628 research outputs found

    Two-photon photochemical long-period grating fabrication in hydrogenated photonic crystal fiber

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    We report on the photochemical fabrication of a long-period grating in photonic crystal fiber. The characteristic fluence value for inscription is an order of magnitude less than that for standard telecom fiber

    From Stress to Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders: How Chronic Peripartum Stress Can Impair Maternal Adaptations

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    The peripartum period, in all mammalian species, is characterised by numerous adaptations at neuroendocrine, molecular and behavioural levels that prepare the female for the challenges of motherhood. These changes have been well characterised and, while they are necessary to ensure the survival and nurturance of the offspring, there is growing belief that they are also required for maternal mental health. Thus, while increased calmness and attenuated stress responsivity are common characteristics of the peripartum period, it also represents a time of increased susceptibility to mood disorders. While a number of risk factors for these disorders are known, their underlying aetiology remains poorly understood, due at least in part to a lack of appropriate animal models. One translatable risk factor is stress exposure during the peripartum period. In the following review we first describe common peripartum adaptations and the impact postpartum mood disorders have on these. We then discuss the known consequences of peripartum stress exposure on such maternal adaptations that have been described in basic research

    11-β hydroxysteroid type 1 knockout mice display an antidepressant-like phenotype in the forced swim test

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    Objective 11-dehydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) types 1 and 2, enzymes are involved in the activation and inactivation of glucocorticoids in vivo, respectively. Indirect evidence implicates two enzymes in the aetiology of depression but no study has directly assessed the potential role of 11 -HSD1 in animal tests. Methods We assessed 11 -HSD1 knockout mice in the forced swim test (FST), tail suspension test (TST) and for locomotor activity. Results Genetic ablation of the 11-HSD1 gene results in an antidepressant-like phenotype in the FST; the most widely utilised animal test of antidepressant activity, but not in the related TST. This may be related to the different biological substrates underlying these tests. The decreased FST immobility was not due to alterations in general activity. Conclusions Taken together these results suggest that 11-HSD1 may play an important role in depression-related behaviours and further studies are necessary to fully characterise its role in such behaviour

    Transient inactivation of the infralimbic cortex induces antidepressant-like effects in the rat

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    Affective disorders are among the main causes of disability worldwide, yet the underlying pathophysiology remains poorly understood. Recently, landmark neuroimaging studies have shown increased metabolic activity in Brodmann Area 25 (BA25) in depressed patients. Moreover, functional inactivation of this region using deep brain stimulation alleviated depressive symptoms in severely depressed patients. Thus, we examined the effect of a similar manipulation, pharmacological inactivation of the infralimbic cortex, the rodent correlate of BA25, in an animal model of antidepressant activity: the modified rat forced swim test. Transient inactivation of the infralimbic cortex using muscimol reduced immobility, an antidepressant-like effect in the test. Importantly, this activity was not the result of a general increase in locomotor activity. Activation of the infralimbic cortex using bicuculline did not alter behaviour. Finally, we examined the effect of muscimol in animals bred for high anxiety-related behaviour, which also display elevated depression-related behaviour. Transient inactivation of the infralimbic cortex decreased the high inborn depression-like behaviour of these rats. These results show that it is possible to replicate findings from a clinical trial in a rodent model. Further, they support the use of the forced swim test to gain greater understanding of the neurocircuitry involved in depression and antidepressant-action

    Differential Contribution of Hypothalamic MAPK Activity to Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Virgin and Lactating Rats

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    The c-Raf – MEK1/2 – ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) intracellular signalling cascade in neurons plays important roles in the control of a variety of behaviours, including social behaviours and anxiety. These roles partially overlap with those described for oxytocin (OXT), and it has been shown that OXT activates the MAPK pathway in the hypothalamus (of male), and hippocampus (of female) rats. Here, by combining behavioural (light/dark box) and biochemical analyses (western blotting), we tested two hypotheses: (i) that OXT is anxiolytic within the hypothalamus of females, and (ii) that this effect, as well as that of lactation-associated anxiolysis, depends on the recruitment of the MAPK pathway. We found that, when injected bilaterally into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), OXT decreased anxiety-like behaviour in virgins, and that this effect depended on phosphorylation of MEK1/2. MAPK pathway activation in lactation was evident by high phosphorylated (p) MEK1/2 levels, and nuclear translocation of ERK1. The high pMEK1/2 levels were necessary for the anxiolytic phenotype typically observed during lactation. Interestingly, exogenous OXT in lactating rats reduced pMEK1/2 levels without a concomitant effect on anxiety, indicating that OXT receptor activation can lead to recruitment of additional intracellular pathways to modulate MEK activity. Still other pathways could include MEK, but without subsequent activation of ERK, as we did not observe any increase in OXT-induced ERK phosphorylation. Together the results demonstrate that the MAPK pathway, especially MEK1/2, is critically involved in the regulation of anxiety-like behaviour in female rats

