406 research outputs found

    Studies on DNA barcoding of sacred plant - Ficus religiosa L.

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    In the present investigation, DNA barcoding were made for the sacred trees of Main (Big) Temples in Cuddalore district, namely Ficus religiosa, to document their reliable identification, discrimination, similarities and evolutionary trend among them and with their related taxa for future use.  DNA isolation from leaf samples of present study species was carried out by using a modified CTAB method and good isolation was got for the species studied. Gradient PCR amplification was performed for the isolated DNA using matK gene and the primers matK472F & matK1248R.  The amplification success was 90-95%. PCR amplification was tested with 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis using ethidium bromide and the products were confirmed.  The PCR products were sent to Xcelris Labs Ltd. Sydney House, Premchand Nagar Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380054, India, for DNA sequencing and sequences were got for the species with the success rate of 95 %.  Pairwise sequence alignments were made with BLAST and multiple sequence alignments are made with ClustalW, and based on the sequence alignments, dentrograms were constructed using software Mega 5 and Neighbor joining method to study the phylogenetic aspects of the species studied and with their related taxa

    Design and Implementation of a Measurement-Based Policy-Driven Resource Management Framework For Converged Networks

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a measurement-based QoS and resource management framework, CNQF (Converged Networks QoS Management Framework). CNQF is designed to provide unified, scalable QoS control and resource management through the use of a policy-based network management paradigm. It achieves this via distributed functional entities that are deployed to co-ordinate the resources of the transport network through centralized policy-driven decisions supported by measurement-based control architecture. We present the CNQF architecture, implementation of the prototype and validation of various inbuilt QoS control mechanisms using real traffic flows on a Linux-based experimental test bed.Comment: in Ictact Journal On Communication Technology: Special Issue On Next Generation Wireless Networks And Applications, June 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2, Issn: 2229-6948(Online

    Approximations of density matrices in N-electron valence state second-order perturbation theory (NEVPT2). II. The full rank NEVPT2 (FR-NEVPT2) formulation

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    In Paper I, the performances of pre-screening (PS), extended PS (EPS), and cumulant (CU) approximations to the fourth-order density matrix were examined in the context of second-order N-electron valence state perturbation theory (NEVPT2). It has been found that the CU, PS, and even EPS approximations with loose thresholds may introduce intruder states. In the present work, the origin of these “false intruder” states introduced by approximated density matrices is discussed. Canonical NEVPT2 implementations employ a rank reduction trick. By analyzing its residual error, we find that the omission of the rank reduction leads to a more stable multireference perturbation theory for incomplete active space reference wave functions. Such a full rank (FR)-NEVPT2 formulation is equivalent to the conventional NEVPT2 method for the complete active space self-consistent field/complete active space configuration interaction reference wave function. A major drawback of the FR-NEVPT2 formulation is the necessity of the fifth-order density matrix. To avoid the construction of the high-order density matrices, the combination of the FR-NEVPT2 with the CU approximation is studied. However, we find that the CU approximation remains problematic as it still introduces intruder states. The question of how to robustly and efficiently perform internally contracted multireference perturbation theories with approximate densities remains a challenging field of investigation

    An efficient implementation of the NEVPT2 and CASPT2 methods avoiding higher-order density matrices

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    A factorization of the matrix elements of the Dyall Hamiltonian in N-electron valence state perturbation theory allowing their evaluation with a computational effort comparable to the one needed for the construction of the third-order reduced density matrix at the most is presented. Thus, the computational bottleneck arising from explicit evaluation of the fourth-order density matrix is avoided. It is also shown that the residual terms arising in the case of an approximate complete active space configuration interaction solution and containing even the fifth-order density matrix for two excitation classes can be evaluated with little additional effort by choosing again a favorable factorization of the corresponding matrix elements. An analogous argument is also provided for avoiding the fourth-order density matrix in complete active space second-order perturbation theory. Practical calculations indicate that such an approach leads to a considerable gain in computational efficiency without any compromise in numerical accuracy or stability

    Hypoxia and hyperglycaemia determine why some endometrial tumours fail to respond to metformin

