6 research outputs found

    Reaction of the female body to stress in a chemical protective clothing

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    This article deals with the reaction of the female body to the use of an insulation chemical protective clothing combined with working - thermal and mental stress to which the female is exposed. The article provides a concise overview of protective chemical clothings and factors affecting their comfort; it describes the regularities corresponding to the physiological reaction, important for the body’s reaction to the use of a chemical protective clothing. Further, the article contains a description of the measurement and evaluation of physiological parameters of non-acclimated women during testing of these clothings and, finally, comparison with the results for males under the same stress which is unfavourable for women

    Biosilica-nanogold composite: Easy-to-prepare catalyst for soman degradation

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    A very fast single-step biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) using algal cells of Mallomonas kalinae (MK) is introduced. The average particle size of crystalline AuNPs was approximately 10 nm. Subsequently, the catalytic activity of two systems - MK-biosilica scales and MK-biosilica scales with AuNPs - was compared with a control hydrolysis of soman (GD) performed in demineralized water. The kinetics of GD degradation was studied using a gas chromatography with mass detector (GC-MS) and solid-phase microextraction. The residual content of GD was 3.8% and 3.5% for both initial concentrations of GD (68 mu g mL(-1) and 340 mu g L-1, respectively) after 48 h of testing when nanogold was used as a catalyst. Experimental results confirmed the catalytic activity of biosynthesized AuNPs, as well as the role of biosilica itself in the degradation of GD.Web of Science12227126

    Colloidal stability of phytosynthesised gold nanoparticles and their catalytic effects for nerve agent degradation

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    Herein, Tilia sp. bract leachate was used as the reducing agent for Au nanoparticles (Au NPs) phytosynthesis. The colloidal properties of the prepared Au NPs were determined to confirm their stability over time, and the NPs were then used as active catalysts in soman nerve agent degradation. The Au NPs characterisation, reproducibility and stability studies were performed under transmission electron microscopy, ultraviolet visible spectroscopy and with zeta -potential measurements. The reaction kinetics was detected by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry detector and solid-phase micro-extraction to confirm the Au NPs applicability in soman hydrolysis. The 'green' phytosynthetic formation of colloidal crystalline Au NPs with dominant quasi-spherical shape and 55 +/- 10 nm diameter was successfully achieved, and there were no significant differences in morphology, zeta -potential or absorbance values observed during the 5-week period. This verified the prepared colloids' long-term stability. The soman nerve agent was degraded to non-toxic substances within 24 h, with 0.2156 h(-1) reaction rate constant. These results confirmed bio-nanotechnology's great potential in preparation of stable and functional nanocatalysts for degradation of hazardous substances, including chemical warfare agents.Web of Science111art. no. 407

    Possibilities of Protection of Firefighters Against Carcinogenic Contamination in Case of Fires

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    Článek se zabývá problematikou ohrožení zdraví hasičů při požárech kontaminovaných karcinogenními polycyklickými aromatickými uhlovodíky (PAH) jako produkty hoření. Hasičský zásahový oděv má nízký ochranných faktor (F) proti průniku PAH v rozsahu 8-89. Průniku PAH lze zabránit uhlíkovými bariérovými materiály s adsorpčními schopnostmi při zachování prodyšnosti a odpařování potu, kde je F zvýšen až na hodnoty 2500-5000 [6]. V článku je uvedeno řešení ochranného adsorpčního podvlekového oděvu pomocí laminované uhlíkové adsorpční textilie Flexzorb, která je tenká, s nízkou hmotností, vysokou prodyšností a adsorpční kapacitou na plyny a páry chemických látek. Navržené soupravy adsorpčního podvlekového oděvu prokázaly jejich bezpečnou konstrukci při testech integrity v atmosféře chlóru v toxické komoře Státního ústavu jaderné, chemické a biologické ochrany, v.v.i.The article deals with firefighters' health hazards in fires contaminated with carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as combustion products. Firefighting garment has a low protection factor (F) against PAH penetration in the range of 8-89. PAH penetration can be prevented by carbon barrier materials with adsorption capabilities while maintaining breathability and sweat evaporation, where F is increased up to 2500-5000 [6]. The article presents a solution of protective adsorption undergarment using laminated carbon adsorption fabric Flexzorb, which is thin, low weight, highly breathable, and has adsorption capacity for gases and chemical vapours. The proposed sets of protective adsorption undergarments demonstrated their safe construction during integrity tests in the chlorine atmosphere in the toxic chamber of the State Institute of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection

    Comfort in Protective Clothing Used during Pandemic

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    The burden of healthcare workers wearing protective equipment when treating the patients affected by infectious diseases was assessed. Full isolation from the external environment shows that even with light work around 120 W.m-2, the effect of isolation from the environment can increase the physiological load by reducing metabolic expenditure up to twice compared to an unprotected person. In such a case, the only way of intensive heat dissipation is an evaporation of the sweat, 1 g of which removes up to 2500 J of heat. Experiments with a Newton thermal mannequin in a climatic chamber have shown that ventilation with air at normal relative humidity of 50 % can reduce the surface temperature by up to 6 °C, compared to unventilated clothing. Ventilation brings clean filtered air into the garment and the person is in an environment as if without insulation