102 research outputs found


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    U diplomskom radu obrađuje se tema Building Information Modelinga (BIM) te pridodavanje dodatnih dimenzija 3D modelima građevine da bi se dobio informacijski model građevine koji sadrži 6 dimenzija (3D, troÅ”kovi, vrijeme i kontrola kvalitete). Teorijski su opisane sve prednosti i mane koje BIM donosi u građevinski projekt te kakve promijene BIM donosi za sve sudionike građevinskog projekta. Obrađena je tema kontrole kvalitete pri izvođenju konstrukcija, navedena je zakonska regulativa vezana za kontrolu kvalitete pri izvedbi konstrukcija te opisane su zakonske obveze i odgovornosti koje imaju izvođač te nadzorni inženjer pri provedbi kontrole kvalitete na gradiliÅ”tu. U praktičnom dijelu rada izrađen je 3D model građevine pomoću računalnog programa Revit 2015, a kasnije se po principu BIM-a uz pomoć računalnog programa GALA izrađuje troÅ”kovnik te dinamički plan izvođenja radova. Kao dimenzija informacijskom modelu građevine dodana je kontrola kvalitete.This master thesis concentrates on subject of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and adding additional dimensions to 3D model of building to get model of building that incorporates 6 dimensions (3D, cost, time and quality control). All the advantages and disadvantages that BIM brings in construction project and the changes that BIM brings for all participants of the construction project will be explained. Also subject of quality management at construction site will be defined, legislation relating to quality management at construction site are going to be mentioned and legal obligations and responsibilities that site manager and supervising engineer have when implementing quality control at building site. In second part of this master thesis first will be made 3D model of building using Revit 2015, later using BIM principals and GALA cost estimates and time schedule for constructing a building will be made. As the last of the 6 dimensions in this model quality management will be added, it will be shown 2 ways of implementing quality control by using BIM and Revit 2015

    Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Satureja montana L. and Satureja cuneifolia Ten. essential oils

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    The phytochemical composition and the antibacterial activity of the essential oils obtained from the aerial parts of two Lamiaceae species, winter savory (Satureja montana L.) and wild savory (Satureja cuneifolia Ten.) were evaluated. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the isolated oils resulted in the identification of twenty compounds in the oil of S. montana representing 97% of the total oil and 25 compounds of S. cuneifolia, representing 80% of the total oil. Carvacrol was the major constituent of the S. montana oil (45.7%). Other important compounds were the monoterpenic hydrocarbons p-cymene, -terpinene and the oxygenated compounds carvacrol methyl ether, borneol and thymol. Conversely, the oil of S. cuneifolia contained a low percentage of carvacrol and thymol. The major constituents of wild savory oil were sesquiterpenes -cubebene (8.7%), spathulenol, -caryophyllene, followed by the monoterpenic hydrocarbons limonene and -pinene. The screening of the antimicrobial activities of essential coils were individually evalated against nine microorganisms, using a disc diffusion metod. The oil of S. montana exhibited greater antimicrobial activity than the oil of wild savory. Maximum activity of winter savory oil was observed against Escherichia coli, the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and against yeast (Candida albicans). The essential oil of S. cuneifolia was also found to inhibit the growth of pathogens such as S. aureus and E. coli. A fungicidal activity against C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was also found in both oils

    Antimicrobial effect of Satureja cuneifolia Ten. essential oil

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    The essential oil composition of Satureja cuneifolia Ten., was analyzed with respect to samples picked in different vegetative stages in the region of Rotimije (Stolac, Herzegovina). We did not find oil of a composition characteristic of the Satureja genus. The researched species mostly did not contain either Thymol or Carvacrol. The antimicrobial effect of the oil was highly marked during the post - flowering period, especially for the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Essential oil fungicidal activity was best marked on Candida albicans yeast during the flowering period. Picking this plant at the proper time can considerably increase its therapeutic effect

