77 research outputs found

    Obszary i formy współpracy przedszkola i szkoły z rodzicami

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    The following article presents the forms of cooperation with parents that are necessary to create optimal conditions for a child's development. The implementation of these forms will allow the legislator to fully meet the requirements set for the educational establishmrnt, so that the parents become partners of the establishment, they co-decide on its matters and participated in the activities undertaken for the development of children, and the instytution will acquires and uses their opinions for its work.W poniższym artykule zaprezentowano obszary i formy współpracy z rodzicami, które są niezbędne do stworzenia optymalnych warunków rozwoju dziecka. Realizacja tychże form, pozwoli na zrealizowanie w pełni wymagania stawianego placówce przez ustawodawcę, tak, by rodzice stali się partnerami placówki, współdecydowali w jej sprawach i uczestniczyli w podejmowanych działaniach, na rzecz rozwoju dzieci, a placówka by pozyskiwała i wykorzystywała opinie rodziców do swojej pracy

    Uvarovite from Reduced Native Fe-Bearing Paralava, Hatrurim Complex, Israel

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    A new genetic type of chromium garnet—uvarovite with the simplified formula Ca3(Cr,Al,Ti4+,V3+)2(Si,Al)3O12—was detected in unusual wollastonite-gehlenite-bearing paralava within the Hatrurim Complex in Israel. The pyrometamorphic rocks of that Complex usually formed in the sanidinite facies (low pressure and high temperature) and, as a rule, under oxidized conditions. This paralava contains nodules and grain aggregates of native Fe, usually distributed linearly in the rock or located close to gaseous voids. The presence of native iron droplets in association with the “meteoric” phosphide—schreibersite, suggests that the formation of paralava occurred under high-reducing conditions and high temperature, reaching 1500°C. Uvarovite forms xenomorphic grains either randomly distributed within the rock or flattened crystals on the walls of gaseous voids. Analyzed uvarovite indicates a significant enrichment in Ti4+ (up to 8 wt.% TiO2) and V3+ (up to 4.5 wt.% V2O3), the highest concentrations documented for uvarovite. Unlike known uvarovite from different localities, uvarovite from this study does not contain Fe3+, and Fe2+ is present in insignificant amounts. The obtained structural data reveal that the high contribution of hutcheonite, Ca3Ti4+2SiAl2O12 (up to 18%), and goldmanite, Ca3V3+2Si3O12 (up to 11%), end-members increases the lattice parameter a to >12.00 Å. The crystallization of uvarovite occurs in the narrow interval of oxygen fugacity, a little above the iron-wüstite buffer ƒO2 ≥ ΔIW. Uvarovite xenomorphic grains formed due to the decomposition of wollastonite and chromite, including H2S from the intergranular melt/fluid according to the following reaction: Ca3Si3O9 + Fe2+Cr3+2O4 + H2S → Ca3Cr2Si3O12 + FeS + H2O, while the flattened crystals grew from specific melt that formed on the walls of the voids as a result of exposure of hot gas flow. The comparison of the obtained results with available chemical data from previous studies reveals a gap in the natural isomorphic series between andradite and uvarovite


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    The aim of this paper is to present results of research into the situation of Polish emigrants in Ireland. The research was conducted among 200 people residing in the south-western part of the country, in the city of Limerick and its environs, in August and September 2006. The author, applying a ąuestionnaire- interview survey, essays to answer the ąuestions like: What are the basie demographic features of the examined group? What are their Professional structure, ąualifications and level of education? What motives did they have to leave Poland? This is a survey-based research which is an introduction to further, deepened analyses of the new emigration wave of Polish citizens

