77 research outputs found

    On the effective properties of foams in the framework of the couple stress theory

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    In the framework of the couple stress theory, we discuss the effective elastic properties of a metal open-cell foam. In this theory, we have the couple stress tensor, but the microrotations are fully described by displacements. To this end, we performed calculations for a representative volume element which give the matrices of elastic moduli relating stress and stress tensors with strain and microcurvature tensors

    On Finite Element Computations of Contact Problems in Micropolar Elasticity

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    Within the linear micropolar elasticity we discuss the development of new finite element and its implementation in commercial software. Here we implement the developed 8-node hybrid isoparametric element into ABAQUS and perform solutions of contact problems. We consider the contact of polymeric stamp modelled within the micropolar elasticity with an elastic substrate. The peculiarities of modelling of contact problems with a user defined finite element in ABAQUS are discussed. The provided comparison of solutions obtained within the micropolar and classical elasticity shows the influence of micropolar properties on stress concentration in the vicinity of contact area

    A preliminary study of three-dimensional reconstruction of the human osseous labyrinth from micro-computed tomography scans

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    The adult human temporal bone was investigated using micro-CT scans. Various aspects of the osseous labyrinth were presented in figures which are effect of the volume rendering. The 3D reconstructions were performed to visualize the cochlea and the semicircular canals embedded in the petrous bone. The final product of this study was a digital three-dimensional model of the entire osseous labyrinth which can be viewed at different angles on the computer screen

    Micro-computed tomography study of the abnormal osseous extensions of sella turcica

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    The paper presents anatomical considerations on the abnormal ossification, which occurred around the dorsum of the sella turcica in the human skull of the female individual. Probably the morphological alterations of the sellar region were associated with extensive heterotopic ossification of the dura mater attached to the dorsum of the sella turcica and the posterior clinoid processes. The analysis of gray values of the voxels representing the areas of abnormal ossification indicated on variation in bone density in the entire sample. We have established that the highest mineralisation of bony tissue occurred in the marginal parts of the osseous extensions deriving from the posterior clinoid processes. The ossified parts of dura mater attached to the posterior clinoid processes showed significantly higher content of the hydroxyapatite (1.9 g/cm3) than the dorsum of the sella turcica (1.0 g/cm3)

    On strength analysis of highly porous materials within the framework of the micropolar elasticity

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    We discuss the finite element approach to modelling of static deformations of porous materials such as foams, beam lattices, and others within the linear micropolar elasticity. It is known that the micropolar elasticity may be used for microstructured solids and fluids since it can forecast size-effect near geometrical singularities such as holes, notches, small contact areas of two solids. Within the micropolar elasticity the translational and rotational interactions of the material particles can be taken into account. Here we present the recent developments in the theory of finite elements calculations for micropolar solids in order to capture the stress behaviour in the vicinity of geometric singularities such as holes, notches, imperfections or contact areas. The fundamental equations of the micropolar continuum are presented. The FEM implementation in micropolar elasticity is given. The new 8-node hybrid micropolar isoparametric element and its implementation in ABAQUS are introduced. The solutions of few 3D benchmark problems of the micropolar elasticity are given. Among them are analysis of stresses and couple stresses near notches and holes, contact problem of parabolic stamp and half space. The main attention is paid to modelling of interaction between a biodegradable porous implant and a trabecular bone. Comparison of classical and micropolar solutions is carefully discussed. Comparison of classical and micropolar solutions is discussed. Numerical tests have shown that couple stress appears almost in the vicinity of geometrical singularities. It is shown that micropolar elasticity allows to obtain better results for domains with microstructures and singularities than classical theory of elasticity

