13 research outputs found

    ‘I had a lump in my stomach’: Swedish gay and lesbian students' experiences of their time in school

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    Objectives: Gay and lesbian youth can experience ignorance and a lack of acknowledgement surrounding their sexual orientation during their time in school. This qualitative interview study describes how Swedish gay and lesbian students experience their secondary school years on the basis that society has heteronormative values. Methods: The data is based on eight telephone interviews with gay and lesbian young adults, aged 18–25 and was analysed using a qualitative narrative approach. Findings: The findings presented four themes: not fitting into the norm of heterosexuality, lacking confirmation of their own homosexuality, finding courage, seeing the school as a supportive or a non-supportive environment. Conclusions: A way to normalise homosexuality can be to discuss sexual development and attraction from a health-promoting perspective. Professionals working in school need to feel comfortable with issues such as sexuality in order to create a situation of confidence for the student

    Bovine oocyte exposure to perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) induces phenotypic, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation changes in resulting embryos in vitro

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    Knowledge on the effects of perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) on ovarian function is limited. In the current study, we investigated the sensitivity of oocytes to PFHxS during in vitro maturation (IVM), including conse-quences on embryo development at the morphological, transcriptomic, and epigenomic levels. Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were exposed to PFHxS during 22 h IVM. Following fertilisation, developmental competence was recorded until day 8 of culture. Two experiments were conducted: 1) exposure of COCs to 0.01 mu g mL(-1) -100 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS followed by confocal imaging to detect neutral lipids and nuclei, and 2) exposure of COCs to 0.1 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS followed by analysis of transcriptomic and DNA methylation changes in blastocysts. Decreased oocyte developmental competence was observed upon exposure to & nbsp;>= 40 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS and altered lipid distribution was observed in the blastocysts upon exposure to 1-10 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS (not observed at lower or higher concentrations). Transcriptomic data showed that genes affected by 0.1 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS were enriched for pathways related to increased synthesis and production of reactive oxygen species. Enrichment for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and oestrogen pathways was also observed. Genes linked to DNA methylation changes were enriched for similar pathways. In conclusion, exposure of the bovine oocyte to PFHxS during the narrow window of IVM affected subsequent embryonic development, as reflected by morphological and mo- lecular changes. This suggests that PFHxS interferes with the final nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of the oocyte leading to decreased developmental competence to blastocyst stage

    Associations between lifestyle factors and levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), phthalates and parabens in follicular fluid in women undergoing fertility treatment

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    Background: Concerns have been raised whether exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can alter reproductive functions and play a role in the aetiology of infertility in women. With increasing evidence of adverse effects, information on factors associated with exposure is necessary to form firm recommendations aiming at reducing exposure.Objective: Our aim was to identify associations between lifestyle factors including the home environment, use of personal care products (PCP), and dietary habits and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid.Methods: April-June 2016, 185 women undergoing ovum pick-up for in vitro fertilisation in Sweden were recruited. Correlation analyses were performed between self-reported lifestyle factors and concentration of EDCs analysed in follicular fluid. Habits related to cleaning, PCPs, and diet were assessed together with concentration of six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) [PFHxS, PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFDA and PFUnDA], methyl paraben and eight phthalate metabolites [MECPP, MEHPP, MEOHP, MEHP, cxMinCH, cxMiNP, ohMiNP, MEP, MOHiBP]. Spearman's partial correlations were adjusted for age, parity and BMI.Results: Significant associations were discovered between multiple lifestyle factors and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid. After correcting p values for multiple testing, frequent use of perfume was associated with MEP (correlation rho = 0.41 (confidence interval 0.21-0.47), p < 0.001); hens' egg consumption was positively associated with PFOS (rho = 0.30 (0.15-0.43), p = 0.007) and PFUnDA (rho = 0.27 (0.12-0.40), p = 0.036). White fish consumption was positively associated with PFUnDA (rho = 0.34 (0.20-0.47), p < 0.001) and PFDA (rho = 0.27 (0.13-0.41), p = 0.028). More correlations were discovered when considering the raw uncorrected p values. Altogether, our results suggest that multiple lifestyle variables affect chemical contamination of follicular fluid.Impact statement: This study shows how lifestyle factors correlate with the level of contamination in the ovary by both persistent and semi-persistent chemicals in women of reproductive age. Subsequently, these data can be used to form recommendations regarding lifestyle to mitigate possible negative health outcomes and fertility problems associated with chemical exposure, and to inform chemical policy decision making. Our study can also help form the basis for the design of larger observational and intervention studies to examine possible effects of lifestyle changes on exposure levels, and to unravel the complex interactions between biological factors, lifestyle and chemical exposures in more detail

