28 research outputs found


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    Il presente articolo si focalizza sullā€™analisi del percorso evolutivo del passato prossimo e del futuro semplice, due tempi verbali italiani sviluppatisi in base alle costruzioni perifrastiche HABERE + participio passato e infinito + HABERE. Le due costruzioni, risalenti al sistema latino, grazie allā€™influenza del verbo HABERE hanno subito processi di grammaticalizzazione decisamente diversi, ma allo stesso tempo correlati. Il presente articolo esaminerĆ  la base latina di questi processi e le motivazioni ad essi sottostanti, cercando di fornire una descrizione dettagliata delle tappe e degli aspetti cruciali del loro sviluppo e dimostrando, inoltre, le principali similaritĆ  e differenze che essi comprendono

    Characterization of alkali-modified soy protein concentrate

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    To study the influence of the preparation mode, including mild alkali modification, of soy protein concentrate on soluble protein content and composition, some of its nutritive and functional properties were investigated. Soy protein concentrate prepared by aqueous alcohol leaching was modified in mild alkaline solutions (pH 8.0) at 40, 50 and 60Ā° C for 60 minutes and compared with two principal types of commercial soy protein concentrate. Soluble protein content, composition and properties of soy protein concentrate, as well as their potential use are essentially determined by the preparation mode. Limited mild alkali hydrolysis increased protein solubility by 40-71%, while emulsion stability was increased by 18-56%. Major storage soybean proteins exhibited different stability to alcohol denaturation and mild alkali modification. The most susceptible were acidic -A3 - and -A5- subunits of glycinin

    Soy protein modification: A review

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    Soy protein products such as flour, concentrates and isolates are used in food formulation because of their functionality, nutritional value and low cost. To obtain their optimal nutritive and functional properties as well as desirable flavor different treatments are used. Soybean proteins can be modified by physical, chemical and enzymatic treatments. Different thermal treatments are most commonly used, while the most appropriate way of modifying soy proteins from the standpoint of safety is their limited proteolysis. These treatments cause physical and chemical changes that affect their functional properties. This review discusses three principal methods used for modification of soy protein products, their effects on dominant soy protein properties and some biologically active compounds

    Parents` participation as a factor of school climate: principles and models of good practice

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    Adekvatno povezivanje resursa kojim raspolažu Å”kole, porodice i zajednice od suÅ”tinskog je značaja za stvaranje uslova za pozitivan razvoj i prevenciju različitih oblika problema u ponaÅ”anju dece i omladine. Osnovni imperativ svake Å”kole treba da bude kreiranje pozitivne Å”kolske klime, odnosno stvaranje bezbednog okruženja u kojem će se, u otvorenom i slobodnom ambijentu, obrazovati i vaspitavati generacije učenika. U kojoj meri će se ovaj cilj ostvariti značajno zavisi od obima i kvaliteta učeŔća roditelja u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Efektivno uključivanje roditelja zahteva kreiranje primenjivog okvira delovanja zasnovanog na nalazima i saznanjima relevantnih naučnih disciplina, kao i primerima dobre prakse iz zemalja u kojima se ovom procesu posvećuje značajna pažnja. Å kole, u skladu sa sistemom integrisane podrÅ”ke učenicima, moraju da grade partnerske odnose sa roditeljima i razvijaju pristup zajedničke odgovornosti za dečiji uspeh. Na taj način ne samo da se povećava nivo roditeljskog angažmana i osnažuje njihova podrÅ”ka Å”koli, već se direktno ostvaraju pozitivni efekti na akademsku i socijalnu dimenziju Å”kolske klime, Å”to posledično može doprineti prevenciji i redukciji problema u ponaÅ”anju učenika. Uvažavajući značaj participacije roditelja u Å”kolskim aktivnostima, u radu će, pored analize pozitivnih efekata roditeljskog angažovanja i sumiranja vodećih principa uspeÅ”ne saradnje roditelja i Å”kole, biti prikazane osnovne karakteristike Å”est tipova modela roditeljskog angažmana (zaÅ”titni, ekspertski, transmisioni, model obogaćivanja nastavnog programa, potroÅ”ački i partnerski model), te izvedeni zaključci i preporuke od značaja za planiranje programa unapređenja Å”kolske klime u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama u Srbiji.Adequate resource mobilization of schools, families and local communities is essential for creating conditions for positive development and preventing different forms of behavior problems in children and youth population. The process of creating positive school climate and forming a safe environment, in an opened and free ambient, with generations of students that are being educated, is an imperative for every school. Reaching this goal largely depends on the extent and quality of parents` participation in the formal educational process. Effective participation of parents requires creation of applicable framework of action that is based on relevant scientific findings, and on examples of good practice from countries which give special attention to this process of involvement. In order to comply with the system of integrated support for the students, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for children`s success in the educational system. In this way, parental engagement is increased, parents` effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making an positive impact on academic and social dimension of school climate, which consequently leads to prevention and reduction of behavior problems in student population. Considering the importance of parents` participation in school activities, in this paper, we will analyze positive effects of parental engagement, summarize leading principles when it comes to successful partnership of parents and schools, and present six models of parental engagement (Protective Model, Expert Model, Transmission Model, Curriculum- Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership Model). In addition, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on improvement of school climate in educational institutions in Serbia

