229 research outputs found

    Manifestation of quasi-biennial oscillation in ozone vertical distribution

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    The quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO) in ozone and temperature vertical distributions are studied on the basis of ozonesonde data of 21 stations. Maximum QBO amplitudes in ozone are noted in the 16-20 kn layer over Resolute (75N), Aspendale (38S) and in the northern mid-latitude band, but in the 20-24 km layer in the northern subtropical band. In the upper layers the QBO effect is less evident. In the tropospheric layer it is difficult to note the QBO-related effect in all the groups of the data. In all the layers where the QBO effect is noted the positive deviations precede, but the negative deviations follow the time of maximum of the easterly equatorial wind at 50 mb level. No essential differences in phase or amplitude characteristics of the ozone QBO were noted for the Aspendale data compared with that for the Northern Hemisphere data. The QBO-effect is not noted in the temperature data in the mid-latitudes. Above Resolute and in subtropics the ozone and temperature effects are roughly in phase each with other, except in the 28-32 km layer over subtropics, where they are opposite each to other

    QBO effects manifesting in ozone, temperature, and wind profiles

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    Radial transport of radiation belt electrons due to stormtime Pc5 waves

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    During geomagnetic storms relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt exhibit dynamic variability over multiple orders of magnitude. This requires radial transport of electrons across their drift shells and implies violation of their third adiabatic invariant. Radial transport is induced by the interaction of the electron drift motion with electric and magnetic field fluctuations in the ULF frequency range. It was previously shown that solar-wind driven ULF waves have long azimuthal wave lengths and thus can violate the third invariant of trapped electrons in the process of resonant interaction with their gradient-curvature motion. However, the amplitude of solar-wind driven ULF waves rapidly decreases with decreasing <I>L</I>. It is therefore not clear what mechanisms are responsible for fast transport rates observed inside the geosynchronous orbit. In this paper we investigate wether stormtime Pc5 waves can contribute to this process. Stormtime Pc5s have short azimuthal wave lengths and therefore cannot exhibit resonance with the the electron drift motion. However we show that stormtime Pc5s can cause localized random scattering of electron drift motion that violates the third invariant. According to our results electron interaction with stormtime Pc5s can produce rapid radial transport even as low as <I>L</I>≃4. Numerical simulations show that electron transport can exhibit large deviations from radial diffusion. The diffusion approximation is not valid for individual storms but only applies to the statistically averaged response of the outer belt to stormtime Pc5 waves

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe

    対人関係の光と影 : 「絆」の形成、拒絶、そして崩壊の社会心理学的研究

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The feasibility of applying thermal analysis to study of oil-containing rocks and organic matter is reviewed. Using heavy crudes from the Ashal'cha and Mordovo-Karmal fields, the potential for analysis of the effectiveness of iron-containing precursors of aquathermolysis catalysts is demonstrated with use of data derived from thermal analysis. The thermal effects detected in the presence of the catalyst precursor, as compared with the original sample, reflect decomposition of the catalyst precursor and degradation processes for the components of the crude oil activated by the catalyst. It is shown that use of thermal analysis is feasible for preliminary selection or optimization of catalyst compositions for in-situ upgrading of crude oils, taking into account the activity of the catalyst relative to certain components of the crude in a specific temperature range

    Composition of aquathermolysis catalysts forming in situ from oil-soluble catalyst precursor mixtures

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Increasing efficiency of thermal recovery methods of heavy oil through injection of destructive hydrogenation catalysts precursors is a relevant task. In this paper the composition and properties of the active binary catalysts, which formed from a mixture of oil-soluble iron-, nickel- and copper-based precursors have been studied by XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy, SEM, EDX-mapping methods. Moreover, the efficiency of a mixture of the corresponding metals in reducing the content of heavy components (SARA) of heavy crude oil from Ashal'cha field (Republic of Tatarstan) have been investigated. Mössbauer spectroscopy and EDX-mapping detected the formation of not only spinel ferrites MFe2O4(where M = Ni or Cu), but also individual oxides. Moreover, in case of nickel-based catalyst three phases are formed: magnetite FeO⋅Fe2O3, spinel ferrite NiFe2O4and superparamagnetic finely dispersed phase of iron oxides (and probably nickel oxides). According to XRD results, the oxides formed in the first stage transform into nonstoichiometric spinel ferrites Cu0.86Fe2.14O4and Ni1.43Fe1.7O4under hydrothermal influences. It is related with the thermodynamically beneficial processes of conversion of this specific phase composition. Based on the SARA and elemental analysis of the initial and converted oil, it was found that catalytic aquathermolysis decreases the content of asphaltenes and resins (about 45%) in the presence of catalyst nanoparticles, which indicates an improvement in the quality of the heavy oil

    Mössbauer study of products of the thermocatalytic treatment of kerogen-containing rocks

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc. To understand the mechanism of highly efficient catalyst formation from precursors, the active form of an iron-containing catalyst and kerogen samples from the Bazhen formation are studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It is established that as a result of phase changes, the multicomponent precursors are transformed into mixed transition metal oxides. It is found that the thermocatalytic effect on pyrite-containing kerogen leads to the formation of pyrrhotite FeS 1 − x and mixed oxides of iron

    Evolution of the Water Vapor Plume over Eastern Europe during Summer 2010 Atmospheric Blocking

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    We present an analysis of water vapor (WV) plume evolution over Eastern Europe (EE) during atmospheric blocking in the summer of 2010, carried out on the basis of satellite (MODIS and MLS instruments), aerological, and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The obtained results show that the development of blocking was accompanied by the development of a positive anomaly of total column water vapor (TCWV) content over the northern part of EE. Local TCWV content from 28 July to 6 August 2010 reached 3.35 cm, a value that exceeded by 3.3 times its content before the block. The surplus of WV was mainly conditioned by the advection of WV due to transfer of moist air from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea into northern EE and also due to increased evaporation from the surface enriched with water due to increased temperature and wind. We hypothesize that the influx of latent heat in the block area can contribute to the energy supply of the blocking anticyclone and prolong the existence of block. Strong humidification of the troposphere and some dehumidification of the lower stratosphere during the block were accompanied by warming of the troposphere and cooling of the lower stratosphere

    Thermocatalytic upgrading of heavy oil by iron oxides nanoparticles synthesized by oil-soluble precursors

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Thermocatalytic upgrading of heavy crude oil at reservoir temperature and pressure has been studied. The objective of the present work was to investigate the efficiency of the compounds based on iron (iron carbonyls, iron oxide, metallic iron) on thermocatalytic upgrading process of heavy crude oil at reservoir temperature and pressure (5.0 MPa and up to 523.15 K). The viscosity reducing was used as the main parameter for determination of the efficiency of thermocatalytic upgrading. The effect of structure of the catalyst precursor on the composition of SARA fractions after thermal catalytic upgrading of crude oil was analyzed. A destruction of mainly resin fraction was found to occur during thermocatalytic upgrading of heavy crude oil. The composition and structure of catalysts after crude oil upgrading were determined by the X-powder diffraction and SEM methods. An impact of catalyst (Fe3O4) particle size on the efficiency of crude oil thermocatalytic upgrading process was revealed