84 research outputs found

    Ekspresja trajektorii w figurach wędrownych – próba kinetyczno-literackiej optyki

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    Expression of trajectory – an attempt at a kinetic and literary point of view The article undertakes the problem of the rhetoric of walking (particularly the way of walking), travelling, experiencing the space and – what is most important – wandering figures as literary and anthropological devices that can be used for analyzing and interpreting literary spaces as well as private trajectories and individual paths. In accordance with the literary and social research of Jean-Francois Augoyard, Michel de Certeau and Joanna Ślósarska, the main thesis of the article is that the figures of speech are the same for both the language and the space. In addition, the article is an attempt of checking whether the way of walking and “tasting” the space (step by step) could inspire new possibilities of interpretation. It tries to apply wandering figures in practice, which is exemplified by Description of a struggle (1912) – one of the earliest stories by Franz Kafka

    Experiencing Space In Wandering Figures As An Initiation Of The Creative Process (Off-Line)

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    This paper focuses on experiencing space as an active, extreme off-line situation of the author/author in spe. It undertakes the problem of mnemology as a crucial, particular, and especially private/individual way of actualizing spaces once explored („past-spaces” actualization). It discusses the practice of space, „signification”/signing of private trajectories, the rhetoric of walking, and wandering/travel as inspiration for literature, writing, and the creative process. The main point of this article is that the figures of speech are the same for both language and space (according to Jean-François Augoyard’s, Michel de Certeau’s and Joanna Ślósarska’s research). In addition, the human body as a rhetorical device, via the act of walking down a street or jumping, can bring attention to important literary issues, such as genology of the text inspired in such a way. It seems interesting whether it is possible to analyze this kind of writing as an incarnation of the ancient hodoeporicon in a contemporary entourage

    Fermentacja codzienności w doświadczeniu podmiotu twórczego. Rekonesans

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    Managing Integration of Immigrant Youth in the United States, Germany, and Poland

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    The aim of the dissertation is to examine ways of managing immigrant integration and integration policies in advanced industrial societies, with a special focus on labor market integration of young immigrants in the two neighboring EU countries: Germany and Poland and in two US neighboring states: Arizona and California. The analyses of theoretical research framework and empirical study provide answers to the following main research questions: 1) Which factors influence the development of local labor market integration initiatives for young immigrants into the labor market 2) How these factors enable the receiving society to tap into potential of young immigrants 3) Whether the exchange of integration policy research and practical experience of integration management in the United States and the European Union is useful and transferable. The study can provide incentives to create a transatlantic bridge between researchers and integration practitioners. The analysis of integration management of immigrant youth and recommendations for further research and practical work should help to raise awareness of these integration problems which have not been recognized so far either by national governments or local municipalities.Das Ziel der Dissertation besteht darin, Arten der Integration von Migranten und Integrationsprogramme in hoch entwickelten Industriegesellschaften zu untersuchen. Dabei liegt ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf der Integration junger Migranten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in zwei Nachbarländern der EU: Deutschland und Polen sowie in zwei Nachbarstaaten der USA: Arizona und Kalifornien. Die Analysen des Forschungsrahmens und einer empirischen Studie beantworten folgende zentrale Forschungsfragen: 1) Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Entwicklung von Integrationsinitiativen für jugendliche Migranten in den Arbeitsmarkt? 2) Wie ermöglichen diese Faktoren der Gastgesellschaft das Potential junger Migranten anzuzapfen? 3) Ob der Austausch der Forschung über Integrationsprogramme in den USA und der EU nützlich und praktische Erfahrungen des Integrationsmanagements übertragbar sind. Die Analyse des Integrationsmanagements für jugendliche Migranten und Empfehlungen für weiterführende Forschung und die Praxis sollte dabei helfen, sich jener Integrationsprobleme bewusst zu werden, welche bisher weder von den Nationalregierungen noch von den Kommunen anerkannt wurden

    Analiza stężenia prozapalnych interleukin w wydzielinie szyjkowej kobiet z PROM i we krwi pępowinowej ich noworodków

