48 research outputs found

    Active Labour Market Policies for Rural NEETs in Lithuania: A Case of Rural Municipalities

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    This article aims to analyse active labour market policy efficiency for rural young NEETs integration into the labour market in the socioeconomic context of rural municipalities in Lithuania. For the empirical analysis, the administrative data of the public employment service concerning active labour market policy measures, e.g., training and mobility support, subsidised employment, and support for establishing or adapting workplaces of 2018 and 2022, as well as Lithuanian statistics data of 2018 and 2020 are used. The socio-economic environment of rural municipalities was analysed using the economic indicators (complex index), public transport accessibility, average wage, and free vacancies indicators. The recipient’s integration into employment after six months of participation in active labour market policy measures is analysed. The data revealed poor economic indicators, undeveloped public transport, lower average salaries, and a need for more vacancies in rural municipalities. The integration into employment fell significantly in two rural municipality clusters after the Covid-19 pandemic

    Moterų ir vyrų senatvės pensijos Lietuvoje

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    The purpose of the article is to extend Lithuanian pension system old age benefits analysis from viewpoint of gender equality. The article is divided in several parts: first- preretirement gender income inequality; second - the types of pension systems and gender old age pension’s inequality; third - Lithuanian gender pension benefits and the causes of differences. Equal gender treatment in all areas of life seems solve all problems, which could arise in gender inequality area. Unfortunately, traditional labor division in family and thus in a whole society, conditioned quite unequal economic gender outcomes. Preretirement gender inequality produces gender inequality after retirement. In generally women have lower average wage than men; care periods are inherence for women labor and this is the cause why women participation period in labor market is shorter; earlier women retirement also decreased the number of years participation in labor market; generally women life expectancy is longer than men, this means, that they consume pension longer. Lithuanian social insurance system provides care period guarantees for future pension benefit, but childcare under I year is guaranteed only 60% (now 70%) previous wage. Childcare from 1 until 3 years is guaranteed only basic pension. Child nursing period decrease pension benefit about 15% (until 2001 01 01 it was 20%). According to pension calculator in Lithuania and choose several wages and age options, we could see, that outcomes are unfavorable for women. It is probability, that gender inequality after retirement will increase. Hence, pension system in Lithuania have unresolved gender equality problems.Straipsnio tikslas - išplėtoti Lietuvos pensijų sistemos senatvės pensijų išmokų analizę lyčių lygybės požiūriu. Tai atskleidžiama straipsnyje: pirmoje dalyje - "Priešpensinė lyčių pajamų nelygybė"; antroje dalyje - "Pensijų sistemų tipai ir senatvės pensijų nelygybė lyčių atžvilgiu"; trečioje dalyje – "Lietuvos pensijų sistemos senatvės pensijų skirtumai pagal lytį ir jų priežastys". Lygus lyčių traktavimas visose gyvenimo srityse, atrodo, išsprendžia visas problemas, kurios galėtų iškilti vyrų ir moterų nelygybės srityje. Deja, tradicinis darbo pasidalijimas šeimoje ir didelėje visuomenės dalyje lemia gana ne lygius rezultatus tarp lyčių ekonominių resursų srityje. Priešpensinės nelygybės tarp lyčių veiksniai, lemiantys būsimus skirtumus senatvės pensijose tarp lyčių: mažesnis moterų nei vyrų vidutinis darbo užmokestis; priežiūros laikotarpiai, dažniausiai atliekami moterų, trumpinantys dalyvavimo darbo rinkoje laiką; moterys anksčiau išeina į pensiją ir tai trumpina dalyvavimo darbo rinkoje metų skaičių; moterys vidutiniškai gyvena ilgiau nei vyrai, o tai reiškia, kad moterims ilgesnį laiką reikalinga pensija. Valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistema Lietuvoje priežiūros laikotarpiu garantuoja draudžiamąsias pajamas, tačiau mokamos išmokos vaiko priežiūros iki 1 metų laikotarpiu sudarė 60% (dabar 70%) darbo užmokesčio (kompensuojamojo). Vaiko priežiūros nuo 1 iki 3 metų garantijos valstybinėje socialinio draudimo pensijų sistemoje yra tik bazinei valstybinei socialinio draudimo pensijai. Kita priežiūros sritis yra slauga, kaip matome iš 4 lentelės, šiuo laikotarpiu pensinė teisė sumažėja 15% (nuo 2001-01-01, anksčiau 20%). Naudojantis skaičiuoklėmis buvo pasirinkta tik keletas darbo užmokesčių variantų ir amžiaus variantų, tačiau rezultatai demonstruoja, kad moterų anuitetai yra be išimčių mažesni nei vyrų. Tikėtina, kad lyčių senatvės pensijų nelygybė dar labiau didės ateityje. Vadinasi, pensijų sistemoje Lietuvoje yra neišspręstų lyčių lygybės pensijų atžvilgiu problemų

