162 research outputs found

    The Role of Imaging in Uveitis Diagnosis

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    Uveitis is an inflammatory disease affecting iris, ciliary body, pars plana, vitreous, choroid and retina.Inflammation process can be either limited in uveal tract or as part of systemic inflammation caused byautoimune, infection or cancer. Uveitis can cause phophobia, pain, reduced visual accuity and blindness if notproperly treated. Therefore, right diagnosis and prompt treatment should be given immediately to reduce themorbidity. Diagnosis of uveitis is made based on anamnesis, ophtalmic and physical examination, followedby imaging to confirm the patologic changes in the eyes. Slit lamp and simple photography can be usedto evaluate sign of inflammation in anterior chamber and outer part of the eye. Inflammation marker canbe counted using laser flare photometry (LFP) and fundus fotography can visualize pathologic changes inposterior part of the eyes. Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), indocyanine green angiography (ICG), andfundus autofluorescence (FAF) can be used to evaluate the integrity of vascular part in retina and choroid.Ultrasound (USG), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and multimodal imaging visualize retina, choroid,optic nerve and nerve fiber layer of retina using non-contact and non-invasif technique. MRI also used toevaluate inflammatory process in the eye. These imaging modalities are usefull to confirm the diagnosis ofuveitis, monitor the disease progression and evalute the treatment

    Perawatan Lensa Kontak untuk Mencegah Komplikasi Ratna Sitompul

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    Lensa kontak adalah alat bantu penglihatan yang diletakkan di permukaan kornea untuk memperbaiki gangguan refraksi. Pemakaian lensa kontak memberi Kenyamanan beraktivitas,tidak membatasi lapang pandang, dan lebih baik secara estetik. Meskipun demikian, penggunaanlensa kontak dapat menimbulkan komplikasi ringan sampai kebutaan. Komplikasi tersebut dapatdicegah dengan menjalankan prinsip penggunaan lensa kontak yang tepat. Pengguna lensakontak perlu melakukan pemeriksaan awal untuk mengetahui kelainan mata seperti mata kering,infeksi mata, katarak, glaukoma, serta penggunaan obat yang dapat menurunkan produksi airmata. Kondisi lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah alergi, diabetes melitus, kehamilan, menopause,infeksi saluran napas kronik dan kondisi immunocompromised. Kebersihan dan kepatuhan yangburuk juga merupakan kontraindikasi penggunaan lensa kontak. Pengenalan cara penggunaandan perawatan lensa kontak dengan baik dan benar  sangat penting untuk mencegah komplikasi

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis to Prevent Blindness

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    Uveitis is an inflammation of the uvea which may result in blindness. Uveitis may be caused by limited inflamation of the uveal tract, manifestation of systemic diseases (autoimmune, infection, cancer), expansion of inflammation in the cornea and sclera, trauma or idiopathic. Anterior uveitis is an inflammation of the iris and cilliary body with symptoms of pain, red eye, photophobia, and decrease in visual acuity. Intermediate uveitis is the inflammation of the pars plana and frequently involves anterior vitreous and posterior uveitis. Clinical manifestation of intermediate uveitis is usually mild without red eye and pain, however vision may decrease due to macular edema and cell aggregation in vitreous. Posterior uveitis is an inflammation involving choroid layer, which is common in developing countries due to high prevalence of infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis). Patient may complain of blurry vision but not accompanied by pain, red eye, and photophobia. Complications of posterior uveitis are cataract, glaucoma, macular edema, keratopathy, turbidity of vitreous, retinal detachment, and optic nerve atrophy. The prognosis of posterior uveitis is worse than anterior uveitis. Panuveitis is an inflammation of the uvea and surrounding structures (retina, vitreous). Diagnosis is made based on anamnesis, ophthalmic examination, laboratory examination, and imaging. Treatment of uveitis is intended to reduce inflammation, minimize structural destruction, prevent blindness, reduce pain and photophobia. Corticosteroid and immunosuppresant are the drugs of choice to manage the inflammation, where NSAID is used to reduce pain and cyclopegic administration to prevent posterior synechiae. Antimicrobial is given if uveitis is caused by infection. Underlying diseases of uveitis must be treated comprehensively to prevent further progression, complications and blindness.&nbsp

    Viral Conjunctivitis: Diagnosis and Therapy in Primary Health Care

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    Conjunctivae is a transparent thin mucosal membrane covering the outer anterior eye and inner palpebrae. This structure is vital for eye defense from inflammation and infection. Inflammation occurring on the conjunctivae is called conjunctivitis and virus is one of the most common etiologic agent. Such viruses are adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster virus, poxvirus, myxovirus, paramyxovirus and arbovirus. It mostly occurs along or after respiratory tract infection as well as after contact with patients suffering from viral conjunctivitis. Clinical manifestations include redness, watery discharge, and pre auricular lymph enlargement. The manifestations are usually mild, self-limiting, and do not impair visual acuity thus viral conjunctivitis can be managed in primary health centers. However, there are cases which threaten visual acuity thus require referral to ophthalmologists or higher eye care services. Due to its high infectivity, patients should be educated to avoid of direct and indirect contact thus they would not spread the infection to environment. Although it is self-limiting, administration of artificial tears, topical antihistamine or cold compress, could reduce the manifestation. Antiviral agents are not required for conjunctivitis viral, unless for herpetic conjunctivitis.&nbsp

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Memahami Materi Dna, Rna dan Sintesa Protein dengan Metode Bermain pada Pembelajaran Biologi di SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi

