6 research outputs found

    Effekten av fire ukers pescetarisk intervensjon på blodlipider

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    Bakgrunnen for studien var ønsket om å undersøke hvorvidt en overgang fra et tradisjonelt norsk- til pescetarisk kosthold med minimum ett fiskemåltid om dagen kan ha effekt på blodlipider hos friske. En gunstig lipidprofil er av sentral betydning i forebygging av hjerte- og karsykdommer (HKS). Nysgjerrigheten for dietten pescetarianisme stammet fra forskning som tilsier at kjøtt og kjøttbiprodukter har negativ effekt på HKS, mens fisk og sjømat er vist å ha positiv effekt. Mekanismene bak utvikling av HKS ligger hovedsakelig i blodlipidene, men også abdominal fedme, kroppssammensetning og vekt er av betydning. Studiens formål var å undersøke hvilken effekt fire ukers pescetarisk intervensjon har på blodlipider hos friske. RCT-studie med en kvantitativ metode ble valgt for å studere effekten av et pescetarisk kosthold. Blodprøver ble valgt som markører for lipidnivåene. Prøvene inkluderer triglyserider, total-, HDL-, LDL-kolesterol og serum blodglukose (alle fastende), i tillegg til antropometriske mål av høyde, vekt, midjemål og hofteomkrets. Utvalget besto av 14 studenter fra Høyskolen Kristiania og Handelshøyskolen BI, hvorav 11 jenter og 3 gutter. Deltakerne ble randomisert til to grupper à 7 deltakere, en invensjonsgruppe og en kontrollgruppe. Intervensjonsgruppen skulle spise etter rammene i et pescetarisk kosthold, og kontrollgruppen opprettholdt ordinært kosthold. Til intervensjonsgruppen ble det lagt føringer om minimum et måltid fisk eller sjømat hver dag, og minimum to måltider med fet fisk i uken. Spørreundersøkelser ble sendt ut og besvart for å undersøke kostholdet til begge gruppene før-, og ved endt intervensjonsperiode, samt ukentlig hos intervensjonsgruppen. Resultatene viser ingen effekt av pescetarisk kosthold på totalkolesterol (P=0,236), triglyserider (0,173), HDL-kolesterol (P=0,595), LDL- kolesterol (P=0,262) eller serum blodglukose (P=0,172) i intervensjonsgruppen. Hofteomkrets ble imidlertid signifikant redusert intervensjonsgruppen (P=0,042). Signifikante forskjeller ble funnet på totalkolesterol (P=0,011) for hele utvalget samlet. Midjemål ble signifikant redusert i både intervensjonsgruppen (P=0,046) og kontrollgruppen (0,042). Studien konkluderer med at det er kan være gunstig å følge rammene i et pescetarisk kosthold for å redusere andre risikofaktorer for HKS, men ingen signifikante forskjeller i blodlipider ble funnet i denne studien

    Microscopic examination of banana, potato, wheat and oat : influence of pre-digestive processing on cellularity and structure

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    Cellularity has recently become a term that describes the cellular intactness of foods. Cellular structure has been studied in the context of texture and other sensorial aspects, as well as mentioned in studies focusing on human metabolic health. As of today, no studies have mapped the cellularity of different foods and the changes in cellularity after processing and chewing, though some information exists through indirect studies. This thesis aimed to investigate differences in cellular structure and cell wall intactness in food after different processing methods, including chewing. The selected foods were potato (raw, boiled, boiled and masticated, homemade mashed and instant mashed potatoes), banana (fresh, masticated, and blended as in smoothie for 15 and 30 seconds), oat (whole, fast cooking and premium oat flakes), and wheat (whole, refined and fine whole wheat flour, commercial and stone ground milling techniques). The results were presented as micrographs and quantification of intact cells, as well as explanation of observations. Unprocessed foods, as well as boiled potato were considered to have ~100% intact cellular structure. In vivo mastication decreased the percentage of intact cells with approximately 20 in both banana and boiled potato. The results of potato and banana samples indicated a relationship between increased processing degree and decreased percentage of intact cells. For instance, lowest percentage of intact cells were found in the instant mashed potatoes and in the banana sample blended for the highest time. For cereals, both milling and rolling resulted in extensive structural destruction. In oat flakes, the particle size seemed to influence the size of the coherent aleurone layer. These studies demonstrated that some types of processing, such as grinding for smoothie production, destroyed cellular structure in banana, while other processing methods, such as boiling of whole potato did not.CARBFUNC, a study conducted at the MOHN nutrition research laboratorysubmittedVersionM-H