    Migrantų iš Ukrainos ir Baltarusijos socialinė integracija Lietuvoje

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    The phenomena of migration in today’s society is not surprising, but how often do we think about immigrants and their interactions with the local population, within themes of language, culture, social life, employment and general integration. International organizations say that although basic rights and protection of immigrants is ensured in Lithuania, immigrants in our country still do not have the opportunity to participate in public life as well as they should. The aim of this article is to refresh our knowledge of migrants' own experiences with regards to social integration and their own subjective welfare, by specifically examining the two largest groups of immigrants, Ukrainians and Belarusians. For the purpose of the study, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted, of which 10 were with Ukrainians and 10 with Belarusians. The study revealed that language is an important factor in the formation of a new identity and social integration. It was also noted that immigrants from Ukraine and Belarus have varying degrees of success entering the local labor market and they usually have to work in lower-skilled jobs. It is also worth mentioning that immigrants support their immigration efforts by way of similar culture and adaptation in their national communities, churches or social networks. Lastly, immigrants from Ukraine and Belarus are satisfied with life in Lithuania and notice positive differences compared to their country of origin, such as transparency and order in the country, a well-functioning banking and public transport system. They also note that the mentality of local Lithuanians and their own is similar, which is a development that has happened due to a shared Soviet experience and proficiency in the Russian language.Migracija mūsų visuomenėje nieko nestebina, bet ar susimąstome apie imigrantus ir jų sąveiką su vietiniais piliečiais, kalbos, kultūros, socialinio gyvenimo ir užimtumo aspektais. Tarptautinės organizacijos kalba, jog Lietuvoje yra užtikrinamos pagrindinės imigrantų teisės ir apsaugos, tačiau atvykėliai vis dar neturi lygių galimybių dalyvauti visuomeniniame gyvenime. Šiuo straipsniu siekiama papildyti mūsų žinias apie imigrantų patirtis integracijos ir gerovės klausimais, tiriant ukrainiečių ir baltarusių imigrantus. Buvo atskleista, jog kalba yra svarbus identiteto formavimo bei socialinės integracijos veiksnys. Pastebėta, jog imigrantai iš Ukrainos ir Baltarusijos paprastai turi dirbti žemesnės kvalifikacijos darbus. Bendrai imigrantai yra patenkinti gyvenimu Lietuvoje ir pastebi pozityvius skirtumus lygindami su savo kilmės šalimi

    Socialinių darbuotojų pilietinis ir politinis aktyvumas, siekiant socialinio teisingumo