    Parents` participation as a factor of school climate: principles and models of good practice

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    Adekvatno povezivanje resursa kojim raspolažu Å”kole, porodice i zajednice od suÅ”tinskog je značaja za stvaranje uslova za pozitivan razvoj i prevenciju različitih oblika problema u ponaÅ”anju dece i omladine. Osnovni imperativ svake Å”kole treba da bude kreiranje pozitivne Å”kolske klime, odnosno stvaranje bezbednog okruženja u kojem će se, u otvorenom i slobodnom ambijentu, obrazovati i vaspitavati generacije učenika. U kojoj meri će se ovaj cilj ostvariti značajno zavisi od obima i kvaliteta učeŔća roditelja u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Efektivno uključivanje roditelja zahteva kreiranje primenjivog okvira delovanja zasnovanog na nalazima i saznanjima relevantnih naučnih disciplina, kao i primerima dobre prakse iz zemalja u kojima se ovom procesu posvećuje značajna pažnja. Å kole, u skladu sa sistemom integrisane podrÅ”ke učenicima, moraju da grade partnerske odnose sa roditeljima i razvijaju pristup zajedničke odgovornosti za dečiji uspeh. Na taj način ne samo da se povećava nivo roditeljskog angažmana i osnažuje njihova podrÅ”ka Å”koli, već se direktno ostvaraju pozitivni efekti na akademsku i socijalnu dimenziju Å”kolske klime, Å”to posledično može doprineti prevenciji i redukciji problema u ponaÅ”anju učenika. Uvažavajući značaj participacije roditelja u Å”kolskim aktivnostima, u radu će, pored analize pozitivnih efekata roditeljskog angažovanja i sumiranja vodećih principa uspeÅ”ne saradnje roditelja i Å”kole, biti prikazane osnovne karakteristike Å”est tipova modela roditeljskog angažmana (zaÅ”titni, ekspertski, transmisioni, model obogaćivanja nastavnog programa, potroÅ”ački i partnerski model), te izvedeni zaključci i preporuke od značaja za planiranje programa unapređenja Å”kolske klime u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama u Srbiji.Adequate resource mobilization of schools, families and local communities is essential for creating conditions for positive development and preventing different forms of behavior problems in children and youth population. The process of creating positive school climate and forming a safe environment, in an opened and free ambient, with generations of students that are being educated, is an imperative for every school. Reaching this goal largely depends on the extent and quality of parents` participation in the formal educational process. Effective participation of parents requires creation of applicable framework of action that is based on relevant scientific findings, and on examples of good practice from countries which give special attention to this process of involvement. In order to comply with the system of integrated support for the students, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for children`s success in the educational system. In this way, parental engagement is increased, parents` effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making an positive impact on academic and social dimension of school climate, which consequently leads to prevention and reduction of behavior problems in student population. Considering the importance of parents` participation in school activities, in this paper, we will analyze positive effects of parental engagement, summarize leading principles when it comes to successful partnership of parents and schools, and present six models of parental engagement (Protective Model, Expert Model, Transmission Model, Curriculum- Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership Model). In addition, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on improvement of school climate in educational institutions in Serbia

    Nutritional behavior and motives of college students for the choice of traditional food in the Republic of Serbia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the eating behavior of college students and the reasons for consuming traditional food and to compare the motives for choosing traditional food with the research conducted in 6 European countries. This research was conducted using anonymous online questionnaires. The majority of surveyed students are physically active (75%) and live with their families (57.0%), which can have a positive impact on their diet and a lower level of consumption of "fast-food" (17.5%). Respondents have bad habits in terms of consuming cigarettes (65.0%), alcohol (73.0%) and energy drinks (75.0%). Most students consume all regular meals (73.0%). Based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) of respondents, they belong to the categories: underweight (12%), normal weight (34%), pre-weight (17%), obese (37%); however, 55.0% believed to have "ideal weight". The reasons for choose particular food are: it is not genetically modified, it tastes good, it is nutritious, it makes them happy, it was produced/packaged in an environmentally friendly and ethical way, while the price of food is not important. Connection with family (81%) and food being tasty (54%) are the main reasons for consuming traditional food. When buying traditional food, respondents (59%) generally do not check the declaration on the product. These results indicate the need to educate students about the harmfulness of cigarettes, alcoholic and energy drinks, the importance of BMI and declaration on the product. Comparing obtained results with the results in 6 European countries it can be noticed that the answers of the respondents in Serbia were the most similar to those obtained in Poland

