4 research outputs found

    The influence of low and high annealing on the hardness of steel EN 42CRMO4

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    Hollomon i Jaffe [1],[2] su dali funkcionalnu ovisnost parametra popuštanja (temperature i trajanja) P=f(T, t). Drugim riječima ako se koriste kombinacije temperature i trajanja popuštanja, koje rezultiraju jednakom vrijednošću parametra, tvrdoća će ostati nepromijenjena. Ova funkcija se odnosi samo na čelike. Za određivanje parametara popuštanja uz postizanje željene mikrostrukture i tvrdoće nakon obrade, potrebno je poznavati dijagram popuštanja promatranog čelika. U ovom radu je istražena mogućnost dobivanja izraza gdje je tvrdoća u funkciji temperature i vremena popuštanja (H=f(T, t)). Plan pokusa i statistička analiza rezultata su obavljeni korištenjem programa „Design expert 6.0“[3]. Izrađeni su cilindrični uzorci duljine 10 mm i promjera 25 mm. Pokus je obavljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio se odnosio na visokotemperaturno popuštanje, a drugi dio na niskotemperaturno. Ovakav pristup ispitivanju je odabran zbog bitno različitih struktura koje se pojavljuju na niskim i visokim temperaturama popuštanja.Hollomon and Jaffe [1], [2] have given the functional dependence of the annealing parameters (temperature and time) P = f (T, t). In other words, if using a combination of temperature and annealing time, resulting in equal parameters value, hardness will remain unchanged. This function refers only on steels. To determine the parameters of annealing for desired hardness after treatment, it is necessary to know the annealing diagram (H=f(T)) of the observed steel. This paper investigates the possibility of obtaining a mathematical model where the hardness is function of annealing temperature and time (H=f(T, t)). Design of experiments and statistical analysis were performed using the program "Design Expert 6.0" [3]. The cylindrical specimens were 10 mm length and 25 mm in diameter. The experiment was conducted in two levels. The first level was related to high temperature annealing, while the second level was related to the low temperature annealing. The reason for this approach was based on significantly different microstructure that appears at low and high annealing temperatures

    The influence of low and high annealing on the hardness of steel EN 42CRMO4

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    Hollomon i Jaffe [1],[2] su dali funkcionalnu ovisnost parametra popuštanja (temperature i trajanja) P=f(T, t). Drugim riječima ako se koriste kombinacije temperature i trajanja popuštanja, koje rezultiraju jednakom vrijednošću parametra, tvrdoća će ostati nepromijenjena. Ova funkcija se odnosi samo na čelike. Za određivanje parametara popuštanja uz postizanje željene mikrostrukture i tvrdoće nakon obrade, potrebno je poznavati dijagram popuštanja promatranog čelika. U ovom radu je istražena mogućnost dobivanja izraza gdje je tvrdoća u funkciji temperature i vremena popuštanja (H=f(T, t)). Plan pokusa i statistička analiza rezultata su obavljeni korištenjem programa „Design expert 6.0“[3]. Izrađeni su cilindrični uzorci duljine 10 mm i promjera 25 mm. Pokus je obavljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio se odnosio na visokotemperaturno popuštanje, a drugi dio na niskotemperaturno. Ovakav pristup ispitivanju je odabran zbog bitno različitih struktura koje se pojavljuju na niskim i visokim temperaturama popuštanja.Hollomon and Jaffe [1], [2] have given the functional dependence of the annealing parameters (temperature and time) P = f (T, t). In other words, if using a combination of temperature and annealing time, resulting in equal parameters value, hardness will remain unchanged. This function refers only on steels. To determine the parameters of annealing for desired hardness after treatment, it is necessary to know the annealing diagram (H=f(T)) of the observed steel. This paper investigates the possibility of obtaining a mathematical model where the hardness is function of annealing temperature and time (H=f(T, t)). Design of experiments and statistical analysis were performed using the program "Design Expert 6.0" [3]. The cylindrical specimens were 10 mm length and 25 mm in diameter. The experiment was conducted in two levels. The first level was related to high temperature annealing, while the second level was related to the low temperature annealing. The reason for this approach was based on significantly different microstructure that appears at low and high annealing temperatures

    Repair Welding of Titanium Alloy Construction

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    Problematika zavarivanja titana i njegovih legura bez korištenja specijalnih komora sa vakuum ili inertnom atmosferom izražena je kod popravaka gdje zavarivani dijelovi mogu biti različitih dimenzija i oblika. Preskupo je za svaki pojedinačni slučaj konstruirati zaštitnu komoru. Najčešće su komore neugodne za zavarivača i ograničavaju uvođenje pištolja i dodatnog materijala. Rad se bavi analizom mogućnosti obavljanja kvalitetnog popravka bez korištenja komore. Praktični dio rada jest popravak zavarivanjem kućišta kamere za snimanje unutrašnjosti plašta peći klinkera u tvornici cementa. Zbog ekstremnih radnih uvjeta dolazi do intenzivnog trošenja dijela plašta, te isti otkazuje ovisno o položaju u peći ili hladnjaku nakon 6 - 12 mjeseci eksploatacije. Popravak se obavlja zavarivanjem TIG postupkom uz primjenu dvostruke sekundarne zaštite zavara (lica i korijena) argonom. Ispitana je mikrostruktura uzoraka, te izmjerena tvrdoća po izvodnici koja se proteže od osnovnog materijala, preko zone utjecaja topline, do samog zavara. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da nema značajnih promjena u mikrostrukturi zavara u odnosu na osnovni materijal, te da su tvrdoće mjerene po izvodnici prilično ujednačene. Nakon ispitivanja uzoraka izvršen je popravak zavarivanjem plašta kućišta. Popravljeno kućište ima vijek trajanja koji odgovara novom kućištu što ukazuje da je sanacija obavljeno uspješno.Problems of welding titanium and titanium alloys, without the usage of special vacuum or inert atmosphere chambers, is expressed in welding repairs where parts may be different sizes and shapes. It would be too expensive to construct a protective atmosphere chamber for each individual case. Chambers usually are awkward for welders and also limit the process control. The purpose of this work is to find out the possibilities for performing quality repairs without the use of the special chamber. The practical part of our work deals with repair welding of clincker furnace camera case in a cement factory. The extreme working conditions lead to intensive wear of the camera case. Depending on the location in the clinker furance it needs to be changed or repaired after 6-12 months of exploitation. Repair is done by TIG welding process using dual secondary weld protection (face and root) with argon. The microstructure of the samples was analysed, and also hardness tests were done on the base material, heat affected zone and the weld. The study showed no significant changes in the microstructure of welds in relation to the base material, and the results of hardness tests were fairly uniform. After acceptable testing results the repair of camera case was done. The repaired camera case had the same expaltation life as the new case. This indicates that the repairs were carried out successfully