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    The main objective of social work is social justice. The objective of social justice can be achieved through the micro and macro practices. So, the aim of this paper is to find what the political and civil activity of social workers as well as the understanding of social justice are. A few tasks were delivered for the implementation of this purpose. First, the review of the role of social work at macro practice and of advocators and their understanding of social justice was carried out; second, the political and civil activity of social workers was evaluated; third, the understanding of social justice by social workers was analysed, and finally, the conclusions were drawn.The main philosophical value for social work is social justice, which is the base for the advocacy of the client at macro level and which supports and enhances the individuals’ and society’s functioning. The previous researches show the content and functions of the political activity of social workers, emphasize the dynamic role of social work among civil society and social policy, reveal a liberal political ideology of social workers, analyse how this ideology has impacted the daily practice, disclose the means for the engagement in the political activity, define the skills for the purpose, and change the policy. Despite this, the macro level practice of social work is criticised in the contemporary socio-economic context: the voice of social work is weak; the social justice is undefended; seeking social welfare and dealing with social problems, the social work is focused only on behavioural change and it’s superficial, because it doesn’t involve the human life complexity, as such a function is only management; the social work recedes from social policy and social development. Thus, the profession neglects the “social” in social work, weakening the objective of social justice. The organisations of social work don’t put enough efforts in the disclosure of a demand of social services in communities.The aim of the paper was achieved applying secondary analyses of the European Social Survey 2010–2012 and the European value survey 2008. However, the small sample of Lithuanian social workers in these surveys doesn’t allow to summarise the findings for all social workers in the country. The findings revealed that the political activity of social workers is low. Social workers from all the European countries that participated in the surveys indicated that they are somewhat interested in politics, whereas Lithuanian social workers indicated that they are hardly interested. Social workers are not socially active either. Lithuanian social workers, who participated in the surveys, emphasized individual responsibility during the evalutation of various aspects of social justice more than the European social workers.Socialinis darbas – profesija, kurios vienas iš siekių yra socialinis teisingumas. Socialinio teisingumo siekis profesinėje veikloje gali būti įgyvendinamas tiek mikro-, tiek makropraktikos lygmeniu. Šio straipsnio tikslas – išsiaiškinti, koks yra socialinio darbuotojų pilietinis ir politinis aktyvumas bei socialinio teisingumo samprata. Keliami šie uždaviniai, kurie atitinka ir straipsnio struktūrą, pirma, apžvelgti mokslinius šaltinius socialinio darbo ir gynybos makropraktikoje, socialinio teisingumo tematika, antra, įvertinti socialinių darbuotojų pilietinį ir politinį aktyvumą, trečia, išanalizuoti socialinių darbuotojų socialinio teisingumo sampratą, pabaigoje pateikti išvadas.Socialinis teisingumas socialiniame darbe yra pagrindinė filosofinė vertybė, kuri kelia pareigą socialiniams darbuotojams ginti klientą makrolygmeniu, palaikyti ir skatinti individų ir visuomenės socialinį funkcionavimą. Atlikti tyrimai apibrėžia politinės veiklos turinį ir funkcijas, pažymi socialinio darbo dinaminį vaidmenį siejant socialinę politiką ir pilietinę visuomenę, atskleidžia socialinių darbuotojų politinę ideologiją, kuri iš esmės liberali, ir analizuoja, kaip ji veikia praktiką, įvardija įsitraukimo į politinę veiklą būdus, apibrėžia įgūdžius siūlant ir keičiant politiką. Vis dėlto socialinio darbo makropraktika yra kritikuojama šiuolaikiniame socioekonominiame kontekste: socialinio darbo organizacijų yra per menkai girdimas, neginamas socialinis teisingumas, siekiant socialinės gerovės ir sprendžiant socialines problemas, orientacija tik į elgesio pokytį yra paviršutiniška, nes neapima žmonių gyvenimo kompleksiškumo, tai tampa tik vadybine funkcija, tolstama nuo socialinės politikos ir socialinių pokyčių. Šitaip profesija neigia „socialinį“ socialiniame darbe, silpninant socialinio teisingumo siekį. Socialinio darbo organizacijos per mažai deda pastangų atskleisti paslaugų poreikį bendruomenėse.Turint tikslą išsiaiškinti socialinių darbuotojų politinį ir pilietinį aktyvumą, siekiant socialinio teisingumo, naudojama antrinė Europos socialinės apklausos (ESS) 2010–2012 m.; Europos vertybių tyrimo (EVS) 2008 m. duomenų analizė. Tačiau per maža Lietuvos socialinių darbuotojų imtis minėtose apklausose neleidžia daryti apibendrinimų visai populiacijaii. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad socialinių darbuotojų politinis aktyvumas yra mažas, nes Europos šalių socialiniai darbuotojai šiek tiek domisi politika, o apklausose dalyvavę Lietuvos socialiniai darbuotojai nelabai. Socialiniai darbuotojai nėra ir pilietiškai aktyvūs. Apklausose dalyvavę Lietuvos socialiniai darbuotojai, vertindami įvairius socialinio teisingumo aspektus, labiau linkę pabrėžti individualią atsakomybę nei Europos šalių socialiniai darbuotojai

