10 research outputs found

    Immovable property in insolvency proceedings

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    v českém jazyce Ekonomický význam a hodnota nemovitých věcí, jakož i závažnost dispozic s právními vztahy k nim jsou důvodem, proč pravidlům insolvenčního práva, která upravují právní vztahy a nakládání s nemovitostmi vlastníka, který se ocitl v úpadku, věnovat náležitou pozornost. Zejména v souvislosti s uplynulým rokem nabývá výše uvedené na významu. Rigorózní práce se zabývá problematikou spojenou s pravidly insolvenčního zákona, která upravují postavení a nakládání s nemovitou věcí v průběhu insolvenčního řízení. Cílem rigorózní práce je tak pojednat o postavení nemovitosti v průběhu insolvenčního řízení a shrnout pravidla, která určují, jak bude s nemovitou věcí v průběhu insolvenčního řízení naloženo. Související vybrané právní problémy pak postupně touto prací prostupují. Práce je členěně do čtyř kapitol. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou vnitřně provázány a navazují na sebe systematicky stejně tak, jak probíhá insolvenční řízení. První kapitola se věnuje vymezení základních pojmů spojených s nemovitou věcí nacházející se v insolvenčním řízení, jakož i pravidlům pro nakládání nemovitou věcí sloužící jako předmět zajištění. Vymezení nemovité věci v majetkové podstatě dlužníka a pravidla vztahující se k její správě jsou předmětem druhé kapitoly rigorózní práce. Nakládání s nemovitou věcí v průběhu...v anglickém jazyce The economic importance and value of immovable property, as well as the seriousness of dispositions with legal relations to them, are the reason to pay due attention to the rules of insolvency law governing legal relations and the administration of immovable property during insolvency proceedings. Especially in connection with the past year, the above becomes more important. The thesis deals with issues related to the rules of the Insolvency Act, which regulate the status, administration, and handling of immovable property during insolvency proceedings. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the position of immovable property during insolvency proceedings and to summarize the rules that determine how immovable property will be treated during insolvency proceedings, while the related selected legal problems gradually permeate this work. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The individual chapters are internally interconnected and follow each other systematically in the same way as insolvency proceedings. The first chapter deals with the definition of basic concepts related to immovable property in insolvency proceedings, as well as the rules for disposing of secured immovable property. Delimitation of immovable property in the assets of the debtor and the rules relating to its...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Educational ideas and their generational transfer

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the methods of education, motivation of the child for education or its absence, as well as factors influencing the student's success in school. The aim of this thesis is a general finding of how the motivation for education functions today and whether there is an intergenerational transmission of attitudes towards school and learning. We will study the aforesaid on the basis of interviews between family generations and using questionnaires completed by pupils from the eighth and ninth grade of elementary school. Due to this thesis, at least in a general and wide range, we will find out what are the current ideas in education of the young generation and whether the intergenerational transmission occurs. KEYWORDS Family, education, ideas, motivation, support, transmission, enviromen

    Proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code

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    Řízení o zrušení opatření obecné povahy nebo jeho části dle soudního řádu správního Abstrakt Tématem předkládané práce je řízení o zrušení opatření obecné povahy nebo jeho části dle § 101a a násl. soudního řádu správního. Ačkoliv je toto řízení součástí právního řádu již od roku 2005, v současné době je velice aktuálním, a to i s ohledem na mnohost vydávaných a soudy přezkoumávaných opatření obecné povahy v souvislosti s výskytem pandemie koronaviru. Záměrem práce je postupně popsat průběh řízení o zrušení opatření obecné povahy nebo jeho části ve světle současného stavu právní úpravy a vývoje soudní judikatury. Výklad je doplňován o hodnocení právní úpravy a o závěry soudní judikatury, prostřednictvím kterých lze analyzovat jednotlivé aspekty soudního přezkumu opatření obecné povahy ve vzájemných souvislostech. Hlavnímu jádru práce, jímž je soudní řízení o zrušení opatření obecné povahy nebo jeho části dle soudního řádu správního, předchází obecné pojednání o pojmu opatření obecné povahy, bez jehož vymezení by výklad nemohl být kompletním. Práce zároveň obsahuje některé aspekty kasační stížnosti a ústavního přezkumu rozhodnutí vydaného v řízení o zrušení opatření obecné povahy nebo jeho části, které doplňují hlavní téma. Práce je kromě úvodu a závěru členěna do tří částí. Tématem druhé části, zařazené za...1 Proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code Abstract The subject of the present thesis is the proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or its part according to § 101a et seq. of the Administrative Procedure Code. Although this procedure has been a part of the legal system since 2005, it is currently very topical, also in view of the numerous measures of a general nature issued and reviewed by the courts in connection with the occurrence of the coronavirus pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to describe the procedure for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or a part thereof in the light of the current state of legislation and the development of judicial case law. The interpretation is supplemented by an assessment of the legal regulation and the conclusions of the case law, through which the individual aspects of the measure of a general nature can be analysed in their interconnected context. The main core of the work, which is the judicial proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code, is preceded by a general interpretation of the concept of a measure of a general nature, without the definition of which the thesis could not be...Department of Administrative Law and Administrative ScienceKatedra správního práva a správní vědyFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Immovable property in insolvency proceedings

