41 research outputs found

    La construction identitaire chez l’adolescent de parents migrants. Analyse croisée du processus identitaire

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    L’adolescence est la période spécifique où remaniements psychiques et questionnements identitaires sont au premier plan. La question de la construction identitaire s’avérerait d’autant plus complexe dans un contexte transculturel. À partir de leurs interrogations cliniques, les auteurs proposent une revue de la littérature sur le processus de construction identitaire chez les adolescents de parents migrants. Cette réflexion théorique s’appuie sur les conceptualisations de ce processus en psychologie interculturelle, transculturelle et dans la théorie du self dialogique. Mettre en relief ces différentes approches et les ponts qui les relient, permettra alors de mieux comprendre la réalité de l’identité hybride ou métissée à l’adolescence.Adolescence is the specific stage during which psychological changes and identity searching are at the forefront of preoccupations. The identity construction proves to be particularly complex in a transcultural context. Starting from their clinical questioning, the authors propose a literature review of the process of identity construction in a population of adolescent children of migrant parents. This theoretical reflection is based on conceptualisations of this process in intercultural psychology, transcultural psychology and in the theory of dialogical self. Putting into perspective these different approaches and their interconnections will help better understand the reality of hybrid or half-breed identity during adolescence.La adolescencia es el período específico en el que las transformaciones psíquicas y cuestionamientos de la identidad se encuentran en primer plano. La cuestión de la construcción de la identidad se presenta de forma aún más compleja en un contexto transcultural. A partir de sus interrogantes clínicas, los autores proponen una revisión de la literatura sobre el proceso de construcción de la identidad en los adolescentes de padres inmigrantes. Esta reflexión teórica se apoya en las conceptualizaciones de este proceso en la psicología intercultural, transcultural y en la teoría del self dialógico (self-dialogique). Poner de relieve estos enfoques diferentes y los puentes que los enlazan, permitirá comprender mejor la realidad de la identidad híbrida o mestiza en la adolescencia.A adolescência é o período específico no qual transformações psíquicas e questionamentos identitários encontram-se em primeiro plano. A questão da construção identitária é ainda mais complexa em um contexto transcultural. A partir de questionários clínicos, os autores propõem uma revista da literatura sobre o processo de construção identitária em adolescentes cujos pais são imigrantes. Esta reflexão teórica apóia-se nas conceitualizações deste processo em psicologia intercultural, transcultural e na teoria do self dialógico. Ressaltar estas diferentes abordagens e os pontos que as unem permitirá, então, melhor compreender a realidade da identidade híbrida ou mestiça na adolescência

    Countertransference in Trauma Clinic: A Transitional Breach in the Therapists’ Identity

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    In line with the theoretical elaboration of countertransference in the trauma clinic, this article addresses the therapist’s relationship to the strangeness of the trauma, as well as his/her interaction with the cultural difference of the other, who is in this case, the traumatized patient. Thirty-one therapists were interviewed about their subjective experiences, using the methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis. This article shows interesting subtleties in countertransference reactions to trauma narratives and sheds light on processes indicative of trauma transmission. Therapists interviewed could express experiencing moments of strangeness and inner disquiet; resonance in the defense mechanisms deployed by therapists and by patients at certain moments of the therapy; resorting to disregarding cultural interpretations/generalizations to make sense of an utterly painful situation and put a protective distance with the patients’ culture of origin

    “It's That Route That Makes Us Sick”: Exploring Lay Beliefs About Causes of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Sub-saharan African Asylum Seekers in Germany

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    Many asylum seekers have been confronted with traumatizing events, leading to high prevalence rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Within the diagnostic context, clinicians should take into account patients' culturally shaped presentation of symptoms. Therefore, we sought to provide insights into beliefs about causes of PTSD held by Sub-Saharan African asylum seekers living in Germany. To this aim, we used a quantitative and qualitative methodological triangulation strategy based on a vignette describing symptoms of PTSD. In the first part of the study, asylum seekers (n = 119), predominantly from Eritrea (n = 41), Somalia (n = 36), and Cameroon (n = 25), and a German comparison sample without a migration background (n = 120) completed the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R). In the second part, asylum seekers reviewed the results within eight focus group discussions (n = 26), sampled from groups of the three main countries of origin. Descriptive analyses of the first part demonstrated that asylum seekers predominantly attributed PTSD symptoms to psychological and religious causes, and rather disagreed with supernatural causes. In comparison to the German sample without a migration background, asylum seekers attributed symptoms less strongly to terrible experiences, but more strongly to religious and supernatural causes. Within the focus group discussions, six attribution categories of participants' causal beliefs were identified: (a) traumatic life experiences, (b) psychological causes, (c) social causes, (d) post-migration stressors, (e) religious causes, and (f) supernatural causes. Our findings suggest that the current Western understanding of PTSD is as relevant to migrants as to non-migrants in terms of psychological causation, but might differ regarding the religious and supernatural realm. While awareness of culture-specific belief systems of asylum seekers from Sub-Saharan Africa regarding PTSD is important, our findings do underline, at the same time, that cultural differences should not be overstated

    Perspective transculturelle de l'adoption internationale

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    Adoption et parentalité

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    The Impact of Children's Pre-Adoptive Traumatic Experiences on Parents.