    Šeimos ir darbo derinimo teisinės prielaidos Baltijos šalyse

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] One of the main institutions for the welfare of citizens is the family, which acts as a social unit under certain informal and formal rules. In a society, the functioning of a family is best described using institutional theory, which is defined by such terms as organization, behaviour, order, rules. The rules and order are based on the laws that help family members make decisions and function in society while maintaining the integrity of their institution. During the recent decades, the family, as a social unit, has undergone a relatively strong process of deinstitutionalization, which leads to new, major challenges across the European Union. One of the key challenges is the reconciliation of family life and work, which is crucial. In order to manage setbacks, a legal framework is being improved, the content of which varies according to many different aspects in each EU country, while the EU’s objectives and recommendations are the same for all countries. Therefore, there is a need to assess whether different legal instruments create equal or at least similar conditions for family life and work harmonisation. On this basis, the purpose of the study is to compare the favorable work conditions for parents of children under the age of 3 that are provided in the legislation of the Baltic States. To achieve the purpose of the research, the study focuses on these objectives: the analysis of scientific literature based on institutional theory, the analysis of legal acts regulating employment relationship in the Baltic countries, and the laws and data taken from the 2017 MISSOC (Mutual Information System on Social Protection) database. A thematic analysis of the legislation of working conditions, relevant from September to October 2018, was chosen for the purposes of this study. The topics of the legal acts analysis have been formulated on the basis of law groups. The results of the study show that the Baltic countries mainly focus on business trips, breastfeeding breaks, guaranteed paid, free and extra annual leave, protection against harmful working conditions and the termination of contracts for legal regulation. Topics that regulate the least exceptional conditions in the Baltic countries are recruitment, work during weekends and public holidays, work schedule flexibility, remote working.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Viena iš pagrindinių piliečių gerovę užtikrinančių institucijų – šeima, kuri kaip socialinis vienetas veikia pagal tam tikras neformalias ir formalias taisykles. Viena iš visoje Europos Sąjungoje šeimos institutui aktualių problemų – šeimos ir darbo suderinimas, kuriai spręsti kuriama ir tobulinama teisinė bazė. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti Baltijos šalyse suformuotas darbo sąlygų lengvatas, numatytas teisės aktuose ir skirtas šeimoms, auginančioms vaikus. Tyrimui naudojami įstatymų ir 2017 metų MISSOC duomenų bazės duomenys, kurie analizuojami temų analizės metodu, formuluojant jas remiantis įstatymų grupėmis. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kokioms teisinėms priemonėms skiriama daugiausia ir mažiausia dėmesio Baltijos šalyse, pvz., daugiausia dėmesio skiriama komandiruočių, maitinimo krūtimi pertraukų, atostogų garantavimo ir kt. teisiniam reglamentavimui

