34 research outputs found

    Is Sharing Datasets the Answer to the New Challenges of Reproductive Biology Research?

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    © The Author(s) 2021.Data sharing increases the speed of research and saves time and resources while ensuring transparency and reproducibility. We have analyzed this behavior through the reproductive biology community. Our study revealed that Q1 (44%) and Q2 (36%) JCR reproductive biology journals are the most active journals in data sharing.This work benefited from assistance by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-105708RB-C22, PID2019-108579RB-I00 and BES-2016-079394) and the CIBERONC (CB16/12/00350)

    The sharing of research data in the cell & Tissue engineering area: Is it a common practice?

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    The availability of research data sets is an important milestone because it can enhance the dynamics of research. This study aims to analyze the PubMed Central repository to determine the availability and type of raw data sets in Cell & Tissue Engineering journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports. The number and types of files were registered. The main finding of this study is that, beyond the mandatory deposit of data in specific repositories that some journals require, the exchange of data as supplementary material in the Cell & Tissue Engineering journals is not a common practice since researchers are still reticent to do so

    Gender presence on the editorial boards of journals in the Women's Studies subject category

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    In the scientific journals, being part of the editorial boards, including the journals' members and chief editors, involves holding positions of power and responsibility that affect the running of a journal. Until now, these positions have usually been held by men in most scientific disciplines. In this study, the gender composition in the editorial board members (EBMs) and editor-in-chief (ECs) of the 45 Women's Studies journals classified in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) was analyzed. The following indicators were calculated: the gender distribution of ECs and EBMs by journal, publisher, country, and quartile of the journal in the JCR; the geographical area of the members; and the gender distribution of the authors of papers grouped by journal, and geographical area. The gender distribution of the ECs was 92 % women, while that of the EBMs was 82.2 %. Regarding the articles and reviews published during 2019, a 72.4 % were signed by women. These results display an “inverted truncated pyramid”: the higher the level of decision-making positions is, the higher the percentage of women. On the other hand, the results by geographical area shows an Anglo-Saxon and European bias.Andrea Sixto-Costoya is beneficiary of a posdoctoral grant (MS21 020) of the Spanish Ministry of Science

    El uso compartido de datos a través de ficheros xls, xlsx y csv en el ámbito de las adicciones: una práctica que mejora y acelera la investigación científica.

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    Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Internacional y XLVI Jornadas Nacionales de Socidrogalcohol, celebradas en Málaga (España) del 7 al 9 de marzo de 2019

    The availability of raw data in substance abuse scientific journals

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    [Objective]: The availability of research data sets is an important milestone since it can enhance the dynamics of research. This study aims to analyse the PubMed Central repository to determine the availability and type of raw data sets in Substance Abuse journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports.[Methods]: A search of the 39 journals from the Substance Abuse category of both editions (Sciences and Social Sciences) of the 2014 Journal Citation Reports was conducted. A study of the supplementary material of the original articles was performed through a search in the PubMed Central repository. The number and types of files were registered.[Results]: The search in PubMed Central showed that only 4.7% of original articles contained supplementary material uploaded, being text and .pdf files the most frequent materials whereas spreadsheets and raw data represent less than 10%.[Conclusion]: The main finding of this study is that the exchange of data in the substance abuse field is not a common practice since researchers are still reticent.This work was supported by the 2015-Networks of Excellence Call [CSO2015-71867-REDT];National R+D+I of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government [CSO2012-39632-C02-01 and CSO2015-65594-C2-2-R]

    Global scientific production regarding behavioral addictions: An analysis of the literature from 1995 to 2019

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    © 2021 The Authors.[Aims]: The increase in scientific interest in so-called behavioral addictions has been growing in recent years. For this reason, the aim of our study is to use bibliometric techniques to identify where and with what intensity these behaviors are being studied. [Methods]: In October 2020, we conducted a search in the Web of Science Core Collection using a search equation designed to retrieve the articles that combine the general keywords of addiction with specific terms of the 7 groups of behavioral addictions analyzed (gambling; gaming; information and communication related disorders; and the so-called somatic addictions related to sex, shopping, food and sports). Articles published from 1995 to 2019 were included. [Results]: We found 9199 distinct articles. Gambling was the most studied addiction, but Information and Technology Communication-related disorders (ITC) had the highest growth rate over the span of five five-year periods, followed by gaming and food addiction. In general, there was a growth rate of 130.46% in the research on behavioral addiction issues. By geographical region, the United States was the most productive country regarding all addictions, but Oceania had the highest proportion of publications per million population. There was a clear interest among Asian countries in studying problems related to ITC and gaming problems. [Conclusions]: The importance of the seven behavioral addictions analyzed according to their growth rate in scientific research fields over the last 25 years was confirmed in our study. In addition, the differences in interest by geographical region show us that it is important to delve deeper into cultural particularities to better understand this phenomenon.The authors are grateful for the funding and support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BES-2016-079394); the Valencian Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society and the Carlos III University of Madrid (BEST/2020/121); and the Servicio de Drogodependencias (PMD/UPCCA-València), Concejalía de Sanidad y Consumo, Ajuntament de València, Spain

    Análisis de la investigación sobre drogodependencias en España

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    Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Internacional y XLVI Jornadas Nacionales de Socidrogalcohol, celebradas en Málaga (España) del 7 al 9 de marzo de 2019

    Bibliometría e indicadores de actividad científica (XII). Grupos españoles y extranjeros de investigación bibliométrica

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    [EN]: Research groups are organizational units that gather different professionals and whose goal is to contribute to science progress. The consolidation of research groups on bibliometric field is caused because the significant growth in this area the last years, which is associated above all with the current scientific evaluation culture. This study aims to show five examples of research groups focused on bibliometric field. A brief presentation of each one and its main goals is described. The research groups are: Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación Científica (EC3) (Granada, Spain), Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [CSIC], Spain), Laboratorio de Estudios Métricos de Información (LEMI) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain), Unidad de Información e Investigación Social y Sanitaria (UISYS) (Universitat de València-CSIC, Spain), and Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) (Leiden University, The Netherlands).[ES: Los grupos de investigación son unidades organizativas que reúnen a profesionales de diversa procedencia y cuyo fin es contribuir al avance de la ciencia. El auge de la bibliometría como disciplina científica debido a la actual cultura evaluativa ha propiciado la creación de grupos de investigación centrados en esta área. En este estudio se presentan cinco ejemplos de grupos de investigación en el ámbito bibliométrico, y se explica de forma sintetizada a qué institución pertenecen y cuáles son sus principales objetivos y líneas de investigación. Los grupos descritos son los siguientes: Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación Científica (EC3) (Granada, España), Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [CSIC], España), Laboratorio de Estudios Métricos de Información (LEMI) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España), Unidad de Información e Investigación Social y Sanitaria (UISYS) (Universitat de València-CSIC, España) y Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) (Leiden University, Países Bajos)