109 research outputs found

    A Reduction in Ribonucleotide Reductase Activity Slows Down the Chromosome Replication Fork but Does Not Change Its Localization

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    BACKGROUND:It has been proposed that the enzymes of nucleotide biosynthesis may be compartmentalized or concentrated in a structure affecting the organization of newly replicated DNA. Here we have investigated the effect of changes in ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activity on chromosome replication and organization of replication forks in Escherichia coli. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Reduced concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs) obtained by reducing the activity of wild type RNR by treatment with hydroxyurea or by mutation, resulted in a lengthening of the replication period. The replication fork speed was found to be gradually reduced proportionately to moderate reductions in nucleotide availability. Cells with highly extended C periods showed a "delay" in cell division i.e. had a higher cell mass. Visualization of SeqA structures by immunofluorescence indicated no change in organization of the new DNA upon moderate limitation of RNR activity. Severe nucleotide limitation led to replication fork stalling and reversal. Well defined SeqA structures were not found in situations of extensive replication fork repair. In cells with stalled forks obtained by UV irradiation, considerable DNA compaction was observed, possibly indicating a reorganization of the DNA into a "repair structure" during the initial phase of the SOS response. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:The results indicate that the replication fork is slowed down in a controlled manner during moderate nucleotide depletion and that a change in the activity of RNR does not lead to a change in the organization of newly replicated DNA. Control of cell division but not control of initiation was affected by the changes in replication elongation

    The Stringent Response and Cell Cycle Arrest in Escherichia coli

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    The bacterial stringent response, triggered by nutritional deprivation, causes an accumulation of the signaling nucleotides pppGpp and ppGpp. We characterize the replication arrest that occurs during the stringent response in Escherichia coli. Wild type cells undergo a RelA-dependent arrest after treatment with serine hydroxamate to contain an integer number of chromosomes and a replication origin-to-terminus ratio of 1. The growth rate prior to starvation determines the number of chromosomes upon arrest. Nucleoids of these cells are decondensed; in the absence of the ability to synthesize ppGpp, nucleoids become highly condensed, similar to that seen after treatment with the translational inhibitor chloramphenicol. After induction of the stringent response, while regions corresponding to the origins of replication segregate, the termini remain colocalized in wild-type cells. In contrast, cells arrested by rifampicin and cephalexin do not show colocalized termini, suggesting that the stringent response arrests chromosome segregation at a specific point. Release from starvation causes rapid nucleoid reorganization, chromosome segregation, and resumption of replication. Arrest of replication and inhibition of colony formation by ppGpp accumulation is relieved in seqA and dam mutants, although other aspects of the stringent response appear to be intact. We propose that DNA methylation and SeqA binding to non-origin loci is necessary to enforce a full stringent arrest, affecting both initiation of replication and chromosome segregation. This is the first indication that bacterial chromosome segregation, whose mechanism is not understood, is a step that may be regulated in response to environmental conditions

    Association of the Chromosome Replication Initiator DnaA with the Escherichia coli Inner Membrane In Vivo: Quantity and Mode of Binding

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    DnaA initiates chromosome replication in most known bacteria and its activity is controlled so that this event occurs only once every cell division cycle. ATP in the active ATP-DnaA is hydrolyzed after initiation and the resulting ADP is replaced with ATP on the verge of the next initiation. Two putative recycling mechanisms depend on the binding of DnaA either to the membrane or to specific chromosomal sites, promoting nucleotide dissociation. While there is no doubt that DnaA interacts with artificial membranes in vitro, it is still controversial as to whether it binds the cytoplasmic membrane in vivo. In this work we looked for DnaA-membrane interaction in E. coli cells by employing cell fractionation with both native and fluorescent DnaA hybrids. We show that about 10% of cellular DnaA is reproducibly membrane-associated. This small fraction might be physiologically significant and represent the free DnaA available for initiation, rather than the vast majority bound to the datA reservoir. Using the combination of mCherry with a variety of DnaA fragments, we demonstrate that the membrane binding function is delocalized on the surface of the protein’s domain III, rather than confined to a particular sequence. We propose a new binding-bending mechanism to explain the membrane-induced nucleotide release from DnaA. This mechanism would be fundamental to the initiation of replication

