404 research outputs found
Przedsiębiorstwo innowacyjne w gospodarce rynkowej
W artykule scharakteryzowano przedsiębiorstwo innowacyjne oraz dokonano porównania poziomu innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw bardziej rozwiniętych krajów Unii Europejskiej. Dokonana analiza porównawcza polityki innowacyjnej istniejącej Polski i krajów Unii Europejskiej wskazuje na istnienie licznych barier utrudniających wzrost innowacyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Dostosowanie polskiej gospodarki do warunków międzynarodowej konkurencyjności wymaga radykalnych działań zmierzających do pobudzania innowacyjności podmiotów gospodarczych. Istotną i stale rosnącą rolę w kreowaniu innowacyjności odgrywa stworzenie odpowiedniej polityki proinnowacyjnej państwa. In the paper, author characterizes an innovative enterprise and compares the level of innovation of enterprises with well – developed countries of European Union. Analysis, comparing Polish and EU‘s innovative policy, shows existence of numerous barriers, which make difficult rising level of innovativeness of Polish enterprises. Adaptation of Polish economy to conditions of international competitiveness requires radical stimulation of innovativeness of economic entities. Leading and still growing role in creating the innovativeness plays forming adequate government pro-innovative policy
Comprehensive Land Use Planning: Its Development and Potential Impact on Coastal Zone Management
Presently, the United States is in the midst of a revolution concerning the management and use regulation of its land resources. This peaceful revolution is occurring as a consequence of local government\u27s inability to properly enforce land use controls and to adequately cope with rapid land development. However, this paper in discussing land use controls comments only on those comprehensive efforts directly affecting the coastal zone or indirectly affecting it through all-inclusive land manage regulations. This narrow discussion should not indicate to the reader that specific land use proposals have not been introduce for impact on other physiographic regions
Kształcenie nauczycieli w krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Polsce - wybrane zagadnienia porównawcze
Teachers play a crucial role at all levels of education in shaping the knowledge of young people. The changes in the training and further training of teachers in European Union countries is accompanied by a new perception of the role of teachers in the education of new generations. According to this perception, a teacher should not only teach others in a novel way, but should also update his own knowledge regularly, using novel forms of training. He should also know how to work with pupils with varying educational needs, social status, and religious and ethnic backgrounds, and should be able to find a place for himself in the new social conditions illustrated by a growing autonomy of schools and increasingly conscious participation by local communities in the lives of schools. This article attempts to examine basic priorities and Solutions in the training and future training of teachers in European Union countries, and also presents selected issues regarding new prospects with teachers training in Poland.Rola nauczycieli w budowaniu wiedzy młodych ludzi ma kluczowe znaczenie na wszystkich szczeblach systemu edukacji. Przemiany, jakie zachodzą w kształceniu i dokształcaniu nauczycieli w krajach Unii Europejskiej towarzyszą nowemu rozumieniu roli nauczyciela w edukacji młodych pokoleń. Zgodnie z tym rozumieniem nauczyciel powinien nie tylko uczyć innych w sposób innowacyjny, ale także sam regularnie się dokształcać, wykorzystując innowacyjne sposoby uczenia się. Powinien również mieć umiejętność pracy z klasami o zróżnicowanych potrzebach edukacyjnych, różnorodnym statusie społecznym oraz składzie etnicznym i religijnym, a także umieć się odnaleźć w nowych warunkach społecznych polegających na wzrastającej autonomii szkół i coraz bardziej świadomym uczestnictwie społeczności lokalnej w życiu szkoły. Autorka podejmuje próbę analizy podstawowych priorytetów i rozwiązań w zakresie kształcenia i dokształcania zawodowego nauczycieli w krajach Unii Europejskiej oraz przedstawia wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące nowych perspektyw w kształceniu nauczycieli w Polsce
Simple Emergency Triage (SET) : the new perspective on mass casualty incident triage
The aim: Incidents with large number of casualties present a major challenge for the emergency services. Incident witnesses
are always the first on scene. Authors aim at giving them an algorithm arranging the widely known first aid rules
in such way, that the number of potential fatalities before the services’ arrival may be decreased.
Material and methods: The authors’ main aim was creating an algorithm for mass casualty incident action, comprising
elements not exceeding first aid skill level. Proceedings have been systematized, which led to creation of mass casualty
incident algorithm. The analysis was based on the subject matter literature, legal acts and regulations, statistical
data and author’s personal experience.
Results: The analysis and synthesis of data from various sources allowed for the creation of Simple Emergency Triage
(SET) algorithm. It has been proven – on theoretical level – that introducing an organized way of proceeding in mass
casualty incident on the first aid level is justified.
