341 research outputs found

    General heatbath algorithm for pure lattice gauge theory

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    A heatbath algorithm is proposed for pure SU(N) lattice gauge theory based on the Manton action of the plaquette element for general gauge group N. Comparison is made to the Metropolis thermalization algorithm using both the Wilson and Manton actions. The heatbath algorithm is found to outperform the Metropolis algorithm in both execution speed and decorrelation rate. Results, mostly in D=3, for N=2 through 5 at several values for the inverse coupling are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, major revision, final version, to appear in PR

    Application of Bryan's algorithm to the mobility spectrum analysis of semiconductor devices

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    A powerful method for mobility spectrum analysis is presented, based on Bryan's maximum entropy algorithm. The Bayesian analysis central to Bryan's algorithm ensures that we avoid overfitting of data, resulting in a physically reasonable solution. The algorithm is fast, and allows the analysis of large quantities of data, removing the bias of data selection inherent in all previous techniques. Existing mobility spectrum analysis systems are reviewed, and the performance of the Bryan's algorithm mobility spectrum (BAMS) approach is demonstrated using synthetic data sets. Analysis of experimental data is briefly discussed. We find that BAMS performs well compared to existing mobility spectrum methods

    Differential cross section analysis in kaon photoproduction using associated legendre polynomials

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    Angular distributions of differential cross sections from the latest CLAS data sets \cite{bradford}, for the reaction γ+pK++Λ{\gamma}+p {\to} K^{+} + {\Lambda} have been analyzed using associated Legendre polynomials. This analysis is based upon theoretical calculations in Ref. \cite{fasano} where all sixteen observables in kaon photoproduction can be classified into four Legendre classes. Each observable can be described by an expansion of associated Legendre polynomial functions. One of the questions to be addressed is how many associated Legendre polynomials are required to describe the data. In this preliminary analysis, we used data models with different numbers of associated Legendre polynomials. We then compared these models by calculating posterior probabilities of the models. We found that the CLAS data set needs no more than four associated Legendre polynomials to describe the differential cross section data. In addition, we also show the extracted coefficients of the best model.Comment: Talk given at APFB08, Depok, Indonesia, August, 19-23, 200

    A Bayesian approach to the follow-up of candidate gravitational wave signals

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    Ground-based gravitational wave laser interferometers (LIGO, GEO-600, Virgo and Tama-300) have now reached high sensitivity and duty cycle. We present a Bayesian evidence-based approach to the search for gravitational waves, in particular aimed at the followup of candidate events generated by the analysis pipeline. We introduce and demonstrate an efficient method to compute the evidence and odds ratio between different models, and illustrate this approach using the specific case of the gravitational wave signal generated during the inspiral phase of binary systems, modelled at the leading quadrupole Newtonian order, in synthetic noise. We show that the method is effective in detecting signals at the detection threshold and it is robust against (some types of) instrumental artefacts. The computational efficiency of this method makes it scalable to the analysis of all the triggers generated by the analysis pipelines to search for coalescing binaries in surveys with ground-based interferometers, and to a whole variety of signal waveforms, characterised by a larger number of parameters.Comment: 9 page

    Symmetrization and enhancement of the continuous Morlet transform

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    The forward and inverse wavelet transform using the continuous Morlet basis may be symmetrized by using an appropriate normalization factor. The loss of response due to wavelet truncation is addressed through a renormalization of the wavelet based on power. The spectral density has physical units which may be related to the squared amplitude of the signal, as do its margins the mean wavelet power and the integrated instant power, giving a quantitative estimate of the power density with temporal resolution. Deconvolution with the wavelet response matrix reduces the spectral leakage and produces an enhanced wavelet spectrum providing maximum resolution of the harmonic content of a signal. Applications to data analysis are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, minor revision, final versio

    The history of mass assembly of faint red galaxies in 28 galaxy clusters since z=1.3

