed surface. Riffle-like structures develop where the work and momentum timescales are relatively large, and pools form where the two timescales are relatively small. We show that this result helps to explain local channel bed slopes along pool-riffles for five data sets representing experimental, numerical, and natural cases, which span 2 orders of magnitude of reach-averaged slope. Additional model testing is warranted.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Latest Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene floras from Patagonia: a critical piece of Gondwana's floral history comes into focus

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    Patagonia contains a rich and fairly continuous paleobotanical record from the late Maastrichtian to the middle Eocene, an interval known globally for mass extinction and significant climate changes. From this time interval, we have quantitatively collected and stratigraphically studied over 600 species and 20000 specimens from eight wellpreserved compression macrofloras from north-west and central Patagonia. Cretaceous and early Paleocene floras are from coastal environments, whereas the Eocene floras are from volcaniclastic lake sediments. Several sites and stratigraphic levels in the early Paleocene Salamanca Formation show higher richness than comparable Northern Hemisphere floras, but they are relatively impoverished when compared to those of the upper Maastrichtian Lefipan Formation. Probable middle Paleocene floras from the Peñas Coloradas Formation share most species with the Salamanca Formation, but are preserved in fluvial facies. Bedded tuffs at the Eocene sites have yielded precise Ar- Ar dates of 54.24 ±0.45 Ma for the Pampa de Jones flora, 51.91 ±0.22 Ma for the extremely diverse Laguna del Hunco flora, and 47.46 ±0.05 Ma for the similarly rich Río Pichileufú flora. The history of Patagonian plant diversity in the early Paleogene could be linked to a relatively lower effect of the terminal Cretaceous event and high diversification and immigration during Eocene warming. Although the biogeographic signature of the floras is clearly Gondwanic, during the Paleocene there appears to be greater compositional distinctiveness from coeval Australasian floras than in the Eocene, suggesting some degree of endemism after the K-T. The Eocene floras include beautifully preserved examples of extant Australasian tree genera that are now extinct in South America, including Agathis, Papuacedrus, Dacrycarpus, Eucalyptus, Cassuarinaeceae, and Akaniaceae. Paleoclimate analyses based on the macrofloras indicate subtropical and moist growing conditions; during the Eocene there is evidence for true rainforest conditions. These results contribute a considerably improved framework to understanding the plant evolution in Gondwana.Sesiones libresFinanciado: NSF Grants DEB-0919071 and DEB-0345750Financing: NSF Grants DEB-0919071 and DEB-0345750Financiamento: NSF Grants DEB-0919071 and DEB-0345750Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cone-rod dystrophy can be a manifestation of Danon disease

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    Background Danon disease is a neuromuscular disorder with variable expression in the eye. We describe a family with Danon disease and cone-rod dystrophy (CRD). Methods Affected males of one family with Danon were invited for an extensive ophthalmologic examination, including color vision testing, fundus photography, Goldmann perimetry, full-field electroretinogram (ERG), and SD-OCT. Previous ophthalmologic data were retrieved from medical charts. The LAMP2 and RPGR gene were analyzed by direct sequencing. Results Two siblings had no ocular phenotype. The third sibling and a cousin developed CRD leading to legal blindness. Visual acuity deteriorated progressively over time, color vision was severely disturbed, and ERG showed reduced photopic and scotopic responses. SD-OCT revealed thinning of the photoreceptor and RPE layer. Visual fieldsdemonstrated central scotoma. The causal mutation was p. Gly384Arg in LAMP2; no mutations were found in RPGR. Conclusions This is the first description of CRD in Danon disease. The retinal phenotype was a late onset but severe dystrophy characterized by loss of photoreceptors and RPE cells. With this report, we highlight the importance of a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination in the clinical work-up of Danon disease