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    High expression of Ki67, a proliferation marker, is associated with reduced endometrial cancer-specific survival. Pre-surgical metformin reduces tumour Ki-67 expression in some women with endometrial cancer. Metformin's anti-cancer activity may relate to effects on cellular energy metabolism. Since tumour hypoxia and glucose availability are major cellular redox determinants, we evaluated their role in endometrial cancer response to metformin. Endometrial cancer biopsies from women treated with pre-surgical metformin were tested for the hypoxia markers, HIF-1α and CA-9. Endometrial cancer cell lines were treated with metformin in variable glucose concentrations in normoxia or hypoxia and cell viability, mitochondrial biogenesis, function and energy metabolism were assessed. In women treated with metformin (n = 28), Ki-67 response was lower in hypoxic tumours. Metformin showed minimal cytostatic effects towards Ishikawa and HEC1A cells in conventional medium (25 mM glucose). In low glucose (5.5 mM), a dose-dependent cytostatic effect was observed in normoxia but attenuated in hypoxia. Tumours treated with metformin showed increased mitochondrial mass (n = 25), while in cultured cells metformin decreased mitochondrial function. Metformin targets mitochondrial respiration, however, in hypoxic, high glucose conditions, there was a switch to glycolytic metabolism and decreased metformin response. Understanding the metabolic adaptations of endometrial tumours may identify patients likely to derive clinical benefit from metformin

    Medical radiation exposures for diagnostic radiology in Malaysia

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    The medical radiation usage for diagnostic radiology in Malaysia (a Level II country) for 1990-1994 is reported, enabling a comparison to be made for the first time with the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Report. In 1994, the number of physicians, radiologists, x-ray units, and x-ray examinations per 1,000 population was 0.45, 0.005, 0.065, and 183, respectively. (Level I countries had averages of 2.6, 0.072, 0.35, and 860, respectively). In 1994, a total of 3.6 million x-ray examinations were performed; the annual effective dose per capita to the population was 0.05 mSv, and the collective effective dose aas 1,000 person-Sv. Chest examinations contributed 63 of the total. Almost all examinations experienced increasing frequency from 1990 to 1994 except for barium studies, cholecystography, and intravenous urography (-23, -36, -51). These decreases are related to the increasing use of ultrasound and greater availability of fiberoptic endoscopy. Notable increases during the same period were observed in computed tomography (161), cardiac procedures (190), and mammography (240). In order to progress from Level II to Level I status Malaysia needs to expand and upgrade radiological service in tandem with the health care development of the country. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Ranching of clams in the Ashtamudi lake

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    Ranching of clams in the Ashtamudi lak

    Observations on the setting of spat and growth of Crassostrea madrasensis in Vaigai estuary at Athankarai

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    The setting of spat of the edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis on different kinds of spat collectors like oyster shells, wooden pieces, concrete pieces, concrete slabs, tiles, bamboo frames and coconut shells kept in Vaigai estuary at Athankarai was studied. It was observed that there was spat fall on concrete pieces with irregular surfaces given lime coating, on oyster shells given a coating of cement or lime and lime coated curved tiles. Oyster spat set in stray numbers on bamboo frames, Mangalore tiles and coconut shells, spat fall took place between January and April and generally only small numbers of spat were seen to set on spat collectors in the other periods of the year. Oysters attained an average size of 86.7 mm and a maximum of 110 mm at the end of one year. Average and maximum sizes of 89.6 mm and 130 mm were attained at the end of 14 months and growth of oysters was very much retarded late

    Ornamental shell industry of Ramanathapuram coast

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    As many as twelve shell craft Industries established at KeelaVaral and Ramaswaram cater to the demand of the internal and external market of ornamental shells in India and abroad. Several species of molluscan shells which occur in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay constitute the raw materials for these industries. Apart from very rare SPECISS, 15 important species are regularly exploited for this purpose. The Genus /.a/n^/s commonly known as 'Spider conch' is very Important among them by virtue of its abundance. Of the 9 species of Lambis known from India, only 3 species art abundant in this coast Exploitation of these shells are mostly by skin diving and to a limited extent by trawl, gill and drag nets employed mainly to catch finfishes, lobsters and crabs. This paper mainly deals on the ornamental, curious and religious values of molluscan shells, their Industry, types of shells and species used by the industry, varied products, marketing, employment opportunities and certain aspects of costs and earning of the industry

    Exploitation of molluscan shell deposits in Vigai estuary at Athankarai

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    Molluscan shell deposits are present in the bed of Vaigai estuary at Athankarai, on the southeast coast of India, which are being exploited intensively since 1978. The topographical and environmental features of the estuary, distribution and species composition of shell deposits, extent of resources, methods of exploitation, magnitude of production and utilization have been studied The shell deposits are distributed In the bed of estuary over a distance of,4.63 km in the upper portion of the estuary. They are sub fossil deposits 0 15 m-0.46 m In thickness and comprise predominantly of Meretrix casta vyhichare favoured as raw material in the manufacture of calcium carbide and In tannery Industry. Shells of other species in the deposits like Cerithidea fluviatilis, Hemifusus cochlidium,- Area; Paphia ate. are convarteci into lim^. The annual production of lime shells from the estuary Is about 5.500 t. The removal of large numbers of live adults and seed clams of Meretrix casta present In the upper layer of sediment along with the sub fossil shells Is pointed, out and the need for preventing the destruction of live shellfish is stressed