9 research outputs found

    Comparison of arterial pressure values measured in office and by ABPM in patients with artery hypertension and with or without backgrounded combididity

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    Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti i prikazati raspodjelu ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije i ispitanika koji boluju od hipertenzije i pridruženih komorbiditeta po spolu. Usporediti te dvije skupine po dobi, ITM-u te broju antihipertenzivnih lijekova u terapiji. Usporediti skupine prema arterijskim tlakovima mjerenim u ordinaciji i KMAT-om. Prikazati učestalost pojedinih komorbiditeta u multimorbiditetnih bolesnika. Materijali i metode: Provedeno je retrospektivno presječno istraživanje u koje su uključene dvije skupine bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom kao osnovnom bolešću. U prvoj skupini bili su ispitanici koji su bolovali samo od hipertenzije te ih je bilo 68, dok su u drugoj skupini bili ispitanici s hipertenzijom i pridruženim komorbiditetima (multimorbiditetni ispitanici) te ih je bilo 58. Podatci su prikupljeni iz elektronskih medicinskih kartona u osam specijalističkih ordinacija obiteljske medicine medicine Doma zdravlja Splitsko-dalmatinske županije s područja grada Splita. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve bolesnike kojima je u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2018. do 1. travnja 2019. godine napravljeno 24 - satno kontinuirano mjerenje arterijskog tlaka (KMAT). Rezultati: U skupini pacijenata koji su bolovali isključivo od arterijske hipertenzije udio žena iznosio je 64,7 %, dok je ispitanika muškog spola bilo tek 35,3 %. Nasuprot tome, u skupini hipertoničara s komorbiditetima udio žena bio je nešto manji (55,2 %). Pacijenata muškog spola u istoj skupini bilo je 44,8 %. Hipertoničari s komorbiditetima u prosjeku su 7,4 godine stariji od pacijenata koji boluju samo od arterijske hipertenzije (p = 0,05). U skupini hipertoničara s komorbiditetima 19 (32,8 %) ispitanika uzimalo je jedan, 28 (38,2 %) dva te 11 (19 %) tri ili više lijekova. Nasuprot tome, u skupini hipertoničara 43 (63,2 %) ispitanika uzimalo je jedan, 17 (25 %) dva, a 8 (11,8 %) tri ili više lijekova u kroničnoj antihipertenzivnoj terapiji (p = 0,003). U pacijenata koji boluju od arterijske hipertenzije najčešći komorbiditeti bili su: dislipidemija (23,8 %), šećerna bolest (17,5 %) i depresija (8,7 %). U ovom je istraživanju najrjeđi komorbiditet bilo kronično bubrežno zatajenje (0,8 %), dok CV incidenata uopće nije bilo (0 %). Zaključak: U ovoj studiji pokazano je kako hipertoničari s komorbiditetima imaju u prosjeku manji dijastolički tlak mjeren u ordinaciji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije te da su multimorbiditetni ispitanici u prosjeku stariji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije. Također, dokazano je da multimorbiditetni hipertoničari u prosjeku imaju više antihipertenzivnih lijekova u terapiji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije. Razlike ITM-a među ispitivanim skupinama nije bilo.Objectives: To investigate and present the distribution of subjects who are suffering from arterial hypertension and those with arterial hypertension and associated comorbidities by sex. Compare these two groups by age, ITM, and the number of antihypertensive drugs used in chronic therapy. Compare the groups according to the arterial pressure measured in the clinic and measured using ABPM. Finally, to show the frequency of individual comorbidities in multimerbidity patients. Patients and methods: Retrospective cross-sectional research was conducted involving two groups of patients with arterial hypertension as primary disease. In the first group, there were only patients with arterial hypertension (68 patients), while in the second group were patients with arterial hypertension and associated comorbidities (58 patients). Data was collected from electronic medical charts in eight specialist ordination of the family medicine of the Health Center of the Split – dalmatian County, City of Split. The study encompassed all patients with a 24 - hour continuous measurement of arterial pressure (ABPM) in the period from September 1st, 2018 to April 1st, 2019. Results: In a group of patients suffering from arterial hypertension alone, the proportion of women was 64.7 %, while the share of male subjects was only 35.3 %. In contrast, in the group of hypertension with comorbidities, the proportion of women was slightly smaller (55.2 %). The share of male patients in the same group was 44.8 %. Patients with hypertension and comorbidities are 7.4 years older than patients suffering only from arterial hypertension (p = 0.05). In the group of hypertensives with comorbidities 19 of the subjects (32.8 %) received one drug, 28 subjects (38.2 %) two drugs and 11 subjects (19 %) three or more drugs. In contrast, in the group of hypertensives 43 subjects recieved one drug (63.2 %), 17 subjects two drugs (25 %) and 8 subjects (11.8 %) three or more drugs in chronic antihypertensive therapy (p = 0.003). Among patients with arterial hypertension, the most common comorbidities were: dyslipidemia (23.8 %), diabetes mellitus type 2 (17.5 %) and depression (8.7 %). In this study, the rarest comorbidity was chronic kidney failure (0.8 %), while CV incidents were not seen at all (0 %). Conclusion: In this study it has been shown that patients with arterial hypertension and comorbidities have an average diastolic pressure lower than those with solely arterial hypertension and that multimorbidity patients are on average older than those who are suffering from hypertension alone. It has also been demonstrated that patients with multimorbidity and hypertension have on average more antihypertensive drugs in chronic therapy than subjects with arterial hypertension alone. There were no BMI (Body Mass Index) differences among the investigated groups


