131 research outputs found

    New academic education. The laboratory at the intersection of theory, research and artistic practice

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    Tematem tekstu jest nowa metodyka nauczania uniwersyteckiego oparta na pracy badawczej i praktyce artystycznej. Przedstawiam w nim powstałą osiem lat temu w Katedrze Dramatu Teatru i Widowisk Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu specjalizację Interdyscyplinarne projekty kuratorskie i wieńczący ją festiwal, jednocześnie nakreślając szeroki kontekst dla przemian w sztukach performatywnych. Specjalizacja jest z jednej strony odpowiedzią na potrzebę, wyrażaną coraz mocniej przez studentów i zdeterminowaną przez system boloński, działań łączących teorię i praktykę na uniwersytetach. Z drugiej strony, jest reakcją na zmiany w sztukach performatywnych, które wykreowały nowe zawody: kuratora i producenta teatralnego.The theme of the text is a new methodology of university education based on research and practice. I present formed eight years ago in the Department of Drama and Theatre Performances of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań specialization Interdisciplinary Curator Projects and crowning festival. At the same time I am outlining the broad context for the change in performing arts. Specialization is, on the one hand, a response to the need, expressed more and more by students and determined by the Bologna System, measures linking theory and practice in universities. On the other hand, is a reaction to the changes in performing arts that have created new jobs: theatre curator and producer

    Świątynia Marii Panny i przykościelny cmentarz karmelitów bydgoskich w świetle wykopalisk archeologicznych

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    Archaeological excavations were located on the site of Gdańska Gateway relics, and the eastem part of the church with the sanctuary of the Church of Our Lady. Archaeologists examined also the churchyard and the brick fence surrounding the monastery to the north and the east. Documented were also the relics of a brick building with a basement, adjoining a municipal gateway directly to the west, functioning as a chapel. An unknown stone foundation was also found as a relic of a medieval belfry connected with a wooden church. The parts of the Carmelite brick church examined with the use of excavations were the crowns of stone-brick foundations of the sanctuary and the eastem part of the church nave, and the crowns of walls of the church chapels added to the north, along with burial crypts. The uncovered relics of the sanctuary and partially the northem main wali of the church datę back to the late 16th century, whereas the relics of chapels were added to the northern wali of the church in the 17th-18th centuries. The church and the monasterial brick fence were constructed at the same time as the brick Gdańska Gateway, in 1584. The excavations in the churchyard facilitated the new identification in the scope Of topography and the successive stages of settlement in Przedmieście Gdańskie District and starting anthropological examinations in the scope of the biological State of Bydgoszcz residents in the 15th-18th centuries

    A Comprehensive, Quantitative, and Genome-Wide Model of Translation

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    Translation is still poorly characterised at the level of individual proteins and its role in regulation of gene expression has been constantly underestimated. To better understand the process of protein synthesis we developed a comprehensive and quantitative model of translation, characterising protein synthesis separately for individual genes. The main advantage of the model is that basing it on only a few datasets and general assumptions allows the calculation of many important translational parameters, which are extremely difficult to measure experimentally. In the model, each gene is attributed with a set of translational parameters, namely the absolute number of transcripts, ribosome density, mean codon translation time, total transcript translation time, total time required for translation initiation and elongation, translation initiation rate, mean mRNA lifetime, and absolute number of proteins produced by gene transcripts. Most parameters were calculated based on only one experimental dataset of genome-wide ribosome profiling. The model was implemented in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its results were compared with available data, yielding reasonably good correlations. The calculated coefficients were used to perform a global analysis of translation in yeast, revealing some interesting aspects of the process. We have shown that two commonly used measures of translation efficiency – ribosome density and number of protein molecules produced – are affected by two distinct factors. High values of both measures are caused, i.a., by very short times of translation initiation, however, the origins of initiation time reduction are completely different in both cases. The model is universal and can be applied to any organism, if the necessary input data are available. The model allows us to better integrate transcriptomic and proteomic data. A few other possibilities of the model utilisation are discussed concerning the example of the yeast system

    Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale : Polish adaptation of the method