    Biocompounds from mushroom aqueous and polysaccharide extracts

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    The application of mushrooms for medicinal purposes has a long history, primarily due to its therapeutic properties. Today, mushrooms are often used as functional food or natural sources in the development of various nutraceuticals. Using advanced instrumental techniques, it was shown that mushrooms are a good source of highly valuable polysaccharides (i.e., glucans), sterols (i.e., ergosterol), different antioxidants, proteins and peptides. However, due to the great diversity of fungi, additional research in this area should be performed. The aim of this study is to analyze biocompounds from polysaccharides and aqueous extracts of two different mushrooms (A. bisporus and A. aegerita). Mushroom extracts were prepared according to procedure previously desribed by Popović Minić (2023)[1]. Lyophilised mushroom powder was extracted with 80% methanol containing 0.1% HCl, after which the suspension was filtered through 0.45Ī¼m filters and used for further chromatographic analysis by UHPLC-QToF-MS. Chemical characterization of mushroom biomolecules was performed using exact mass (m/z) and MS2 fragment ions of each detected compound and their retention times. The identified compounds represented four structurally distinct groups: 1) organic acids and their derivatives (7 compounds); 2) phenolic acids and their derivatives (11 compounds); 3) esters (28 compounds); and 4) other organic compounds (Gibberellin A1 ). Based on the obtained results, the differences between the tested samples can be clearly observed. In A.bisposrus and A.aegerita polysaccharide extracts only few organic acids and esters were detected, while phenolics and majority of esters were not recorded. On the other hand, the presence of organic acids, phenolic acids, esters and their derivatives was confirmed in both aqueous extracts. The highest number of detected compounds (as many as 41 compounds) was detected in the aqueous extract of A. aegerita. Among organic acids, fumaric, malic and citric acids were detected in all the mushroom extracts, whereas p-hydroxybenzoic acid, m-hydroxy-hydrocinnamic acid, sinapic acid, 2-(pentanoyloxy)benzoate, and 3-(11-hydroxyundecoxy) benzoate were detected among phenolic acids and their derivatives in aqueous extracts of both mushrooms. Regarding detected esters, following compounds were identified in the tested samples: 8-carboxyoctanoate, 3-(octyloxy)-3-oxopropanoate, 9,12,13-trihydroxyoctadecenoate, 13-hydroxy-9,11-octadecadienoate. The estimated profiles of biocompounds present in mushroom extracts can contribute to the further understanding of their antioxidant and biological properties

    Water-soluble carbohydrates accumulation in peduncle of wheat and its relationship to morpho-anatomical and productive traits

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    Water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) accumulating in internodes of the wheat stem can be a consequential contributor to grain filling, especially under stress conditions. In this study the WSC content and the WSC specific content (WSCSC) per unit of length were determined in the uppermost internode (peduncle) of the main stem at 10 days after anthesis across 44 wheat genotypes in two-year field trials. The defoliation was done at 10 days after anthesis by cutting off all leaf blades and defoliated plants were grown along with the intact control plants. Among 16 morphological, anatomical and developmental traits, the area of pith intercellular of peduncle, chlorophyll content in flag leaf and the flag leaf area appeared to be most important for WSC accumulation in peduncle. High WSCSC genotypes tended to have higher grain weight per spike than low WSCSC genotypes both in defoliated and control plants

    Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Goat-Milk Powder Fortified with Grape-Pomace-Seed Extract after In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion

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    This study deals with the evaluation of the bioaccessibility and antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds from heat-treated skim goat-milk powder fortified with grape-pomace-seed extract, after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection and mass spectrometry (UHPLC-DAD MS/MS) analysis confirmed the abundant presence of phenolic acids and flavan-3-ols in the grape-pomace-seed extract (SE) and heat-treated skim goat-milk/seed-extract powder (TME). After in vitro digestion of TME powder and recovery of total quantified phenolics, flavan-3-ols and phenolic acids were 18.11%, 24.54%, and 1.17%, respectively. Low recovery of grape-pomace-seed phenolics indicated strong milk proteinā€“phenolic interactions. Electrophoretic analysis of a soluble fraction of digested heat-treated skim goat milk (TM) and TME samples showed the absence of bands originating from milk proteins, indicating their hydrolysis during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. The digested TME sample had better antioxidant properties in comparison to the digested TM sample (except for the ferrous ion-chelating capacity, FCC), due to the presence of bioaccessible phenolics. Taking into account the contribution of the digestive cocktail, digested TME sample had lower values of total phenolic content (TPC), in vitro phosphomolybdenum reducing capacity (TAC) and ferric reducing power (FRP), compared to the undigested TME sample. These results could be attributed to low recovery of phenolic compounds. TME powder could be a good carrier of phenolics to the colon; thus, TME powder could be a promising ingredient in the formulation of functional food. Ā© 2022 by the authors