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    International audienceFor the last decade, children are adopted increasingly at an older age. Their pre-adoptive past can bare traumatic experiences consequent to abandonment, violence, or deprivation in birth family or orphanage. The objective of this study is to explore the impact of the child's traumatic past on parental representations and subsequent parent-child interactions. The study includes 41 French parents who adopted one or more children internationally. Each parent participated to a semi-structured interview, focused on the choice of country, the trip to the child's native country, the first interactions with the child, the knowledge of the child's pre-adoptive history. The interviews were analyzed according to a qualitative phenomenological method, the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Five themes emerged from this analysis: absence of affects in the narrative; denial of the significance of the child's traumatic experiences; perceptions of the uncanny concerning the child; parental worry about traumatic repetition for the child; specific structure of the narrative. These extracted themes reveal a low parental reflective function when the child's past is discussed. They highlight the impact of the child's traumatic past on parents. Exploring the impact of the child's traumatic experiences on adoptive parents enables professionals involved in adoption to provide an early support to these families and to do preventive work at the level of parental representations and family interactions

    « Née en France, j’ai l’impression que je suis tamoule avant tout. Qui suis-je ? » Identités hybrides et positionnements dynamiques des adultes de parents migrants tamouls en France

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    Pour se construire, les adultes enfants de migrants doivent concilier les référents culturels de leurs parents ainsi que leur culture d’appartenance française.En nous appuyant sur des entretiens menés auprès de quinze jeunes femmes issues de la seconde génération de Tamouls indiens et sri lankais de France, nous nous intéressons à leur positionnement et leurs stratégies identitaires.Les analyses qualitatives révèlent que les jeunes femmes tamoules nées en France possèdent un répertoire d’identités qui change constamment selon les situations. Ceci leur permet d’explorer différents positionnements identitaires afin de s’engager et d’adhérer à ceux qui leur correspondent.To grow up, adult migrant children have to link the cultural references of their parents as well as their culture of French belonging.Based on interviews with fifteen young women from the second generation of Tamils Indians and Sri Lankans of France, we question their positioning and identity strategies.Qualitative analyzes reveal that young Tamil women born in France have a repertoire of identities that changes constantly depending on the situation. This allows them to explore different identity positions in order to engage and adhere to those who correspond to them

    The Search for Origin of Young Adoptees—A Clinical Study

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    In the current area of social media propagation, the adoptees' search for the birth family is increasingly reversed: more and more adopted adolescents are contacted directly by their birth parents, even if they did not search for them. This study explores the impact of these new forms of contact between adoptive family members and birth family members, through the qualitative analysis of clinical protocols of five adoptive families that sought counseling in a clinical setting devoted to international adoption. The interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed three themes. Two of them shared by the parents and their children: the feelings of anxiety and intrusion, as well as the feelings of guilt and debt. The last theme concerns only the parents: feelings of endangered family relations and can be divided into two sub-themes: feelings of threat by the birth family, feelings of an undermined parental role. Nevertheless, these new kinds of confrontations with the children's origins bear a potential of renegotiating adoptive family relationships and positive effects on mutual feeling of filiation. Exploring the impact of the search of adoptees by the birth family enables professionals involved in adoption to improve preventive and supportive work in the adoption process

    Les multiples voix des jeunes filles d'origine maghrébine en France (pratiques transnationales, relations intergénérationnelles et construction identitaire)

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    Face à l importante médiatisation et même politisation du thème des jeunes filles françaises d origine maghrébine, cette recherche a pour objectif d étudier dans cette population (1) les pratiques transnationales et (2) les relations intergénérationnelles, en s appuyant sur l approche transnationale, ainsi que (3) la construction identitaire, en se référant à la théorie du self dialogique de Hermans et aux concepts de l ethnopsychiatrie de Moro et al. Population et méthode : 19 jeunes filles, âgées de 16 à 25 ans, nées en France et dont les parents ont migré du Maghreb ont été interviewées à l aide d un entretien semi-directif. Résultats : Les analyses longitudinales et transversales menées révèlent la complexité et la multiplicité de la construction identitaire des jeunes filles d origine maghrébine en France, qui a lieu en interaction avec (1) les pratiques transnationales transmises et accomplies par la famille en France, ainsi que (2) les relations intergénérationnelles. Discussion : Les enjeux de la construction identitaire des jeunes filles d origine maghrébine sont à replacer dans le contexte historique et socioculturel dans lequel s inscrit leur vie ainsi que celle de leurs parents. Les relations passées et présentes entre la France et les populations maghrébines ont transformé des valeurs traditionnelles, plus précisément les normes de virginité et d endogamie ainsi que la religiosité, en marqueurs symboliques de l'identité. Autour de ces normes, toujours sujettes à des renégociations et redéfinitions multiples et créatives par les jeunes filles, se jouent leurs expérimentations identitaires.Given the important media coverage and even politicization of the issue of young women of Maghrebine origin in France, the objectives of this research are to study in this population (1) the transnational practices and (2) the intergenerational relations, from the viewpoint of the transnational approach, as well as (3) the identity construction, in reference to the theory of the dialogical self of Hermans and the ethnopsychiatric concepts of Moro et al. Population and method : 19 young women, aged from 16 to 25, born in France and whose parents emigrated from Maghreb were questioned with a semi-structured interview. Results : The longitudinal and transversal analyses reveal the complexity and multiplicity of the identity construction of young women of Maghrebine origin in France, which interacts with (1) the transmitted and performed transnational practices of their families, as well as with (2) the intergenerational relations. Discussion : The issues of the identity construction of young women of Maghrebine origin are to be replaced in the historical and sociocultural context, they and their parents live in. The past and present relations between France and the Maghrebine populations transformed traditional values, and more specifically the virginity and endogamy norms as well as the religiosity, into symbolic identity markers. The identity experimentations of these young women turn around these norms, which are always subject to multiple and creative renegotiations and redefinitions.PARIS13-BU Droit-Lettres (930792101) / SudocSudocFranceF