183 research outputs found


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    Fisheries has recently been very exploited area in the Croatian media, either regarding the EU accession negotiations or regarding the interrelationships of the involved parties within Croatia. Iceland is one of the strongest fishery nations in the world that passed through some heavy struggles to protect its fishery grounds (so called “fishery or cod wars”). Therefore its experience in fisheries can be useful when creating Croatian fishery policy. So, the aim of this article is to present the Statement on Responsible Fisheries in Iceland signed by all the parties involved in the Icelandic fishery industry.Ribarstvo je u posljednje vrijeme medijski vrlo eksploatirano područje, kako u pregovorima oko ulaska Hrvatske u EU, tako i u odnosima među različitim zainteresiranim stranama unutar Hrvatske. Island je, kao jedna od najjačih ribarskih nacija u svijetu, svojedobno prošao kroz velike borbe u nastojanju da zaštiti svoja ribarska područja (tzv. ribarski ili bakalarski ratovi), pa njegovo ribarsko iskustvo može biti korisno u kreiranju hrvatske ribarske politike. Stoga je cilj ovoga članka prikazati Dogovor o odgovornom ribarstvu na Islandu, koji su potpisale sve strane uključene u islandsku ribarsku industriju

    TEKNIK SYMBOLIC MODELING UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN EMPATI PESERTA DIDIK:(Eksperimen Kuasi pada Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Lembang Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016)

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    Empati merupakan kompetensi yang penting untuk dikembangkan karena empati merupakan dasar dari kecakapan sosial, sehingga individu yang berempati akan lebih memiliki interaksi sosial yang baik dan mampu bersosialisasi dengan lingkungannya. Teknik symbolic modeling merupakan salah satu teknik dalam bimbingan dan konseling untuk memberikan bantuan kepada peserta didik dengan mengamati perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh model melalui video, film, gambar maupun cerita. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efektivitas teknik symbolic modeling dalam mengembangkan empati peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Lembang Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen kuasi dengan desain penelitian nonequivalent control group. Analisis data menggunakan statistik non parametrik melalui uji Mann-Whitney. Berdasarkan uji Mann-Whitney pada kelompok eksperimen, nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,005. Nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari α = 0,05, artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara data pre-test dengan data post-test pada kelompok eksperimen. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol, nilai signifikansi hasil uji Mann Whitney adalah sebesar 0,857. Nilai signifikansi lebih besar dari α = 0,05, artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara data pre-test dengan data post-test kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian menunjukkan bahwa teknik symbolic modeling efektif untuk mengembangkan empati peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Symbolic Modeling, Empati Empathy is an competency that important to developed in each individual because empathy is a foundation of social skills, so as individuals are able to empathize would to have a good social interaction and able to socialize with their environment. Symbolic modelling technique is one of techniques in guidance and counselling to provide assistance for student by conducting observation of the behaviour exhibited by the models through the media of video, movies, pictures, and stories. The aim of this research was to test the effectiveness of symbolic modeling technique to developing empathy 8th grade student of SMPN 1 Lembang the academic year 2015/2016. The research method use quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group design. Data analysis using non-parametric statistical Mann-Whitney test. Based on the Mann-Whitney test in the experimental group, the significant value is 0.005. If the significance value less than α = 0.05 it means that there are significant differences between data pre-test and post-test of experimental group. Whereas in the control group, the significant value is 0.857. The significant values is bigger than α = 0.05, it means that there are no significant differences between the pre-test and post-test data of control group. Thereby indicating that the symbolic modeling techniques effective to develop empathy of students. Keyword : Symbolic Modeling, Empath

    Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av The Leyton Obsessional Inventory Child Version (LOI-CV)

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    Leyton Obsessional Inventory for Children (LOI-CV) er et spørreskjema for å kartlegge symptomer på tvangslidelse (OCD) hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet inneholder 20 testledd. Barnet eller ungdommen skal først angi om symptomet er til stede eller ikke tilstede. Dersom symptomet er tilstede skal de vurdere alvorlighetsgraden på en skala fra 1 til 3. Spørreskjemaet er utarbeidet av Carol Zaremba Berg og hennes kolleger, og det ble først publisert i 1988. Originalversjonen har vist god indre konsistens for alle barn og god test-retest stabilitet for aldersgruppen 11-16 år. Eldre studier viste god kriterievaliditet men nye studier har vist dårligere kriterievaliditet som kan indikere svak diagnostisk nøyaktighet. Den norske versjonen er oversatt av Knut Gundersen, Lars T. Jørgensen og Luke Moynahan. Den kan fritt benyttes av bokens eier men det er ikke spesifisert kompetansekrav til de som skal anvende testen. Det finnes en dansk studie hvor LOI-CV er brukt, og som rapporter skårer på LOI-CV hos 1032 barn og unge i alderen 11-17 år valgt ut fra en normalbefolkning. Det foreligger ingen dokumentasjon av måleegenskapene hverken ved den norske, danske eller svenske versjonen av testen. Vårt litteratursøk viste at det ikke foreligger noen dokumentasjon av måleegenskapene ved den norske versjonen. Vi anbefaler brukere av den norske versjonen å være svært forsiktige i bruk og tolkning av LOI-CV.Som alle artikler i PsykTestBarn, kan denne fagfellevurderte artikkelen lastes ned, skrives ut og distribueres fritt for alle slags formål på følgende vilkår: korrekt referanse skal oppgis (se under), ingen kommersiell bruk, og ingen bearbeidelse av tekst eller innhold