    Prolonged Treatment of Disseminated Echinococcosis ā€“ a Case Report

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    Cistična ehinokokoza (CE), koju uzrokuje E. granulosus, zoonotska je bolest koja se pojavljuje na gotovo svim kontinentima, a endemična je za područje Mediterana. Bolest se najčeŔće prezentira afekcijom jednog organa i solitarnom cistom, a kod manjeg broja bolesnika radi se o diseminiranoj bolesti koja pogađa viÅ”estruke organe. U ovom je radu prezentirana mlada žena s diseminiranom ehinokokozom kod koje su hidatidne ciste verificirane u jetrima, slezeni, plućima, bubrezima i perikardu. Zbog specifičnosti oblika bolesti, dobi bolesnice te zbog čestih relapsa bolesti nakon zavrÅ”etka terapije, liječena je albendazolom kroz duži vremenski period. Želimo prezentirati neÅ”to drugačiji modus liječenja ehinokokokze koji je rezultirao povoljnom regresijom i kontrolom bolesti.Cystic echinococcosis (CE), which is caused by E. granulosus, is a zoonotic disease present in almost every continent and endemic for the Mediterranean. The disease is principally presented with the involvement of a single organ and mainly with solitary cyst but in the smaller number of patients it can be a case of disseminated disease affecting multiple organs. In this report we present a young woman with disseminated echinococcosis with multiple hydatid cysts verified in liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and pericard. Due to the specific form of disease, patient`s age and common relapses after the end of therapy, the patient was treated with albendazole for a prolonged period of time. We would like to present a somewhat different approach to the treatment of echinococcosis which resulted in regression and better control of the disease

    Antimicrobial effect of Satureja cuneifolia Ten. essential oil

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    The essential oil composition of Satureja cuneifolia Ten., was analyzed with respect to samples picked in different vegetative stages in the region of Rotimije (Stolac, Herzegovina). We did not find oil of a composition characteristic of the Satureja genus. The researched species mostly did not contain either Thymol or Carvacrol. The antimicrobial effect of the oil was highly marked during the post - flowering period, especially for the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Essential oil fungicidal activity was best marked on Candida albicans yeast during the flowering period. Picking this plant at the proper time can considerably increase its therapeutic effect

    Razlike u kvaliteti života ovisnika o heroinu liječenih u metadonskom programu i ovisnika liječenih u programu terapijske zajednice

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    Aim of the study was comparing the quality of life of addicts treated in frame of methadone substitution programs and addicts undergoing the rehabilitation on the frame of therapeutic community. We have done a crossover study in the Center for Prevention and Out-patient Treatment in Mostar. We have included 60 subjects in our study. All of them were heroin addicts, referred to the Center for Prevention and Out-patient Treatment in Mostar, who satisfied the DSM-IV criteria for the addiction disease. The subjects have been divided in three groups: 1) group of just-admitted patients (N=20), 2) group of patients who had spent six months in methadone program (N=20) and 3) group of patient who had spent six months in the therapeutic community program (N=20). In this study, we have gathered data for social-demographic variables such as age, education, marital and professional status and variables related to the addiction, such as duration of addiction, manner of drug administration, alcohol use and presence of HCV, HBV or HIV viral infections. For the estimation of quality of life, we have used the ā€œQuality of life indexā€, to measure the perception of the important areas of life, such as health and functioning in the fields of social, economic, psychological and spiritual domains. A majority of subjects from this sample had achieved the secondary school education and were of similar age, unmarried, mostly unemployed and only a smaller number of them were living alone, out of their primary families. The groups tested have not significantly differed considering those living conditions which reflect the quality of life. The results of addiction variables had showed that a majority of subjects administered the drug intravenously, there were no significant differences concerning the duration of addiction and the most of the subjects had drunk no alcohol. We have not detected any cases of HIV infection, while a significant number of subjects had been infected with hepatitis B virus. This study revealed significant differences in quality of life between the groups tested. The groups of subjects who had undergone the methadone program and the group of those treated in the frame of therapeutic community showed significantly higher scores on quality of life scales compared to the group of just-admitted patients, while there were no such differences between the group of subjects who had undergone the methadone program and the group of those treated in the frame of therapeutic community. The data obtained indicate that the methadone treatment is similarly effective concerning the quality of subjectsā€™ life as the treatment in the frame of therapeutic communityCilj istraživanja bio je usporediti kvalitetu života ovisnika liječenih u supstitucijskom metadonskom programu i ovisnika na rehabilitaciji u terapijskoj zajednici. Provedeno je presječno istraživanje u Centru za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti u Mostaru. U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika. Svi su ovisnici o heroinu koji su se javili u Centar za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti u Mostaru, a koji zadovoljavaju DSM-IV kriterije za dijagnozu ovisnosti. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine: 1) skupinu tek primljenih pacijenata (N=20), 2) skupinu pacijenata koji su proveli 6 mjeseci u metadonskom programu (N=20) i3) skupinu pacijenta koji su proveli 6 mjeseci u programu terapijske zajednice (N=20). U istraživanju su prikupljane socidemografske varijable kao Å”to su dob, edukacija, bračni i radni status, te varijable vezane za ovisnost kao Å”to su dužina ovisničkog staža, način uzimanja droge, uporaba alkohola te prisutnosti infekcije virusima HCV, HBV i HIV. Za procjenu kvalitete života koristio ā€œQuality of life indexā€ kojim se mjerila percepcija važnih životnih područja kao Å”to su zdravlje i funkcioniranje, socijalno i ekonomsko, psiholoÅ”ko i spiritualno, te obiteljsko područje. Većina ispitanika u uzorku je bila srednjoÅ”kolski obrazovana, podjednake dobi, neoženjeni, najveći dio je bio bez posla, a samo mali broj je živio sam van primarne obitelji. Ispitivane skupine se nisu značajno razlikovale prema uvjetima življenja koji su pokazatelji kvalitete života. Rezultati istraživanja ovisničkih varijabli pokazuju da je većina ispitanika drogu uzimala intravenskim putem, nije bilo razlika u trajanju ovisničkog staža među skupinama, te ih većina nije pila alkohol. Nije nađen nijedan slučaj infekcije HIV-om, a veći broj ispitanika u uzorku su bili zaraženi virusom hepatitisa C, dok je vrlo mali broj ispitanika bio zaražen virusom hepatitisa B. U ovom istraživanju su nađene značajne razlike u kvaliteti života među ispitivanim skupinama. Skupine ispitanika liječenih u metadonskom programu i u programu terapijske zajednice pokazale su značajno veće rezultate na skalama kvalitete života u odnosu na skupinu tek primljenih pacijenata, a između skupine ispitanika koji su bili u metadonskom programu liječenja i skupine u terapijskoj zajednici nije bilo takvih razlika. Dobiveni podaci ukazuju na činjenicu da je liječenje metadonom podjednako djelotvorno kao i boravak u terapijskoj zajednici po utjecaju na promjene u kvaliteti života ispitanika

