24 research outputs found

    Nacionalizam u transnacionalnom kontekstu: hrvatska dijaspora, intimnost i nacionalistička imaginacija

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    This paper contributes to existing debates on the significance of modem diasporas in the context of global politics. In particular, it examines how nationalism has adapted to the newly emerging transnational environment. The new type of nationalism, long-distance nationalism, utilises modern forms of communication and travel to sustain its potency and relevance. Long-distance nationalism is not a simple consequence of global and transnational communication, but involves complex cultural, political and symbolic processes and practices.The first part of this paper examines some theoretical issues pertaining to the intersection between nationalism and transnational environments. It shows how nationalism is not antithetical to globalising and transnationalising tendencies, but instead, that it is becoming adapted to these new social conditions. In order to move beyond a rather simple assertion that transnationalism and nationalism are safely co-existing, the paper argues that such cases of symbiosis are always concrete and ethnographically documentable. This paper grew out of the need to both assert the co-existing nature of nationalism and transnationalism and to provide a concrete example of nationalist sentiments in a modem transnational setting. This latter aim represents the core of the second part of the paper, which is based on research among second generation Croatians in Australia. It specifically explores the under-examined question of how nationalist sentiments inform and define people’s intimacy and marriage choices. The examination of this domain of intimacy is seen as an important test of the intensity of nationalist sentiments.Ovaj članak prilog je postojećim raspravama o značaju modernih dijaspora u kontekstu globalne politike. U njemu se istražuje način na koji se nacionalizam prilagodio novonastajućem transnacionalnom okruženju. Novi tip nacionalizma, long-distance nacionalizam, iskorištava modeme oblike komunikacije i putovanja da bi održao svoju snagu i relevantnost. Long-distance nacionalizam nije jednostavno posljedica globalne i transnacionalne komunikacije već uključuje i kompleksne kulturne, političke i simboličke procese i prakse. Prvi dio članka istražuje neke teorijske pretpostavke koje se odnose na presijecanje nacionalizma i transnacionalnog okruženja. On pokazuje kako nacionalizam nije oprečan globalizirajućim i transnacionalizirajućim tendencijama, nego se prilagođuje ovim novim socijalnim uvjetima. Zato da bi nadišao jednostavnu tvrdnju kako transnacionalizam i nacionalizam koegzistiraju u miru, članak dokazuje da su takvi slučajevi simbioze uvijek konkretni te da se mogu etnografski dokumentirati. Članak je osnovan na potrebi da se naglasi činjenica kako nacionalizam i transnacionalizam koegzistiraju te da se predstavi konkretan primjer nacionalističkih sentimenata u modemom transnacionalnom okruženju. Ovaj drugi cilj predstavlja srž drugog dijela članka koji je baziran na istraživanju druge generacije Hrvata u Australiji. On posebno istražuje zapostavljeno pitanje kako nacionliastički sentimenti oblikuju i definiraju ljudsku intimnost i bračni izbor. Istraživanje ovog područja intimnosti autor smatra važnim testom intenziteta nacionalističkih sentimenata

    Cosmopolitan Acceptance: A Model for Understanding Views of Acceptance Towards Asylum Seekers

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    This article offers a broad overview of how the concept of cosmopolitanism can inform an understanding of the acceptance of asylum seekers by members of settled populations. We begin with a brief history of cosmopolitan thought before summarising how the concept is understood in contemporary social theory. We then propose a theoretical framework which links inclusionary views towards asylum seekers with theories of cosmopolitanism and provides a model that allows ’cosmopolitan acceptance’ to be operationalised for the purposes of empirical research

    Young Queenslanders’ experiences of COVID-19 : Insights from the Our Lives cohort study

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    [Extract] These findings provide an overview of changes in young Queenslanders’ attitudes, behaviours, and life pathways during the early spread of COVID-19 and public health restrictions to contain it. Evidently, this period of sudden, mass social and economic disruption posed heightened risks to the social, economic, and psychological well-being of the Our Lives cohort and those young adults they represent. The introduction of emergency welfare measures may have been a short-term buffer to some of these impacts, as were the opportunities found by more fortunate young people to strengthen existing relationships, and cultivate an inward focus on personal goals, interests, and health. Nonetheless, our research suggests both the risks and opportunities posed by COVID-19 are being experienced unevenly within the cohort, with the potential for a widening of social inequalities. Encouragingly, there were signs that political bipartisanship on the issue of COVID-19 has helped to reverse a long-term decline in young people’s trust in government and politicians generally. Further research on the Our Lives cohort will thus be critical for understanding the longer-term implications of COVID-19 for the lives and outlooks of young Queenslanders into 2021 and beyond

    Diasporicno slovenstvo: politika, nacionalizem in mobilnost

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    Diasporično slovenstvo: politika, nacionalizem in mobilnost