    Microscopic examination of banana, potato, wheat and oat : influence of pre-digestive processing on cellularity and structure

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    Cellularity has recently become a term that describes the cellular intactness of foods. Cellular structure has been studied in the context of texture and other sensorial aspects, as well as mentioned in studies focusing on human metabolic health. As of today, no studies have mapped the cellularity of different foods and the changes in cellularity after processing and chewing, though some information exists through indirect studies. This thesis aimed to investigate differences in cellular structure and cell wall intactness in food after different processing methods, including chewing. The selected foods were potato (raw, boiled, boiled and masticated, homemade mashed and instant mashed potatoes), banana (fresh, masticated, and blended as in smoothie for 15 and 30 seconds), oat (whole, fast cooking and premium oat flakes), and wheat (whole, refined and fine whole wheat flour, commercial and stone ground milling techniques). The results were presented as micrographs and quantification of intact cells, as well as explanation of observations. Unprocessed foods, as well as boiled potato were considered to have ~100% intact cellular structure. In vivo mastication decreased the percentage of intact cells with approximately 20 in both banana and boiled potato. The results of potato and banana samples indicated a relationship between increased processing degree and decreased percentage of intact cells. For instance, lowest percentage of intact cells were found in the instant mashed potatoes and in the banana sample blended for the highest time. For cereals, both milling and rolling resulted in extensive structural destruction. In oat flakes, the particle size seemed to influence the size of the coherent aleurone layer. These studies demonstrated that some types of processing, such as grinding for smoothie production, destroyed cellular structure in banana, while other processing methods, such as boiling of whole potato did not

    Diets differing in carbohydrate cellularity and amount similarly reduced visceral fat in people with obesity - a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC)

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    Background & aims Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) volume is associated with common lifestyle diseases. Dietary quality, including food matrix and degree of carbohydrate cellularity, as well as the carbohydrate/fat ratio, may influence VAT volume. We aimed to determine the effects of isocaloric diets differing in either “cellularity”, a novel marker of dietary carbohydrate quality, or carbohydrate amount on visceral fat volume and anthropometric measures in adults with obesity. Methods In a randomized controlled trial of 193 people with obesity/central adiposity, we compared changes in VAT volume after 6 and 12 months, measured by abdominal computed tomography, on three isocaloric eating patterns based on “acellular” carbohydrate sources (e.g., flour-based whole-grain products; comparator arm), “cellular” carbohydrate sources (minimally processed foods with intact cellular structures such as fruits, potatoes/tubers, and rice), or low-carbohydrate high-fat (LCHF) principles. Outcomes were compared by an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis using constrained linear mixed-effects modelling (cLMM) providing baseline-adjusted change scores and proper missing data handling without imputation. Results 78 and 57 participants completed 6 and 12 months, respectively, with similar intakes of energy (females: 1820−2060 kcal, males: 2480−2550 kcal) and protein (16–17 energy percent, E%) throughout the intervention, and only modest reductions in energy from baseline. Reported dietary intakes were 42–44, 41–42, and 11–15 E% carbohydrate and 36–38, 37–38, and 66–70 E% fat in the acellular, cellular and LCHF groups, respectively. There were no significant between-group differences in VAT volume after 6 months (cellular vs. acellular [95% CI]: −55 cm³ [−545, 436]; LCHF vs. acellular [95% CI]: −225 cm³ [−703, 253]) or after 12 months (cellular vs. acellular [95% CI]: −122 cm³ [−757, 514]; LCHF vs. acellular [95% CI]: −317 cm³ [−943, 309]). VAT volume decreased significantly within all groups by 14–18% and 12–17% after 6 and 12 months, respectively. Waist circumference was reduced to a significantly greater degree in the LCHF vs. acellular group at 6 months (LCHF vs. acellular [95% CI]: −2.78 cm [−5.54, −0.017]). Conclusions Despite modest energy restriction, the three isocaloric eating patterns, differing in carbohydrate cellularity and amount, decreased visceral fat volume significantly and to a similar clinically relevant degree