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    The low of students ability to understand the biology materials is abstract at grade XII IPA this indicate by the score everage class are under SKBM 60,this made the author did this research. Biology material at grade XII is abstract material its protein synthetic.In learning activity , biside students factor teacher factor and the way of teaching are also infhience outcome Throught the method that has been used in doing the learning activities.This research used playing method with DNA,RNA set in increasing students ability in protein synthetic materials.This research has been done in 2 cycles at grade XII IPA 1.This playing method is not only used it\u27s self but also it accompanied by other method like lecture and playing method.Playing method wich has been used in this research is past of role play method.through this playing method,students learn to understand the protein synthetic of their experience by doing the game activity by them selfes.Base on the outcome the analysis data shown that there is an increase of learning outcome. At the first cycle ,the mastery test score only 12.5% with the everage 37.8,while the second cycle increased to 84.2% with the everage score 66.1 .The students activity also increased with the everage score is enough in the first cycle be came excellent in the second cycle

    Spatial and Temporal Habitat Use of an Asian Elephant in Sumatra

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    Increasingly, habitat fragmentation caused by agricultural and human development has forced Sumatran elephants into relatively small areas, but there is little information on how elephants use these areas and thus, how habitats can be managed to sustain elephants in the future. Using a Global Positioning System (GPS) collar and a land cover map developed from TM imagery, we identified the habitats used by a wild adult female elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in the Seblat Elephant Conservation Center, Bengkulu Province, Sumatra during 2007–2008. The marked elephant (and presumably her 40–60 herd mates) used a home range that contained more than expected medium canopy and open canopy land cover. Further, within the home range, closed canopy forests were used more during the day than at night. When elephants were in closed canopy forests they were most often near the forest edge vs. in the forest interior. Effective elephant conservation strategies in Sumatra need to focus on forest restoration of cleared areas and providing a forest matrix that includes various canopy types

    Analisis Penerapan dan Usulan Perbaikan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PT Etowa Packaging Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang analisis penerapan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di PT Etowa Packaging Indonesia dan usulan perbaikan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di PT Etowa Packaging Indonesia. Teknik mengumpulkan data dengan wawancara kepada pihak yang bersangkutan tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan memakai metode hirarc. Berdasarkan penelitian ini bahwa diketahui  cara untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya, cara untuk penilaian risiko, dan cara untuk pengendalian risiko

    Analisis Perbedaan Imbal Hasil Antara Perusahaan Manufaktur Dengan Pertambangan Yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company in the field of automotive and mining are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data collection techniques used in this research study documentation with data analysis techniques to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange using a different test. The results of this study indicate that the answer to the problem in this research that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Besides testing different test t test based on table Coefficients known that sig. (2-tailed) and mining stock returns of 0,053 automotive companies which means that the sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, so it can be said that Ha is accepted, and Ho is rejected which means that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mines in Indonesian Stock Exchange listin

    Effect of Work Culture and Leadership on Trust in PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk.

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    The purpose of this study was to study the effect of work culture, leadership on trust. The research process was carried out at PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. uses a case study method. The study sample was 105 employees of PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. selected in simple random sampling. The findings are: (1) there is a positive direct influence of work culture on trust, (2) there is a positive direct influence of leadership on trust, (3) there is a positive direct influence of work culture and leadership together on trust. Referring to these findings, researchers can conclude that trust is positively influenced by work culture and leadership. Therefore, to maintain trust, organizations must implement a work culture and leadership. Finally, it was concluded that work culture and leadership must be considered in generating better trust

    Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Aktifitas Sehari-hari Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik yang Mengalami Hemodialisa di RSU Ipi Medan Tahun 2018

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    Gagal ginjal kronis merupakan suatu penyakit ginjal tahap akhir yang mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi ginjal yang bersifat irreversible dan menahun sehingga terjadinya penurunan kemampuan fungsi tubuh untuk mempertahankan metabolisme serta keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Pasien gagal ginjal kronis akan mengalami kehilangan fungsi ginjal sampai 90% atau lebih, sehingga kemampuan tubuh untuk mempertahankan cairan dan elektorilit terganggu, sekresi menjadi tidak adequat dan fungsi hormonal terganggu sehingga mengakibatkan sindrom uremia atau azotemi (Rendy & Margareth, 2012 ; Parson, Toffelmire  & Valack, 2006).Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif menggunakan desain korelasional dengan jenis rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Dimana jumlah populasi sebanyak 98 responden, metodepengambilan sampel probability samplingtehnik purposive sampling sampel, besar sampel ditetapkan menggunakan rumus slovin didapati responden penelitian ini sebanyak 79 penderita gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa di RSU Imelda Medan Tahun 2018. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Instrumen dukungan keluarga (Berlin Social Support Scale (BSSS)) sejumlah 16 pertanyaan dan aktifitas sehari-hari Curtin & Mapes (2005) : Cook & Jassal (2008) sejumlah 38 pertanyaan, Tehnik pengukuran pertanyaan masing-masing menggunakan skala Linkert dalam bentuk kuesioner tertutup. Pengolahan data mengguanakan analisa data univariat dan bivariatmenggunakan uji statistik parametrik yaitu uji pearson corelation (pearson product moment)  dengan p < 0.05, didapati hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai probabilitas (p) untuk dukungan keluarga = 0.000, yang berarti ada hubungan secara signifikan dengan aktifitas sehari-hari (p<0.05). Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai correlation coefficient (r) = 0,835, menunjukkan hubungan sangat kuat dan berpola positif artinya semakin tinggi dukungan keluarga yang diterima maka aktifitas sehari-hari yang dimiliki pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa semakin bai
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