26 research outputs found

    Sredstva za zaštitu bilja u organskoj proizvodnji grožđa

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    Pests and grapevine diseases in organic production are suppressed by preventive measures with a view to reducing the impact of the attack. Allowed substances acting on patogenous fungi, insects, mites and other harmful organisms are used, if appropriate. Insecticides of plant origin are used in the organic production of grapevine, as well as vegetable oils, powders and insecticidal soaps that are selective, with a narrow range of effects and of lower toxicity, as well as biological products. As a rule, such plant protection products require a more frequent application. Copper-based and sulphur-based fungicides are still leading products in suppressing grapevine diseases. Researches are directed to decrease the quantity of application and to find their replacement by also efficient fungicides. A special emphasis is put on researching the efficient fungicides for suppressing Botrytis bunch rot and factors causing grapevine wood diseases (Esca and Eutypa) in organic production. Along with copper and sulphur, different substances such as bicarbonates, plant extracts and oils, biological products being parasites, patogenous or diseases agent antagonists, and natural products such as milk and whey are applied in the organic production of grapevine.Oblast organske proizvodnje je regulisana odgovarajućim zakonom i podzakonskim aktima kao proizvodnja koja se zasniva na prirodnim procesima i upotrebi prirodnih materija. U pojedinim slučajevima sredstva koja su na raspolaganju nisu dovoljna za održivu proizvodnju. Zakonom se dozvoljavaju izuzeci i ta sredstva sintetičko-hemijskog porekla su na posebnim listama dozvoljenih sredstava. Veliki broj takvih izuzetaka se odnosi na sredstva za zaštitu bilja jer još uvek nemaju alternativu. Štetočine i bolesti vinove loze u organskoj proizvodnji suzbijaju se preventivnim merama koje imaju zadatak da umanje jačinu napada, a ako postoji potreba onda se primenjuju dozvoljene supstance sa delovanjem na patogene gljive, insekte, grinje i ostale štetne organizme. U organskoj proizvodnji vinove loze se koriste insekticidi biljnog porekla koji imaju široki spektar delovanja na štetne insekte, zatim biljna ulja, prašiva, insekticidni sapuni koji su selektivni, uskog spektra delovanja i niže toksičnosti, kao i biološki preparati. Ovakvi preparati po pravilu zahtevaju češću primenu. U suzbijanju bolesti vinove loze još uvek su vodeći fungicidi na bazi bakra i sumpora. Istraživanja idu u pravcu smanjivanja količina primene i iznalaženja njihove zamene isto toliko efikasnim sredstvima. Poseban naglasak je na istraživanjima efikasnih sredstava za suzbijanje sive truleži (Botryotinia fuckeliana) i prouzrokovača bolesti drveta (Esca i Eutypa) vinove loze u organskoj proizvodnji. Osim bakra i sumpora kod vinove loze se primenjuju i različite supstance kao što su bikarbonati, biljni ekstrakti i ulja, biološki preparati, zatim prirodni proizvodi (mleko i surutka) i druge

    Organsko vinogradarstvo zasnovano na prirodnim procesima i upotrebi prirodnih materija

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    During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries worldwide. The organic viticulture has been defined as the application of procedures of organic agriculture in view of increasing the production of top quality grape and wine. All the aspects of the organic viticulture such as cultivating and maintaining the soil, ground cover plants and weed control, balanced nutrition of grapevine, growing systems, disease and pest control are carried out in view of increasing the quality and health safety of wine and table varieties. When making a choice of a cultivar, there are two key factors: an economic indicator-market perspective and characteristics of a cultivar. Traditional varieties are in advantage in comparison to newly created ones, new preparations, improved computerised forecast models contribute to the efficient protection from disease and pests. New I.C./PIWI varieties must show tolerance to low winter temperatures and/or spring frosts, real commercial value through the quality of fruit, wine, juice or table grapes, tolerance to diseases and pests, balanced relationship between fruit and wood ripening. The aim of this paper is to present organic viticulture through integral agroecosystem and traditionally applied procedures in viticulture.Organsko vinogradarstvo je u porastu poslednjih godina u vodećim vinogradarskim zemljama u svetu. Organsko vinogradarstvo definiše se kao primena postupaka organske poljoprivrede u cilju povećanja proizvodnje grožđa i vina najboljeg mogućeg kvaliteta. Svi aspekti u organskom vinogradarstvu kao što su obrada i održavanje zemljišta, pokrovne vrste u vinogradu i kontrola korova, izbalansirana ishrana vinove loze, sistemi gajenja i kontrola bolesti i štetočina se sprovode u cilju povećanja kvaliteta i zdravstvene bezbednosti vinskih i stonih sorti. Pri izboru sorti, ključna su dva faktora: ekonomski pokazatelj - perspektiva na tržištu i karakteristike sorti. Tradicionalne sorte su u prednosti u poređenju sa novostvorenim, nova sredstva za zaštitu, poboljšani modeli za prognozu doprinose efikasnijoj zaštiti od bolesti i štetočina. Nove I.C./PIWI sorte moraju da ispolje tolerantnost na niske zimske temperature i/ili prolećne mrazeve, realnu komercijalnu vrednost kroz kvalitet ploda, vina, soka ili stonog grožđa, tolerantnost na bolesti i štetočine, skladan odnos između sazrevanja plodova i drveta. Cilj ovog rada je da organsko vinogradarstvo prikaže kroz integralni agroekosistem i tradicionalne postupke u vinogradu

