424 research outputs found

    Use of Aeronautical Technology for Forest Fire Control in the Czech Republic

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je porovnat parametry hlídkových a hasebních letounů na základě analýzy provozních, technických a ekonomických parametrů. Obsahuje rozbor jednotlivých parametrů a popis vlastností letadel z pohledu využití pro zjištění a hašení lesních požárů. Výsledkem této práce je vyhodnocení nejvhodnějšího letadla pro hlídkovou a hasební činnost.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to compare several types of patrol and firefighting airplanes based on their operational, technical and economical characteristics. The thesis also includes an analysis of their particular parameters and description of their specifications in respect to fire protection. The outcome of this thesis is evaluation of the most proper airplane for patrolling and firefighting.

    Laser welding of the abrasive steel

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    Projekt vypracovaný v rámci inženýrského studia porovnává svařování otěruvzdorného materiálu HARDOX 400, metodou svařování vláknovým laserem, která bude porovnávána s metodou svařování MAG a za použití různých ochranných plynů (Argon a Helium). V rámci teoretické části sem zpracoval obě technologie svařování a problematiku oceli s vyšší pevností. V experimentální části byly provedeny a vyhodnoceny destruktivní mechanické zkoušky a to zkouška lámavosti, příčná zkouška tahem, zkouška makrostruktury a zkouška mikrostruktury svarů. V závěru diplomové práce vyvozeny konečné výsledky experimentu.The project, prepared by the engineering study compares the welding abrasive steel HARDOX 400, fiber laser welding method, which will be compared with a MAG welding method and using different protective gases (argon and helium). In the theoretical part, i worked both welding technology's and the issue of high-strength steel. In the experimental part were performed and evaluated by destructive mechanical testing and bending test, the transverse tension test, test macrostructure and microstructure of welds. In conclusion the thesis deduced the final results of the experiment.

    Floods in the Czech Republic - Peak Discharges Analysis in the Upper Dyje Catchment and the Upper Svratka Catchment

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    The paper presents briefly main flood types in the Czech Republic and is orientated to the peak discharges analysis of two selected hydrological stations situated in different catchments. The peak discharges exceeding maximum peak discharge with return period of two years (Q2) were analysed in the upper parts of the Dyje River (period 1935–2006) and the Svratka River (period 1925–2007). The main purpose was the assessment of the frequency, seasonality and extremity of floods in the period of systematic hydrological observations. The chronologies of floods exceeding the two-year maximum peak discharge with respect to their N-year return period and occurence during the winter and summer hydrological half-years were studied. Rate of runoff during hydrological years was evaluated and extremely wet hydrological years were determined

    Design of an Automation for Bonding of a Sound Protection Shield for Brake Pads

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    Cílem diplomové práce je navrhnout zařízení pro automatické lepení protihluku na brzdovou destičku. V teoretické části je seznámení s výrobní linkou, kam se zařízení navrhuje, co je protihluk a k čemu slouží. Následuje návrh součástí a sestav pro sled operací, které jsou nutné pro nalepení protihluku na brzdovou destičku. V přílohách je výkres sestavy lepení a držáku vedení protihluků.The goal of this master thesis is design automation for bonding of a sound protection Shield for brake pads. The theoretcal part includes basic information about ITT Holdings s.r.o., machine, where the automation will be installed and what is the protection shield. Next part is the design automation step by step. Attachements of this master thesis are drawings of gluing assembly and console of conduction.347 - Katedra částí a mechanismů strojůvýborn

    Hydrological Drought Assessment in the Southeast Part of the Czech Republic

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    The paper deals with the temporal-spatial analysis of the hydrological drought in the southeast part of the Czech Republic (i.e. South Moravia) on the selected watergauge stations which conclude the catchment areas of the main rivers in the territory mentioned. The main purpose of this paper consists in assessing the hydrological drought. The method of the hydrological drought elaboration without any (in advance) fixed delimitation values of low discharges and their duration was presented and used. The values of the mean minimum runoff of continuous duration in the range of 1, 2, 3 - 10 and 30, 60, 90 days were necessary to apply in order to determine the day numbers needed for reaching the values of quantiles of M-day discharges chosen in advance. The hydrological drought was evaluated according to this day number. The mean annual runoff distribution, the occurrence and duration of low discharges were studied

    Fitness and Training Mobile Applications

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou mobilní aplikace pro podporu individuálních fitness programů. V úvodní části práce je vyhodnocen trh s aplikacemi a jsou zanalyzovány uživatelské požadavky, kde je brán ohled na potřeby cílové skupiny, kterou tvoří lidé zabývající se zdravým způsobem života a cvičením ve fitness centrech. Nastíněny jsou také požadavky nutné pro vývoj nad platformou iOS, na které je aplikace realizována. V další části práce je společně s vhodně zvolenou technologií navrženo řešení pro realizaci. V poslední části práce je podrobně rozebrána samotná implementace, kde jsou popsány frameworky a třídy s nimiž se v programu pracuje. Nedílnou součástí této práce je také výsledná spustitelná aplikace, která je obsažena v příloze na kompaktním disku.This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of a mobile application to support individual fitness programs. First part of thesis includes evaluation of market with existing applications and requirements analysis. Attention is focused to needs of the target group consisting of people interested in a healthy lifestyle and visitors fitness centers. Outlined are also requirements for the development in iOS platform on which the application is implemented. Second part contains software design of solution for implementation together with suitable technology. The author also describes most important frameworks and classes which are used in implementation and which the application operates with. An integral part o this work is the final executable application that is included in the appendix on compact disc.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř

    Floods and Droughts in the Czech Republic - Analysis of Extreme Discharges in the Upper Svratka-River Catchment

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    In the context of natural extremes in the world, floods and droughts in the Czech Republic were described. A special attention was paid to floods. The paper deals briefly with flood types in the Czech Republic and concentrates on the peak discharges analysis of the selected hydrological station situated in the upper part of the Svratka River catchment (period 1925–2007). The main stress was put on the assessment of the frequency, seasonality and extremity of floods in the period of systematic hydrological observations as well as on the chronology of floods exceeding the two-year maximum peak discharge with respect to their N-year return period and occurence during the winter and summer hydrological half-years. Extremely dry and extremely wet hydrological years were determined using the calculation of exceedance probability

    Bucket elevator

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem svislého korečkového elevátoru pro dopravu obilovin. Práce se skládá z popisu korečkových elevátorů a jejich hlavních částí, funkčního výpočtu a kontroly hnacího hřídele. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na výpočet a výběr převodového elektromotoru a následnou pevnostní kontrolu hnacího hřídele. K práci je přiložena výkresová dokumentace celkové sestavy elevátoru, sestava hlavy elevátoru a hnacího hřídele.This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a vertical bucket elevator for transport of grain. The thesis consists of a description of bucket elevators and their main components, functional calculations and check of the drive shaft. Particular emphasis is placed on the calculation and selection of a gearmotor and subsequent strength check of the drive shaft. The drawing documentation of the entire assembly of the elevator, the elevator head assembly and drive shaft is enclosed with the thesis.

    Vznik žánru české laické katolické liturgiky jako součást procesu katolické konfesionalizace

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    This interdisciplinary paper discusses the situation in the Czech lands in the early modern period with regard to Catholic theology, liturgics and the development of these disciplines. Given the large number of religious texts that emerged in this period, it focuses on the beginnings of Czech liturgical education and formation aimed at the laity within the Roman Catholic Church in the 17th century, i.e. liturgical manuals written in Czech