235 research outputs found

    Challenges in using science-based shoreline setbacks: Examples from South Carolina

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    Beachfront jurisdictional lines were established by the South Carolina Beachfront Management Act (SC Code §48- 39-250 et seq.) in 1988 to regulate the new construction, repair, or reconstruction of buildings and erosion control structures along the state’s ocean shorelines. Building within the state’s beachfront “setback area” is allowed, but is subject to special regulations. For “standard beaches” (those not influenced by tidal inlets or associated shoals), a baseline is established at the crest of the primary oceanfront sand dune; for “unstabilized inlet zones,” the baseline is drawn at the most landward point of erosion during the past forty years. The parallel setback line is then established landward of the baseline a distance of forty times the long-term average annual erosion rate (not less than twenty feet from the baseline in stable or accreting areas). The positions of the baseline and setback line are updated every 8-10 years using the best available scientific and historical data, including aerial imagery, LiDAR, historical shorelines, beach profiles, and long-term erosion rates. One advantage of science-based setbacks is that, by using actual historical and current shoreline positions and beach profile data, they reflect the general erosion threat to beachfront structures. However, recent experiences with revising the baseline and setback line indicate that significant challenges and management implications also exist. (PDF contains 3 pages

    Examination of the Reliability and Validity of the Triage Assessment Form: Families

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    This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the Triage Assessment Form: Families (TAF: F), a 33-item, 5-point Lickert summated rating scale. The study consisted of 152 college and technical school students. Each participant responded to the TAF: F after reading mild, moderate, marked and severe domestic violence scenarios. Statistical analysis using SPSS 12.0 was performed on the data to determine validity and reliability. Reliability was tested using an internal consistency model. Validity of the TAF: F was evaluated using exploratory factor analysis. In addition, this researched analyzed the capacity of the TAF: F to distinguish among mild, moderate, marked, and severe reactions of families to a crisis situation. The overall statistical data revealed the TAF: F is a reliable instrument, however further studies are needed to strengthen validity and the psychometric properties of instrument

    Should I Wear This or That?

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    The students will be more aware of where they buy their clothing and what effect it has on the people who make it

    Senior Recital: Jodi Slagel

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 10, 2010Saturday Evening6:30 p.m

    Senior Recital: Jodi Slagel

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    Kemp Recital HallNovember 29, 2012Friday Evening6:30 p.m

    The Changing American Landscape: Adapted for a Historical Perspective

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    Students will be able to understand how humans have changed the physical landscape over time and be able to apply historical events to the pictures

    Sophomore Recital: Jodi Slagel, Saxophone; Patricia Foltz, Piano; April 8, 2010

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 8, 2010Thursday Evening7:00 p.m