640 research outputs found


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    In this research the results of analytical studies are presented, which prove the lack of data on influence of aging process on dispersion of structural elements in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6% or less, and experimental studies on definition of dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in milk ice cream. It was found that the process of the mix aging doesn’t significantly affect the dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 3%. In ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6%, made from a mix, the dispersion of the air phase increased along with the aging process, and the size of almost all air bubbles were less than 50 microns. At the same time the dispersion of ice crystals increased by no more than 10%. The decrease in dispersion of the air phase during the storage period was observed, mostly in ice cream with a fat mass fraction of 6% produced of the cured mix. The research results have the practical importance as they justify the need for the aging process in the production of ice cream with a low mass fraction of fat and determine the necessity of further research in this area.In this research the results of analytical studies are presented, which prove the lack of data on influence of aging process on dispersion of structural elements in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6% or less, and experimental studies on definition of dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in milk ice cream. It was found that the process of the mix aging doesn’t significantly affect the dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 3%. In ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6%, made from a mix, the dispersion of the air phase increased along with the aging process, and the size of almost all air bubbles were less than 50 microns. At the same time the dispersion of ice crystals increased by no more than 10%. The decrease in dispersion of the air phase during the storage period was observed, mostly in ice cream with a fat mass fraction of 6% produced of the cured mix. The research results have the practical importance as they justify the need for the aging process in the production of ice cream with a low mass fraction of fat and determine the necessity of further research in this area

    Impact of inter-ventricular lead distance on cardiac resynchronization therapy outcomes

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    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been shown as an essential treatment of patients with heart failure, leading to improvements in symptoms, left ventricular (LV) function, and survival. However, up to 30% of appropriately selected patients remain non-responders to CRT. The aim of our study was to test a hypothesis on the impact of lead positioning in the ventricular walls on CRT response in patients with advanced chronic heart failure with and without pre-operative inter and intra-ventricular myocardial dyssynchrony. We examined 53 guideline-selected CRT candidates. Response to CRT was defined in 6 months after implantation of CRT devices. All patients underwent standard and Doppler echocardiography for assessment of LV function and mechanical dyssynchrony. Individual right ventricular (RV) and LV lead tip position, inter-lead distance, and the horizontal and vertical components were measured on the radiograph images with using an automated custom made software Our results showed that the RLV inter-lead distance is an essential parameter correlated with the CRT outcomes. A logistic model comprising the RLV inter-lead distance with parameters of dyssynchrony demonstrated a high predictive power for odds of CRT success. © 2017 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.Research was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, agreement № 02.A03.21.0006 and Program of the RAS Presidium #I.33П

    Applications of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in studying cognitive development: the case of mathematics and language

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    We discuss how technical limitations of common neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have resulted in our limited understanding of neural changes during development, while fNIRS would be a suitable and child-friendly method to examine cognitive development. We suggest fNIRS as an additional technique to track brain activation changes in the field of educational neuroscienc

    Role of ergoreflex activity in the pathogenesis of heart failure. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation

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    Aim. To assess the change in ergoreflex activity in heart failure patients with reduced left ventricular systolic function in the study of the effectiveness of physical training (PT) with original regimen, compared with PT with conventionally estimated regimen.Material and methods. Single-center open-label study of 297 patients with class III HF. The patients were divided into two groups: main group (MG) — patients, in whom the PT intensity was estimated based on lactate threshold (LT); comparison group (CG), in whom the PT intensity was estimated based on 60% VO2peak. We analyzed ergoreflex activity, the relationship of ergoreflex with exercise tolerance (ET), routine systemic inflammation markers, clinical manifestations of HF, and ET based on VO2peak.Results. An increase in gait velocity at the LT level after 3 months of PT was registered in 94% (n=210) of the MG patients. After 3 months, the PT regimen was recalculated according to 60% VO2реак; an increase in gait velocity at this level after 3 months of PT was registered in 70% of CG patients (n=35). The severity of HF decreased in both groups, but the dynamics was more pronounced in the MG, where class II was achieved by 75% of patients (in CG — 44%, p=0,003). In the MG, to a greater extent than in the CG, the ET increased. Ergoreflex activity (according to ΔVE) decreased by ≥15% in 230 (97%) MG patients and in 31 (63%) patients with CG. After the completion of the PT period, when in some patients the HF severity decreased to class II, we revealed a direct association of the ergoreflex value (according to ΔVE) with a greater severity of HF (r=-0,57, p=0,01) and the relationship between the decrease in ergoreflex activity (according to ΔVE), an increase in VO2LT (r=-0,55, p=0,001), VO2peak (r=0,49, p=0,001), a decrease in monocyte count (r=0,63, p=0,01).Conclusion. In stable patients with class III HF receiving the proper disease-modifying therapy, ergoreflex activity is increased and is associated with functional class, ET, and systemic inflammation activity. In the course of physical rehabilitation, a decrease in ergoreflex activity is accompanied by a decrease in functional class, an increase in EF, which is more pronounced with personalized aerobic exercise using LT regimen assessment