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    Background: Seafarers are usually exposed to many stressors that are related to different duties on board. Several notable researchers have argued that stress is a transactional phenomenon between the individual and the environment that is largely dependent on the meaning given to the stimulus by the perceiver. One of the many causes of stress are poor communication skills. Subjects and methods: The aim of the study was to xplain why respondents drop out of research. The project was originally supposed to take place over a period of two years and involve a minimum of 30 respondents per group (30 skippers and 30 seafarers) who would take part in the research for at least four weeks while on board, or during the skipper season. Activity was to be measured with the Polar A370 fitness tracker, worn as a wrist-watch or bracelet and used for 24-hour heart rate, bodily activity and sleep pattern tracking for every respondent. The other device used is TANITA MC780MA, which is a segmental body composition analyser. Results: We contacted overall 146 seafarers, of whom: 40 (27.4%) skippers, 43 (29.5%) deck officers and 63 (43.1%) engine officers. Participation was refused by 18 (12.3% of all contacted) individuals and 108 (74.0%) respondents dropped out during the research. Due to group dispersal and a low number of respondents who reached the end of the research, the project will have to be prolonged. Conclusion: We believe that the reasons behind respondent dispersal can be found in their inability to recognize the state they are in and in poor communication skills, while at the same time being exposed to extreme and possibly precarious work conditions. This forms a closed loop that only continues to generate even higher stress levels. Further research is needed to look into this phenomenon

    Comparison of arterial pressure values measured in office and by ABPM in patients with artery hypertension and with or without backgrounded combididity