    Topography and morphometry of the subarcuate canal

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    The current study shows in a close-up view anatomical relationship between the subarcuate canal and the osseous labyrinth. For this purpose we used micro-computed tomography which allowed performing three-dimensional reconstruction of the subarcuate canal and gave adequate data for estimation its diameter across its course. The diameter of the middle part (the most uniform) of the subarcuate canal varied from 0.28 mm to 0.46 mm. Hence, we calculated the centre of mass for each cross-section of the separated subarcuate canal. This procedure helped us to visualise trajectory of the subarcuate canal and its spatial orientation within the petrous bone. From our data we concluded that subarcuate canals revealed not well defined trajectories and their spatial orientation varied across the studied temporal bones

    An atypical position of the foramen ovale

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    Visual inspection of a dry adult human skull revealed absence of a typical foramen ovale on the left side of the cranial base. The region of the foramen ovale was covered by an osseous lamina, which was continuous with the lateral pterygoid plate and thus formed a wall of an apparent canal, which opened on the lateral side of the pterygoid process. This canal is referred to as an oval canal (canalis ovalis), instead of the foramen ovale. It runs superiorly, medially from the infratemporal fossa, and opens into the middle cranial fossa. The altered osseous morphology of this basicranial region may affect the course of the neurovascular structures which pass through the foramen ovale. As a consequence, clinical symptoms could occur, including paresthesiae of the inner aspect of the cheek and compression and neuralgia of the mandibular nerve or its branches

    Three dimensional visualisation and morphometry of bone samples studied in microcomputed tomography (micro-CT)

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    This article highlights the utility of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) for characterisingmicroscale bone morphology. For this purpose we tested selected samplesof the human bones (Wormian bone, rib, lumbar vertebra) to reconstruct externaland internal morphological features. Selected bony samples were investigatedusing a micro-CT scanner (Skyscan 1172, N.V., Aartselaar, Belgium). The imageresolution of scans varied from 5 to 27 μm/pixel depending on the bone sample.We used CTvox software (by Skyscan) to perform volume rendering of the samples.Further, 3-dimensional geometrical models were reconstructed using theCTvol application. Such models enabled graphical distinction between osseouscomponents of various morphology and were used to visualise the Haversian canalsystem inside the compact bone of the rib. Applying a modified transfer functionfor volume rendering we presented the overall morphology of the Wormian boneand small vascular channels penetrating its interior. As an example of quantitativeanalysis based on micro-CT scans we compared the trabecular structure of thelumbar vertebrae with CTAn software. Significant differences in percent bonevolume (BV/TV) were determined. Micro-CT was found to be a very accurate andhelpful method to study small anatomical structures of the bones in micro scale

    Geometry of the articular facets of the lateral atlanto-axial joints in the case of occipitalization

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    This study investigates if atlanto-occipital fusion affects the size and geometrical configuration of the articular facets of the atlanto-axial joint. Morphometric analysis was performed on the male adult skull, the occipital bone of which is assimilated with the first cervical vertebrae (the atlas). The perimeter, Feret’s diameter, surface area, and circularity of the inferior articular fa-cets were measured. However, we did not observe significant bilateral differences in size of the inferior articular facets of the assimilated atlas compared to normal first cervical vertebrae. Geometrical conformation of the articular facets of the atlas and axis was assessed using a coordinate measuring machine (PMM - 12106, Leitz). The results obtained from this machine indicated that the inferior articular facets of the assimilated atlas presented asymmetrical orientation compared to the normal anatomy of the atlas. Hence, in the case of occipitalization, the gap between the articulating facets of the atlas and the axis was measured to be greater than in the normal atlanto-axial joint. Computer assisted tomography was applied to visualise the anatomical relationship between the inferior articular facets of the assimilated atlas and the corresponding facets located on the axis. In this case, radiographic examination revealed that the bilaterally articulating facets (inferior and superior) showed disproportion in their adjustment within the lateral atlanto-axial joints. Thus, we concluded that the fusion of the atlas with the occipital bone altered the geometry of the inferior articular facets of the atlas and influenced the orientation of the superior articular facets of the axis. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 3: 147-153