    Functional lateralization of arithmetic processing in the intraparietal sulcus is associated with handedness

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    We conducted a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study, in which IPS activation of left-handed adults was compared to right-handed adults in a symbolic approximate calculation task. The results showed that left-handers had a stronger functional right-lateralization in the IPS than right-handers. This fnding has important consequences, as the bilateral IPS activation pattern for arithmetic processing seems to be shaped by functional lateralization and thus difers between left- and right-hander

    Using Goal- and Grip-Related Information for Understanding the Correctness of Other’s Actions: An ERP Study

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    Detecting errors in other’s actions is of pivotal importance for joint action, competitive behavior and observational learning. Although many studies have focused on the neural mechanisms involved in detecting low-level errors, relatively little is known about error-detection in everyday situations. The present study aimed to identify the functional and neural mechanisms whereby we understand the correctness of other’s actions involving well-known objects (e.g. pouring coffee in a cup). Participants observed action sequences in which the correctness of the object grasped and the grip applied to a pair of objects were independently manipulated. Observation of object violations (e.g. grasping the empty cup instead of the coffee pot) resulted in a stronger P3-effect than observation of grip errors (e.g. grasping the coffee pot at the upper part instead of the handle), likely reflecting a reorienting response, directing attention to the relevant location. Following the P3-effect, a parietal slow wave positivity was observed that persisted for grip-errors, likely reflecting the detection of an incorrect hand-object interaction. These findings provide new insight in the functional significance of the neurophysiological markers associated with the observation of incorrect actions and suggest that the P3-effect and the subsequent parietal slow wave positivity may reflect the detection of errors at different levels in the action hierarchy. Thereby this study elucidates the cognitive processes that support the detection of action violations in the selection of objects and grips

    Эпидемиология и клиника микробно-воспалительной нефропатии у детей, проживающих в экологически неблагоприятном регионе

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    The aim is to establish the epidemiology and features of the clinic of microbial inflammatory nephropathy in children living in an ecologically unfavorable area.Research methods. The prevalence of microbial-inflammatory nephropathies and their incidence in the urban children's population, as well as in areas with favorable and unfavorable environmental situation were analyzed. A clinical and laboratory examination of patients was carried out with an assessment of the features of the manifestations of the disease in children living in an area with environmental pollution.The results of the study. Over the past two decades, there has been a decrease in the incidence of microbial inflammatory nephropathies and their general prevalence in the urban children's population. However, in an urban area with an unfavorable environmental situation, a significant increase in these epidemiological indicators has been recorded over a ten-year period. The peculiarities of microbial-inflammatory nephropathies in children living in an area with significant air and soil pollution are their occurrence against the background of congenital anomalies or malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract, frequent relapses, the presence of complications. They are characterized by a frequent combination of kidney and bladder lesions, higher activity of the inflammatory process with impaired renal function, slow reverse dynamics of symptoms during treatment.Conclusion. Microbial-inflammatory nephropathies in children living in ecologically unfavorable areas of the city have features of epidemiology and clinical manifestations, which must be taken into account when carrying out medical support for this category of patients.Цель — установить эпидемиологию и особенности клиники микробно-воспалительной нефропатии у детей, проживающих в экологически неблагоприятном районе.Анализировали распространённость микробно-воспалительных нефропатий и заболеваемость ими в городской детской популяции, а также в районах с благоприятной и неблагоприятной экологической ситуацией. Проводили клинико-лабораторное обследование пациентов с оценкой особенностей проявлений заболевания у детей, проживающих в районе с загрязнением окружающей среды.Результаты исследования. За последние два десятилетия в городской детской популяции наблюдается снижение заболеваемости микробно-воспалительными нефропатиями и их общей распространённости. Однако в городском районе с неблагоприятной экологической ситуацией за десятилетний период регистрируется значительное увеличение указанных эпидемиологических показателей. Особенностями микробно-воспалительных нефропатий у детей, проживающих в районе со значительным загрязнением воздуха и почвы, являются их возникновение на фоне врожденных аномалий или пороков развития почек и мочевыводящих путей, частые рецидивы, наличие осложнений. Они характеризуются нередким сочетанием поражения почек и мочевого пузыря, более высокой активностью воспалительного процесса с нарушением функции почек, медленной обратной динамикой симптоматики на фоне лечения.Заключение. Микробно-воспалительные нефропатии у детей, проживающих в экологически неблагоприятных районах города, имеют особенности эпидемиологии и клинических проявлений, что необходимо учитывать при осуществлении медицинского сопровождения этой категории пациентов

    Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Symbolic Quantity Representation

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    Оригинал статьи получен 10 ноября 2023. Исправленная статья принята 01 декабря 2023. Первая публикация онлайн 11 декабря 2023.Исследование символической репрезентации количества является важной темой современной нейронауки. Данная тема связана с проблемами обучения математике, а также с механизмами символической обработки языковых систем человеком, что делает ее актуальной в области образования и педагогики. Целью исследования выступает анализ современного состояния проблемы нейрофизиологичесих механизмов символической репрезентации количества с использованием различных психофизиологических методов. В статье освещены основные вопросы, актуальные для современных психофизиологических исследований чувства числа. Представлены методы нейровизуализации, которые используются в данных исследованиях, их преимущества и недостатки. В обзоре описаны различные подходы к исследованию символической репрезентации количества. Рассмотрены проблемы развития репрезентации числа в онтогенезе, соотношения несимволического чувства числа и символической репрезентации количества с точки зрения модели тройного кода, мэппинга, эффекта числовой дистанции. Дана критика модели тройного кода, представления о развитии символической репрезентации в мозге (переход от правых областей мозга к левому полушарию). Описана гипотеза лобно-теменного сдвига, обусловившего процессы символической репрезентации количества, а также соотношение символических репрезентаций количества и точных вычислений. Отдельно проанализированы имеющиеся к настоящему моменту данные о психофизиологических механизмах символического чувства числа. Проведенный анализ показал, что символическая репрезентация количества обеспечивается мозговой системой, включающей различные структуры. В обзоре обозначены перспективы возможных исследований.The study of the symbolic quantity representation is currently an important topic in modern neuroscience. This area is related to the problems of teaching mathematics, as well as the mechanisms of symbolic processing of language systems in humans, which makes it relevant in the field of education and pedagogy. The purpose of the study was to analyze the state of the art in neurophysiological mechanisms of the symbolic quantity representation using different psychophysiological methods. The article presents the main issues relevant to modern psychophysiological studies of number sense. The main neuroimaging methods used in these studies, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. The review describes various approaches to the study of the symbolic quantity representation. The problems of number representation development, the relationship between the non-symbolic number sense and the symbolic quantity representation from the point of view of the triple code model, mapping, effect of numerical distance are considered. A critique of the triple code model and the idea of the symbolic representation development in the brain, particularly the transition from the right areas of the brain to the left hemisphere are presented. The hypothesis of a frontoparietal shift of the symbolic quantity representation is described, as well as the relationship between symbolic representations of quantity and exact calculations. The currently available data on the psychophysiological mechanisms of the symbolic number sense are analyzed separately. The analysis showed that the symbolic quantity representation is provided by a brain system that includes different structures. The review outlines future directions for possible research.Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта Российского научного фонда, проект № 22-28-02030 «Нейрокогнитивные механизмы символических числовых навыков»

    Management of patients with persistent medically unexplained symptoms: a descriptive study

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    Background: In 2013 the Dutch guideline for management of medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) was published. The aim of this study is to assess medical care for patients with persistent MUS as recorded in their electronic medical records, to investigate if this is in line with the national guideline for persistent MUS and whether there are changes in care over time. Methods: We conducted an observational study of adult primary care patients with MUS. Routinely recorded health care data were extracted from electronic medical records of patients participating in an ongoing randomised controlled trial in 30 general practices in the Netherlands. Data on general practitioners’ (GPs’) management strategies during MUS consultations were collected in a 5-year period for each patient prior. Management strategies were categorised according to the options offered in the Dutch guideline. Changes in management over time were analysed. Results: Data were collected from 1035 MUS consultations (77 patients). Beside history-taking, the most frequently used diagnostic strategies were physical examination (24.5%) and additional investigations by the GP (11.1%). Frequently used therapeutic strategies were prescribing medication (24.6%) and providing explanations (11.2%). As MUS symptoms persisted, GPs adjusted medication, discussed progress and scheduled follow-up appointments more frequently. The least frequently used strategies were exploration of all complaint dimensions (i.e. somatic, cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social) (3.5%) and referral to a psychologist (0.5%) or psychiatrist (0.1%). Conclusions: Management of Dutch GPs is partly in line with the Dutch guideline. Medication was possibly prescribed more frequently than recommended, whereas exploration of all complaint dimensions, shared problem definition and referral to mental health care were used less