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    Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti i prikazati raspodjelu ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije i ispitanika koji boluju od hipertenzije i pridruženih komorbiditeta po spolu. Usporediti te dvije skupine po dobi, ITM-u te broju antihipertenzivnih lijekova u terapiji. Usporediti skupine prema arterijskim tlakovima mjerenim u ordinaciji i KMAT-om. Prikazati učestalost pojedinih komorbiditeta u multimorbiditetnih bolesnika. Materijali i metode: Provedeno je retrospektivno presječno istraživanje u koje su uključene dvije skupine bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom kao osnovnom bolešću. U prvoj skupini bili su ispitanici koji su bolovali samo od hipertenzije te ih je bilo 68, dok su u drugoj skupini bili ispitanici s hipertenzijom i pridruženim komorbiditetima (multimorbiditetni ispitanici) te ih je bilo 58. Podatci su prikupljeni iz elektronskih medicinskih kartona u osam specijalističkih ordinacija obiteljske medicine medicine Doma zdravlja Splitsko-dalmatinske županije s područja grada Splita. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve bolesnike kojima je u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2018. do 1. travnja 2019. godine napravljeno 24 - satno kontinuirano mjerenje arterijskog tlaka (KMAT). Rezultati: U skupini pacijenata koji su bolovali isključivo od arterijske hipertenzije udio žena iznosio je 64,7 %, dok je ispitanika muškog spola bilo tek 35,3 %. Nasuprot tome, u skupini hipertoničara s komorbiditetima udio žena bio je nešto manji (55,2 %). Pacijenata muškog spola u istoj skupini bilo je 44,8 %. Hipertoničari s komorbiditetima u prosjeku su 7,4 godine stariji od pacijenata koji boluju samo od arterijske hipertenzije (p = 0,05). U skupini hipertoničara s komorbiditetima 19 (32,8 %) ispitanika uzimalo je jedan, 28 (38,2 %) dva te 11 (19 %) tri ili više lijekova. Nasuprot tome, u skupini hipertoničara 43 (63,2 %) ispitanika uzimalo je jedan, 17 (25 %) dva, a 8 (11,8 %) tri ili više lijekova u kroničnoj antihipertenzivnoj terapiji (p = 0,003). U pacijenata koji boluju od arterijske hipertenzije najčešći komorbiditeti bili su: dislipidemija (23,8 %), šećerna bolest (17,5 %) i depresija (8,7 %). U ovom je istraživanju najrjeđi komorbiditet bilo kronično bubrežno zatajenje (0,8 %), dok CV incidenata uopće nije bilo (0 %). Zaključak: U ovoj studiji pokazano je kako hipertoničari s komorbiditetima imaju u prosjeku manji dijastolički tlak mjeren u ordinaciji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije te da su multimorbiditetni ispitanici u prosjeku stariji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije. Također, dokazano je da multimorbiditetni hipertoničari u prosjeku imaju više antihipertenzivnih lijekova u terapiji od ispitanika koji boluju samo od hipertenzije. Razlike ITM-a među ispitivanim skupinama nije bilo.Objectives: To investigate and present the distribution of subjects who are suffering from arterial hypertension and those with arterial hypertension and associated comorbidities by sex. Compare these two groups by age, ITM, and the number of antihypertensive drugs used in chronic therapy. Compare the groups according to the arterial pressure measured in the clinic and measured using ABPM. Finally, to show the frequency of individual comorbidities in multimerbidity patients. Patients and methods: Retrospective cross-sectional research was conducted involving two groups of patients with arterial hypertension as primary disease. In the first group, there were only patients with arterial hypertension (68 patients), while in the second group were patients with arterial hypertension and associated comorbidities (58 patients). Data was collected from electronic medical charts in eight specialist ordination of the family medicine of the Health Center of the Split – dalmatian County, City of Split. The study encompassed all patients with a 24 - hour continuous measurement of arterial pressure (ABPM) in the period from September 1st, 2018 to April 1st, 2019. Results: In a group of patients suffering from arterial hypertension alone, the proportion of women was 64.7 %, while the share of male subjects was only 35.3 %. In contrast, in the group of hypertension with comorbidities, the proportion of women was slightly smaller (55.2 %). The share of male patients in the same group was 44.8 %. Patients with hypertension and comorbidities are 7.4 years older than patients suffering only from arterial hypertension (p = 0.05). In the group of hypertensives with comorbidities 19 of the subjects (32.8 %) received one drug, 28 subjects (38.2 %) two drugs and 11 subjects (19 %) three or more drugs. In contrast, in the group of hypertensives 43 subjects recieved one drug (63.2 %), 17 subjects two drugs (25 %) and 8 subjects (11.8 %) three or more drugs in chronic antihypertensive therapy (p = 0.003). Among patients with arterial hypertension, the most common comorbidities were: dyslipidemia (23.8 %), diabetes mellitus type 2 (17.5 %) and depression (8.7 %). In this study, the rarest comorbidity was chronic kidney failure (0.8 %), while CV incidents were not seen at all (0 %). Conclusion: In this study it has been shown that patients with arterial hypertension and comorbidities have an average diastolic pressure lower than those with solely arterial hypertension and that multimorbidity patients are on average older than those who are suffering from hypertension alone. It has also been demonstrated that patients with multimorbidity and hypertension have on average more antihypertensive drugs in chronic therapy than subjects with arterial hypertension alone. There were no BMI (Body Mass Index) differences among the investigated groups