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    v anglickém jazyce The economic importance and value of immovable property, as well as the seriousness of dispositions with legal relations to them, are the reason to pay due attention to the rules of insolvency law governing legal relations and the administration of immovable property during insolvency proceedings. Especially in connection with the past year, the above becomes more important. The thesis deals with issues related to the rules of the Insolvency Act, which regulate the status, administration, and handling of immovable property during insolvency proceedings. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the position of immovable property during insolvency proceedings and to summarize the rules that determine how immovable property will be treated during insolvency proceedings, while the related selected legal problems gradually permeate this work. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The individual chapters are internally interconnected and follow each other systematically in the same way as insolvency proceedings. The first chapter deals with the definition of basic concepts related to immovable property in insolvency proceedings, as well as the rules for disposing of secured immovable property. Delimitation of immovable property in the assets of the debtor and the rules relating to its..

    Educational ideas and their generational transfer

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá způsoby výchovy, motivací dítěte ke vzdělávání či její absencí a také faktory ovlivňujícími úspěšnost žáka ve škole. Cílem této práce bude obecné zjištění, jak v dnešní době dochází k motivaci ke vzdělávání a zda dochází k mezigeneračnímu přenosu postoje ke škole a učení. Výše uvedené skutečnosti obecně zjistíme na základě provedených rozhovorů mezi rodinnými generacemi a vyplněných dotazníků žáků osmých a devátých tříd ZŠ. Touto prací alespoň v obecném a širokém spektru zjistíme, jaké jsou v současnosti ideje ve vzdělávání u nynější mladé generace a zda dochází k mezigeneračnímu přenosu. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA rodina, vzdělání, ideje, motivace, podpora, výchova, prostředíThe bachelor's thesis deals with the methods of education, motivation of the child for education or its absence, as well as factors influencing the student's success in school. The aim of this thesis is a general finding of how the motivation for education functions today and whether there is an intergenerational transmission of attitudes towards school and learning. We will study the aforesaid on the basis of interviews between family generations and using questionnaires completed by pupils from the eighth and ninth grade of elementary school. Due to this thesis, at least in a general and wide range, we will find out what are the current ideas in education of the young generation and whether the intergenerational transmission occurs. KEYWORDS Family, education, ideas, motivation, support, transmission, enviromentKatedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code

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    1 Proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code Abstract The subject of the present thesis is the proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or its part according to § 101a et seq. of the Administrative Procedure Code. Although this procedure has been a part of the legal system since 2005, it is currently very topical, also in view of the numerous measures of a general nature issued and reviewed by the courts in connection with the occurrence of the coronavirus pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to describe the procedure for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or a part thereof in the light of the current state of legislation and the development of judicial case law. The interpretation is supplemented by an assessment of the legal regulation and the conclusions of the case law, through which the individual aspects of the measure of a general nature can be analysed in their interconnected context. The main core of the work, which is the judicial proceedings for the annulment of a measure of a general nature or part thereof under the Administrative Procedure Code, is preceded by a general interpretation of the concept of a measure of a general nature, without the definition of which the thesis could not be..

    Glutathione S-transferase and Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Slovak Population