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the levels of pro-inflammatory interleukins in cervical secretions of women with PROM, depending on Ureaplasma spp. infection and the time elapsed since the rupture of the membranes, and to correlate their concentration in cervical secretions and in cord blood of the newborns. Material and methods: The study included 30 women with PROM between 24 and 33+6 weeks of gestation. Cervical swabs from women with confirmed rupture of membranes taken at certain intervals and umbilical cord blood of their newborns constituted the study material. Cervical secretions were evaluated microbiologically and by the PCR method. Concentrations of IL-6, IL-19, IL-10 and TNF-α were analyzed by ELISA. Results: Ureaplasma spp. were the most frequently isolated microorganisms in cervical secretions of women with PROM. Secretion of interleukins in the cervix was not influenced by time elapsed since the PROM. Comparison of interleukin levels in cord blood of newborns born to mothers with and without Ureaplasma spp infection revealed significantly higher levels of IL-6 in the case of Ureaplasma spp. A positive correlation between IL-6 and TNF-α levels in cervical secretions and in cord blood of mothers with PROM and Ureaplasma spp. was detected. Conclusions: 1. Cervical culture method appears to be sufficient for detecting Ureaplasma spp. 2. Pro-inflammatory interleukins, especially IL-6, obtained by non-invasive methods can be used to predict fetal inflammatory response.Cel pracy: Celem pracy była analiza stężenia prozapalnych interleukin w wydzielinie szyjkowej kobiet z PROM w zależności od zakażenia Ureaplasma spp. i czasu jaki upłynął od pęknięcia błon płodowych oraz korelacja stężenia tych cytokin w wydzielinie szyjkowej i we krwi pępowinowej noworodka. Materiał i metody: badaniami objęto 30 kobiet z PROM między 24 a 33+6 tygodniem ciąży. Materiał stanowiły wydzielina szyjkowa kobiet z potwierdzonym pęknięciem błon płodowych pobierana w określonych odstępach czasu oraz krew pępowinowa pozyskiwana po urodzeniu noworodka. Wydzielinę szyjkową poddawano ocenie mikrobiologicznej i wykorzystując metodę PCR. Stężenie prozapalnych interleukin IL-6, IL-19, IL-10 oraz TNF-α w wydzielinie szyjkowej i krwi pępowinowej badano metodą ELISA. Wyniki: Najczęściej izolowanym drobnoustrojem w wydzielinie szyjkowej kobiet z PROM była Ureaplasma spp. W wydzielinie szyjkowej kobiet z Ureaplasma spp. stężenie IL-6 było wyższe, chociaż bez istotności statystycznej, niż u kobiet bez Ureaplasma spp. Stężenie analizowanych interleukin w wydzielinie szyjkowej nie zmieniało się, w zależności od czasu jaki upłynął od PROM. Porównując stężenie interleukin we krwi pępowinowej noworodków matek z i bez zakażenia Ureaplasma spp. stwierdzono istotnie wyższe stężenie IL-6 w przypadku Ureaplasma spp. niezależnie od czasu w jakiem wystąpił poród. Uzyskano dodatnią korelację miedzy stężeniem IL-6 i TNF-α w wydzielinie szyjkowej i we krwi pępowinowej matek z PROM i Ureaplasma spp. Wnioski: 1. Dla wykrycia Ureaplasma spp. w szyjce macicy metoda hodowli wydaje się być wystarczająca. 2. Prozapalne interleukiny, zwłaszcza IL-6, pozyskane drogą nieinwazyjną mogą być wykorzystane do przewidywania reakcji zapalnej płodu

    Modeling Oncogenic Signaling in Colon Tumors by Multidirectional Analyses of Microarray Data Directed for Maximization of Analytical Reliability

