5 research outputs found

    Produksi Gula Reduksi dari Sabut Kelapa dengan Menggunakan Kombinasi Enzim Selulase dari A.Niger dan T.Reesei Terimobilisasi pada Chitosan Magnetic Microparticle

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    Salah satu limbah biomassa yang melimpah dan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal di Indonesia adalah sabut kelapa. Kandungan 26,68% selulosa, 17,87% hemiselulosa dan 41,2% lignin di dalam sabut kelapa dapat berpotensi menghasilkan gula reduksi. Produksi gula reduksi dari sabut kelapa menggunakan metode hidrolisa enzimatis karena menghasilkan yield produk lebih besar, selektifitas lebih tinggi, membutuhkan lebih sedikit energy, kondisi operasi yang lebih moderat dan ramah lingkungan. Hidrolisa selulosa secara enzimatik dilakukan dengan enzim selulase yang dihasilkan oleh fungi A.niger dan T.reesei. Penggunaan kombinasi enzim dari 2 fungi tersebut karena T.reesei mempunyai kemampuan memproduksi endo dan eksoglukanase yang kuat sedangkan A.niger mempunyai kemampuan memproduksi -glucosidase yang kuat sehingga gula reduksi yang dihasilkan lebih efisien. Akan tetapi, sifat enzim yang sulit dipisahkan dan harganya yang mahal menjadi hambatan. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mengimobilisasi enzim pada material chitosan sehingga enzim dapat dipakai berulang kali. Chitosan dipilih karena murah, inert, hydrofilik, dan support yang biocompatible tetapi masalah hambatan transfer massa muncul karena chitosan dan sabut kelapa sama-sama insoluble. Chitosan dan sabut kelapa yang tercampur sulit untuk dipisahkan, sehingga pada penelitian ini digunakan chitosan yang dimodifikasi menjadi chitosan magnetic microparticle yang dapat berfungsi untuk memudahkan pengambilan chitosan dari sabut kelapa. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah kombinasi antara enzim dari Aspergillus niger dan Trichoderma reesei dengan perbandingan massa dalam gram yaitu 1:2; 2:1; dan 1:1. Variabel lainnya pada penelitian ini yaitu substrat CMC, microcrystalline, dan sabut kelapa. Material pendukung yang digunakan sebagai carrier adalah chitosan, chitosan-GDA, chitosan+magnet, dan chitosan-GDA+magnet. Kebaharuan pada penelitian ini adalah produksi gula reduksi dari sabut kelapa dengan melakukan kombinasi antara enzim selulase dari A.niger dan T.reesei yang diimobilisasi pada chitosan magnetic microparticle. Dari penelitian ini dapat dihasilkan chitosan dengan ukuran 815,0 μm – 305,1 μm. Protein terimobilisasi paling banyak terserap yaitu 6 mg, dengan persentase penyerapan enzim mencapai 92,60%. Telah dibuktikan juga bahwa, hidrolisis dengan menggunakan kombinasi enzim A.niger dan T.reesei yang terimobilisasi pada chitosan menghasilkan nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan hidrolisis tanpa kombinasi. Namun, hidrolisis substrat sabut kelapa dengan menggunakan carrier chitosan-GDA tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan pada penambahan konsentrasi gula reduksi, dengan konsentrasi gula reduksi carrier chitosan 0,5074 g/L dan pada carrier chitosan-GDA 0,4316 g/L Modifikasi chitosan dengan ditambahkan magnetic microparticle yang bertujuan untuk pemisahan enzim dengan substrat dapat dilakukan. =====================================================================One of the abundant biomass waste and not used optimally in Indonesia is coconut husk. The content on coconut husk is 26,68% cellulose, 17,87% hemicellulose, and 41,2% lignin can potentially produce reducing sugars. Reducing sugar production from coconut husk using enzymatic hydrolysis method for generating greater product yield, higher selectivity, require less energy, are more moderate operating conditions and environment friendly. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose performed by cellulase enzymes produced by fungi A.niger and T.reesei. The combined use of two fungal enzymes such as T. reesei has the capability of producing endo and eksoglukanase stronger while A.niger have the ability to produce -glucosidasen stronger that reducing sugar can produced more efficiently. However, the nature of the enzyme that is difficult to separate and become an obstacle to its price. These problems can be overcome by immobilizing the enzyme on chitosan material so that the enzyme can be used repeatedly. Chitosan chosen because it is cheap, inert, hydrofilik, and support the biocompatible but mass transfer bottleneck problem arises because chitosan and coconut husk equally insoluble. A mixed of chitosan and coconut husk are difficult to separate, so in this study used a modified chitosan into chitosan magnetic microparticle that can serve to facilitate the retrieval of chitosan from coconut husk. The variables in this study were a combination of enzyme from Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei with mass ratio in gram ie 1: 2; 2: 1; And 1: 1. Other variables in this research are CMC substrate, microcrystalline, and coconut husk. Supporting material used as a carrier is chitosan, chitosan-GDA, chitosan + magnet, and chitosan-GDA + magnets. A new feature in this study is the reduction of sugar production from coconut husk with a combination of cellulase enzymes from A.niger and T.reesei immobilized on magnetic chitosan microparticle. From this research can be produced chitosan with size 815,0 μm - 305,1 μm. The most immobilized proteins are absorbed ie 6 mg, with the percentage of enzyme absorption reaching 92,60%. It has also been shown that, hydrolysis using a combination of enzyme-derived A.niger and T.reesei enzymes in chitosan yields greater value than hydrolysis without combination. However, the hydrolysis of the coco fiber substrate by using chitosan-GDA carrier did not give a significant effect on the addition of reducing sugar concentration, with the reducing sugar concentration of chitosan 0,5074 g / L and the chitosan-GDA carrier 0,4316 g / L chitosan modification with added magnetic microparticle which aims to separation enzyme with substrate can be done