    Visos dienos mokyklos steigimas Lietuvoje: institucinė analizė

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    The traditional model of general education organization, which focuses only on the provision of human capital as a guarantor of welfare, cannot effectively achieve this goal without removing other barriers to the child’s development (OECD 2016). The acquisition of human capital also significantly depends on a person’s social and cultural capital. In addition to its traditional functions, a school can also provide social and cultural capital by providing a space for the interaction of various social networks, promotion of new ideas and cultural diversity, and the involvement of social partners in school activities (Healy 2001). An all-day school is one of the tools to provide children with social and cultural capital. Despite the existing disparities between a pupil’s achievement and the low level of their social and cultural capital (Shleider 2018), all-day schools are not widespread.According to John Elster (2000), the actions of an organization are determined firstly by opportunities and then by interests. Opportunities are determined by economic, institutional, and psychological constraints. The aim of this study is to analyze the institutional limitations of establishing an all-day school. Elinor Ostrom (2009) argues that the whole set of institutions that determine the situation of action (in our case, the establishment or non-establishment of an all-day school) can be divided into 7 groups: boundaries, positions, choices, aggregation, information, potential outcomes, and payoff institutions. The institutional limitations of all-day school establishment were analyzed in the study using a qualitative content analysis of documents on the principle of axial coding, distinguishing subcategories and categories. The results of the study showed that institutional constraints do not limit access to an all-day school, but there is a high concentration of power, lack of accountability for service quality, and parental costs that may limit access to services for children from lower-income families with the greatest social and economic disadvantages.Tradicinis bendrojo ugdymo organizavimo modelis, orientuotas tik į žmogiškojo kapitalo teikimą kaip gerovės užtikrinimo garantą, negali efektyviai pasiekti šio tikslo nešalindamas kitų kliūčių vaiko vystymuisi (OECD, 2016). Žmogiškojo kapitalo įgijimas labai priklauso ir nuo asmens turimo socialinio ir kultūrinio kapitalo. Mokykla šalia savo tradicinių funkcijų gali teikti ir socialinį bei kultūrinį kapitalą, suteikti erdvę įvairiems socialiniams tinklams sąveikauti, skatinti naujas idėjas ir kultūrinę įvairovę, įtraukti socialinius partnerius į mokyklos veiklą (Healy, 2001). Visos dienos mokykla – viena iš priemonių suteikti vaikams socialinį ir kultūrinį kapitalą. Nepaisant esamų skirtumų tarp mokinių pasiekimų, jų turimo socialinio ir kultūrinio kapitalo (Shleider, 2018), visos dienos mokyklos yra steigiamos vangiai. Pagal Joną Elsterį (2000), organizacijos veiksmus pirmiausia lemia galimybės, o tada interesai. Galimybes savo ruožtu lemia ekonominiai, instituciniai ir psichologiniai apribojimai. Šio tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti institucinius visos dienos mokyklos steigimo apribojimus. Elinor Ostrom (2009) teigia, kad visą institucijų aibę, kuri lemia veiksmo situaciją (mūsų aptariamu atveju visos dienos mokyklos steigimą arba nesteigimą), galima suskirstyti į 7 grupes: ribų, pozicijų, pasirinkimo, agregacijos, informacijos, galimų rezultatų ir išlošio (angl. payoff) institucijų. Instituciniai visos dienos mokyklos steigimo apribojimai tyrime analizuoti taikant kokybinę dokumentų turinio analizę ašinio kodavimo principu išskiriant subkategorijas ir kategorijas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad instituciniai apribojimai neriboja galimybių steigti visos dienos mokyklą, tačiau yra didelė galios koncentracija, trūksta atskaitomybės už paslaugų kokybę mechanizmų, išlaidų patiria ir tėvai, o tai gali riboti paslaugos prieinamumą mažesnes pajamas turinčių šeimų vaikams: jiems labiausiai trūksta socialinio ir kultūrinio kapitalo

    Social work with children and youth: intercultural and international aspect

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    The book “Social work with children and youth: intercultural ant international aspect” has been prepared on the basis of theoretical study subjects. Each part begins with a theoretical justification of a particular topic. The theoretical sources of information and the analysis of these sources enable students to study the theoretical basis of the subject. The bibliography and the links to electronic information resources are provided at the end of each part, which allows students to analyse the subject studied in more detail. The authors believe that this guidebook will ensure professional development of students, will help understand theoretical subjects in terms of multicultural and intercultural aspects. This publication will contribute to the studies of social work students willing to work in the field of development of children’s and young peoples’ competencies in an intercultural and international context