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    Clinical progression of colorectal cancers (CRC) may occur in parallel with distinctive signaling alterations. We designed multidirectional analyses integrating microarray-based data with biostatistics and bioinformatics to elucidate the signaling and metabolic alterations underlying CRC development in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence.Studies were performed on normal mucosa, adenoma, and carcinoma samples obtained during surgery or colonoscopy. Collections of cryostat sections prepared from the tissue samples were evaluated by a pathologist to control the relative cell type content. The measurements were done using Affymetrix GeneChip HG-U133plus2, and probe set data was generated using two normalization algorithms: MAS5.0 and GCRMA with least-variant set (LVS). The data was evaluated using pair-wise comparisons and data decomposition into singular value decomposition (SVD) modes. The method selected for the functional analysis used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Expressional profiles obtained in 105 samples of whole tissue sections were used to establish oncogenic signaling alterations in progression of CRC, while those representing 40 microdissected specimens were used to select differences in KEGG pathways between epithelium and mucosa. Based on a consensus of the results obtained by two normalization algorithms, and two probe set sorting criteria, we identified 14 and 17 KEGG signaling and metabolic pathways that are significantly altered between normal and tumor samples and between benign and malignant tumors, respectively. Several of them were also selected from the raw microarray data of 2 recently published studies (GSE4183 and GSE8671).Although the proposed strategy is computationally complex and labor–intensive, it may reduce the number of false results

    Matrix metalloproteinase 3 polymorphisms as a potential marker of enhanced susceptibility to lung cancer in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subjects

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    [b]Introduction and objective[/b]. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often accompanied by lung cancer. Among the genes that may play a role in the occurrence of COPD and lung cancer are those encoding the proteolytic enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors. The objective of this study was to find MMPs-associated markers useful in the identification of COPD subjects with increased susceptibility to developing lung cancer. [b]Materials and methods[/b]. We compared the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes coding for matrix proteinases ([i]MMP1, MMP2, MMP3, MMP9, MMP12[/i]) as well as tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases ([i]TIMP1[/i]) in two groups of subjects: COPD patients (54 subjects) and COPD patients diagnosed for lung cancer occurrence (53 subjects).The levels of the respective proteins in blood serum were also analyzed. [b]Results[/b]. The frequencies of 2 genotypes, [i]MMP3[/i] rs3025058 and MMP3 rs678815, were significantly different between the studied groups. In both cases, more heterozygotes and less homozygotes (both types) were observed in the COPD group than in the COPD + cancer group. A significantly higher TIMP1 level in blood serum was observed in the COPD + cancer group than in the COPD group. There were no statistically significant differences in[i] MMPs[/i] blood levels between the studied groups. In addition, no genotype-associated differences in [i]TIMP1[/i] or[i] MMPs[/i] blood levels were observed. [b]Conclusions[/b]. Homozygocity for [i]MMP3[/i] rs3025058 and rs678815 polymorphisms is a potential marker of enhanced susceptibility to lung cancer development among COPD subjects

    HPV genotypes in the oral cavity/oropharynx of children and adolescents: cross-sectional survey in Poland

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a very complex group of pathogenic viruses, with more than 80 types, causing human infection. Given the prevalence of HPV infection and its relationship with the development of cervical and many other cancers, HPV vaccine development has been a major public health initiative worldwide in the last decade. The aim of the presented study was to identify HPV DNA by MY-PCR in 4,150 school children and adolescents, aged 10–18 years in the Wielkopolska region, Poland. All individuals were asked to fill in extensive questionnaires; further normal, oral squamous cells were collected from each pupil. Cellular DNA was isolated and used as a MY-PCR template to estimate the incidence of HPV-active infection. Forty five subjects (1.08% of the sample) were carriers of oropharyngeal HPVs. HPV status and variables of interest, such as age, gender, socioeconomical status, and risk factors (smoking and sexual intercourse history, alcohol consumption) were not correlated. The presence of HPVs in the oral cavity was cumulated in several schools of the region. DNA sequencing of MY-PCR products revealed only four HPV genotypes. The most frequent genotype was HPV11 (38/45 HPV-positive cases), while other more rare genotypes were HPV6 (3/45), HPV12 (3/45), and HPV57 (1/45). Conclusion: Our findings presented herein, reveal a relatively low prevalance of oropharyngeal HPVs in Polish adolescents and fill an important gap in the knowledge of oral HPV infections of children above 10 years and adolescents