33 research outputs found

    Diversidade de resultados no estudo do transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    Com este artigo pretende-se abordar a problemática da diversidade de dados na investigação do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura centrada na heterogeneidade de conclusões relativas à caracterização do transtorno, à distinção dos subtipos, aos contextos de informação, às diferenças de gênero e à comorbidade. Na tentativa de compreender a disparidade de conclusões, salientam-se potenciais fatores explicativos, nomeadamente a heterogeneidade das amostras, a diversidade de metodologias e de procedimentos de investigação, entre outros.With this paper we aimed at addressing the problem of data diversity in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) research. We present a literature review based on the heterogeneity of findings about the characterization of the disorder, subtypes differentiation, sources of information, sex differences and comorbidities. In an effort to understand the variety of findings, we underline potential explanations, such as the sample’s heterogeneity or the multiplicity of methods and procedures, among others.(undefined

    Imitation and intangibility: postmodern perspectives on restoration and authenticity at the Hill House Box, Scotland

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    Restoration is often problematised within built heritage practice as an inauthentic activity of imitation. This is symptomatic of a Western focus on physical heritage sites, which is underpinned by an amalgam of scientific materialism and visual aesthetics. Situated within a postmodern conceptualisation of heritage as increasingly dynamic, social and intangible, this study suggests the relationship between restoration and authenticity is increasingly out of step with contemporary perspectives and would benefit from a critical gaze. Drawing on Baudrillard’s theory of ‘hyperreality’, this study makes space for two key concepts within the built heritage paradigm: authenticity as emergent and fluid; and the legitimisation of imitation as a valid activity. Together, these are explored in relation to the restoration of the Hill House, Scotland, and its encapsulation within the ‘Hill House Box’. From a postmodern, Baudrillardian outlook, the site becomes a dynamic performance between the restored building (a tangible ‘simulation’ of an idealised essence) and the users of the Hill House Box (an intangible, ritualised experience). Consequently, this demonstrates how the amalgamation of imitation and intangibility can overcome binary views of original/copy; authentic/inauthentic, resulting in the creation of emergent authenticity and aura that the Box both creates and is engulfed within

    Les terroirs au Sud, vers un nouveau modèle ? : une expérience marocaine

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    Rock Art and Archaeology in Ifran-n-Taska (Eastern Jebel Bani, Morocco): First Results of the Moroccan-Italian Research project

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    Si espongono i risultati della prima missione effettuata nel sud del Marocco (Jebel Bani), finalizzata allo studio delle pitture rupestri preistoriche. Le pitture rupestri finora note in Marocco sono in numero esiguo. La documentazione di questo patrimonio riveste quindi una particolare importanza.Va sottolineato che è stato possibile analizzare la composizione dei materiali coloranti ed effetuare delle datazioni dirette delle pitture, che hanno fornito dei risultati interessanti.The site of Ifran-n-Taska is one of the rare painted sites in the panorama of the Moroccan prehistory. It includes four painted shelters. The first Moroccan-Italian field mission, carried out in 2009, collected new data about the composition of the colouring matters and the absolute chronology of the paintings