    DNA Adenine Methylation Is Required to Replicate Both Vibrio cholerae Chromosomes Once per Cell Cycle

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    DNA adenine methylation is widely used to control many DNA transactions, including replication. In Escherichia coli, methylation serves to silence newly synthesized (hemimethylated) sister origins. SeqA, a protein that binds to hemimethylated DNA, mediates the silencing, and this is necessary to restrict replication to once per cell cycle. The methylation, however, is not essential for replication initiation per se but appeared so when the origins (oriI and oriII) of the two Vibrio cholerae chromosomes were used to drive plasmid replication in E. coli. Here we show that, as in the case of E. coli, methylation is not essential for oriI when it drives chromosomal replication and is needed for once-per-cell-cycle replication in a SeqA-dependent fashion. We found that oriII also needs SeqA for once-per-cell-cycle replication and, additionally, full methylation for efficient initiator binding. The requirement for initiator binding might suffice to make methylation an essential function in V. cholerae. The structure of oriII suggests that it originated from a plasmid, but unlike plasmids, oriII makes use of methylation for once-per-cell-cycle replication, the norm for chromosomal but not plasmid replication

    Phase behaviour of Ag2CrO4 under compression: Structural, vibrational, and optical properties

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp401524sWe have performed an experimental study of the crystal structure, lattice dynamics, and optical properties of silver chromate (Ag2CrO4) at ambient temperature and high pressures. In particular, the crystal structure, Raman-active phonons, and electronic band gap have been accurately determined. When the initial orthorhombic Pnma Ag2CrO4 structure (phase I) is compressed up to 4.5 GPa, a previously undetected phase (phase II) has been observed with a 0.95% volume collapse. The structure of phase II can be indexed to a similar orthorhombic cell as phase I, and the transition can be considered to be an isostructural transition. This collapse is mainly due to the drastic contraction of the a axis (1.3%). A second phase transition to phase III occurs at 13 GPa to a structure not yet determined. First-principles calculations have been unable to reproduce the isostructural phase transition, but they propose the stabilization of a spinel-type structure at 11 GPa. This phase is not detected in experiments probably because of the presence of kinetic barriers. Experiments and calculations therefore seem to indicate that a new structural and electronic description is required to model the properties of silver chromate.This study was supported by the Spanish government MEC under grants MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04 and CTQ2009-14596-C02-01, by the Comunidad de Madrid and European Social Fund (S2009/PPQ1551 4161893), by the MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045), and by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Desarrollo of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV2011-0914 PAID-05-11 and UPV2011-0966 PAID-06-11). A.M. and P.R.-H. acknowledge computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster. J.A.S. acknowledges Juan de la Cierva Fellowship Program for its financial support. Diamond and ALBA Synchrotron Light Sources are acknowledged for provisions of beam time. We also thank Drs. Peral, Popescu, and Fauth for technical support.Santamaría Pérez, D.; Bandiello, E.; Errandonea, D.; Ruiz-Fuertes, J.; Gomis Hilario, O.; Sans, JÁ.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.... (2013). Phase behaviour of Ag2CrO4 under compression: Structural, vibrational, and optical properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117(23):12239-12248. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp401524sS12239122481172

    Replication Fork Reversal after Replication–Transcription Collision

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    Replication fork arrest is a recognized source of genetic instability, and transcription is one of the most prominent causes of replication impediment. We analyze here the requirement for recombination proteins in Escherichia coli when replication–transcription head-on collisions are induced at a specific site by the inversion of a highly expressed ribosomal operon (rrn). RecBC is the only recombination protein required for cell viability under these conditions of increased replication-transcription collisions. In its absence, fork breakage occurs at the site of collision, and the resulting linear DNA is not repaired and is slowly degraded by the RecJ exonuclease. Lethal fork breakage is also observed in cells that lack RecA and RecD, i.e. when both homologous recombination and the potent exonuclease V activity of the RecBCD complex are inactivated, with a slow degradation of the resulting linear DNA by the combined action of the RecBC helicase and the RecJ exonuclease. The sizes of the major linear fragments indicate that DNA degradation is slowed down by the encounter with another rrn operon. The amount of linear DNA decreases nearly two-fold when the Holliday junction resolvase RuvABC is inactivated in recB, as well as in recA recD mutants, indicating that part of the linear DNA is formed by resolution of a Holliday junction. Our results suggest that replication fork reversal occurs after replication–transcription head-on collision, and we propose that it promotes the action of the accessory replicative helicases that dislodge the obstacle

    Broken replication forks trigger heritable DNA breaks in the terminus of a circular chromosome

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    <p><u>(A) Circular map of the <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> chromosome</u>: <i>oriC</i>, <i>dif</i> and <i>terD</i> to <i>terB</i> sites are indicated. Numbers refer to the chromosome coordinates (in kb) of MG1655. (<u>B) Linear map of the terminus region:</u> chromosome coordinates are shown increasing from left to right, as in the marker frequency panels (see Figure 1C for example), therefore in the opposite direction to the circular map. In addition to <i>dif</i> and <i>ter</i> sites, the positions of the <i>parS</i><sub>pMT1</sub> sites used for microscopy experiments are indicated. (<u>C) MFA analysis of terminus DNA loss in the <i>recB</i> mutant</u>: sequence read frequencies of exponential phase cells normalized to the total number of reads were calculated for each strain. Ratios of normalized reads in isogenic wild-type and <i>recB</i> mutant are plotted against chromosomal coordinates (in kb). The profile ratio of the terminus region is enlarged and the profile of the corresponding entire chromosomes is shown in inset. Original normalized profiles used to calculate ratios are shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007256#pgen.1007256.s005" target="_blank">S1 Fig</a>. The position of <i>dif</i> is indicated by a red arrow. The <i>ter</i> sites that arrest clockwise forks (<i>terC</i>, <i>terB</i>, green arrow) and counter-clockwise forks (<i>terA</i>, <i>terD</i>, blue arrow) are shown. <u>(D) Schematic representation of focus loss in the <i>recB</i> mutant:</u> Time-lapse microscopy experiments showed that loss of a focus in the <i>recB</i> mutant occurs concomitantly with cell division in one of two daughter cells, and that the cell that keeps the focus then generates a focus-less cell at each generation. The percentage of initial events was calculated as the percentage of cell divisions that generate a focus-less cell, not counting the following generations. In this schematic representation, two initial events occurred (generations #2 and #7) out of 9 generations, and focus loss at generation #2 is heritable. Panels shown in this figure were previously published in [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007256#pgen.1007256.ref019" target="_blank">19</a>] and are reproduced here to introduce the phenomenon.</p

    Coordination of chromosome replication initiation in Escherichia coli: effects of different dnaA alleles.

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    The synchrony of initiation of chromosomal replication in single cells was determined in ten different dnaA(Ts) mutants. After inhibiting the initiation of replication but allowing initiated rounds of replication to terminate, we measured the number of fully replicated chromosomes per individual cell by flow cytometry. Synchronous initiation at the several independent origins (oriC) in single rapidly growing cells would give 2'' (n = 0,1,2,3,...) chromosomes per cell, whereas asynchronous initiation was indicated by the presence of a different number of chromosomes. Mutations mapping in the central part of the dnaA gene (dnaA5, dnaA46, dnaA601, dnaA602, and dnaA604) lead to a high degree of asynchrony (class I mutants), whereas mutations mapping in either of the distal parts of the gene (dnaA508, dnaA167, dnaA203, and dnaA204) yielded a low degree of asynchrony at the permissive temperature (class 2 mutants). The dnaA205 mutant exhibited an intermediate degree of asynchrony. Mutants dnaA203 and dnaA204 (promoter distal) differed from the other class 2 mutants (dnaA167, dnaA508; promoter proximal) in that asynchrony increased no more than twofold between 25 and 37 degrees C compared with the more-than-fourfold increase in the latter. The high degree of asynchrony in class 1 mutants was independent of temperature and was not due to insufficient functional DnaA protein, because overproduction of DnaA46 protein did not decrease the asynchrony. The data demonstrate that the DnaA protein has functions in addition to acting positively in the initiation process and negatively as its own repressor, namely in coordinating initiations at all oriC sites within a single cell