Conclusions: The SET algorithm presented in the article is of an implemental character. It may be a supplement to basic
first aid skills. Algorithm may also be the starting point for further empirical research aimed at verifying its effectiveness
Nurse Initiated Sepsis Protocol in the Emergency Department Setting
Sepsis affects hundreds of millions of patients across the world within various healthcare settings. Sepsis protocols vary between health systems and institutions which can lead to the lack of prompt client intervention. Each one hour delay in administration of antibiotics is associated with an 8% decrease in survival (Rhodes et al., 2017). The vision for this project is to explore the potential benefits of implementing a standardized national sepsis protocol. For this EBP project a PICO question was formulated. In adult patients presenting to the emergency room with suspected sepsis, how does a standardized international nurse lead sepsis screening protocol, compared to protocols that vary by hospital system, promote early identification of sepsis. To address the PICO question, an exhaustive search of the literature was completed and three (3) articles were selected utilizing the level of evidence pyramid. A synthesis of the literature and recommendations for future practice were initiated. A review of the evidence led to the inclusion of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign app in all hospital phones and computers. This will provide a condensed space with a sepsis screening tool, lab results, and pop up notifications to various specialties such as pharmacy and physicians. Collaborative care plays a pivotal role in expediting the identification of sepsis and enhancing patient outcomes
Avatars in education : age differences in avatar customization
The use of new technologies in education has become increasingly popular in recent years. One element that increases engagement in activity undertaken on electronic devices is the avatar - a virtual representation of the player. For online education to bring the expected results, it is important for users to choose the right avatar. The purpose of the article is to present existing data on the creation of avatars by people of different ages. Additionally, issues which deserve future consideration are suggested
Local variations in the stage‒discharge relationship for the Vistula river in the surroundings of Sandomierz during flood eve
In this paper, the results of numerical simulations of the flow field in the compound channel of the Vistula river in the surroundings of Sandomierz are presented. Hydro_as-2d model was used for these calculations ‒ this numerically solves so-called shallow water equations. Special attention was paid to local variations of the water surface level and velocity distribution due to river meandering, the split of the water stream between the main channel and the floodplain and also due to the removal of high vegetation. Additionally, results of the computations were interpreted in the context of the partly documented knowledge of flow behaviour in meandering compound channels
Ukrainian Political Internet Discourse: Signs of Language Aggression
The problem of language aggression, hostility, and contempt is one of the most acute in the modern world. The rapid spread of this phenomenon is associated with the development of the Internet and social networks, which led to revolutionary changes in people's communication and the emergence of new types of socio-political interaction. The accessibility of internet resources, the absence of communication barriers that are present in real life, and the speed of information transmission have greatly expanded social contacts. The growth of language aggression, hostility, and contempt in society and the resulting need to invent and implement models of nonviolent language interaction have created new areas for research for Ukrainian linguists. The purpose of the study is to define such concepts as language aggression, hostility, and contempt; to identify the dominant areas of language aggression, hostility, and contempt in the Ukrainian political internet discourse. Language aggression, hostility, and contempt are aimed at humiliating other people or a group of people. The most frequent stereotypes of aggression are associated with discrediting based on political views, ethnicity, language views, less often – gender, age, religion, social status, etc
The vulnerability to Online Scamming in contemporary Tongan Society
This research explores the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of Tongan people to the rapid growth of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT). A research conducted by Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan in 2016 revealed that Tongan people were vulnerable to the influence of rapid ICT development (Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan, 2016). The cybersecurity vulnerabilities that were identified among the Tongan people in 2016 assisted in informing this research, which is to investigate the current susceptibilities in contemporary Tongan society. The aim of this research is to investigate the reasons why Tongans are vulnerable to ICT development specifically Online Scamming (OS) and find possible solutions to mitigate these susceptibilities. This research is the first to explore and narrow the scope to focus specifically on OS in Tonga. This research also focuses on the technical features of cybersecurity and then extends it to cover the cultural practices that would make Tongan people more susceptible to online scamming.
Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan (2019) directly conveyed these cybersecurity susceptibilities to the Government of Tonga (GoT) in 2018. This report confirmed that the actual position of cybersecurity in Tonga was that at least 73 percent of the organisations were vulnerable to cybercrime and cyberattacks. These organisations were victims of malicious software, spam, unauthorized access, social engineering, ransomware, data theft/data loss, stolen account, and other types of cybercrimes. This report also provided eleven (11) recommendations and suggested to the GoT to deploy these cybersecurity prevention and awareness features to assist in slowing down the issues of cyberattacks in Tonga.
One of the modern ICT accomplishments in Tonga was the installation of fibre-optic cable in 2013. Again, Laulaupea'alu and Keegan (2018) warned Tongans about the issue of succeeding in the fast internet speed of fibre-optic cable. The “high speed internet brings opportunities such as jobs and business but it also brings malicious cyber actors who can target victims in the nation” (p. 255). Drawn by the awareness of ICT issues that may arise and could lead to a stage where is unable to control, this research is undertaken to identify the root cause of these vulnerabilities, further looking for cybersecurity issues that are currently incurred and discovering appropriate defensive tools to counter these vulnerabilities.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted and became a major obstacle to this research. Due to border restrictions, there was no opportunity to travel to Tonga for data collection. To solve these issues, e-fanongonongo tokoto (e-ft) methodology was adopted to challenge the worldwide issues of COVID-19. The implementation of e-ft enabled effective communication from Hamilton to the survey participants in Tonga. E-mail, Facebook, Messenger, and Zoom are the communication methods deployed by e-ft to communicate and collect data from one hundred and thirty-nine (139) participants ranging from 16 to 70 years of age. Participants were selected from government ministries, organisations, boards, businesses and ICT grassroots computer users from all five main regions of Tonga (Tongatapu, Vava‘u, Ha‘apai, ‘Eua and Ongo Niua). Although the e-ft process encountered many obstacles in collecting data from the survey participants, it was able to generate responses and data that have been analysed in this research.
The findings of this research reveal that Tonga is vulnerable to ICT development, and Tongan people are victims of cyberattacks due to the impact of rapid ICT development. These vulnerabilities relate to cybersecurity technical weaknesses, human behaviours, culture, and the personal beliefs of Tongans. This research also indicated that the people’s vulnerabilities were caused by five main elements: greed, romance/love/empathy, lack of cybersecurity training, lack of ICT knowledge, and unwillingness to report to authorities. These vulnerabilities have resulted in the loss of credential information and the loss of money to cybercriminals from the people of Tonga
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