    Budget analysis and strategy of the city of Vinkovci : Final paper

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    Grad Vinkovci smješten je na sjeveroistoku Hrvatske, u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji, a ujedno je i jedan od najvećih gradova Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Svi gradovi u Republici Hrvatskoj, uključujući i Vinkovce, moraju prikazati svoj gradski proračun te ga donijeti. Proračun kao pojam predstavlja raspored rashoda i prihoda za neko određeno razdoblje, a uspoređivanjem prihoda i rashoda u ovom završnom radu nastoji se analizirati proračun grada Vinkovaca, sve s ciljem dolaska do zaključka i odgovora na pitanje jesu li Vinkovci u proračunskom deficitu ili suficitu. Analiza proračuna i razvojne strategije grada Vinkovaca predstavljaju središnju temu i okosnicu ovog završnog rada. Predmet i cilj rada je dati uvid u gradski proračun za 2018. do 2020. godinu. Isto tako cilj je prikazati i neke značajke te glavne odrednice proračuna grada Vinkovaca kao jednog od ključnih financijskih dokumenata. Glavni cilj rada je utvrditi ima li grad Vinkovci proračunski suficit ili proračunski deficit.The city of Vinkovci is located in the northeast of Croatia, in the Vukovar-Srijem County, and is also one of the largest cities in the Vukovar-Srijem County. All cities in the Republic of Croatia, including Vinkovci, must present their city budget and adopt it. Budget as a term represents the distribution of expenditures and revenues for a certain period, and comparing revenues and expenditures in this final paper tries to analyze the budget of the city of Vinkovci, all with the aim of concluding and answering the question of whether Vinkovci is in budget deficit or surplus. The analysis of the budget and the development strategy of the city of Vinkovci are the central theme and the backbone of this final paper. The subject and goal of the paper is to provide an insight into the city budget for 2018 to 2020. The aim is also to present some features and the main determinants of the budget of the city of Vinkovci as one of the key financial documents. The main goal of this paper is to determine whether the city of Vinkovci has a budget surplus or a budget deficit