    Follicular fluid and blood levels of persistent organic pollutants and reproductive outcomes among women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies

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    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are industrial chemicals resistant to degradation and have been shown to have adverse effects on reproductive health in wildlife and humans. Although regulations have reduced their levels, they are still ubiquitously present and pose a global concern. Here, we studied a cohort of 185 women aged 21-43 years with a median of 2 years of infertility who were seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment at the Carl von Linne Clinic in Uppsala, Sweden. We analyzed the levels of 9 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), 10 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 3 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and 8 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the blood and follicular fluid (FF) samples collected during ovum pick-up. Impact of age on chemical transfer from blood to FF was analyzed. Associations of chemicals, both individually and as a mixture, to 10 ART endpoints were investigated using linear, logistic, and weighted quantile sum regression, adjusted for age, body mass index, parity, fatty fish intake and cause of infertility. Out of the 30 chemicals, 20 were detected in more than half of the blood samples and 15 in FF. Chemical transfer from blood to FF increased with age. Chemical groups in blood crossed the blood-follicle barrier at different rates: OCPs > PCBs > PFASs. Hexachlorobenzene, an OCP, was associated with lower anti-Miillerian hormone, clinical pregnancy, and live birth. PCBs and PFASs were associated with higher antral follicle count and ovarian response as measured by ovarian sensitivity index, but also with lower embryo quality. As a mixture, similar findings were seen for the sum of PCBs and PFASs. Our results suggest that age plays a role in the chemical transfer from blood to FF and that exposure to POPs significantly associates with ART outcomes. We strongly encourage further studies to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of reproductive effects of POPs in humans

    Associations between lifestyle factors and levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), phthalates and parabens in follicular fluid in women undergoing fertility treatment

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    Background: Concerns have been raised whether exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can alter reproductive functions and play a role in the aetiology of infertility in women. With increasing evidence of adverse effects, information on factors associated with exposure is necessary to form firm recommendations aiming at reducing exposure. Objective: Our aim was to identify associations between lifestyle factors including the home environment, use of personal care products (PCP), and dietary habits and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid. Methods: April-June 2016, 185 women undergoing ovum pick-up for in vitro fertilisation in Sweden were recruited. Correlation analyses were performed between self-reported lifestyle factors and concentration of EDCs analysed in follicular fluid. Habits related to cleaning, PCPs, and diet were assessed together with concentration of six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) [PFHxS, PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFDA and PFUnDA], methyl paraben and eight phthalate metabolites [MECPP, MEHPP, MEOHP, MEHP, cxMinCH, cxMiNP, ohMiNP, MEP, MOHiBP]. Spearman’s partial correlations were adjusted for age, parity and BMI. Results: Significant associations were discovered between multiple lifestyle factors and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid. After correcting p values for multiple testing, frequent use of perfume was associated with MEP (correlation ρ = 0.41 (confidence interval 0.21–0.47), p < 0.001); hens’ egg consumption was positively associated with PFOS (ρ = 0.30 (0.15–0.43), p = 0.007) and PFUnDA (ρ = 0.27 (0.12–0.40), p = 0.036). White fish consumption was positively associated with PFUnDA (ρ = 0.34 (0.20–0.47), p < 0.001) and PFDA (ρ = 0.27 (0.13–0.41), p = 0.028). More correlations were discovered when considering the raw uncorrected p values. Altogether, our results suggest that multiple lifestyle variables affect chemical contamination of follicular fluid. Impact statement: This study shows how lifestyle factors correlate with the level of contamination in the ovary by both persistent and semi-persistent chemicals in women of reproductive age. Subsequently, these data can be used to form recommendations regarding lifestyle to mitigate possible negative health outcomes and fertility problems associated with chemical exposure, and to inform chemical policy decision making. Our study can also help form the basis for the design of larger observational and intervention studies to examine possible effects of lifestyle changes on exposure levels, and to unravel the complex interactions between biological factors, lifestyle and chemical exposures in more detail

    Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) exposure of bovine oocytes affects early embryonic development at human-relevant levels in an in vitro model

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    Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) has been added to Stockholm Convention for global phase out, but will continue to contribute to the chemical burden in humans for a long time to come due to extreme persistence in the environment. In the body, PFOS is transferred into to the ovarian follicular fluid that surrounds the maturing oocyte. In the present study, bovine cumulus oocyte complexes were exposed to PFOS during 22 h in vitro maturation. Concentrations of 2 ng g(-1) (PFOS-02) representing average human exposure and 53 ng g(-1) (PFOS-53) relevant to highly exposed groups were used. After exposure, developmental competence was recorded until day 8 after fertilisation. Blastocysts were fixed and either stained to evaluate blastomere number and lipid distribution using confocal microscopy or frozen and pooled for microarray-based gene expression and DNA methylation analyses.PFOS-53 delayed the first cleavage to two-cell stage and beyond at 44 h after fertilisation (p < .01). No reduction of proportion blastocysts were seen at day 8 in either of the groups, but PFOS-53 exposure resulted in delayed development into more advanced stages of blastocysts seen as both reduced developmental stage (p = .001) and reduced number of blastomeres (p = .04). Blastocysts showed an altered lipid distribution that was more pronounced after exposure to PFOS-53 (increased total lipid volume, p=.0003, lipid volume/cell p < .0001) than PFOS-02, where only decreased average lipid droplet size (p=.02) was observed. Gene expression analyses revealed pathways differently regulated in the PFOS-treated groups compared to the controls, which were related to cell death and survival through e.g., P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, which in turn activates tumour protein 53 (TP53). Transcriptomic changes were also associated with metabolic stress response, differentiation and proliferation, which could help to explain the phenotypic changes seen in the blastocysts. The gene expression changes were more pronounced after exposure to PFOS-53 compared to PFOS-02. DNA-methylation changes were associated with similar biological functions as the transcriptomic data, with the most significantly associated pathway being TP53. Collectively, these results reveal that brief PFOS exposure during oocyte maturation alters the early embryo development at concentrations relevant to humans. This study adds to the evidence that PFOS has the potential to affect female fertility

    Suspect and non-target screening of ovarian follicular fluid and serum - identification of anthropogenic chemicals and investigation of their association to fertility

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    In this work, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution (Orbitrap) mass spectrometry-based suspect and non-target screening was applied to follicular fluid (n = 161) and serum (n = 116) from women undergoing in vitro fertilization in order to identify substances that may be associated with decreased fertility. Detected features were prioritized for identification based on (i) hazard/exposure scores in a database of chemicals on the Swedish market and an in-house database on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); (ii) enrichment in follicular fluid relative to serum; and (iii) association with treatment outcomes. Non-target screening detected 20 644 features in follicular fluid and 13 740 in serum. Two hundred and sixty-two features accumulated in follicular fluid (follicular fluid: serum ratio >20) and another 252 features were associated with embryo quality. Standards were used to confirm the identities of 21 compounds, including 11 PFAS. 6-Hydroxyindole was associated with lower embryo quality and 4-aminophenol was associated with higher embryo quality. Overall, we show the complexity of follicular fluid and the applicability of suspect and non-target screening for discovering both anthropogenic and endogenous substances, which may play a role in fertility in women

    Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) alters lipid accumulation in bovine blastocysts after oocyte exposure during in vitro maturation

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    Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) is one of the perfluoroalkyl acids present in human tissues. In this study, effects on early embryo development after PFNA exposure were investigated using the bovine in vitro production system. Oocytes were exposed to PFNA during maturation in vitro (10 Όg mL−1 and 0.1 Όg mL−1), and then fertilized and cultured in parallel with control groups. Developmental parameters (cleavage, blastocyst formation) were followed and embryo quality evaluated (stage, grade). Embryos developed after exposure to 0.1 Όg mL−1 were stained to distinguish nuclei, active mitochondria and neutral lipids. 10 Όg mL−1 of PFNA had a severe negative effect on blastocyst formation (OR: 0.27 p < 0.05), an effect not observed at 0.1 Όg mL−1. However, lipid droplet distribution was significantly altered in embryos exposed to 0.1 Όg mL−1, suggesting a disturbance of lipid metabolism after exposure to sublethal levels of PFNA during oocyte maturation in vitro

