28 research outputs found

    Research, didactics, job market – concept of two-subject studies

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    Artykuł dotyczy koncepcji kształcenia polonistycznego uwzględniającego zarówno tradycyjne konteksty badawcze we współczesnej filologicznej praktyce naukowej, jak i sytuację na współczesnym rynku pracy. Polega ona na łączeniu dwu dyscyplin humanistycznych w jednym programie kształcenia i realizowaniu procesu dydaktycznego przez dwie jednostki naukowo-dydaktyczne (jedna z nich jest administratorem kierunku). Ważnym efektem takiej metody jest dwuprzedmiotowość jako walor kompetencyjny absolwenta, a także dobra orientacja w dwu tradycjach metodologicznych i swoistości dyscyplin wzajemnie na siebie oddziałujących. Eksponowanie dobranych w ten sposób kontekstów przyczynia się niewątpliwie do uatrakcyjnienia studiów, jak również powoduje, że absolwent – zwłaszcza nauczyciel – lepiej adaptuje się do zmiennych warunków pracy.Poznańska polonistyka uruchomiła w ostatnim czasie cztery takie kierunki (w połączeniu z historią, etyką, filologią klasyczną i filologią germańską), a doświadczenia zebrane podczas pracy nad programami, jak również podczas pracy z pierwszymi rocznikami studentów, dały podstawy do niniejszych analiz i wniosków (a także pytań).The lecture concerns the concept of teaching the Polish language and culture, taking into account traditional research context in contemporary scientific practice as well as current situation on the job market. It combines two humanities in one program and involves the participation of two educational units in the teaching process (one of which being the administrator of the faculty). An important effect of such a method is mastering two subjects as the competence value of the graduate as well as good knowledge of two methodology traditions and disciplines, which influence each other. The exposure of two contexts selected that way contributes to raising the attractiveness of studies, allowing the graduate – especially a teacher – to adapt to the changing conditions of work better.The Poznan Institute of Polish Philology has launched four such faculties recently (combined with History, Ethics, Classical philology and German philology) and the experience gained not only while working on the programs but also while teaching the first year students, allowed for these analyses and conclusions (as well as questions)

    “Zataję siebie w kropce tego wiersza” – linguistic jewelery in the poetry of Urszula Kozioł

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    The article concerns textual phenomena in the poetry of Urszula Kozioł, which constitute a part of a linguistic method for examining relations between elements of poetic language. The examples discussed concern free verse – they reveal elaborate structures and linguistic processes focused on syntactic condensation, poetic accommodation, elliptic verse or phraseological trace. In the poetry of Kozioł, especially phraseology is original, which makes the receptive perspective adopted at describing linguistic phenomena representative of complicated formal-semantic processes. The draft is an attempt to read the Poet’s texts with the use of linguistic tools, so it not only gives a complete picture of an individualised poet but helps to point out peculiarities, the examination of which requires a reflection on language perception in poetic structures.The article concerns textual phenomena in the poetry of Urszula Kozioł, which constitute a part of a linguistic method for examining relations between elements of poetic language. The examples discussed concern free verse – they reveal elaborate structures and linguistic processes focused on syntactic condensation, poetic accommodation, elliptic verse or phraseological trace. In the poetry of Kozioł, especially phraseology is original, which makes the receptive perspective adopted at describing linguistic phenomena representative of complicated formal-semantic processes. The draft is an attempt to read the Poet’s texts with the use of linguistic tools, so it not only gives a complete picture of an individualised poet but helps to point out peculiarities, the examination of which requires a reflection on language perception in poetic structures

    Problem semantycznych innowacji frazeologicznych w tekstach literackich

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    The author attempts to consider the phenomenon of phraseological innovativeness in artistic texts. The adopted perceptional perspective (enhancing the significance of variantivity in phraseology) makes it possible to propose controversial, yet individual, categories for the analysis of particular contextual situations in which the analysed updated phaseological units occur. The fictitiousness of literature, its semantic instability – the openness for interpretation – allow us to tentatively reflect on the kind of various phaseological innovations in the function of the elements involved in sensemaking processes. The modest material illustration provided is just a corroboration of the methodological invention