    Strong long-period fiber gratings recorded at 352 nm

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    We describe long-period grating inscription in hydrogenated telecom fibers by use of high-intensity femto-second 352 nm laser pulses. We show that this technique allows us to fabricate high-quality 30 dB gratings of 300 μm period and 2 cm length by use of a three-photon absorption mechanism. © 2005 Optical Society of America

    Clinical Characteristics, Management, and Outcomes of Patients Diagnosed With Acute Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department

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    Objectives In a large U.S. sample, this study measured the presentation features, testing, treatment strategies, and outcomes of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism (PE) in the emergency department (ED). Background No data have quantified the demographics, clinical features, management, and outcomes of outpatients diagnosed with PE in the ED in a large, multicenter U.S. study. Methods Patients of any hemodynamic status were enrolled from the ED after confirmed acute PE or with a high clinical suspicion prompting anticoagulation before imaging for PE. Exclusions were inability to provide informed consent (where required) or unavailability for follow-up. Results A total of 1,880 patients with confirmed acute PE were enrolled from 22 U.S. EDs. Diagnosis of PE was based upon positive results of computerized tomographic pulmonary angiogram in most cases (n = 1,654 [88%]). Patients represented both sexes equally, and racial and ethnic composition paralleled the overall U.S. ED population. Most (79%) patients with PE were employed, and one-third were older than age 65 years. The mortality rate directly attributed to PE was 20 in 1,880 (1%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0% to 1.6%). Mortality from hemorrhage was 0.2%, and the all-cause 30-day mortality rate was 5.4% (95% CI: 4.4% to 6.6%). Only 3 of 20 patients with major PE that ultimately proved fatal had systemic anticoagulation initiated before diagnostic confirmation, and another 3 of these 20 received a fibrinolytic agent. Conclusions Patients diagnosed with acute PE in U.S. EDs have high functional status, and their mortality rate is low. These registry data suggest that appropriate initial medical management of ED patients with severe PE with anticoagulation is poorly standardized and indicate a need for research to determine the appropriate threshold for empiric treatment when PE is suspected before diagnostic confirmation

    Neuropeptide S alters anxiety, but not depression-like behaviour in Flinders Sensitive Line rats: a genetic animal model of depression

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    Neuropeptide S (NPS) and its receptor (NPSR) have been implicated in the mediation of anxiolytic-like behaviour in rodents. However, little knowledge is available regarding the NPS system in depression-related behaviours, and whether NPS also exerts anxiolytic effects in an animal model of psychopathology. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize the effects of NPS on depression- and anxiety-related parameters, using male and female rats in a well-validated animal model of depression: the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL), their controls, the Flinders Resistant Line (FRL), and Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. We found that FSL showed greater immobility in the forced swim test (FST) than FRL, confirming their phenotype. However, NPS did not affect depression-related behaviour in any rat line. No significant differences in baseline anxiety levels between the FSL and FRL strains were observed, but FSL and FRL rats displayed less anxiety-like behaviour compared to SD rats. NPS decreased anxiety-like behaviour on the elevated plus-maze in all strains. The expression of the NPSR in the amygdala, periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, and hippocampus was equal in all male strains, although a trend towards reduced expression within the amygdala was observed in FSL rats compared to SD rats. In conclusion, NPS had a marked anxiolytic effect in FSL, FRL and SD rats, but did not modify the depression-related behaviour in any strain, in spite of the significant differences in innate level between the strains. These findings suggest that NPS specifically modifies anxiety behaviour but cannot overcome/reverse a genetically mediated depression phenotype
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