11 research outputs found

    Brakująca część historii (literatury). O książce Marty Baron-Milian Wat plus VAT

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    The missing part of (literary) historyThe article is a review of Marta Baron-Milian’s Wat plus VAT, the first monograph about connections between economy and literature in Aleksander Wat’s work. The author tries to show Baron’s book as a part of wider phenomenon, which can be observed after the great crisis in 2008, as a result of returning of different humanistic approaches to the problems of capitalist economy. By analyzing “economic consciousnessˮ and literary strategies of Aleksander Wat (in his poetry, biography, short stories and essays), Baron reveals the theological, symbolic and linguistic basis of modern economy. It allows her to describe a specific literary “experience of economy” and penetrating analyze of main themes of Wat’s work. One of the aims of the review is to rethink Baron’s proposition as a part of the new, thematically orientated history of polish modern literature. The other is to check, if Wat’s and Baron’s strictly modern and humanistic view of the economic systems can be still subversive and helpful against postmodern, mathematically reinforced capitalistic rhetoric

    Instead of Szymborska? Krystyna Miłobędzka and the roots of modern ecopoetry in Poland

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    The paper deals with the topic of ecologically oriented poetry of Krystyna Miłobędzka as a vital tradition for 21st-century Polish ecopoets. The author tries to trace the changes in the poetic canon after 1990 and shows the increasing interest in Miłobędzka’s poetry among modern poets. By analyzing mainly meta-poetic texts, the paper contrasts Miłobędzka’s posthumanistic, “event-driven” way of writing with the humanistic lyrical subject of Wisława Szymborska’s poetry. The author presents the former as more influential and more productive for modern, ecopoetic styles, including elements such as: waking the awareness, organic perspective of language, an egalitarian way of life and thinking about relations in categories of space and adhesion rather than domination.The paper deals with the topic of ecologically oriented poetry of Krystyna Miłobędzka as a vital tradition for 21st-century Polish ecopoets. The author tries to trace the changes in the poetic canon after 1990 and shows the increasing interest in Miłobędzka’s poetry among modern poets. By analyzing mainly meta-poetic texts, the paper contrasts Miłobędzka’s posthumanistic, “event-driven” way of writing with the humanistic lyrical subject of Wisława Szymborska’s poetry. The author presents the former as more influential and more productive for modern, ecopoetic styles, including elements such as: waking the awareness, organic perspective of language, an egalitarian way of life and thinking about relations in categories of space and adhesion rather than domination

    The missing part of (literary) history

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    The article is a review of Marta Baron-Milian’s Wat plus VAT, the fi rst monograph about connections between economy and literature in Aleksander Wat’s work. The author tries to show Baron’s book as a part of wider phenomenon, which can be observed after the great crisis in 2008, as a result of returning of diff erent humanistic approaches to the problems of capitalist economy. By analyzing "economic consciousness" and literary strategies of Aleksander Wat (in his poetry, biography, short stories and essays), Baron reveals the theological, symbolic and linguistic basis of modern economy. It allows her to describe a specifi c literary "experience of economy" and penetrating analyze of main themes of Wat’s work. One of the aims of the review is to rethink Baron’s proposition as a part of the new, thematically orientated history of polish modern literature. The other is to check, if Wat’s and Baron’s strictly modern and humanistic view of the economic systems can be still subversive and helpful against postmodern, mathematically reinforced capitalistic rhetoric

    “The words are like unemployed people”. A few preliminary notes on the economic paradoxes of the avant-garde’s language

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    The paper is an attempt to outline a few problems connected with economic modes of reading the historic avant-garde, mainly its poetry. The author recapitulates a short history of its studies based on symbolic economies in order to consider possible semantic differences, resulting in the various uses of economic analogy in the discourse of the first avant-garde. The article focuses on Futurist and Constructivists movements, trying to sketch conflicts between political commitment and artistic autonomy, possible economies of sign and some sources of the “economic imagination”

    Innocent Preacher on the Rubble of Jerusalem [re: P. Bogalecki: Szczęśliwe winy teolingwizmu]

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    The author reviews Piotr Bogalecki’s book which attempts to reinterpret Polish poetry after 1968 in the light of the postsecular turn. He discusses Bogalecki’s work within the broad philosophical context in order to place Bogalecki’s ideas among other quasi-religious and crypto-theological projects – especially those of Agata Bielik-Robson. The author underlines novelty of Bogalecki’s interpretations, his erudition and fundamental faithfulness toward literature and poetry which leads to depoliticization of postsecular thought making it innocuous mean of intervention

    “To look darkness. To subside”: From Micropoetics to Micropolitics and Back Again (On Method)

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    Szkic podejmuje próbę uzupełnienia „mikrologicznej” perspektywy śląskiej szkoły Aleksandra Nawareckiego o nieobecne w niej źródłowo impulsy polityczne i patronat dwóch pominiętych dotąd „mikrologów”: Michela Foucaulta i Gilles’a Deleuze’a. Opowiadając się przeciwko zdyscyplinowaniu i scjentyzmowi metody close reading, proponuje rozpatrywać badacza w kategoriach mikronauty, sam proces lektury zaś jako zanurzanie się w tekście, śledzenie drobnych napięć i przepływów znaczeń. Jest równocześnie próbą filozoficznego przeczytania poematu Nie Konrada Góry jako rozprawy o metodyce widzenia, (nie)zawinionej ślepocie i politycznej wielości.This essay undertakes an attempt to complete the “micrological” perspective of the Silesian school led by Aleksander Nawarecki with political impulses absent from its sources, guided by the intellectual constellations of two thinkers hitherto neglected as micrologists: Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. Voicing opposition to the discipline and scientism of the close reading method, the essay proposes to consider the scholar in the categories of the micronaut, and the process of reading as immersion in the text, following minor tensions and flows of meanings. It simultaneously attempts a philosophical reading of the long poem Nie by Konrad Góra as a study in the methodology of seeing, (un)committed blindness and political multiplicity

    Sonata for Citosine and Three Fake Proteins: On Edward Pasewicz’s Mito-biological Codes

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    The article discusses Edward Pasewicz’s poetry from the perspective of an organic metaphor, developed by the poet in his latest volumes (Pałacyk Bertolta Brechta [Bertolt Brecht’s Palace] and Och, Mitochondria. The author considers whether Pasewicz’s interest in the reflection on tissues, cells and DNA strands, and the idea of combining them with the issue of poetic coding, may be seen as an attempt at resolving the impasse between mythical and realistic forces of this work, or whether it merely constitutes a supplementation to the earlier proposed strategies of translating life into reality. Juxtaposing Pasewicz’s experiments with biopoetry and seeking in them a chance to transcend the poetics of the author of Dolna Wilda [The Lower Wilda], I come to the conclusion that in this case the organic metaphor serves further exploration of a private mythology; but it turns out to be not very productive for the rethinking of the concept of life and community

    Brakująca część historii (literatury). O książce Marty Baron-Milian Wat plus VAT

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    The missing part of (literary) historyThe article is a review of Marta Baron-Milian’s Wat plus VAT, the first monograph about connections between economy and literature in Aleksander Wat’s work. The author tries to show Baron’s book as a part of wider phenomenon, which can be observed after the great crisis in 2008, as a result of returning of different humanistic approaches to the problems of capitalist economy. By analyzing “economic consciousnessˮ and literary strategies of Aleksander Wat (in his poetry, biography, short stories and essays), Baron reveals the theological, symbolic and linguistic basis of modern economy. It allows her to describe a specific literary “experience of economy” and penetrating analyze of main themes of Wat’s work. One of the aims of the review is to rethink Baron’s proposition as a part of the new, thematically orientated history of polish modern literature. The other is to check, if Wat’s and Baron’s strictly modern and humanistic view of the economic systems can be still subversive and helpful against postmodern, mathematically reinforced capitalistic rhetoric

    The reading experience and the practices of everyday life (from affirmation to contestation)

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    The author considers the idea of a reader, which he borrows from the sociological theory of everyday by Michel de Certeau. He dissociates himself from the majori- ty of structuralist and communication approaches, considering them to be too op- pressive, using the "reader" dominated by textocentric vision of work. Aside from a specific reader or a readership, the author presents the "regular reader" from the writings of the French sociologist as an empty and utopian figure, but thanks to his/ her indeterminate nature and anarchic freedom capable of eluding classic sociologi- cal and literary depictions. Then, hejuxtaposes such figure with the idea of biopoli- tical (immaterial) labour by M. Hardt and A. Negri, presenting reading practice as an important part of social activities of an emancipatory character.Autor przygląda się idei czytelnika, którą zapożycza z socjologicznej teorii codzienności Michela de Certeau. Dystansuje się od większości ujęć strukturalistycznych i komunikacyjnych, uznając je za nazbyt opresyjne, posługujące się "czytelnikiem" zdominowanym przez tekstocentryczną wizję dzieła. Abstrahując od konkretnego czytelnika lub grupy czytelniczej, autor prezentuje "zwykłego czytelnika" z pism francuskiego socjologa jako figurę pustą i utopijną, ale właśnie dzięki swojej niedookreśloności i anarchicznej swobodzie zdolną wymykać się klasycznym ujęciom socjologicznym i literackim. Następnie zestawia tę figurę z ideą pracy biopolitycznej (niematerialnej) M. Hardta i A. Negriego, przedstawiając praktykę czytelniczą jako ważną część działań społecznych o charakterze emancypacyjnym.Publikacja dofinansowana przez katedry literaturoznawcze Instytutu Filologii Polskiej U