321 research outputs found

    Rationing and vibration monitoring of knife refiners

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    The subject of the research is rationing and monitoring of the vibration of knife refiners. GOST 26493-85, specifying the permissible values of the vibration amplitude of the mills, is outdated. This standard does not take into account new designs of knife refiners and the requirements of national and international standards. It is proposed to establish two criteria for assessing the vibration state of the refiners. The first criterion normalizes the amplitude of vibration in octave strips of frequencies, while the second criterion specifies the vibration trend on the general level. It is proposed to use the vibration velocity as the measured parameter. The necessity of separating the refiners into two groups was revealed: with a disc or cone diameter up to 1000 mm and with a diameter over 1000 mm. The boundaries of zones and vibration trends are determined: good; satisfactorily; need improvement and unacceptable. After that, a decision is made to limit the functioning of these machines (prevention and stop). The introduction of standards and vibration monitoring will accelerate the transition to repairs of machines on the technical condition. Methods of rationing and monitoring can be used in other industries, for example, in the mining and metallurgical industries. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Quasiparticle injection effects in YBa2Cu3Ox-based planar structures at high operating temperatures

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    The modulation of the supercurrent Is of a YBCO bridge by the quasiparticle-injection current IG from the YBCO/Au or YBCO/PBCO/Au junctions at temperatures of 60¿85 K is determined by two effects: (1) summation of the currents IS and IG in the YBCO bridge, and (2) nonequilibrium suppression of IS by the quasiparticle injection. At a thickness of the PBCO barrier of 40 nm the modulation of IS can be described by the current-summation effect only. For YBCO/Au structures the current gain ¿IS/¿IG increases linearly with decreasing temperature, reaching the value of 2 at 60 K. Numerical simulations of the current- voltage characteristics show an increase of the effective temperature T* of the YBCO bridge under injection only at small thicknesses of the PBCO barrier. Visualization of the voltage drop over the junction area by laser scanning microscopy shows a qualitative agreement with the electrical measurements with respect to the current summation and nonequilibrium effects

    Photoresponse of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x ultrathin films

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    The voltage photoresponse of YBa2CH307_ x/SrTiO3 10 nm-tlfick films\ud on laser irradiation is studied using the low temperature scanning laser\ud microscopy (LTSLM) teclmique. The irradiation wavelength is 633 run.\ud The spatial response dependencies via temperature (4-100 K), beam\ud intensity modulation frequency (0-150 kHz) and bias current are\ud examined. The bolometric and non-bolometric components are\ud separated. The amplitude of the non-bolometric component at 4.2 K is\ud about 10 times higher than that of bolometric one measured near the\ud midpoint of the superconducting transition. The non-bolometric\ud component is presumably associated with weak links in the film due to\ud interdiffusion of SrTiO3 into YBCO layer. The spatial irregularity in\ud superconducting parameters is not resolved by the LTSLM method\ud since the spacing between weak links is appeared to be less than 1 um

    Electric-field effect devices made of YBa2Cu3O7-x/SrTiO3 epitaxial multilayers

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    Three terminal superconducting electric-field effect devices, consisting of a bufferlayer of PrBa2Cu3O7-x, an ultrathin layer of YBa2Cu3O7-x and a SrTiO3 gate isolation layer were fabricated and successfully operated. Transmission electron microscopy and laser scanning microscopy showed that all layers are highly epitaxial and uniform over the device area. This is essentially important in the analysis of the mechanism of the electric field effect and for the reproducible fabrication of devices. With a 5 nm thick YBa2Cu3O7-x layer and an applied electric field of 0.85 MV/cm the critical current was decreased by 5% at low temperatures and up to 36% close to Tc. Also enhancement was obtained

    Laser scanning imaging and local characterization of superconducting properties in high-Tc thin film multiturn coil

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    Low-temperature scanning laser microscopy has been used to investigate the spatial variation of the critical temperature Tc and critical current Ic in thin-film high-Tc multilayer structures that include dielectric layers. The method is described and measurements are presented on an YBa2Cu3O7-x-based multiturn coil with SrTiO3 insulating layer. We found that the critical temperature Tc of the YBa2Cu3O7-x top layer, from which the return strip of the coil is formed, is higher than that of the YBa2Cu3O7-x base layer. The critical current of the coil is limited by the quality of the YBa2Cu3O7-x base layer and not by the edges of the crossovers

    Microscopic examination of hot spots giving rise to nonlinearity in superconducting resonators

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    We investigate the microscopic origins of nonlinear rf response in superconducting electromagnetic resonators. Strong nonlinearity appearing in the transmission spectra at high input powers manifests itself through the emergence of jumplike features near the resonant frequency that evolve toward lower quality factor with higher insertion loss as the rf input power is increased. We directly relate these characteristics to the dynamics of localized normal regions (hot spots) caused by microscopic features in the superconducting material making up the resonator. A clear observation of hot-spot formation inside a Nb thin film self-resonant structure is presented by employing the microwave laser scanning microscope, and a direct link between microscopic and macroscopic manifestations of nonlinearity is established.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of Stochastic Resonance in Percolative Josephson Media

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    Measurements of the electrical response of granular Sn-Ge thin films below the superconducting transition temperature are reported. The addition of an external noise to the magnetic field applied to the sample is found to increase the sample voltage response to a small externally applied ac signal. The gain coefficient for this signal and the signal-to-noise ratio display clear maxima at particular noise levels. We interpret these observations as a stochastic resonance in the percolative Josephson media which occurs close to the percolation threshold.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure