18 research outputs found

    Reallocating Multiple Facilities on the Line

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    We study the multistage KK-facility reallocation problem on the real line, where we maintain KK facility locations over TT stages, based on the stage-dependent locations of nn agents. Each agent is connected to the nearest facility at each stage, and the facilities may move from one stage to another, to accommodate different agent locations. The objective is to minimize the connection cost of the agents plus the total moving cost of the facilities, over all stages. KK-facility reallocation was introduced by de Keijzer and Wojtczak, where they mostly focused on the special case of a single facility. Using an LP-based approach, we present a polynomial time algorithm that computes the optimal solution for any number of facilities. We also consider online KK-facility reallocation, where the algorithm becomes aware of agent locations in a stage-by-stage fashion. By exploiting an interesting connection to the classical KK-server problem, we present a constant-competitive algorithm for K=2K = 2 facilities

    Evolutionary Game Theory Squared: Evolving Agents in Endogenously Evolving Zero-Sum Games

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    The predominant paradigm in evolutionary game theory and more generally online learning in games is based on a clear distinction between a population of dynamic agents that interact given a fixed, static game. In this paper, we move away from the artificial divide between dynamic agents and static games, to introduce and analyze a large class of competitive settings where both the agents and the games they play evolve strategically over time. We focus on arguably the most archetypal game-theoretic setting -- zero-sum games (as well as network generalizations) -- and the most studied evolutionary learning dynamic -- replicator, the continuous-time analogue of multiplicative weights. Populations of agents compete against each other in a zero-sum competition that itself evolves adversarially to the current population mixture. Remarkably, despite the chaotic coevolution of agents and games, we prove that the system exhibits a number of regularities. First, the system has conservation laws of an information-theoretic flavor that couple the behavior of all agents and games. Secondly, the system is Poincar\'{e} recurrent, with effectively all possible initializations of agents and games lying on recurrent orbits that come arbitrarily close to their initial conditions infinitely often. Thirdly, the time-average agent behavior and utility converge to the Nash equilibrium values of the time-average game. Finally, we provide a polynomial time algorithm to efficiently predict this time-average behavior for any such coevolving network game.Comment: To appear in AAAI 202

    Semi Bandit Dynamics in Congestion Games: Convergence to Nash Equilibrium and No-Regret Guarantees

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    In this work, we introduce a new variant of online gradient descent, which provably converges to Nash Equilibria and simultaneously attains sublinear regret for the class of congestion games in the semi-bandit feedback setting. Our proposed method admits convergence rates depending only polynomially on the number of players and the number of facilities, but not on the size of the action set, which can be exponentially large in terms of the number of facilities. Moreover, the running time of our method has polynomial-time dependence on the implicit description of the game. As a result, our work answers an open question from (Du et. al, 2022).Comment: ICML 202

    On the Approximability of Multistage Min-Sum Set Cover

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    We investigate the polynomial-time approximability of the multistage version of Min-Sum Set Cover (DSSC\mathrm{DSSC}), a natural and intriguing generalization of the classical List Update problem. In DSSC\mathrm{DSSC}, we maintain a sequence of permutations (π0,π1,,πT)(\pi^0, \pi^1, \ldots, \pi^T) on nn elements, based on a sequence of requests (R1,,RT)(R^1, \ldots, R^T). We aim to minimize the total cost of updating πt1\pi^{t-1} to πt\pi^{t}, quantified by the Kendall tau distance DKT(πt1,πt)\mathrm{D}_{\mathrm{KT}}(\pi^{t-1}, \pi^t), plus the total cost of covering each request RtR^t with the current permutation πt\pi^t, quantified by the position of the first element of RtR^t in πt\pi^t. Using a reduction from Set Cover, we show that DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} does not admit an O(1)O(1)-approximation, unless P=NP\mathrm{P} = \mathrm{NP}, and that any o(logn)o(\log n) (resp. o(r)o(r)) approximation to DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} implies a sublogarithmic (resp. o(r)o(r)) approximation to Set Cover (resp. where each element appears at most rr times). Our main technical contribution is to show that DSSC\mathrm{DSSC} can be approximated in polynomial-time within a factor of O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) in general instances, by randomized rounding, and within a factor of O(r2)O(r^2), if all requests have cardinality at most rr, by deterministic rounding

    Node-Max-Cut and the Complexity of Equilibrium in Linear Weighted Congestion Games

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    In this work, we seek a more refined understanding of the complexity of local optimum computation for Max-Cut and pure Nash equilibrium (PNE) computation for congestion games with weighted players and linear latency functions. We show that computing a PNE of linear weighted congestion games is PLS-complete either for very restricted strategy spaces, namely when player strategies are paths on a series-parallel network with a single origin and destination, or for very restricted latency functions, namely when the latency on each resource is equal to the congestion. Our results reveal a remarkable gap regarding the complexity of PNE in congestion games with weighted and unweighted players, since in case of unweighted players, a PNE can be easily computed by either a simple greedy algorithm (for series-parallel networks) or any better response dynamics (when the latency is equal to the congestion). For the latter of the results above, we need to show first that computing a local optimum of a natural restriction of Max-Cut, which we call Node-Max-Cut, is PLS-complete. In Node-Max-Cut, the input graph is vertex-weighted and the weight of each edge is equal to the product of the weights of its endpoints. Due to the very restricted nature of Node-Max-Cut, the reduction requires a careful combination of new gadgets with ideas and techniques from previous work. We also show how to compute efficiently a (1+?)-approximate equilibrium for Node-Max-Cut, if the number of different vertex weights is constant

    Maximum Independent Set: Self-Training through Dynamic Programming

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    This work presents a graph neural network (GNN) framework for solving the maximum independent set (MIS) problem, inspired by dynamic programming (DP). Specifically, given a graph, we propose a DP-like recursive algorithm based on GNNs that firstly constructs two smaller sub-graphs, predicts the one with the larger MIS, and then uses it in the next recursive call. To train our algorithm, we require annotated comparisons of different graphs concerning their MIS size. Annotating the comparisons with the output of our algorithm leads to a self-training process that results in more accurate self-annotation of the comparisons and vice versa. We provide numerical evidence showing the superiority of our method vs prior methods in multiple synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: Accepted in NeurIPS 202