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    U današnjem konkurentskom korporativnom okruženju, spajanja i pripajanja predstavljaju ključne strategije za postizanje razvoja, širenja i konsolidacije. Upravo stoga je tema pripajanja i spajanja sve važnija te je cilj ovog rada pružiti temeljit teorijski okvir procesa spajanja i pripajanja i analizirati uspješnost pripajanja na primjeru analize rezultata pripajanja dvije banke na hrvatskom tržištu. Pritom se odgovara na dva temeljna istraživačka pitanja, od kojih jedno ispituje postoji li trend rasta vrijednosti procesa spajanja i pripajanja u Republici Hrvatskoj posljednjih deset godina, a drugo ispituje je li pripajanje Splitske banke d.d. OTP banci d.d., koje je provedeno 2018. godine, bilo uspješno. Uslijed navedenog, diplomski rad daje analizu spajanja i pripajanja u Republici Hrvatskoj te kontekstualni okvir i studiju slučaja pripajanja Splitske banke d.d. OTP banci d.d. Za postizanje ciljeva istraživanja korišten je mješoviti istraživački pristup koji kombinira kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode. Podaci su prikupljeni uvidom u financijska izvješća, godišnja izvješća, statistička izvješća i odgovarajuću stručnu literaturu kako bi se steklo temeljito razumijevanje cjelokupne tematike. Rezultati istraživanja impliciraju kako je zabilježeno povećanje broja, ali i vrijednosti spajanja i pripajanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Drugi dio istraživanja ukazuje na ostvarene koristi u poslovanju OTP banke d.d. nakon provedenog procesa pripajanja, što je vidljivo iz pokazatelja profitabilnosti i konkurentskog položaja na bankarskom tržištu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Iako učinak na trgovačka društva ovisi o nizu varijabli koje je potrebno podrobno analizirati i uzeti u obzir prilikom procesa spajanja i pripajanja, s obzirom na krajnje prednosti i koristi za poduzeća koja provode ove procese, za očekivati je da će se i u budućnosti nastaviti trend povećanja vrijednosti i broja spajanja i pripajanja te je stoga istraživanjima u ovom području potrebno dati veću pozornost.In today's competitive business environment, mergers and acquisitions are important strategies for growth, expansion and consolidation. This is precisely why the topic of mergers and acquisitions is becoming increasingly important. The aim of this work is to provide a thorough theoretical framework for the merger and acquisition process, and to analyse the success of mergers using the example of the analysis of the results of the merger of two banks in the Croatian market. In doing so, two basic research questions are answered, one of which checks whether there is a growing trend in the value of mergers and acquisitions in the Republic of Croatia over the last decade, while the other checks whether the the acquisition of Splitska banka d.d. by OTP banka d.d., which took place in 2018, was successful. As a result, the work provides an analysis of mergers and acquisitions in the Republic of Croatia, as well as a contextual framework and a case study of the acquisition of Splitska banka d.d. by OTP banka d.d. In order to achieve the research objectives, a mixed research approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods was used. Data was collected by reviewing financial reports, annual reports, statistical reports and relevant professional literature to gain a thorough understanding of the whole issue. The results of the study show that the number and value of mergers and acquisitions in the Republic of Croatia have increased. The second part of the research shows that after the acquisition process, OTP banka d.d. has benefited from the advantages resulting from the indicators of profitability and competitive position in the banking market in the Republic of Croatia. Although the impact on commercial organisations depends on a number of variables that need to be analysed in detail and taken into account during the process of mergers and acquisitions, considering the ultimate benefits and advantages for companies that undertake these processes, it can be assumed that the trend of increasing value and number of mergers and acquisitions will continue, which is why more attention needs to be paid to research in this area

    Budget analysis and strategy of the city of Vinkovci : Final paper

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    Grad Vinkovci smješten je na sjeveroistoku Hrvatske, u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji, a ujedno je i jedan od najvećih gradova Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Svi gradovi u Republici Hrvatskoj, uključujući i Vinkovce, moraju prikazati svoj gradski proračun te ga donijeti. Proračun kao pojam predstavlja raspored rashoda i prihoda za neko određeno razdoblje, a uspoređivanjem prihoda i rashoda u ovom završnom radu nastoji se analizirati proračun grada Vinkovaca, sve s ciljem dolaska do zaključka i odgovora na pitanje jesu li Vinkovci u proračunskom deficitu ili suficitu. Analiza proračuna i razvojne strategije grada Vinkovaca predstavljaju središnju temu i okosnicu ovog završnog rada. Predmet i cilj rada je dati uvid u gradski proračun za 2018. do 2020. godinu. Isto tako cilj je prikazati i neke značajke te glavne odrednice proračuna grada Vinkovaca kao jednog od ključnih financijskih dokumenata. Glavni cilj rada je utvrditi ima li grad Vinkovci proračunski suficit ili proračunski deficit.The city of Vinkovci is located in the northeast of Croatia, in the Vukovar-Srijem County, and is also one of the largest cities in the Vukovar-Srijem County. All cities in the Republic of Croatia, including Vinkovci, must present their city budget and adopt it. Budget as a term represents the distribution of expenditures and revenues for a certain period, and comparing revenues and expenditures in this final paper tries to analyze the budget of the city of Vinkovci, all with the aim of concluding and answering the question of whether Vinkovci is in budget deficit or surplus. The analysis of the budget and the development strategy of the city of Vinkovci are the central theme and the backbone of this final paper. The subject and goal of the paper is to provide an insight into the city budget for 2018 to 2020. The aim is also to present some features and the main determinants of the budget of the city of Vinkovci as one of the key financial documents. The main goal of this paper is to determine whether the city of Vinkovci has a budget surplus or a budget deficit