    Release Rate Enhancement of Lurasidone Hydrochloride from Orally Disintegrating Tablets using Lyophilisation

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    U ovom radu istražuju se mogućnosti povećanja brzine oslobađanja lurasidon-hidroklorida, antipsihotika druge generacije, pripravom čvrstih disperzija procesom liofilizacije. FTIR, DSC te XRPD ispitivanja provedena su s ciljem detekcije potencijalnih interakcija između lurasidon-hidroklorida i polimernih matrica koje mogu znatno povećati topljivost djelatne tvari i osigurati brže oslobađanje iz dozirnog oblika. Takve čvrste disperzije i pomoćne tvari upotrijebljene su u pripravi tableta čija su vremena raspadanja manja od 3 min. Profili otapanja u laboratorijskom okruženju ukazuju na brže oslobađanje djelatne tvari iz raspadljivih tableta u odnosu na čisti lurasidon-hidroklorid. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.This paper investigates the possibilities for release rate enhancement of lurasidone hydrochloride, a second-generation antipsychotic, by preparing solid dispersions via lyophilisation process. FTIR, DSC, and XRPD measurements have been performed in order to detect potential interactions between lurasidone hydrochloride and polymer matrices that might significantly increase drug solubility and provide faster release from the dosage form. Such solid dispersions and excipients have been used in the preparation of tablets that disintegrate in less than 3 min. In vitro dissolution profiles indicate a higher drug release rate from disintegrating tablets in comparison to pure LRS HCl. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Epidemiological and clinical features of brucellosis in children