    The Role of Civic Education in Shaping Social Awareness of Elementary School Children

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    This research aims to explore the role of education in forming children's awareness. Becoming civically aware is increasingly important in complex modern societies, where children need to understand their rights, obligations and responsibilities as citizens. This research uses interview methods with teachers and students. The research results show that citizenship education has an important role in forming children's awareness. Through a relevant curriculum and interactive learning approach, children can learn about the values of democracy, pluralism, tolerance and human rights. Citizenship education also helps children understand their role in building a just and sustainable society. Apart from that, this research also identified several challenges faced in implementing citizenship education, such as a lack of resources and training for teachers, as well as differences in political views that exist in society. Therefore, recommendations are given to strengthen the role of citizenship education through the development of a more inclusive curriculum and better training for teachers. Thus, this research confirms that citizenship education has a significant role in forming children's awareness of their rights, obligations and responsibilities as active citizens and participants in the development of society and the country


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    Business environment has strong competition from year to year. This is because various changes and uncertainties fill the competition. Most of the changes or uncertainties in the business world are caused by the increasing of consumer bargaining power in business practices. Consumers have high power in determining their requests that must be fulfilled by business people. Changes or uncertainties are most of the main factors that cannot be anticipated when the business world has strong and uncertain competition. These uncertainties require business people to design an appropriate plan in order to minimize costs, especially inventory costs with consumer demand are still fullfilled. In that design plan, business people must be able to optimize the supply chain. In industrial systems, supply chain optimization and its response are strongly influenced by inventories. Inventories and its numbers are important issues in the supply chain that must be integrated with the optimization of the supply chain to manage demand uncertainty and to maintain customer service levels. This study designs an integrated planning model for supply chain and multi-echelon inventory in determining the location and the numbers of inventory in a supply chain with a general configuration with considering the uncertainty of consumer demand or  all things coming from production tim

    Pembuatan Peta Koordinat Fasilitas Umum Desa Kabun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk mempermudah pengaksesan masyarakat terhadap titik lokasi suatu tempat atau wilayah melalui fasilitas umum yang ada di Desa Kabun, Kecamatan Kabun, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Provinsi Riau.  Penelitian yang dilaksanakan menggunakan teknik pelaksanaan berupa  Partipatory Action Research (PAR) Method dengan tiga prinsip yang dijadikan sebagai acuan penelitian pengabdian. Dalam pelaksanaan pemetaan koordinat fasilitas umum di Desa Kabun, penelitian yang kami lakukan di koordinator oleh pihak kecamatan yakni bapak Romi Yulianto, S.Sos sebagai Kasi Tata Pemerintahan Kecamatan Kabun. Dengan kesimpulan dari penelitian di Desa Kabun terdapat banyak fasilitas umum desa yang tersebar, baik didalam Dusun maupun di wilayah perusahaan atau PT yang temasuk bagian dari Desa Kabun dengan keberhasilan mahasiswa membuat  peta sebagai sarana yang digunakan masyarakat dalam mengakses fasilitas umum ataupun suatu tempat di Desa Kabun

    Synergistic Effect of Two Type Cellulase Immobilized on Chitosan Microparticle as Biocatalyst for Coconut Husk Hydrolysis

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    The effectivity of employing two types of cellulases from Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma resei covalently immobilized on chitosan microparticle was investigated. Reducing sugar from CMC yielded by immobilized cellulase from T. resei alone and A. niger alone was 0.316 g/L and 0.244 g/L, respectively. Simultaneous use of both cellulases shows a significant increase of reducing sugar produced to 1.020 g/L. The effective combination of this two types of cellulases also occurred when coconut husk was used as substrate. A very high enzyme coupling of 92.06% compared to free enzyme was obtained in the immobilization. Addition of GDA not only increased enzyme coupling to 100% but also improved sugar produced. Immobilized cellulase was successfully maintained its activity until 5 cycle