    Klonska selekcija autohtonih i introdukovanih sorti vinove loze u starim zasadima jugoistočne i istočne Srbije i preliminarno utvrđivanje njihovog zdravstvenog statusa

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    Clone and sanitary selection of the grapevine has a fundamental importance in improving the quality and the quantity of the grape production in Serbia. In order to preserve the varieties of the old vineyards, the clone and sanitary selection has begun in 2006 in the South Eastern Serbia vineyard areas, 1048 grapevine plants have been examined in three distant vineyards and 60 grapevine plants have been separated that deserved attention based on their production characteristics. The selected plants have been tested serologically, with the ELISA method, to the presence of 4 grapevine viruses: Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 2 and Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV- 1, GLRaV-2 and GLRaV-3), and grapevine fun leaf virus- GFLV. The infection level of the selected plants was between 10.5% (vineyard III) and 22.2% (vineyard II). We eliminated the infected plants among the selected ones and analyzed only the healthy ones in the 2008. Various potential variety clones have been selected for Prokupac, Pamid, Dimyat, Sauvignon blanc, Rosaki, Chasselas, Semillon, Detier de Bayreuth and Riesling. In 2008 we have repeated the same procedure we did in 2006 but in a different region - the Eastern Serbia area on the autochthonous variety of Muscat des roses noir on 400 grapevine plants 40 potential clones have been selected. The goal of this paper was check out the health status to preserve the autochthonous and introduced varieties of the eastern and south eastern region and to renew the vineyards it's grown in. It was necessary to go on following the selected candidate - clones for other viruses based on EPPO PM 4/1-26 certification scheme in order to identify the virus-free clones to multiply, conserve and maintain in the collection growing areas.Klonska i sanitarna selekcija vinove loze ima fundamentalni značaj za poboljšanje kvaliteta i kvantiteta proizvodnje grožđa u Srbiji. To se odnosi kako na vodeće tako i manje značajne autohtone i introdukovane sorte. U 2006 godini klonska i sanitarna selekcija u cilju očuvanja sorti iz starih vinograda započeta je u istočnoj Srbiji a u 2008. godini i u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Pregledano je ukupno 1048 čokota u tri prostorno udaljena vinograda i izdvojeno 60 čokota, koji su po svojim proizvodnim karakteristikama zasluživali pažnju. Selekcionisani čokoti su testirani serološki, ELISA metodom, na prisustvo 4 virusa vinove loze: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 i Grapevine leafroll- associated virus 3 - GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2 i GLRaV-3), Grapevine fanleaf virus- GFLV. Stepen zaraženosti izabranih čokota virusima kretao se od 10.5% (vinograd III) do 22.2% (vinograd II). Izabrane a zaražene čokote smo eliminisali i u 2008. godini analizirali samo zdrave čokote. Izdvojeno je više potencijalnih klonova sorti Prokupac - 25, Pamid - 11, Dimyat - 2, Sauvagnin blanc - 2, Rosaki - 2, Chasselass, Semillion blanc, Detier de Beyrouth and Riesling po jedan budući klon. U 2008. godini ponovili smo postupak kao u 2006. godini ali u novom lokalitetu - Istočnoj Srbiji na autohtonoj sorti Muscat des roses noir na 400 čokota. Izabrano je 40 potencijalnih klonova koji se odlikuju visokim sadržajem šećera u širi (26-34%). Cilj ovog rada je bila provera zdravstvenog statusa izabranih klonova autohtonih i inrodukovanih sorti u jugoistočnoj i istočnoj Srbiji. Neophodno je nastaviti praćenje izbaranih kandidata - klonova na druge viruse prema EPPO PM 4/1-26 šemi sertifikovanja, da bi se izdvojili virus-free klonovi za umnožavanje, konzerviranje i održavanje u kolekcionim zasadima

