3 research outputs found

    Content Validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale in Inpatient Health Care Settings

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    The content validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for use in inpatient health care settings was evaluated. Clinical experience has shown that one or more questions may not be appropriate in such settings. These questions ask about behaviors or feelings with which the examinee may not be able to identify with because they have been in an inpatient setting during the past week. Twenty-five Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) evaluated the GDS-30 as to whether each item appropriately assesses the construct of depression for inpatients in a medical care setting. SMEs were identified by an online search of the Florida Division of Medical Quality Assurance database; inclusion criteria are presented. Nineteen SMEs held a Ph.D. and six held a Psy.D. Years of post-licensure practice experience ranged from 10 to 48 years with a mean of 23.12 years (SD = 10.07). Using the Content Validity Ratio, four questions emerged as inappropriate (statistically significant at, or below, an alpha level of .025). The lack of content validity of these questions necessitates their omission when psychometrically assessing depression in elderly inpatients. Recommended revised cutoff values are presented. Utilizing the recommended modification to the GDS presented here should reduce false positives when psychometrically assessing depression in elderly inpatients