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the Polish version of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale (GCBS), which was designed to measure individual differences in conspiracist thinking (Brotherton, French, & Pickering; 2013). The Polish version of the scale had excellent internal consistency as measured by Cronbach alpha: .93. The Polish version also had excellent test-retest stability. To check the validity of the questionnaire, various tools were used to measure the characteristics that can be correlated with conspiracist thinking. As a result, it was found that conspiracist thinking is positively correlated with the external locus of control, the results obtained in the Scale of Belief in Zero-Sum Game and the results of the MMPI-2 Paranoia scale. It was also found that patients with paranoid personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia had higher results on the adapted scale than healthy subjects. In sum, the Polish version of GCBS had satisfactory psychometric properties, which makes it useful for measuring conspiracist thinkin

    Transient synchronisation and quantum coherence in a bio-inspired vibronic dimer

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    Synchronisation is a collective phenomenon widely investigated in classical oscillators and, more recently, in quantum systems. However it remains unclear what features distinguish synchronous behaviour in these two scenarios. Recent works have shown that investigating synchronisation dynamics in open quantum systems can give insight into this issue. Here we study transient synchronisation in a bio-inspired vibronic dimer, where electronic excitation dynamics is mediated by coherent interactions with intramolecular vibrational modes. We show that the synchronisation dynamics of local mode displacements exhibit a rich behaviour which arises directly from the distinct time-evolutions of different vibronic quantum coherences. Furthermore, our study shows that coherent energy transport in this bio-inspired system is concomitant with the emergence of positive synchronisation between mode displacements. Our work provides further understanding of the relations between quantum coherence and synchronisation in open quantum systems and suggests an interesting role for coherence in biomolecules, that of promoting synchronisation of vibrational motions driven out of thermal equilibrium

    Nowożytne szkła z Przedmieścia Gdańskiego w Bydgoszczy

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    Wtórne życie macewy Ester z Bydgoszczy

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    An inspiration to discuss the secondary life of Bydgoszcz matzevas was information of “an old, sculpted knight tombstone” in the cultural space of Bydgoszcz that was obtained in 2006. This tombstone was part of a stone matzeva, which was reused and its original designation was changed. The keynote topie of the article is the reuse of the matzeva commemorating an unknown person named Ester. The preserved front of the part of the matzeva features an inscription that says “Ester... /died at the age o f ...” We do not know the date of birth, death and place of birth. The only thing that we really know is that Ester was buried in Bydgoszcz. It is possible that only many years after the end of the war, the part of the matzeva acąuired in unknown circumstances was used as a materiał used in sculpture. On the back of the matzeva, a female nudę was skillfully crafted, seen from the left side, from the back. This undoubtedly unusual case of reuse of Jewish tombstone is surely worth mentioning. The matzeva dates from the tum of the 20,h century. Due to the place of fmding the matzeva, I assume that it comes from one of the Jewish cemeteries of Bydgoszcz.Inspiracją do podjęcia tematu wtórnego życia bydgoskich macew była uzyskana w 2006 r. informacja o zalegającym w przestrzeni kulturowej Bydgoszczy „starym, rzeźbionym rycerskim nagrobku”. Nagrobkiem okazał się fragment macewy z kamienia, który wtórnie wykorzystano i zmieniono jego pierwotne przeznaczenie. Tematem przewodnim komunikatu jest wtórne wykorzystanie macewy upamiętniającej osobę nieznanej nam Ester. Na zachowanym licu fragmentu macewy znajduje się inskrypcja, która informuje o - „Ester... /zmarła w wieku ...”. Nie znamy daty urodzenia, zgonu i miejsca urodzenia. Jedynym pewnikiem zdaje się być, że Ester pochowano w Bydgoszczy. Możliwe, że dopiero wiele lat po zakończeniu wojny, pozyskany w nieznanych  okolicznościach fragment macewy, wykorzystano jako materiał rzeźbiarski. Na odwrocie lica macewy wprawną ręką wykonano kobiecy akt w pozycji widzianej z lewego boku od tyłu. Ten niewątpliwie niecodzienny przypadek wtórnego zastosowania żydowskiego nagrobka z pewnością zasługuje na  odnotowanie. Macewę można datować na przełom XIX i XX w. Z uwagi na miejsce znalezienia macewy, zakładam, że pochodzi z któregoś z kirkutów bydgoskich

    Wczesnośredniowieczna jama osadnicza na stanowisku nr 564 w Bydgoszczy

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