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    Literatura o tvorbi in funkcioniranju sodobnih diasporičnih procesov koristno pripomore k razumevanju vloge, ki jo odigrava slovenska diaspora v kontekstu slovenske družbe in pri celostnem ovrednotenju odnosa, ki se oblikuje med domovino in Slovenci po svetu. Pričujoči članek sestoji iz dveh delov. Prvi del tega prispevka povzema relevantno literaturo o globalni mobilnosti in modernih diasporah. V drugem delu pa se članek osredotoča na konkretni primer slovenske diaspore, ki je, kot politični subjekt, prišla na slovensko politično prizorišče šele s procesom slovenskega osamosvajanja. Na simbolnem nivoju je diaspora postala znanilec stapljanja političnih predsodkov, hkrati pa je praktično prispevala k procesu osamosvojitve skozi lobiranje tujih vlad za priznanje nove države. Z zaključkom osamosvojitvenega procesa je diaspora izčrpala svojo aktivno vlogo in postala pasiven subjekt političnih diskurzov, uporabljana brezpredvsem za legitimiranje nacionalistično obarvanega ideala Slovenstva. Tovrstna vizija diaspore je problematična, ker utemeljuje diasporona izbranih ideoloških značilnostih, pri tem pa povsem ignorira in zamegljuje heterogenost, ki bolj kot karkoli drugega označuje diasporično slovenstvo. Članek zagovarja tezo, da je tovrstno projeciranje diaspore problematično ne le zaradi nacionalizma, ki ga vsebuje, temveč predvsem zato, ker vidi diasporo kot pasivni ostanek preteklosti, namesto kot del dinamičnega procesa, povezanega s transnacionalnimi in globalizacijskimi tokovi sodobne družbeThis paper consists of two parts. The first part provides a general overview of the literature on global mobilities and modern diasporas and shows how thisliterature is relevant for our understanding of contemporary relationshipsbetween diasporas and homelands. The second part deals specifically with Slovenian diaspora, which was launched into the Slovenian political landscape during the process that eventually resulted in the proclamation of national independence. During this period diaspora played an active role in promoting political change in the homeland. However, in the post-independence period the diaspora became a passive subject, co-opted into predominantly right-wing political discourses that used it to legitimate nationalist Slovenianism. In these discourses the diaspora is clearly portrayed as an embodiment of nationalist and ideological ideals. The paper argues that there are two main problems with these nationalist projections of diaspora. First, they privilege those sections of diaspora which are politically active and supportive of traditionalist, nationalist and Catholic conceptions of Slovenianism. It overlooks that Slovenian diaspora has never been homogenous, that most members are politically uncommitted, and that reasons for emigration vary considerably: from economic, political, educational, lifestyle and professional. Second, it portrays diaspora as a remnant of the past rather than as an integral part of a contemporary process associated with the society of transnational mobility

    Etnične skupnosti v tujih okoljih

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    According to the author, the concept of ethnic community is often used uncritically in the literature concerned with ethnic groups in non-native environments. The basis for this type of argumentation is sociological (yet not equivocal) conceptualization of “community”. The concept of ethnic “community” as used in everyday language as well as in theory and politics ignores heterogeneity and conflict in these “communities” and constructs the image of homogeneity and non-differentiation where they do not exist. A paper is based on a study of second generation non- English speaking migrants in Australia.Pojem etične »skupnosti« se po avtorjevem mnenju pogosto in nekritično pojavlja v literaturi, ki se ukvarja s problematiko etničnih skupin. Osnova za takšno argumentiranje je sociološko (dasiravno nikakor enoznačno) konceptualiziranje tega termina. Po svoji naravi pojem etične »skupnosti« ignorira heterogenost in konfliktualnost ter ustvarja videz homogenosti in nediferenciarnosti tam kjer je ni. Prispevek je zasnovan na študij posameznikov druge generacije neangleško govorečih migrantov v Avstraliji

    Cosmopolitan openness

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    The word cosmopolitanism is increasingly commonly used although it continues to escape an easy definition. Philosophers and sociologists find it difficult to define the term and they are at pains in agreeing just who befits the label ‘cosmopolitan’. In this sense they are no different from ordinary citizens who – often just because they like the hipness of the fad word ‘cosmopolitan’ – use it to describe their lives, experiences and tastes. There are different ways of being cosmopolitan but what most cosmopolitans share is a disposition of openness to the world around them. This may sound nebulous and trite but openness is probably one characteristic that most theorists of cosmopolitan agree on and it is also one common theme connecting a vast majority of conceptions of cosmopolitanism through its history: from Diogenes to Kant (1983), Nussbaum (1996) to Derrida (2000)

    Ethnicity and belonging

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    Ethnicity is commonly understood as a cultural identity derived through ancestry, and it gives an essential tone to our identity. This chapter explores a number of concepts and definitions; looks at various theories of ethnicity; and discusses the importance of ethnicity in Australian society by specifically focusing on issues of ethnic diversity in Australia and the question of migrant generations. It provides an insight into contemporary discussions on migrant generations. The chapter also provides a brief overview of the theories of ethnicity using a rather standard classification, dividing them into two main camps: primordialist and instrumentalist/constructivist approaches. Although there has been a decline in the proportion of European-born immigrants in recent years, accompanied by a rise in immigrants from Asian regions, such trends in ethnic diversification have not altered the overall dominance of the European-descended population