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    Cilj Odrediti rizik kronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća (COPD) povezan s polimorfizmima na genima glutation S-transferaze (GST) M1, GST T1 i mikrosomalne epoksid hidrolaze (EPHX1) u kohorti Slovačke populacije. Postupci U istraživanje je uključeno 217 bolesnika s dijagnozom COPD-a i 160 kontrolnih ispitanika. Od svih su ispitanika prikupljeni uzorci krvi, a DNA iz limfocita u perifernoj krvi rabljena je za genotipizaciju s pomoću lančane reakcije polimerazom i analize polimorfizma duljine restrikcijskih ulomaka. Rezultati U statistički kontroliranom modelu, povećan rizik od COPD-a primjećen je u ispitanika s genotipom EPHX1 His113-His113 (omjer izgleda [OR], 2,32; 95% raspon pouzdanosti [CI], 1,20-4,69; P=0,008), u usporedbi s nositeljima alela Tyr113. Ipak, nakon statističke kontrole za dob, spol i pušenje, nije pronađen značajni rizk (kontrolirani OR, 1,79; 95% CI, 0,91-3,53; P=0,093). U kombiniranoj analizi genskih polimorfizama, kombinacija genotipova EPHX1 His113-His113/GSTM1 nula bila je značajno povezana s višim rizikom obolijevanja od COPD-a i u kontroliranom (OR, 5,08; 95% CI, 1,70-20,43; P=0,001) i u nekontroliranom modelu (OR, 4,87; 95% CI, 1,57-15.13; P=0,006). Zaključak Iako ni jedan od proučavanih genskih polimorfizama nije sam bio značajano povezan s povećanim rizikom obolijevanja od COPD-a, homozigotni 3. ekson mutantne varijante gena EPHX1, u kombinaciji a genotipom GSTM1 nula, bio je značajan prediktor povećanog rizika obolijevanja od COPD-a u Slovačkoj populaciji. Naša studija naglašava detoksifikacijske i antioksidativne puteve u patogenezi COPD-a. 1Aim To determine the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) associated with polymorphisms in the glutathione S-transferase (GST) M1, GST T1, and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1) genes in a cohort of Slovak population. Methods Two hundred and seventeen patients with the diagnosis of COPD and 160 control subjects were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were collected from all subjects and the DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes was used for subsequent genotyping assays, using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment-length polymorphism methods. Results In an unadjusted model, an increased risk for COPD was observed in subjects with EPHX1 His113-His113 genotype (odds ratio [OR], 2.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20-4.69; P = 0.008), compared with the carriers of the Tyr113 allele. However, after the adjustments for age, sex, and smoking status, the risk was not significant (adjusted OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 0.91-3.53; P = 0.093). In a combined analysis of gene polymorphisms, the genotype combination EPHX1 His113- His113/GSTM1 null significantly increased the risk of COPD in both, unadjusted (OR, 5.08; 95% CI, 1.70-20.43; P = 0.001) and adjusted model (OR, 4.87; 95% CI, 1.57-15.13; P = 0.006). Conclusion Although none of the tested gene polymorphisms was significantly related to an increased risk of COPD alone, our results suggest that the homozygous exon 3 mutant variant of EPHX1 gene in the combination with GSTM1 null genotype is a significant predictor of increased susceptibility to COPD in the Slovak population. The findings of the present study emphasize the importance of detoxifying and antioxidant pathways in the pathogenesis of COPD

    Greenhouse gases emissions from oat production within conventional and organic farming

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    Climate changes and the anthropogenic impact have been a frequently discussed issue in recent years. The GHG production is significantly influenced by industry, transport, as well as by agriculture which ranks among the five largest producers. Agriculture produces 9,2 % of the total GHG and therefore it is the fourth largest producer of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Agriculture is considered one of the sectors where it is possible to look for mitigation possibilities. Oat grown in organic and conventional farming systems is evaluated within this study. The oat life cycle was assessed in the SIMAPro software (the ReCiPe Midpoint (H) Europe method). The functional unit was 1 kg of grain. This method includes a farming stage (field emission, seeds and seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, agrotechnical operations). Basic data from the farms was supplemented from the Ecoinvent database. The conversion of GHG emissions to CO2e is based on the formula CO2e = 1x CO2 + 23x CH4 + 298x N2O. The total emissions in the agricultural phase within the conventional farming system are 0,650 kg CO2e / kg of oat grains, within the organic one, they are 0,303 kg CO2e / kg of oat grains. Therefore, we can achieve a significant reduction in the emission load per the production unit if the farming system is changed

    CDK11 regulates pre-mRNA splicing by phosphorylation of SF3B1

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    RNA splicing, the process of intron removal from pre-mRNA, is essential for the regulation of gene expression. It is controlled by the spliceosome, a megadalton RNA–protein complex that assembles de novo on each pre-mRNA intron through an ordered assembly of intermediate complexes1,2. Spliceosome activation is a major control step that requires substantial protein and RNA rearrangements leading to a catalytically active complex1–5. Splicing factor 3B subunit 1 (SF3B1) protein—a subunit of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein6—is phosphorylated during spliceosome activation7–10, but the kinase that is responsible has not been identified. Here we show that cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11) associates with SF3B1 and phosphorylates threonine residues at its N terminus during spliceosome activation. The phosphorylation is important for the association between SF3B1 and U5 and U6 snRNAs in the activated spliceosome, termed the Bact complex, and the phosphorylation can be blocked by OTS964, a potent and selective inhibitor of CDK11. Inhibition of CDK11 prevents spliceosomal transition from the precatalytic complex B to the activated complex Bact and leads to widespread intron retention and accumulation of non-functional spliceosomes on pre-mRNAs and chromatin. We demonstrate a central role of CDK11 in spliceosome assembly and splicing regulation and characterize OTS964 as a highly selective CDK11 inhibitor that suppresses spliceosome activation and splicing