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    We measure the relative evolution of the number of bright and faint (as faint as 0.05 L*) red galaxies in a sample of 28 clusters, of which 16 are at 0.50<= z<=1.27, all observed through a pair of filters bracketing the 4000 Angstrom break rest-frame. The abundance of red galaxies, relative to bright ones, is constant over all the studied redshift range, 0<z<1.3, and rules out a differential evolution between bright and faint red galaxies as large as claimed in some past works. Faint red galaxies are largely assembled and in place at z=1.3 and their deficit does not depend on cluster mass, parametrized by velocity dispersion or X-ray luminosity. Our analysis, with respect to previous one, samples a wider redshift range, minimizes systematics and put a more attention to statistical issues, keeping at the same time a large number of clusters.Comment: MNRAS, 386, 1045. Half a single sentence (in sec 4.4) change

    Fitting the Phenomenological MSSM

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    We perform a global Bayesian fit of the phenomenological minimal supersymmetric standard model (pMSSM) to current indirect collider and dark matter data. The pMSSM contains the most relevant 25 weak-scale MSSM parameters, which are simultaneously fit using `nested sampling' Monte Carlo techniques in more than 15 years of CPU time. We calculate the Bayesian evidence for the pMSSM and constrain its parameters and observables in the context of two widely different, but reasonable, priors to determine which inferences are robust. We make inferences about sparticle masses, the sign of the μ\mu parameter, the amount of fine tuning, dark matter properties and the prospects for direct dark matter detection without assuming a restrictive high-scale supersymmetry breaking model. We find the inferred lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass as an example of an approximately prior independent observable. This analysis constitutes the first statistically convergent pMSSM global fit to all current data.Comment: Added references, paragraph on fine-tunin

    Bayesian coherent analysis of in-spiral gravitational wave signals with a detector network

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    The present operation of the ground-based network of gravitational-wave laser interferometers in "enhanced" configuration brings the search for gravitational waves into a regime where detection is highly plausible. The development of techniques that allow us to discriminate a signal of astrophysical origin from instrumental artefacts in the interferometer data and to extract the full range of information are some of the primary goals of the current work. Here we report the details of a Bayesian approach to the problem of inference for gravitational wave observations using a network of instruments, for the computation of the Bayes factor between two hypotheses and the evaluation of the marginalised posterior density functions of the unknown model parameters. The numerical algorithm to tackle the notoriously difficult problem of the evaluation of large multi-dimensional integrals is based on a technique known as Nested Sampling, which provides an attractive alternative to more traditional Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We discuss the details of the implementation of this algorithm and its performance against a Gaussian model of the background noise, considering the specific case of the signal produced by the in-spiral of binary systems of black holes and/or neutron stars, although the method is completely general and can be applied to other classes of sources. We also demonstrate the utility of this approach by introducing a new coherence test to distinguish between the presence of a coherent signal of astrophysical origin in the data of multiple instruments and the presence of incoherent accidental artefacts, and the effects on the estimation of the source parameters as a function of the number of instruments in the network.Comment: 22 page

    Bayesian feedback control of a two-atom spin-state in an atom-cavity system

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    We experimentally demonstrate real-time feedback control of the joint spin-state of two neutral Caesium atoms inside a high finesse optical cavity. The quantum states are discriminated by their different cavity transmission levels. A Bayesian update formalism is used to estimate state occupation probabilities as well as transition rates. We stabilize the balanced two-atom mixed state, which is deterministically inaccessible, via feedback control and find very good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations. On average, the feedback loops achieves near optimal conditions by steering the system to the target state marginally exceeding the time to retrieve information about its state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multisite Weather Generators Using Bayesian Networks: An Illustrative Case Study for Precipitation Occurrence

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    ABSTRACT: Many existing approaches for multisite weather generation try to capture several statistics of the observed data (e.g. pairwise correlations) in order to generate spatially and temporarily consistent series. In this work we analyse the application of Bayesian networks to this problem, focusing on precipitation occurrence and considering a simple case study to illustrate the potential of this new approach. We use Bayesian networks to approximate the multi-variate (-site) probability distribution of observed gauge data, which is factorized according to the relevant (marginal and conditional) dependencies. This factorization allows the simulation of synthetic samples from the multivariate distribution, thus providing a sound and promising methodology for multisite precipitation series generation.We acknowledge funding provided by the project MULTI‐SDM (CGL2015‐ 66583‐R, MINECO/FEDER)