    Bounded rationality of an individual choice in the Lithuanian pension system

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    Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti argumento „individualus pasirinkimas pensijų sistemoje“ naudojimą viešajame diskurse ir jo ribotą racionalumą. Taikomi šie tyrimo metodai: kokybinė ir kiekybinė analizė, mokslinės literatūros analizė. Buvo pasitelkti šie duomenų šaltiniai: 130 publikacijų iš portalo „Delfi“, paskelbtų 2010 01 01–2012 01 26, Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centro apklausos, kurias atliko kompanija „Rait“, ir Vertybinės popierių komisijos tyrimo duomenys. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad individualus pasirinkimas yra labai pabrėžiamas kalbant apie pensijų sistemą viešajame diskurse. Tai reiškia, kad pats asmuo geriausiai žino, jog turi prisiimti asmeninę atsakomybę už riziką. Tačiau visai neatsižvelgiama į racionalumo ribotumą, t. y. į tai, kad gyventojai yra nepakankamai informuoti apie socialinio draudimo sistemą ir investavimą, kad kaupiamojoje pensijų sistemoje jie veikia inertiškai, netinkamai pasirenka investavimo riziką.The article evaluates the theme of individual choice in the Lithuanian pension system and the limits of its rationality in public discourse. It presents an analysis of theoretical literature on the rational choice in pension system, examines the ways in which an “individual choice in pension system” argument is used in public discourse and appraises the level of information that the Lithuanian population has on the pension system. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used in the article. The empirical data analyzed in the article consist of 130 publications of the Internet portal “Delfi” from January 1, 2010, to January 26, 2012, a survey conducted by the market research company “RAIT” that was commissioned by the Lithuanian Social Research Centre and research material from the Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania. The analysis demonstrates that individual choice and personal responsibility are particularly emphasized in the Lithuanian public discourse. Personal responsibility for the risks is also stressed. On the other hand, as the academic research attests, an individual choice has bounded rationality, because people are not able to predict all risks, their priorities are often incoherent and their behavior can be marred by inertia and myopia. The research also shows that the bounded rationality of an individual choice in the Lithuanian pension system is related to the population’s lack of information on the pension system. Only one third of the Lithuanian population knows the amount of contribution they or their employers pay to the social insurance system. Less than the quarter of the population is aware that their pension from the social insurance system will be lower in the future because of their participation in a funded pension system. Most Lithuanians calculate pension fund risks incorrectly and only a small part of the population is able to forecast market trends and avoid risks

    Population welfare in Lithuania for the period 1996-2007

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    The purpose of the paper- to analyse the welfare changes in 1996-2008 m. in Lithuania. The research method is secondary data analyses. The data of analyses are from Household Budget survey in Lithuania and other official statistical data. The first part of the paper is devoted for welfare theoretical background, especially its economical dimension; in the second part the analyses of welfare form a different angles is present and the distribution of welfare and level of poverty are analyzed in the last part of the paper, finally summarizing is presented. In 1996-2008 m. the GDP per capita grew sharply, income and expenditures of citizens increased twice. Sharply increased wages and social benefits. But for single person households with children and for households with three and more children welfare didn't grow so significantly. During this period in Lithuania the biggest grow were of expenditures for shelter, because the prices increased. The expenditures for food and shelter composed in average half of all expenditures of household. The inequality of income is one of the highest in Europe; the higher is only in Latvia and Portugal. The growing inequality of income was accompanied with high level at risk of poverty comparing with other European countries

    Inequality in educational attainment in Lithuania: the application of Gini index

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    The aim of the article is to apply the Gini index in order to measure the difference in educational achievements in Lithuania. For this reason the following tasks are established: to analyse the methodological measuring approaches for the difference in educational achievements; to apply the Gini index in order to measure the difference in educational achievements in Lithuania; to analyse the difference in educational achievements in Lithuania and its relationship with other rates of social wellbeing by means of the Gini index. The main results and conclusions of the analysis are the following: the difference in educational achievements is one of the social justice rates and shows the equal conditions and availability of the education system to different social classes of the society. When applying the Gini index in order to measure the difference in educational achievements in Lithuania, the data about the abstention in the education system is the most appropriate in order to form the education variable. The division of the Gini index and the interpretation of the results according to the contribution of different social groups to the difference in educational achievements shall be related to all parameters; the factors that influence the contribution and, especially, the evaluation of the distinguished groups are homogeneous by their size