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    Cilj: U strukturi pobola mediteranskih zemalja, me|u koje spada Bosna i Hercegovina, bruceloza zauzima važno mjesto zbog svojih socijalno-medicinskih značajki. Bolest ima Å”iroki spektar kliničkih manifestacija i može dovesti do komplikacija s teÅ”kim posljedicama. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je prikazati kliničke i epidemioloÅ”ke značajke te terapijski pristup u djece s brucelozom liječene u Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničke bolnice (KB) Mostar. Bolesnici i metode: Provedena je retrospektivna analiza podataka o kliničkim i epidemioloÅ”kim značajkama bruceloze prikupljenih iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika mlađih od 18 godina liječenih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti KB Mostar u razdoblju od 2005. do 2011. godine. Rezultati: U ispitivanom razdoblju u Klinici je liječeno ukupno 60 bolesnika s brucelozom, od čega devet (15%) djece. Djeca su većim dijelom bila iz ruralnih područja s pozitivnom epidemioloÅ”kom anamnezom (podatak o direktnom kontaktu s bolesnim životinjama, oboljelom članu obitelji i/ili konzumaciji mliječnih proizvoda iz domaćinstava u kojih je već bila dokazana bruceloza). U sve oboljele djece bruceloza je dokazana seroloÅ”ki, dok je pozitivnu hemokulturu imalo samo jedno dijete; taj izolat Brucella melitensis bio je rezistentan na trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMZ). NajčeŔće kliničke manifestacije bile su vrućica, noćno znojenje, opća slabost, umor i gubitak apetita, a od laboratorijskih obilježja leukopenija i limfocitoza. KoÅ”tano-zglobni oblik bruceloze zabilježen je u 7/9 djece, najčeŔće monoartritis, dok respiratorni, genitourinarni, kožni, okularni i neuroloÅ”ki oblici bolesti nisu zabilježeni. Prosječno je liječenje bruceloze u oboljele djece trajalo 8,5 tjedana. Tijekom hospitalizacije liječenje je u svih provedeno kombinacijom gentamicina i rifampicina, dok je po otpustu peroralno liječenje nastavljeno kombinacijom rifampicina i azitromicina odnosno cefiksima u djece mlađe od osam godina, a kombinacijom rifampicina i doksiciklina u djece starije od osam godina. Izlječenje je postignuto u sve djece. Zaključak: U Bosni i Hercegovini bruceloza u djece je rijetka, ali ne i zanemariva bolest. Stoga svi liječnici koji rade u endemskim područjima trebaju diferencijalno-dijagnostički pomiÅ”ljati na brucelozu u djece s dugotrajnom vrućicom, artralgijama i leukopenijom ukoliko dolaze iz ruralnih područja. Terapijski pristup u pedijatrijskoj populaciji daje različite mogućnosti kombiniranja antimikrobnih lijekova, no TMP-SMZ se ne čini kao razboriti izbor za empirijsko liječenje obzirom na dokazanu rezistenciju brucele na TMP-SMZ u naÅ”ih bolesnika.Aim: Because of its socio-medical characteristics, brucellosis plays a significant role in the morbidity structure of Mediterranean countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brucellosis has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and can lead to a number of complications with severe sequelae. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and epidemiological features and therapeutic approach in children treated for brucellosis at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Mostar. Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical and epidemiological parameters collected from medical records of patients younger than 18 years of age treated for brucellosis at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Mostar in the period 2005ā€“2011. Results: Over the study period, a total of 60 patients with brucellosis were treated, of whom nine (15%) were children. The children mostly came from the rural areas with positive epidemiological history (records of direct contact with sick animals, sick family member and/or consumption of dairy products from households with confirmed cases of brucellosis). Brucellosis was confirmed by serology in all affected children, while only one child had positive blood culture and this isolate of Brucella melitensis was resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ). Most frequent clinical manifestations were fever, night sweats, general weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite, and laboratory findings of leukopenia and lymphocytosis. Osteoarticular form of brucellosis was recorded in 7/9 children, usually monoarthritis while respiratory, genitourinary, skin, ocular and neurological forms of the disease were not recorded. The average duration of brucellosis treatment in affected children was 8.5 weeks. During hospitalization all patients received a combination of gentamicin and rifampin, while after discharge from hospital children younger than eight years continued to take oral combination of rifampin and azithromycin or cefixime, and children older than eight years a combination of rifampin and doxycycline. Cure was achieved in all children. Conclusion: In Bosnia and Herzegovina brucellosis in children is rare, but it is not an insignificant disease. Therefore, all physicians working in endemic areas should consider brucellosis in the differential diagnosis in children with prolonged fever, arthralgias and leukopenia if coming from rural areas. Therapeutic approach in the pediatric population provides various possibilities for combining antimicrobials, however TMPSMZ does not seem like a prudent choice for empirical treatment considering Brucella resistance to TMP-SMZ in our patients

    COVID-19 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Strengthening the public health surveillance using a web-based system to inform public health response, March 2020 - March 2022

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    In response to the significant public health threat caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), real-time surveillance, containment, and mitigation measures were implemented in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Our objective was to describe the surveillance methodology, response measures, and epidemiology of COVID-19 cases in FBiH from March 2020 to March 2022. The surveillance system implemented across FBiH enabled health authorities and the population to monitor the development of the epidemiological situation, the daily number of reported cases, as well as basic epidemiological characteristics and geographic distribution of cases. As of 31 March 2022, 249,495 cases of COVID-19, and a total of 8,845 deaths were recorded in FBiH. Upkeeping of real-time surveillance, maintaining non-pharmaceutical interventions, and speeding up the vaccination roll-out were paramount for controlling COVID-19 in FBiH
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