13 research outputs found

    Concurso de premios europeos del CEMBUREAU-1982

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    This article deals with the five first prizes recognized in the competition organized by the CEMBUREAU, in 1982, on «Concrete in the single family dwelling and in the small dwellings of collective organisations». Apart from the technical notes of each of the works awarded, there is included the comments of the jury for each of them.En este artículo se recogen los cinco primeros premios concedidos en el concurso organizado por el CEMBUREAU, en el año 1982, sobre «El hormigón en la vivienda unifamiliar y en los pequeños edificios de vivienda colectiva». Además de las notas técnicas de cada uno de los trabajos premiados se adjunta el comentario del jurado para cada uno de ellos

    Puente Öland

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    The Öland bridge spans across the Kalmar strait, reaching from Möllstorpslage, on the island of Öland, to the island of N. Skallö; from here to the island of Svinö and then to Jutnabben, on the Swedish peninsula. It has 155 spans out of which 147 are small spans, two medium and six central, each one of them 130 m, with a total length of 6.070 m. The high arches have been constructed by the system of successive corbels and the low ones with a launching of big beams of reinforced concrete. Foundations on columns or poured on site in pneumatic emptied boxes, depending on the cases and piers of reinforced concrete, constructed by means of sliding formwork. The Construction Firm has been Skanska Cementgjuteriet, on account of the Government Administration.El puente de Öland salva el estrecho de Kalmar, partiendo de Möllstorpslage, en la isla de Öland, hasta la isla de N. Skallö; de aquí a la de Svinö y desde ésta hasta Jutnabben, en la península sueca. Tiene 155 vanos: 147 de luces pequeñas, 2 de luces medianas y 6 centrales, de 130 m cada una, con una longitud total de 6.070 m. Los arcos denominados altos se han realizado por el sistema de voladizos sucesivos, y los bajos, mediante lanzamiento de grandes vigas de hormigón armado. Cimientos sobre pilotes o vertidos in situ, en cajones vaciados neumáticamente, según los casos, y pilas de hormigón armado, construidas con auxilio de encofrados deslizantes. La Empresa constructora ha sido Skanska Cementgjuteriet, por cuenta de la Administración del Estado

    Puente Öland

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    The Öland bridge spans across the Kalmar strait, reaching from Möllstorpslage, on the island of Öland, to the island of N. Skallö; from here to the island of Svinö and then to Jutnabben, on the Swedish peninsula. It has 155 spans out of which 147 are small spans, two medium and six central, each one of them 130 m, with a total length of 6.070 m. The high arches have been constructed by the system of successive corbels and the low ones with a launching of big beams of reinforced concrete. Foundations on columns or poured on site in pneumatic emptied boxes, depending on the cases and piers of reinforced concrete, constructed by means of sliding formwork. The Construction Firm has been Skanska Cementgjuteriet, on account of the Government Administration.<br><br>El puente de Öland salva el estrecho de Kalmar, partiendo de Möllstorpslage, en la isla de Öland, hasta la isla de N. Skallö; de aquí a la de Svinö y desde ésta hasta Jutnabben, en la península sueca. Tiene 155 vanos: 147 de luces pequeñas, 2 de luces medianas y 6 centrales, de 130 m cada una, con una longitud total de 6.070 m. Los arcos denominados altos se han realizado por el sistema de voladizos sucesivos, y los bajos, mediante lanzamiento de grandes vigas de hormigón armado. Cimientos sobre pilotes o vertidos in situ, en cajones vaciados neumáticamente, según los casos, y pilas de hormigón armado, construidas con auxilio de encofrados deslizantes. La Empresa constructora ha sido Skanska Cementgjuteriet, por cuenta de la Administración del Estado

    Data from a Historic Landscape Recording at the Old Oak Common Satellite B, Acton, 2019-2020 (HS2 Phase One)

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    This collection comprises digital photographs from a Historic Lanscape Recording by Costain Skanska of three heritage assets located on land to the west of Old Oak Common Road, London Borough of Acton. This land lies adjacent to the development corridor of the HS2 scheme. The three structures comprised a former transformer building, a World War Two air raid shelter and a World War Two pill box. The extent of the vegetation across much of the area in the immediate vicinity of the heritage Assets hindered an ability to read the landscape and understand potential associated features, and their relationship to the three structures, at ground level

    Data from a Building Survey at Highway Farm S2, Hillingdon, 2019-2020 (HS2 Phase One)

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    This collection comprises images from a setting recording at Highway Farm, Harefield, in the London Borough of Hillingdon in October 2019. The recording work was undertaken by Costain Skanska, and later archived and deposited by Archaeology Wales. This archive will assist in developing an understanding of the medieval and post medieval landscape that comprises Highway Farm, which once formed part of a manorial complex. It will draw upon the information gathered in the Environmental Statement (ES) and Detailed Desk Based Assessment focused on the East Colne Valley (DDBA; 1EW02-CSJ-EV-REP-S002-000118) to: Record and analyse the landscape setting of Highway Farm, in particular, the historical and topographical relationship with Harefield Place and the former Harefield Estate; Identify and record elements of the landscape, including buildings and earthworks, that have physical, functional, or historical associations with the farm, either historically or presently; and Contribute to the delivery of the GSWI: HERDS Specific Objectives, as outlined within the Project Plan (1EW02-CSJ-EV-PLN-S002-000017: KC53: explore techniques for analysing and recording the setting of heritage assets, where the setting and its contribution to the significance of the asset is particularly complex)