    Bovine oocyte exposure to perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) induces phenotypic, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation changes in resulting embryos in vitro

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    Knowledge on the effects of perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) on ovarian function is limited. In the current study, we investigated the sensitivity of oocytes to PFHxS during in vitro maturation (IVM), including conse-quences on embryo development at the morphological, transcriptomic, and epigenomic levels. Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were exposed to PFHxS during 22 h IVM. Following fertilisation, developmental competence was recorded until day 8 of culture. Two experiments were conducted: 1) exposure of COCs to 0.01 mu g mL(-1) -100 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS followed by confocal imaging to detect neutral lipids and nuclei, and 2) exposure of COCs to 0.1 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS followed by analysis of transcriptomic and DNA methylation changes in blastocysts. Decreased oocyte developmental competence was observed upon exposure to &amp; nbsp;&gt;= 40 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS and altered lipid distribution was observed in the blastocysts upon exposure to 1-10 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS (not observed at lower or higher concentrations). Transcriptomic data showed that genes affected by 0.1 mu g mL(-1) PFHxS were enriched for pathways related to increased synthesis and production of reactive oxygen species. Enrichment for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and oestrogen pathways was also observed. Genes linked to DNA methylation changes were enriched for similar pathways. In conclusion, exposure of the bovine oocyte to PFHxS during the narrow window of IVM affected subsequent embryonic development, as reflected by morphological and mo- lecular changes. This suggests that PFHxS interferes with the final nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of the oocyte leading to decreased developmental competence to blastocyst stage

    Associations between lifestyle factors and levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), phthalates and parabens in follicular fluid in women undergoing fertility treatment

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    Background: Concerns have been raised whether exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can alter reproductive functions and play a role in the aetiology of infertility in women. With increasing evidence of adverse effects, information on factors associated with exposure is necessary to form firm recommendations aiming at reducing exposure. Objective: Our aim was to identify associations between lifestyle factors including the home environment, use of personal care products (PCP), and dietary habits and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid. Methods: April-June 2016, 185 women undergoing ovum pick-up for in vitro fertilisation in Sweden were recruited. Correlation analyses were performed between self-reported lifestyle factors and concentration of EDCs analysed in follicular fluid. Habits related to cleaning, PCPs, and diet were assessed together with concentration of six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) [PFHxS, PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFDA and PFUnDA], methyl paraben and eight phthalate metabolites [MECPP, MEHPP, MEOHP, MEHP, cxMinCH, cxMiNP, ohMiNP, MEP, MOHiBP]. Spearman’s partial correlations were adjusted for age, parity and BMI. Results: Significant associations were discovered between multiple lifestyle factors and concentrations of EDCs in ovarian follicular fluid. After correcting p values for multiple testing, frequent use of perfume was associated with MEP (correlation ρ = 0.41 (confidence interval 0.21–0.47), p &lt; 0.001); hens’ egg consumption was positively associated with PFOS (ρ = 0.30 (0.15–0.43), p = 0.007) and PFUnDA (ρ = 0.27 (0.12–0.40), p = 0.036). White fish consumption was positively associated with PFUnDA (ρ = 0.34 (0.20–0.47), p &lt; 0.001) and PFDA (ρ = 0.27 (0.13–0.41), p = 0.028). More correlations were discovered when considering the raw uncorrected p values. Altogether, our results suggest that multiple lifestyle variables affect chemical contamination of follicular fluid. Impact statement: This study shows how lifestyle factors correlate with the level of contamination in the ovary by both persistent and semi-persistent chemicals in women of reproductive age. Subsequently, these data can be used to form recommendations regarding lifestyle to mitigate possible negative health outcomes and fertility problems associated with chemical exposure, and to inform chemical policy decision making. Our study can also help form the basis for the design of larger observational and intervention studies to examine possible effects of lifestyle changes on exposure levels, and to unravel the complex interactions between biological factors, lifestyle and chemical exposures in more detail. © 2023, The Author(s)