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    Fisheries has recently been very exploited area in the Croatian media, either regarding the EU accession negotiations or regarding the interrelationships of the involved parties within Croatia. Iceland is one of the strongest fishery nations in the world that passed through some heavy struggles to protect its fishery grounds (so called “fishery or cod wars”). Therefore its experience in fisheries can be useful when creating Croatian fishery policy. So, the aim of this article is to present the Statement on Responsible Fisheries in Iceland signed by all the parties involved in the Icelandic fishery industry.Ribarstvo je u posljednje vrijeme medijski vrlo eksploatirano područje, kako u pregovorima oko ulaska Hrvatske u EU, tako i u odnosima među različitim zainteresiranim stranama unutar Hrvatske. Island je, kao jedna od najjačih ribarskih nacija u svijetu, svojedobno prošao kroz velike borbe u nastojanju da zaštiti svoja ribarska područja (tzv. ribarski ili bakalarski ratovi), pa njegovo ribarsko iskustvo može biti korisno u kreiranju hrvatske ribarske politike. Stoga je cilj ovoga članka prikazati Dogovor o odgovornom ribarstvu na Islandu, koji su potpisale sve strane uključene u islandsku ribarsku industriju

    Eosinophilic meningitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Europe.

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe and analyse the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of imported human angiostrongyliasis in Europe. METHODS: A systematic literature review of cases of human angiostrongyliasis in Europe was performed. Seven databases were searched. The epidemiological and clinical characteristics were extracted from included records and simple summary statistics were performed on extracted data. RESULTS: Twenty-two cases reported between 1988 and 2019 were identified. They were mainly from French Polynesia, Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean Islands. The dominant suspected mode of transmission was ingestion of prawns, shrimp, or salad. For patients with data, 90% had a history of headache, often lasting, and half had paresthesia. Eighty-nine percent had eosinophilia, 93% had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) eosinophilia, and 92% had elevated CSF protein. Central nervous system (CNS) imaging was normal in most cases. Two-thirds received albendazole or mebendazole treatment, although this is not currently recommended. CONCLUSIONS: We have increased previous numbers to 22 reported cases in total since 1988. Angiostrongyliasis should generally be suspected in patients with a lasting headache who have returned from Southeast Asia, China, the Caribbean Islands, Australia, or French Polynesia, as well as parts of North America and Tenerife, Spain, although one autochthonous case from mainland Europe has also been reported. A dietary history should focus on prawns, shrimp, and salad, whilst also including slugs and snails and other paratenic hosts where relevant. The clinical diagnosis is supported by the presence of blood eosinophilia, CSF eosinophilia, and elevated CSF protein. A definitive laboratory diagnosis should be sought, and CNS imaging should be used to support, not to rule out the diagnosis. The most up-to-date evidence should always be consulted before initiating treatment. Current recommendations include analgesics, corticosteroids, and periodic removal of CSF for symptom relief, while antihelminthic treatment is debated

    Performance assessment of a 125 human plasma peptide mixture stored at room temperature for multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry

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    Synthetic peptides are a critical requirement for the development and application of targeted mass spectrometry (MS)-based assays for the quantitation of proteins from biological matrices. Transporting synthetic peptides on dry ice from one laboratory to another is costly and often difficult because of country-specific import and export regulations. Therefore, in this study, we assessed the impact of leaving a lyophilized mixture consisting of 125 peptides at room temperature for up to 20 days, and we assessed the effect on the quantitative performance of multiple reaction monitoring-MS (MRM-MS) assays. The findings suggest that there are no significant differences in the MRM-MS results for the time points assessed in this study (up to 20 days). All the calibration curves and quality control (QC) samples met the acceptance criteria for precision and accuracy (raw data are available via the public MS data repository PanoramaWeb, identifier: /MRM Proteomics/2020_BAK125_RT). The number of endogenous proteins quantifiable across five plasma samples was consistently between 87 and 99 out of 125 for all time points. Moreover, the coefficients of variation (CVs) calculated for the majority of peptide concentrations across all samples and time points were <5%. In addition, a lyophilized peptide mixture was transported from Canada to Iceland without dry ice. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the quantitative performance, with the determined concentrations of most proteins in the samples falling within 30% between the analyses performed on the same three plasma samples in Iceland and those in Canada. Overall, a comparison of the results obtained in Canada and in Iceland indicated that the peptides were stable under the conditions tested and also indicated that shipping lyophilized peptide mixtures without dry ice, but in the presence of sufficient desiccant material, could be a feasible option in cases where transport difficulties may arise or dry-ice sublimation may occur.Proteomic

    eCBT Versus Standard Individual CBT for Paediatric Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder

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    Open access funding provided by NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (incl St. Olavs Hospital - Trondheim University Hospital). The Liaison Committee for Education, Research and Innovation in Central Norway supported this work (Samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Midt-Norge RHF og NTNU). Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by recurring obsessions and compulsions often with severe impairment affecting 1–3% of children and adolescents. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the therapeutic golden standard for paediatric OCD. However, face-to-face CBT is limited by accessibility, availability, and quality of delivery. Enhanced CBT (eCBT) a combination of face-to-face sessions at the clinic and treatment at home via webcam and a supportive app system aims to address some of these barriers. In this pilot study, we compared eCBT outcomes of 25 paediatric patients with OCD benchmarked against traditional face-to-face CBT (n = 269) from the Nordic Long-term OCD Treatment Study, the largest paediatric OCD CBT study to date. Pairwise comparisons showed no difference between eCBT and NordLOTS treatment outcomes. Mean estimate difference was 2.5 in favour of eCBT (95% CI − 0.3 to 5.3). eCBT compared to NordLOTS showed no significant differences between response and remission rates, suggesting similar effectiveness.Peer reviewe