    Primena mikrobioloških đubriva u vinogradarstvu - prinos grožđa i kvalitet vina u sorte Rizling rajnski

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    The recommended cultivars for top quality wines Riesling in the vineyards of Grocka is in full crop. It was grafted on Kober 5 BB stock and planted on the soil type cambysoil. The content of total nitrogen is 0.1-0.15%. Supply of easily available potassium varies between 12.3-15 mg/100g a.d.s.2, i.e. phosphorus 0.4-3.6 mg/100g a.d.s. in layer up to 40 cm. Microbiological fertilizer was used in the study - biological preparation prepared with mixed natural populations Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus circulons. The space in row is idle land and the space between rows was sown each year (March-April) with a mixture of field pea and barley and ploughed in the inflorescence phase of legumes. Grape yield varied between 8772-6804 kg/ha. Microbiological fertilizer with Azotobacter had the highest yield and the control treatment had the lowest yield, where only grass mixture was sown. Extremely dry climatic conditions in the trial period caused the grape yield in cv. Riesling to be extremely low. In combination of fertilizers Bacillus megaterium + Bacillus circulons wine with the most ethanol, extracts and polyphenols was obtained. The wine obtained from the control treatment had a typical taste.Ispitivanja su obavljena na sorti Rizling rajnski - klon 239 okalemljen na podlozi Kober 5 BB na Oglednom dobru "Radmilovac" Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. U prostoru između redova svake godine u rano proleće zasejavana je smeša legumonoze: stočnog graška i jarog ječma (2:1). U fazi cvetanja leguminoze zelena masa je zaoravana. Zemljište u redu u vinogradu je ručno obrađivano 2-3 puta и toku vegetacije. U radu je korišteno mikrobiološko đubrivo-biopreparat pripremljen od mešanih populacija Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium i Bacillus circulons. Sojevi mikroorganizama koji su korišteni za ova istraživanja su iz kolekcije mikroorganizama Katedre za mikrobiologiju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. Mikroorganizmi su umnoženi u odgovarajućim hranljivim medijumima i naneti na sterilan treset. Mikrobiološko đubrivo je neposredno pre upotrebe rastvoreno u vodi, unešeno u zemljište na dubini do 20 cm, na početku vegetacije. Ogled je postavljen po blok sistemu a korišćen je soj Azotobacter chroococcum - varijanta A, smeša populacija Azotobacter chroococcum i Bacillus megaterium - varijanta AB, smeša populacija Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium i Bacillus circulons varijanta ABC i kontrola K. Prostor u redu je jalovi ugar, a prostor između redova zasejavan je svake godine (mart-april) smešom semena stočnog graška i ječma i u fazi cvetanja leguminoze zaoravan. Berba grožđa obavljena je u fazi pune zrelosti, utvrđen je prinos grožđa, broj i masa grozda, sadržaj šećera i ukupnih kiselina za period 2000 do 2002. godine. Mikrovinifïkacija po varijantama obavljena je u 2000. i 2001. godini. Obuhvata sadržaj etanola, ekstrakta, polifenola, pepela, slobodnog i vezanog sumpordioksida isparljive i ukupne kiseline u vinu. Ispitivanom periodu visina i raspored padavina и toku vegetacije bili su niski i neujednačeni, a temperaturni uslovi ekstremno visoki. Gročansko vinogorje, u kome se nalazi Ogledno dobro "Radmilovac", odlikuje se umereno kontinentalnom klimom, međutim u navedenom periodu poprimilo je odlike aridne klime. Posebno se ističe 2000. godina sa visinom padavina u toku vegetacije 137,9 mm i najtoplijim mesecom avgustom tprosek=24.5°C. Prinos grožđa po jedinici površine u proseku iznosio je 7580.25 kg/ha. Upoređujući primenjena mikrobiološka đubriva i visinu prinosa grožđa, aktivnost Azotobacter chroococcum - tretman A uz zaoravanje zelene mase stočnog graška i raži, pozitivno je uticala na količinu grožđa 8772 kg/ha. Vegetativni potencijal uz primenu mikrobiološkog đubriva Azotobacter chroococcum - A približava se kategoriji slabe bujnosti, što nije odlika Rizlinga rajnskog u normalnim uslovima. Nedostatak vlage tokom celog perioda vegetacije uslovio je slabiji porast lastara. Visok sadržaj šećera i nešto niži sadržaj kiselina ostvaren je uz primenu mikrobiološkog đubriva Azotobacter chroococcum+Bacillus megaterium - AB. Između tretmana A i kontrole razlike u pogledu ova dva pokazatelja su bile najmanje

