377 research outputs found

    Financing cluster initiatives

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    In the last two decades hundreds of cluster initiatives have been launched involving virtually all regions of the world and their number is growing. Cluster initiatives are viewed as conscious actions taken by various actors to create or strengthen clusters. There are multiple relevant actors, and they may relate to each other in different ways. Governments and other public authorities are known to be responsible for most cluster initiatives, although there is a marked geographical variation. At the end of the 1990s, industrial and regional policy increasingly concentrated on stimulating clusters and clustering processes in many EU member states using different forms of support. The paper describes the rationale for regional cluster initiatives in general and presents different approaches of countries to the financing the specific programmes for cluster development. Although public funds should not be viewed as systematic aid and should comply with the State aid regulations, experts recognise that they are often needed to support start-up projects, networking, information, research, education, and specialised infrastructure. At the end of paper the Czech way to financing cluster initiatives is presented based on government programme with the financial contribution of EU Structural Funds.Competitiveness; region; cluster; cluster initiative; cluster policy; financing development programme

    The Use of Structural Funds for Enterprise Competitiveness Growth in the Czech Republic

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    The competitiveness of enterprises depends not only on their strategies and operations but also on the macroeconomic and microeconomic environment in which they operate. The various instruments for business support can be found in industrial policies of EU member states, which were often successful due to co-financing from EU structural funds. The Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise uses the structural funds as the main financial source of the Czech national strategies for industry development in 2004-2006. The paper summarizes the main policies for both business environment and enterprise competitiveness development in the Czech Republic which focus mainly to the infrastructure for industrial research, innovation, industry clusters, human resources and business development.Structural funds; competitiveness; enterprise development; innovation

    Engineering Cluster in Moravia Silesia Region

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    Moravia Silesia region of the Czech Republic passes through deep restructuring of traditional industries accompanied by huge unemployment. Clustering seems to be one of the ways out of current transformation in the region´s development. After the introduction to the cluster theory a methodology of cluster research in the region is explained and the regional engineering cluster is presented including its development strategy.regional clusters;cluster map and cluster diamond; cluster support programmes

    Constructing Regional Advantage: Does it matter for Czech regions?

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    Innovation and competitiveness are two concepts which govern the national and regional policies throughout the world. Innovation is the key driver of global economic competitiveness. Regions are considered a key level where innovation processes are shaped, coordinated and governed through localized capabilities. While until recently competitiveness of economies was developed from comparative or competitive advantages, in the era of knowledge economy the new theory of constructed advantage allows for more attention to the role and impact of the public sector and public-private partnership in the economy, based upon the dimensions related and unrelated variety and differentiated knowledge bases. The key to the constructed advantage is regional innovation systems approach. The introduction to the new theory is explained in the paper in the view of European collaborative research project and the first assessment of how policies for constructing regional advantage can work within the environment of specific regions of the Czech Republic is proposed.Regional innovation system; comparative, competitive and constructed advantage; related and unrelated varieties; differentiated knowledge bases

    Asymptotic multipartite version of the Alon-Yuster theorem

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    In this paper, we prove the asymptotic multipartite version of the Alon-Yuster theorem, which is a generalization of the Hajnal-Szemer\'edi theorem: If k3k\geq 3 is an integer, HH is a kk-colorable graph and γ>0\gamma>0 is fixed, then, for every sufficiently large nn, where V(H)|V(H)| divides nn, and for every balanced kk-partite graph GG on knkn vertices with each of its corresponding (k2)\binom{k}{2} bipartite subgraphs having minimum degree at least (k1)n/k+γn(k-1)n/k+\gamma n, GG has a subgraph consisting of kn/V(H)kn/|V(H)| vertex-disjoint copies of HH. The proof uses the Regularity method together with linear programming.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Cycles are strongly Ramsey-unsaturated

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    We call a graph H Ramsey-unsaturated if there is an edge in the complement of H such that the Ramsey number r(H) of H does not change upon adding it to H. This notion was introduced by Balister, Lehel and Schelp who also proved that cycles (except for C4C_4) are Ramsey-unsaturated, and conjectured that, moreover, one may add any chord without changing the Ramsey number of the cycle CnC_n, unless n is even and adding the chord creates an odd cycle. We prove this conjecture for large cycles by showing a stronger statement: If a graph H is obtained by adding a linear number of chords to a cycle CnC_n, then r(H)=r(Cn)r(H)=r(C_n), as long as the maximum degree of H is bounded, H is either bipartite (for even n) or almost bipartite (for odd n), and n is large. This motivates us to call cycles strongly Ramsey-unsaturated. Our proof uses the regularity method

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 05/08/2014Tento text popisuje vykonávání bakalářské práce formou odborné praxe ve firmě Relbit, s.r.o. Práce pojednává o mé motivaci absolvovat praxi, o firmě, jejím zaměření a projektech, kterými se zabývá. Dále obsahuje seznam zadaných úkolů, které jsem se snažil vyřešit. Detailně je rozepsán postup práce, návrh řešení a implementace, případně testování a provoz v produkčním nasazení. Výstupem práce je celkové zhodnocení praxe, pracovní úspěchy a neúspěchy, získané znalosti a zkušenosti.This text describes bachelor thesis in form of individual professional practice in Relbit, s.r.o. It is about my motivation to participate in professional practive, about the company, its products and specialization. It contains a list of tasks I was trying to solve. It also features report of my work, proposed design, implementation, problem solving, testing and deployment in production environment. The results are overall eveluation of practice, work-related successes and failures, acquired knowledge and experiences.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Framework for Access to Remote Resources with Self-documented API Support

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem protokolu pro dokumentování serverových API s využitím protokolu HTTP a architektury REST. Součástí projektu je referenční implementace protokolu ve formě frameworku sloužícího k tvorbě API serveru, který je pomocí reflexe a doménového jazyka schopen výsledné API sám zdokumentovat a tuto dokumentaci předat klientům ve strojově čitelné formě. Referenční implementace dále obsahuje klientské knihovny v několika programovacích jazycích. Nad těmito knihovnami je pak postaveno uživatelské rozhraní ve formě webové administrace, rozhraní v příkazové řádce a virtuálního souborového systému. Každý klient a nad ním postavená aplikace dokáže pracovat s jakýmkoli API, které implementuje definovaný protokol.The goal of this thesis is to design a protocol to document server APIs with the use of the HTTP protocol and REST architecture. Included is a reference implementation of said protocol in the form of a framework that can be used to create server API. The framework uses reflection and a domain-specific language to document itself and is able to pass this documentation in a machine-readable form to clients. The reference implementation also contains client libraries in several programming languages. There are three user interfaces built on top of these libraries: a web administration, a command-line interface and a virtual file system. All clients and applications can be used with any API that implements the created protocol.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn