10 research outputs found


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    There are plenty of sublime devices, including input devices, for all kinds of specialists working with computers available on the market. Furthermore, the more specific solutions are needed, the more expensive and complicated they are. At the time when many people prefer to try as many things as possible before selecting the specific learning paths, both high price and high entry threshold, can appear as blockers. In the paper, there are  selected some hardware and software solutions for facilitating the work of the professionals , who expect more analog-like interfaces and more natural ways to control computers presented. Additionally, the authors describe original software and hardware solution that allows the use of wide range MIDI devices as custom input devices. The concept of the software made is being presented, as well as some results of initial interaction of different kind of professionals and the proposed solution software and hardware


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    The article addresses the challenge of reconstructing 2D broken pictorial objects by automating the search for matching elements, which is particularly relevant in fields like archaeology and forensic science. The authors propose a method to match such elements and streamline the search process by detecting and filtering out low quality matches. The study delves into optimizing the search process in terms of duration and assembly quality. It examines factors like comparison window length, Levenshtein measure margin, and number of variants to check, using theoretical calculations and experiments on synthetic elements. The experimental results demonstrate enhanced method effectiveness, yielding more useful solutions and significantly reducing the complexity of element comparisons by up to 100 times in extreme cases


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    In the paper authors are introducing the concept of usage of physical orientation of a mobile device, calculated using built-in environmental sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer for detection of tilting gesture. This gesture is used as an acceptance factor for the two next probable word solutions suggested to the user during text input. By performing the device tilt, the first or second word is being automatically put into the desired text field and new prediction is performed. The text predictions are calculated and stored directly on the device to maintain privacy protection. The founding concept of the software is being presented, as well as initial considerations and further plans. This solution is recommended especially to smartphone manufacturers like Microsoft, Samsung and Apple to deploy in their latest models

    The study of human behaviour in a laboratory set-up with the use of innovative technology

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    Virtual reality technologies known since the 1990s have virtually disappeared. They have been replaced by their new editions characterised by a very faithful reproduction of details. The laboratory described in the article was created to study the intensity of various sensations experienced by a person in virtual worlds. A number of different scenarios have been developed that are designed to trigger specific reactions, to produce symptoms similar to those observed in arachnophobia, acrophobia or claustrophobia. The person examined can be equipped with a series of non-invasive sensors placed on the body in such a way that they do not interfere with immersion in VR. The laboratory instruments enable the acquisition and synchronisation of many signals. Body movement data is recorded by means of Kinect. Involuntary hand movements are measured with 5DT gloves. In addition, body temperature, ambient temperature and skin moisture are continuously monitored. Apart from recording the image from VR goggles, it is also possible to record the entire session on camera in 4K resolution in order to interpret facial expressions. The results are then analysed in detail and checked for patterns. The article describes both the test set-up itself as well as several test scenarios and presents the results of pilot studies

    Multicriteria evaluation of the trajectory of a wheeled mobile robot – a case study

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    The problem of maintaining accuracy of autonomous movement of vehicles and robots is an important element of keeping the right level of traffic safety. This applies not only to autonomous cars, but also to construction or other industry mobile robots that will soon appear in the human environment. With that in mind, the authors present a multi-criteria assessment process, which can be used to assess the qualitative and quantitative movement of such robots, in order to better identify passage errors, as well as improve their way of moving. The authors wanted to check the effect of the set power level on engines, repeatability of subsequent runs, and the impact of the level of contamination of the surface on the stability of the robot movement. The article describes the results of the robots movement assessment based on (1) the surface areas of the routes envelope, (2) the augmented average route length and (3) the number of trajectory intersections. The results obtained were compared to the research scenarios – differences in set power for motors and the state of contamination of the surfac

    A Search Method for Reassembling the Elements of a Broken 2D Object

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    Searching for and reassembling the elements that used to form one whole is a very common issue faced by archaeologists. This is because preparing an interesting museum exhibition consists in the presentation of the objects that have been put together, not a pile of messily disassembled puzzle pieces. The article presents the concept of using the linguistic methods in the process of joining the elements of a 2D jigsaw puzzle. The method developed in the first stage creates the edge description of an object by defined unit vectors of the same length but different directions, and assigns them a designation in the form of letters, which leads to the creation of abstract words in the form of a sequence of signs. In the second stage, the words with a defined length of strings belonging to two different objects are compared. The authors have created a program that performs an exhaustive search until the pool of available elements is fully exhausted. The conducted numerical experiments indicate the correctness of the method and effectiveness in determining the places of joining elements. The developed method will be useful to automate the reassembly of 2D elements from archaeological excavations

    The Use of Fuzzy Evaluation and Radical Cut-Off Strategy to Improve Apictorial Puzzle Assembly with Exhaustive Search Algorithm Performance

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    The paper presents an approach to solving the problem of assembling broken, flat elements using a letter notation of the elements’ contours and checking their matching using linguistic methods. Previous studies with the use of exhaustive search have shown effectiveness in finding possible connections, but they are burdened with a large number of calculations and the time needed to carry them out. In order to accelerate the process of searching for solutions, the possibility of using a fail-fast method of fuzzy assessment of potential combinations of elements was checked, as well as the method of cutting off potential, but not effective connections. The numerical experiment carried out showed a significant reduction in the number of trials and total computation time while maintaining the quality of the potential solutions found

    Acceptation of the Developed Mobile Virtual Reality Visualisations of 3D Objects from the Area of the Silk Road

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    The paper presents a process of testing a created virtual reality application for displaying the "Hujra", a room for students of the 17th century madrassa in the area of the Silk Road, together with interactive objects. The designed 3D objects had sufficiently small file sizes to be introduced into virtual reality, and the fully mobile application worked effectively using smartphones within the price group available to the average user. The application was presented to a group of students and researchers from Kyrgyzstan. In addition, objects not belonging to the Islamic culture were introduced into the students' room. Pilot tests confirmed the usefulness of the proposed solution of 3D modelling. Interviews with the participants of the experiment and the results of a survey showed that the virtual reality application was a very attractive form of presentation, especially for people belonging to Generation Z. The combination of the complexity of the project and its high availability via smartphones was considered a successful solution by those questioned

    Wojska specjalne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPublikacja objęta okresem karencji (embargo). Pełny dostęp do pliku od dnia 01.05.2018.Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego nr WNoB/DS/3/2015-KO