    Primena numeričkog modela forme terena u progonozi površinskog oticanja

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    Surface runoff has recently been observed on the topographic map. The application of modern computer techniques in geodesy and hydrotechnics has expanded the possibility of surface runoff arrangement as well as for the formation of basic lines over the vector field.Površinsko oticanje se u zadnje vreme posmatra na topografskim mapama. Primena modernih kompjuterskih tehnika u geodeziji i hidrotehnici je dovelo do mogućnosti da se uredi površinsko oticanje i da se formiraju osnovne linije u vektorskom polju

    Effect of the genotype: Environmental interaction on phenotype variation of the bunch weight in white wine varieties

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    The aim of this paper is to establish the interaction of phenotypical variations, components of yield for the widest spread wine varieties and external factors of the Danube region in the central Serbia. The number of fruitful buds per vine for twenty-one varieties was the same, whereas the yield and the components of the yield were different. The growing season, from bud burst to full ripening of the grapevine and the sum of active temperatures for the same period, were of crucial importance. In the factor analysis, three factors have been singled out: the first factor couples the mean air temperature; the second factor delineates the values according to genotype characteristics, sugar content and acids in the must, and the third factor indicates that bunch weight had the major effect on the yield of grapes. By the application of bunch analysis, a hierarchy tree was formed to include the four groups of varieties. The most numerous group, consisting of 18 varieties, is characterized by top quality grapes (21.5% sugar content), medium yield (1.52 kg/m2) and a proportional relation of total acids (7.5 g/l) and this is achieved during the middle of the ripening period

    Effect of genotype x environment interactions of grapevine hybrids characteristics

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    Research in this paper was performed at two different locations: Radmilovac and Vrsac in Serbia. Four new interspecific hybrids (9846, 9896, 19574 and 20506) which are intended for table consumption were used as a material. Grape yield per unit area, the properties of the bunch (bunch weight, bunch length, bunch width and number of berries in bunch), the properties of berry (berry weight, berry length and berry width), as well as the characteristic of grape quality (sugar content and total acids in the must) were studied in selected hybrids. The highest yield per unit area in the localities Radmilovac and Vr. sac had a hybrid 9896 (14 998 kg/ha; 11 365 kg/ha). Analysis of variance results showed for the bunch weight, bunch width and number of berries in bunch, berry weight and berry length significant differences among the genotypes. Significant differences between investigated localities were determined for the bunch length and all the berry characters. The interaction between genotype and localities showed significant differences for bunch length, berry length and berry width. Since the genotypes in the initial yielding (third year after planting), they are showed satisfactory results in relation to the objectives of selection

    Ampelographic and molecular characterisation of grapevine varieties in the gene bank of the experimental vineyard ‘Radmilovac’ – Serbia

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    Characterisations of thirty grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) from the experimental vineyard ‘Radmilovac’ were conducted using a large number of OIV descriptors and eight highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. The ampelographic description contained 45 features. Molecular characterisation of selected microsatellite loci was performed using capillary electrophoresis fragment analysis. Dendrograms based on ampelographic and genetic data resulted in three groups of varieties. Qualitative ampelographic characteristics tended to manifest significant differences. The most common deviation among varieties within the group was in the characteristic OIV 051 (colouration of the upper side of a young leaf). Genetic characterisation of SSR markers through analyses of a large number of varieties contributes to better organisation of grapevine collections and simpler identification of varieties, as well as data exchange. When identifying the varieties, the results of the DNA analysis should be combined with the ampelographic descriptors, in order to select grapevine varieties with desirable viticultural and oenological traits. Integration of the obtained genetic data with the ampelographic data is of utmost importance for accurate identification of the varieties and offers a significant means for the preservation and use of the varieties

