520 research outputs found

    Surface-induced cubic anisotropy in nanomagnets

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    We investigate the effect of surface anisotropy in a spherical many-spin magnetic nanoparticle. By computing minor loops, two-dimensional (2D) and 3D energyscape, and by investigating the behavior of the net magnetization, we show that in the case of not too strong surface anisotropy the behavior of the many-spin particle may be modeled by that of a macrospin with an effective energy containing uniaxial and cubic anisotropy terms. This holds for both the transverse and N\'eel's surface anisotropy models.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Nonzero macroscopic magnetization in half-metallic antiferromagnets at finite temperatures

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    Combining density-functional theory calculations with many-body Green's-function technique, we reveal that the macroscopic magnetization in half-metallic antiferromagnets does not vanish at finite temperature as for the T=0 limit. This anomalous behavior stems from the inequivalent magnetic sublattices which lead to different intrasublattice exchange interactions. As a consequence, the spin fluctuations suppress the magnetic order of the sublattices in a different way leading to a ferrimagnetic state at finite temperatures. Computational results are presented for the half-metallic antiferromagnetic CrMnZ (Z=P,As,Sb) semi-Heusler compounds.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Boundary conditions and Berry phase in magnetic nanostructures

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    The effect of micromagnetic boundary conditions on the Berry curvature and topological Hall effect in granular nanostructures is investi- gated by model calculations. Both free surfaces and grain boundaries between interacting particles or grains affect the spin structure. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions yield corrections to the Erdmann-Weierstrass boundary conditions, but the Berry curvature remains an exclusive functional of the local spin structure, which greatly simplifies the treatment of nanostructures. An explicit example is a model nanostructure with cylindrical symmetry whose spin structure is described by Bessel function and which yields a mean-field-type Hall-effect contribution that can be related to magnetic-force-microscopy images

    Nonadiabatic Berry phase in nanocrystalline magnets

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    It is investigated how a Berry phase is created in polycrystalline nanomagnets and how the phase translates into an emergent magnetic field and into a topological Hall-effect contribution. The analysis starts directly from the spin of the conduction electrons and does not involve any adiabatic Hamiltonian. Completely random spin alignment in the nanocrystallites does not lead to a nonzero emergent field, but a modulation of the local magnetization does. As an explicit example, we consider a wire with a modulated cone angle

    Exact nucleation modes in arrays of magnetic particles

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    Magnetization reversal in arrays of magnetic nanoparticles with perpendicular anisotropy is investigated. Aside from domain-wall propagation effects, the reversal involves two main aspects: the nucleation behavior of individual particles and interparticle interactions. Due to magnetostatic self-interaction effects, the interparticle interaction cannot be reduced to a stray-field correction to the external field. Exact nucleation fields and explicit stray-field and self-interaction contributions are obtained for rings of equidistant dots. An exact treatment of self-interactions in various structurally inhomogeneous but rotationally symmetric wire, sphere, and thin-film nanostructures leads to renormalization of the uniaxial anisotropy. Finally, an approximate method to calculate nucleation fields is discussed

    Near-room-temperature refrigeration through voltage-controlled entropy change in multiferroics

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    Composite materials with large magnetoelectric effect are proposed for application in advanced near-room-temperature refrigeration. The key innovation rests on utilizing the magnetocaloric effect in zero applied magnetic fields. This approach promises sizable isothermal entropy change and virtually temperature-independent refrigerant capacity through pure voltage-control. It is in sharp contrast with the conventional method of exploiting the magnetocaloric effect through applied magnetic fields. We outline the thermodynamics and estimate an isothermal entropy change specifically for the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3(001) two-phase composite material. Finally, we propose structural variations of two-phase composites, which help in overcoming the challenging task of producing nanostructured material in macroscopic quantities

    Magnonic Crystal with Two-Dimensional Periodicity as a Waveguide for Spin Waves

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    We describe a simple method of including dissipation in the spin wave band structure of a periodic ferromagnetic composite, by solving the Landau-Lifshitz equation for the magnetization with the Gilbert damping term. We use this approach to calculate the band structure of square and triangular arrays of Ni nanocylinders embedded in an Fe host. The results show that there are certain bands and special directions in the Brillouin zone where the spin wave lifetime is increased by more than an order of magnitude above its average value. Thus, it may be possible to generate spin waves in such composites decay especially slowly, and propagate especially large distances, for certain frequencies and directions in k{\bf k}-space.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    A Circuit Model for Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanowires: Application to Conductance and Spin Transfer Torques

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    We present a circuit model to describe the electron transport through a domain wall in a ferromagnetic nanowire. The domain wall is treated as a coherent 4-terminal device with incoming and outgoing channels of spin up and down and the spin-dependent scattering in the vicinity of the wall is modelled using classical resistances. We derive the conductance of the circuit in terms of general conductance parameters for a domain wall. We then calculate these conductance parameters for the case of ballistic transport through the domain wall, and obtain a simple formula for the domain wall magnetoresistance which gives a result consistent with recent experiments. The spin transfer torque exerted on a domain wall by a spin-polarized current is calculated using the circuit model and an estimate of the speed of the resulting wall motion is made.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Physical Review

    Spin-Coupled Local Distortions in Multiferroic Hexagonal HoMnO3

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    Local structural measurements have been performed on hexagonal HoMnO3 in order to ascertain the specific changes in bond distances which accompany magnetic ordering transitions. The transition from paramagnetic to the antiferromagetic (noncollinear) phase near ~70 K is dominated by changes in the a-b plane Mn-Mn bond distances. The spin rotation transition near ~40 K involves both Mn-Mn and nearest neighbor Ho-Mn interactions while the low temperature transition below 10 K involves all interactions, Mn-Mn, Ho-Mn (nearest and next nearest) and Ho-Ho correlations. These changes in bond distances reveal strong spin-lattice coupling. The similarity in magnitude of the change in J(Mn-Mn) and J(Ho-Mn) enhances the system frustration. The structural changes are interpreted in terms of a model of competing spin order and local structural distortions. Density functional calculations are used to estimate the energies associated with ionic displacements. The calculations also reveal asymmetric polarization of the charge density of Ho, O3 and O4 sites along the z-axis in the ferroelectric phase. This polarization facilitates coupling between Ho atoms on neighboring planes normal to the z-axis.Comment: 8 figure

    Structural and magnetic properties of Pr-alloyed MnBi nanostructures

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    The structural and magnetic properties of Pr-alloyed MnBi (short MnBi-Pr) nanostructures with a range of Pr concentrations have been investigated. The nanostructures include thin films having Pr concentrations 0, 2, 3, 5 and 9 atomic percent and melt-spun ribbons having Pr concentrations 0, 2, 4 and 6 percent respectively. Addition of Pr into the MnBi lattice has produced a significant change in the magnetic properties of these nanostructures including an increase in coercivity and structural phase transition temperature, and a decrease in saturation magnetization and anisotropy energy. The highest value of coercivity measured in the films is 23 kOe and in the ribbons is 5.6 kOe. The observed magnetic properties are explained as the consequences of competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions