9 research outputs found

    Between virtuality and reality: remarks about perception of city architecture

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    In the contemporary reality the term "diversity" has become the basic feature that characterizes both creation and perception of the surrounding world. Trying to describe the city as the place to live of the half of the Earth's population faces the same problem that occurs during attempts to define styles or tendencies in architecture, urbanism or each other area of human activity. Therefore it is not possible to indicate one model of the contemporary city, and to determine its appropriate scale, structure and function. Considering complexity of contemporaneity, it’s multi–layering and a variety of possible reference points (named here "perception"), the only element which can be identified as prevalent in discussion about the city is man. Developing space in our cities is followed by the continuous development of the parallel virtual world. Perhaps it is still too early to name it "virtual reality", comprehended in the way in which we perceive the reality around us. It doesn’t change the fact, that fragments of electronic space, acting as digital memory, change our perception of architecture and cities. Currently the technology development affects Homo Sapiens much more than other factors in the environment where we live. One can ask, whether this new reality won’t entirely replace the need of direct contact with the real world. The city and its architecture is perceived through electronic prostheses. The surrounding world ceases to be perceived in a natural way and images of images become objects of human perception. The intention of these considerations is not to answer these questions, but to focus attention on problems arising from the change of perceiving architecture

    Tokyo. One city. Ten cases of architecture

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    Tokyo, one of the global cities – so multi-threaded, vast, that almost indescribable. This article attempts to present an overview of the city and selected examples of contemporary architecture, that permanently inscribing in the canon of architecture, not only certify their affiliation with the art of building, but also enable to show the characteristic icons of Tokyo. Simultaneously, attention was directed to the role of the tectonics of architectural form, and the shape of buildings with respect to its observer’s perception of architecture

    Games of meanings in contemporary architecture

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    Meanings recorded at different levels of possible connotations become a pretext for the game between the designer and the user of the building. The studies relate to possible levels of connotations of these signs and a game, also the search for them by recipient, which – deriving pleasure from the perception of the art of architecture – can also be described as fun

    About perception of art. Selected issues in the field of architecture and music coherence

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    W artykule skierowano uwagę na porównanie dwóch – zdaje się całkowicie różnych – sztuk: muzyki i architektury. Ze względu na złożoność problematyki zakres badań ograniczono do wybranych zagadnień, w szczególności: zmienności wrażeń i odbioru w czasie, a także zestawienia cech wspólnych i różnych w odniesieniu do formy i struktury dzieł. Wskazując cechy, które wydają się wspólne, przedstawiono zależności związane z istnieniem muzyki i architektury w przestrzeni. Porównanie tych cech stanowi intrygującą inspirację dla dokonania analizy porównawczej, zapoczątkowanej wspomnieniem muzycznych zainteresowań profesora Wojciecha Kosińskiego.The article focuses on the comparison of two – seemingly completely different – arts: music and architecture. Due to the complexity of the subject matter, the scope of research was limited to selected issues – in particular: variability of impressions and perception over time, also comparisons of common and different features in relation to the form and structure of works. By indicating the features that seem to be common, relationships related to the existence of music and architecture in space are presented. The comparison of these features is an intriguing inspiration for a comparative analysis, initiated by the memory of the musical interests of professor Wojciech Kosiński

    Architektura Miasto Piękno tom 2

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    "Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej zawsze był miejscem pełnym osobowości, indywidualności, talentów. Gdy profesorowie i mistrzowie odchodzili z Wydziału, mieliśmy świadomość, że tu nigdy już nie będzie tak samo. Wydział jednak trwał i trwa jak piękno miasta, które jest przecież dziełem zbiorowym, o nakładających się warstwach, wzmacniających i tworzących jego tożsamość. Tak też kolejne pokolenia kontynuują i budują historię Wydziału. Wydział pełen jest wspomnień i anegdot. W fotografiach, księgach, obrazach, meblach kryją się opowieści."(...

    Between virtuality and reality: remarks about perception of city architecture

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    In the contemporary reality the term "diversity" has become the basic feature that characterizes both creation and perception of the surrounding world. Trying to describe the city as the place to live of the half of the Earth's population faces the same problem that occurs during attempts to define styles or tendencies in architecture, urbanism or each other area of human activity. Therefore it is not possible to indicate one model of the contemporary city, and to determine its appropriate scale, structure and function. Considering complexity of contemporaneity, it’s multi–layering and a variety of possible reference points (named here "perception"), the only element which can be identified as prevalent in discussion about the city is man. Developing space in our cities is followed by the continuous development of the parallel virtual world. Perhaps it is still too early to name it "virtual reality", comprehended in the way in which we perceive the reality around us. It doesn’t change the fact, that fragments of electronic space, acting as digital memory, change our perception of architecture and cities. Currently the technology development affects Homo Sapiens much more than other factors in the environment where we live. One can ask, whether this new reality won’t entirely replace the need of direct contact with the real world. The city and its architecture is perceived through electronic prostheses. The surrounding world ceases to be perceived in a natural way and images of images become objects of human perception. The intention of these considerations is not to answer these questions, but to focus attention on problems arising from the change of perceiving architecture

    Afterword to volume two

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    "Przedstawiony w niniejszym tomie zbiór tekstów dowodzi, jak silne i inspirujące było – i nadal jest – oddziaływanie osobowości profesora Wojciecha Kosińskiego na środowisko polskich architektów, zarówno teoretyków, jak i praktyków. Szczególnie cenne, posiadające istotny walor dokumentacyjny, są zawarte w pierwszej części wspomnienia Jego bliskich przyjaciół. Aleksander Böhm sięga pamięcią do pierwszych lat studiów, a Leszek Wojnar opisuje zarówno pasjonujące regaty na Jeziorze Czorsztyńskim, jak i kameralne rozmowy prowadzone w letnim domku w Łopusznej nad Dunajcem, który Wojtek wyczarował ze starej stodoły."(...

    Venice : potential

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    Niniejsza praca poświęcona Wenecji, jest tłumaczeniem na język włoski publikacji naukowej, której autorami są pracownicy naukowi i wykładowcy Politechniki Krakowskiej. Stanowi tom 1 opracowania naukowego, dotyczącego potencjału, ale także zagrożeń środowiskowych Wenecji. Pierwotnie książka ukazała się w języku polskim w 2017 roku. W pracy pomieszczono trzy studia: Beaty Malinowskiej-Petelnz o roli i znaczeniu Wenecji w kulturze; Macieja Skazy o remodelowaniu przestrzeni Wenecji w dzisiejszej zabudowie architektonicznej oraz dalszych perspektywach zabudowy, oraz Mariusza Twardowskiego o potencjale architektonicznym wysp położonych na Lagunie Weneckiej.This work on Venice is a translation into Italian of a scientific publication whose authors are researchers and lecturers at the Cracow University of Technology. It constitutes volume 1 of a scientific study on the potential but also the environmental risks of Venice. The book was originally published in Polish in 2017. The work includes three studies: by Beata Malinowska-Petelnz on the role and significance of Venice in culture; by Maciej Skaza on the remodelling of Venice's space in today's architectural development and further development perspectives; and by Mariusz Twardowski on the architectural potential of the islands located in the Venice Lagoon.Questo lavoro su Venezia è una traduzione in italiano di una pubblicazione scientifica i cui autori sono ricercatori e docenti del Politecnico di Cracovia. Costituisce il primo volume di uno studio scientifico sul potenziale ma anche sui rischi ambientali di Venezia. Il libro è stato originariamente pubblicato in polacco nel 2017. L’opera comprende tre studi: di Beata Malinowska-Petelnz sul ruolo e il significato di Venezia nella cultura; di Maciej Skaza sul rimodellamento dello spazio di Venezia nello sviluppo architettonico di oggi e sulle prospettive di ulteriore sviluppo; e di Mariusz Twardowski sul potenziale architettonico delle isole situate nella Laguna di Venezia

    The Power Losses in Cable Lines Supplying Nonlinear Loads

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    This paper presents the skin effect impact on the active power losses in the sheathless single-core cables/wires supplying nonlinear loads. There are significant conductor losses when the current has a distorted waveform (e.g., the current supplying diode rectifiers). The authors present a new method for active power loss calculation. The obtained results have been compared to the IEC-60287-1-1:2006 + A1:2014 standard method and the method based on the Bessel function. For all methods, the active power loss results were convergent for small-cable cross-section areas. The proposed method gives smaller power loss values for these cable sizes than the IEC and Bessel function methods. For cable cross-section areas greater than 185 mm2, the obtained results were better than those for the other methods. There were also analyses of extra power losses for distorted currents compared to an ideal 50 Hz sine wave for all methods. The new method is based on the current penetration depth factor calculated for every considered current harmonics, which allows us to calculate the precise equivalent resistance for any cable size. This research is part of our work on a cable thermal analysis method that has been developed