    Play it again – redundancy, literature and language games

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    The problem under consideration has its origin in the phenomenon of gameplay, which intersperses the rules and possible freedom of execution. The tensions between habit and surprise, regularity and irregularity created in this way expose the potential that lies in the grammatical conditions of the language use. The phenomenon of redundancy, considered in the context of a language game, can be presented in at least three ways: 1. redundancy as a non-game, 2. redundancy as a game – a struggle, 3. redundancy as a game – cooperation. In the latter approach, the recipient is invited to search for ambiguity, to take pleasure in activating non-obvious orders of literary expression. The article presents two very different examples of how redundancy functions in literary texts - a poem by Krystyna Miłobędzka and a short story by Janusz Rudnicki.The problem under consideration has its origin in the phenomenon of gameplay, which intersperses the rules and possible freedom of execution. The tensions between habit and surprise, regularity and irregularity created in this way expose the potential that lies in the grammatical conditions of the language use. The phenomenon of redundancy, considered in the context of a language game, can be presented in at least three ways: 1. redundancy as a non-game, 2. redundancy as a game – a struggle, 3. redundancy as a game – cooperation. In the latter approach, the recipient is invited to search for ambiguity, to take pleasure in activating non-obvious orders of literary expression. The article presents two very different examples of how redundancy functions in literary texts - a poem by Krystyna Miłobędzka and a short story by Janusz Rudnicki

    Struktura statystyczna polskiego systemu graficznego. Analiza historyczno-porównawcza

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    This article presents a statistical and comparative analysis of four spelling conventions that represent different stages in the development of the Polish graphic system: the graphic system of a late-medieval manuscript (hand-written text), the standard spelling convention typical for the first half of the sixteenth century, the accepted and standard modern spelling of the first half of the twentieth century and the innovative set of graphic features used in electronic media. The characteristics of the statistical parameters encompasses dispersion and entropy in the first and the second row of letters, as well as in two-element sets (dyads). The analysis proves that: 1) inasmuch as the degree of differentiation of the distribution of signs, the history of Polish spelling convention prior to the solidification of the modern standard practice (accepted standard system) manifested a self-organizing tendency that was based on a reduction of letter signs and two-element letter combinations (ligatures) with the frequency of 1; 2) innovative solutions used in the set of graphic features characteristic for electronic media do not violate the statistical proportion between letters and their dyads operative and specific for modern standard graphic system 3) in respect to theory and information, the transformations of the graphic substance (graphic system) (within the analysed chronological timeframe) depended on neither progress (evolution) nor degradation

    Poststrukturalistyczne inspiracje w badaniu języka poezji współczesnej

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    The text is an attempt to look at the problem of the contemporary studies into poetic language through the prism of poststructuralist reflection. The discussion, which originally referred to the theory of literature, concerned the themes also present in the studies of linguists and resulting from a critical analysis of the assumptions of structuralist thought. The perspective adopted in this abstract made it possible to present a research proposal comprising the category of redundancy in literary communication, as well as – in more detail – the category of relationality of verse, syntactical hypotheses or special predication with regard to poetic language. Free verse is apprehended here with reference to the findings of modern scholars of verse, which involves a special way of thinking about syntax in poetry, and also – about the specific aspects of semantics. The attached examples (from a collection of modern Polish poetry) provide the necessary illustration of the linguistic phenomena demonstrated in the text

    Pan Profesor Stanisław Bąba (5.09.1939 – 2.09.2014)

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    Lingwizm w poezji współczesnej jako kategoria odbiorcza

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    The article offers a proposal for the studies into a particular receptive disposition (derived from the phenomenon of Polish linguistic poetry) as a consequence of recognition of the special structure of a modern poem. The poetics of reception, rooted in theoretical tradition, when juxtaposed with reflection on the structure of verse and in connection with an epistemological value of a metaphor (as a notional construct) may motivate methodological (linguistic) considerations focused on language fundamentals for the reception of poetic texts. Apart from the general presentation of the topic, the article also includes an analytical sample, which deals with the phenomenon of parallelism in modern poetry. This parallelism is an effect of ellipsis in the verse, created in close connection with the poem’s construction and the reader’s reception competence

    Tabularność wiersza wolnego i jej konsekwencje lekturowe

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    This article touches upon the tabular nature of free verse; here it indicates the individuality of verses in the text structure resulting from its non-linear character (spatiality) as a result of free verse. In other words, any text written in free verse is potentially a structure of coincidental syntax e.g. as a result of maximised equivalence each single verse is semantically independent and primarily independent with respect to syntax from the other verses. This article relies on the assumption that reception of a text written in free verse is non-linear and therefore tabular. This assumption is based on a conviction that the tabular nature is not a revelation of the new media or the change in perceiving texts propagated in the new media. Rather, it is a phenomenon typical of poetry; it started to accompany poetry when the notion of free verse was introduced. The text is illustrated with examples of poems by contemporary Polish authors