    Implementation of climate change science in viticulture sustainable development planning in Serbia

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    Growing interest in Serbia in adaptation of viticulture to climate change emerged from a recorded positive impact of summer increased draught on domestic wine quality. Another motivation is that viticulture has been recognized as one of the fastest developing agricultural sectors in Serbia and, to contain its growing potential, it is crucial to provide basis for its future sustainable development. Prioritization and implementation of adaptation measures in practice require reliable assessment of climate projections. For climate change impact assessment is used high resolution multi-model ensemble of nine regional climate models simulations, bias corrected, with two most probable future scenarios of GHG emissions RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, for the period 2016-2100. Analysis has been done for the near future, mid-century and end of the century periods. The periods are defined according to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, which enables comparison of climate change impacts with a wider region, and preferably motivate future international collaboration and knowledge exchange

    Rentabilnost ulaganja u podizanje i eksploataciju zasada vinograda kao izazov za investitore

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    Viticulture represents an important branch of agriculture in Serbia. Although the current economic conditions do not provide job security in primary agricultural production, investment in planting vineyards provides significant economic effects. The aim of this research is to, according to the indicators of profitability of investments, suggest the extent of feasible profitability of capital investments in planting vineyards to potential investors. The analysis was done on an area of 15 ha on a farm located in the municipality of Topola, a traditionally vineyard region. The analysis showed that an internal rate of return of 23.03% can be achieved by investing in plantations at an interest rate of 10%,. The invested cash funds can be returned in 8.80 years, i.e. in the 9th year after planting grafts, or in the 6th year of operation, and will result in a net present value in the amount of 350,418 €. For every euro invested a 0.90 accumulation can be achieved, which is a particular challenge for investors. If the investment were lower by 20%, the internal rate of return would increase by 24.98%. If the revenues from the sale of grapes were higher by 10%, the rate of return would reach the value of 25.90%. Investing is the most sensitive to changes in income or yield and selling price of grapes. The lower limit of economic feasibility investing in vineyards is possible with future decreasing sales prices of grapes, and therefore sales revenue to 33%. The realization of such an investment would contribute to creating new jobs, which would provide socio-economic and environmental significance to the environment, and in general, to the economic development of the wider area.Vinogradarstvo predstavlja značajnu granu poljoprivrede Srbije. Iako sadašnje ekonomske prilike ne pružaju poslovnu sigurnost u primarnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, investiranje u podizanje zasada vinograda daje značajne ekonomske efekte. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se, prema pokazateljima rentabilnosti investicionih ulaganja, ukaže potencijalnim investitorima o mogućem stepenu ukamaćenja kapitala ulaganjem u podizanje zasada vinograda. Pri tome je analiza urađena za zasad površine od 15 ha, a koji se podiže na gazdinstvu koje je locirano na teritoriji opštine Topola. Na ovom području se tradicionalno uzgaja vinograd. Ekonomskom analizom je utvrđeno da, investiranjem u podizanje zasada pri kamatnoj stopi od 10%, može da se postigne interna stopa rentabilnosti zasada od 23,03 %. Uložena novčana sredstava mogu da se povrate za 8,80 godina, tj. u 9.-oj godini nakon sadnje kalemova, odnosno u 6.-oj godini eksploatacije zasada, a postigla bi se neto sadašnja vrednost u iznosu 350.418 EUR-a. Na svaki uloženi evro može da ostvari 0,90 evra akumulacije, što je poseban izazov za investiture. Ukoliko bi investiciona ulaganja bila niža za 20%, interna stopa rentabilnosti bi se povećala na 24,98%. Ako bi prihodi od prodaje grožđa bili veći za 10%, stopa rentabilnosti bi dostigla vrednost od 25,90%. Investiranje je najosetljivije na promenu prihoda, odnosno prinosa i prodajne cene grožđa. Upravo, donja granica ekonomske prihvatljivosti ovakve investicije je pri opadanju prodajne cene grožđa, a samim tim i prihoda od prodaje do 33%. Realizacija ovakve investicije doprinela bi otvaranju novih radnih mesta, što bi pružilo socio-ekonomski i ekološki značaj za okruženje, i uopšte, za privredni razvoj šireg područja