2,185 research outputs found

    Light scalar at LHC: the Higgs or the dilaton?

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    It is likely that the LHC will observe a color- and charge-neutral scalar whose decays are consistent with those of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson. The Higgs interpretation of such a discovery is not the only possibility. For example, electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) could be triggered by a spontaneously broken, nearly conformal sector. The spectrum of states at the electroweak scale would then contain a narrow scalar resonance, the pseudo-Goldstone boson of conformal symmetry breaking, with Higgs-like properties. If the conformal sector is strongly coupled, this pseudo-dilaton may be the only new state accessible at high energy colliders. We discuss the prospects for distinguishing this mode from a minimal Higgs boson at the LHC and ILC. The main discriminants between the two scenarios are (1) cubic self-interactions and (2) a potential enhancement of couplings to massless SM gauge bosons. A particularly interesting situation arises when the scale f of conformal symmetry breaking is approximately the electroweak scale v~246 GeV. Although in this case the LHC may not be able to tell apart a pseudo-dilaton from the Higgs boson, the self-interactions differ in a way that depends only on the scaling dimension of certain operators in the conformal sector. This opens the possibility of using dilaton pair production at future colliders as a probe of EWSB induced by nearly conformal new physics.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Standard Model couplings and collider signatures of a light scalar

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    The electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) sector of the Standard Model can be far richer and more interesting than the usual single scalar doublet model. We explore scenarios where the EWSB sector is nearly scale invariant and consequently gives rise to a light CP even scalar particle. The one-doublet SM is in that category, as are many other models with either weakly or strongly coupled sectors that trigger EWSB. We study the couplings of the light scalar to the SM particles that can arise from the explicit breaking of scale invariance focusing on the possible differences with the minimal SM. The couplings of the light scalar to light fermions, as well as to the massless gauge bosons, can be significantly enhanced. We find possible new discovery channels due to the decays of the conformal scalar into e^+e^- and mu^+mu^- pairs as well as new production channels via light quark annihilation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure


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    Soil contamination occurs when substances are added to soil, resulting in increases in concentrations above background or reference levels. Pollution may follow from contamination when contaminants are present in amounts that are detrimental to soil quality and become harmful to the environment or human health. Contamination can occur via a range of pathways including direct application to land and indirect application from atmospheric deposition. Contamination was identified by SEPA (2001) as a significant threat to soil quality in many parts of Scotland. Towers et al. (2006) identified four principal contamination threats to Scottish soils: acidification; eutrophication; metals; and pesticides. The Scottish Soil Framework (Scottish Government, 2009) set out the potential impact of these threats on the principal soil functions. Severe contamination can lead to “contaminated land” [as defined under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act (1990)]. This report does not consider the state and impacts of contaminated land on the wider environment in detail. For further information on contaminated land, see ‘Dealing with Land Contamination in Scotland’ (SEPA, 2009). This chapter considers the causes of soil contamination and their environmental and socio-economic impacts before going on to discuss the status of, and trends in, levels of contaminants in Scotland’s soils

    Grain and plant protein types fed to weaned piglets influence the apparent digestibility of carbohydrates and crude protein when measured at the terminal ileum

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    Diets based on cooked white rice fed to weaned piglets have a higher apparent ileal digestibility of starch than diets based on wheat (Pluske et al., 2007). The diets based on cooked white rice have used predominately animal sources of protein, however in Europe these are banned or excluded by retailer's specifications (except for milk proteins), and plant proteins are widely used instead. This study examined the interactive effects of cereal types and plant protein types on the apparent ileal digestibility of protein and carbohydrates to test the proposition that suitable sources of plant protein could ensure high digestibility coefficients in the small intestine

    Investigating uptake of N2O in agricultural soils using a high-precision dynamic chamber method

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    Uptake (or negative flux) of nitrous oxide (N2O)in agricultural soils is a controversial issue which has proved difficult to investigate in the past due to constraints such as instrumental precision and methodological uncertainties. Using a recently developed high-precision quantum cascade laser gas analyser combined with a closed dynamic chamber, a well-defined detection limit of 4 μg N2O-N m could be achieved for individual soil flux measurements. 1220 mea- surements of N2O flux were made from a variety of UK soils using this method, of which 115 indicated uptake by the soil (i.e. a negative flux in the micrometeorological sign convention). Only four of these apparently negative fluxes were greater than the detection limit of the method, which suggests that the vast majority of reported negative fluxes from such measurements are actually due to instrument noise. As such, we suggest that the bulk of negative N2O fluxes reported for agricultural fields are most likely due to limits in detection of a particular flux measurement methodology and not a result of microbiological activity consuming atmospheric N2O