4 research outputs found

    Seasonal leaf dimorphism in Potentilla argentea L. var. tenuiloba (Jord.) Sw. (Rosaceae)

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    A pattern of seasonal changes in the morphological and anatomical leaf traits is reported for Potentilla argentea L. var. tenuiloba (Jord.) Sw. of temperate-climate areas in central Poland. Leaf area, perimeter, dry mass and lamina thickness were measured in summer and autumn leaves of the same individuals. Dissection index, density and specific leaf area were calculated. Significant differences were obtained between summer and autumn leaves obtained from the same individuals. The shapes of leaves of the P. argentea plants varied in the extent of incisions between teeth and the number of teeth on the margins. Fully expanded autumn leaves were larger in weight and area than summer leaves. The autumn leaves had lower leaf mass area and density than the summer leaves. Leaves were covered by considerably more trichomes in summer than in autumn. Anatomical leaf structure also changed with the season. The summer leaves were thick, with a lower number of chloroplasts in the cells of the compact mesophyll. Autumn leaves are thinner, with loose mesophyll. Chloroplasts from the two seasonal types of leaves differ on account of starch grain and plastoglobule content. The large variations in leaf density and thickness recorded here confirm great differences in cell size and amounts of structural tissue within species. Seasonal dimorphism of leaves may result from seasonal drought or from seasonality in leaf production, leaf fall or incoming solar radiation. Within this new context of seasonal leaf dimorphism, P. argentea can still be distinguished by the absence of deeply divided leaflets on late-formed leaves. The results confirmed the presence of several morpho-anatomical leaf traits of P. argentea that allow the species to adapt to environmental seasonal conditions

    Salt-mediated changes in leaf mesophyll cells of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. plants

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    Five-week-old tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Perkoz grown in pots containing garden soil in a growth chamber were submitted to 50 or 150 mM NaCl for 1 h, 2 and 5 days. Tomato leaf anatomy generally did not change after short time salinity, except 5-day-treatment with 150 mM NaCl, where changed cell shape (shrunk and deformed) simultaneously with increased volume of intercellular spaces (IS) were observed. Although leaf hydration (H) depleted only 1 h after 150 mM NaCl treatment both salt concentrations generated two coexisting populations of salt-affected mesophyll cells: (i) slightly-affected (Sl-A) which showed incipient plasmolysis or slightly changed shapes, and (ii) severely-affected (Sv-A) which showed severe plasmolysis; serious deformation of cell shape or disorganization including cell degeneration. In Sl-A cells salinity changed location and shape of chloroplasts which were: more rounded, with oversized starch grains (SG) (2d) or more flat (5d). Salt-mediated changes were becoming more distinguished and pronounced with length of 150 mM NaCl treatment. The amount of salt-affected cells was changing during the experiment and depended on the salt concentration. In 50 mM-treated plants salt-affected cells appeared 1 h after treatment (~40%) and raised up to 78% on 2nd day, however the population of Sl-A cells dominated. In 150 mM NaCl-treated plants the percentage of affected cells raised during the experiment from 75% to 99%. Firstly Sl-A cells dominated, but on the 5th day the majority was Sv-A. Salt-affected cells were distributed quite evenly in palisade or spongy mesophyll, except 2 d after treatment with 50 mM NaCl, when their number was higher in the palisade mesophyll. Sv-A cells in the spongy mesophyll were located mostly near the bundle while in the palisade mesophyll more irregularly. Different susceptibility of cells to salt stress might be the consequence of an unequal distribution of osmotic stress and subsequent ionic stress or physiological state of cells

    Effect of PEGylation on the biological properties of cationic carbosilane dendronized gold nanoparticles

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    Heterofunctionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were obtained in a one pot reaction of gold precursor with cationic carbosilane dendrons (first to third generations, 1-3G) and (polyethylene)glycol (PEG) ligands in the presence of a reducing agent. The final dendron/PEG proportion on AuNPs depends on the initial dendron/PEG ratio (3/1, 1/1, 1/3) and dendron generation. AuNPs were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV-VIS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) and zeta potential (ZP). Several assays have been carried out to determine the relevance of PEG/dendron ratio and dendron generation in the biomedical properties of PEGylated AuNPs and the results have been compared with those obtained for non-PEGylated AuNPs. Finally, analyses of PEG recognition by anti-PEG antibodies were carried out. In general, haemolysis, platelet aggregation and toxicity were reduced after PEGylation of AuNPs, the effect being dependent on dendron generation and dendron/PEG ratio. Dendron generation determines the exposure of PEG ligand and the interaction of this ligand with AuNPs environment. On the other hand, increasing PEG proportion diminishes toxicity but also favors interaction with antibodies.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaComunidad de MadridCentro de investigación Biomédica en Red. Enfermedades Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y NanomedicinaInstituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación SanitariaUniversidad de Alcal

    Silver nanoparticles: a mechanism of action on moulds

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in all branches of industry. However, their mechanisms of action towards moulds have not been studied yet. Thus we conducted this study in which we have used laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDI-ToF-MS) analysis to determine metabolomic changes, and microscopic analysis (transmission electron microscopy, fluorescent microscopy) to observe changes in mould cells. The AgNP treatment caused the downregulation of 162 (15 ppm) and 284 (62 ppm), and 19 (15 ppm) and 29 (62 ppm) metabolites of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum, respectively. All influenced features were below m/z 600 (mass-to-charge ratio). We have observed silver ions and their clusters (Ag, Ag-2, and Ag-3) accumulated in the mould mycelium. As well as, mono-silver ion adducts with nucleotide derivatives (Coenzyme A), amino acids (phenylglycine), peptides (LeuSerAlaLeuGlu) and lipids (fatty acids, diacylglycerophosphoglycerols, monoglicerides and glycerophospholipids). The ultrastructure analysis revealed many sever alterations due to the action of AgNPs, such us shortening and condensation of hyphae, ultrastructural reorganisation, cell plasmolysis, increased vacuolisation, numerous membranous structures, collapsed cytoplasm, accumulation of lipid material, condensed mitochondria, disintegration of organelles, nuclear deformation, condensation and fragmentation of chromatin, creation of apoptotic bodies, as well as a new inside cell wall in P. chrysogenum