    History of Air Temperature Measurements in Europe to the End of the 18th Century

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    Historia pomiarów temperatury powietrza związana jest z zainteresowaniem człowieka warunkami termicznymi, a w szczególności z występowaniem skrajnych warunków termicznych, które stanowiły zagrożenie dla ludzkiej egzystencji. Jest to zagadnienie ważne z punktu widzenia zmienności klimatu, ponieważ dzięki długoletnim seriom pomiarowym możemy porównać okres współczesnego ocieplenia z innymi występującymi okresami ciepła lub zimna w Europie. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie najwcześniejszych pomiarów temperatury powietrza w Europie oraz omówienie problemów związanych z tymi pomiarami. Prekursorem w rozwoju pomiarów temperatury powietrza były Włochy, gdzie utworzono pierwszą na świecie sieć stacji meteorologicznych w 1654 r., działającą do 1667 roku. W 1781 roku powstała Mannheimska (Palatyńska) sieć meteorologiczna zorganizowana przez Palatyńskie Towarzystwo Meteorologiczne z Mannheim w Niemczech, gdzie dokonano ujednolicenia pomiarów na niektórych stacjach. Sieć działała tylko do 1792 roku. Od początku XVIII wieku rozpoczęto pomiary na wielu europejskich stacjach, jednak były nieporównywalne, ponieważ nie były wykonywane w sposób ciągły. Dopiero w XXI wieku podjęto się próby rekonstrukcji pomiarów temperatury powietrza na większości europejskich stacji. Dzięki długoletnim seriom temperatury powietrza możliwe jest poznanie przeszłych warunków klimatycznych i porównanie ich z obecnymi warunkami. Ponadto stanowią cenny dowód potwierdzający współczesne ocieplenie, a także mają istotne znaczenie z punktu widzenia oceny wielkości współczesnych zmian klimatu.The history of air temperature measurements is related to the curiosity of a man with thermal conditions, and in particular with the occurrence of extreme thermal conditions, which posed a threat to human existence. This is an issue important from the point of view of climate change, and especially of contemporary climate warming, because thanks to long-term measurement series we can just compare the period of modern warming with other occurring periods of heat or cold in Europe. The aim of the work is to present the earliest measurements of air temperature in Europe and to discuss problems related to these measurements. The precursor in the development of air temperature measurements was Italy, where the measurements were started, as well as the first in the world network of meteorological stations in 1654. The network included 11 stations in Europe, including one in Poland in Warsaw. The network operated until 1667, and the measurements were not kept. At the same time, exactly in 1659, measurements were started in central England (London, Oxford), which have survived to this day and it is the longest surviving series of measuring air temperature in Europe compiled by Manley for central England from 1659. From the beginning of the 18th century, measurements were started at many European stations. Initially, these were the first short-term measurements, but over time they became systematic measurements that have survived to this day. In most cases these series were not homogeneous, therefore they were reconstructed. It is assumed that the most unified series of air temperatures in Europe is the Praga-Klementinium series from 1775 and Krakow – the Botanical Garden from 1826, where the measurements were uninterrupted in one place. In 1781, Mannheim’s (Palatinian) meteorological network was set up by the Palatine Meteorological Society from Mannheim, Germany, under the direction of J. Hammer, where measurements were made at some stations. The network operated only until 1792. Thanks to the long series of air temperatures, it is possible to know the past climatic conditions and compare them with the current conditions

    ‘Unknown’ Stronghold at Dzięcioły, Łosice County. Research Perspectives

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    A non-invasive exploration of the stronghold at Dzięcioły, Łosice County, in NE Poland began in 2018 (Fig. 1, 2). Based on the results of test excavations from 1968, the stronghold was dated to the 12th century. Its three-line defence system consists of fortifications on the outside of the suburbium, the stronghold proper, and the small ringfort located on its inner grounds. Also visible are such elements as the remnants of supposed gateways, earthen ramps across the moats, and a dyke leading from the stronghold towards the river (Fig. 3, 4), allowing movement inside and outside the settlement. The dating of the site and related determination of its function are the most important research problems. The existing chronology, based on a traditional archaeological analysis, does not allow for the correct conclusions. The situation is complicated by the fact that the site at Dzięcioły consists of three separate sets of fortifications, with one of them (the central one) exceptionally developed, comprising two ditches and three concentric embankments. As the site has not been excavated, its chronology can only be inferred by noticing several possibilities for relative dating. There is a hypothesis that the stronghold at Dzięcioły is a remnant of the early medieval settlement of Łosice, translocated in the High Middle Ages to a settlement of the same name established nearby, first mentioned in the first half of the 15th century. However, analysis of the sources indicates that the stronghold at Dzięcioły may have been abandoned at the end of the first half of the 13th century, when the basin of the Middle Bug River became a target for armed invasions. This possibility has been confirmed preliminarily by the results of geophysical prospection. Alternatively, the stronghold at Dzięcioły could have been abandoned in the first quarter of the 14th century due to a change in the geopolitical situation in the region. As a result, the early medieval road network lost its dominant position, and the previously secondary routes increased in importance. It was on such a route that the new settlement of Łosice was established. It could have taken over the strategic functions previously served by the stronghold at Dzięcioły. Indirect data in this respect is provided by the results of onomastic research. The connection between the early medieval stronghold and the chartered town is also indirectly evidenced by information about the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was supposed to exist in Łosice as early as in 1264. The church could have been located in the stronghold before it was abandoned and later moved to the ‘new’ Łosice. The geophysical prospection carried out at the site revealed the presence of a rectangular anomaly measuring about 19×16 m, situated in the courtyard of the inner ringfort. The anomaly is interpreted as the remains of a burnt, wooden or wood-and-brick structure. Preliminary examination of the phenomenon of translocation indicates that in Mazovia and the areas of the Polish-Ruthenian/Polish-Lithuanian borderland, it happened it two stages. The older phase can be dated from the second half of the 10th century to the 12th century and is associated with the establishment of a stronghold network of the early state. This process is illustrated by examples from Old Mazovia and its borderland with Kievan Rus’. The stronghold network of the region survived at least until the end of the 12th or mid-13th century, when the second stage of translocation changes began. The strongholds were abandoned, and non-fortified settlements, which took over their functions, were established in the vicinity. Their proto-city status might have been further conditioned by the organisation of trading sites. The settlements were then situated at key points of travel routes, resulting in the development of local exchange in the context of long-distance trade. Due to dynamic economic and demographic development, these settlements were granted city rights in the 15th and 16th century