85 research outputs found

    Ionizing radiation impact on the mechanical properties of a wood-plastic composite: a review

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    This paper reviews the effect of radiation on the mechanical properties of WPC. WPC can be defined as mixture of wood in a polymer matrix. Composite that used in this research mainly consists of 40% polyethylene (PE), 50 % wood fiber and the rest is carbon black. The WPC were then irradiated and go through post extrusion process under required dose levels of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kGy with the aid of the electron beam treatment (EB). Soon after, the irradiated WPC then classified using a test called bending test which specify in third point bending test (ASTM D4761) along with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was checked that two factors are affected with the increasing dose level and they were ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Diagnosis on the morphology of polyethylene by the research found that there was significant difference between the radiated and irradiated surfaces

    Effect of lead oxide on concrete density for radiation shielding purposes

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    Selection of suitable shielding materials depends on the type, intensity and energy of radiation source, as well as the shielding properties such as mechanical strength, economic preparation and resistance to radiation damage. When compared to ordinary concrete, the addition of some materials with various fractions in the composition of concrete has provided concrete forms more efficient for gamma ray shielding. Concrete has proven to be an tremendous and adaptable shielding material with a well-established linear attenuation coefficient for gamma rays and neutrons. The objectives of this study is to determine the exact composition of concrete constituents and its density. Concrete samples were prepared by mixing cement, water, aggregate and additive with different composition and densities. Density was increases by decreasing the aggregates percent and increasing the additives such as lead oxide. Sample will be compacting to forming a solid material through pelleting and sintering process. Finally, it will undergo for radiation attenuation test. It was found that, substitution of lead oxide by aggregate causes increasing in the specific density and compressive strength of the concrete

    Preparation and characterization of cogon grass natural fiber as a concrete filler for gamma radiation shielding

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    Concrete is a combination of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. Concrete has a high shielding potential against gamma radiation from radioactive source. Concretes having a higher attenuation coefficient may be produced by varying the additives of various specific densities to increase the shielding performance. This study uses a cogon grass fiber, an invasive and unwanted grass due to their ability to grow, and disrupt desirable vegetation efficiently as a reinforcement material mixed into the concrete composite to observe its performance in radiation shielding. Natural fiber is known to have a tolerance to post splitting, high energy absorption and increased fatigue resistance of cement-based composites. Cogon grass fibers are use with different percentages of 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% fiber content with four different thicknesses. In this study, the chemical and physical properties of cogon grass were characterized by the hydrolysis process (Chesson Method) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. The effect of different percentage of cogon grass fiber in concrete with different thickness to linear attenuation coefficient, the difference of linear attenuation coefficient value between lead concrete and cogon grass fiber concrete and half value layer (HVL) were also investigated. The possibility of using cogon grass natural fiber as a block of concrete for gamma radiation shielding was also evaluated based on the results obtained in this study. The results show that the hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content of raw cogon grass fiber were 27.60%, 36.62% and 6.11%, respectively. AFM micrograph of cogon grass showed a blocky and rough surface. The calculated linear attenuation coefficient of cogon grass fiber showed an increase with the increase of fiber content and thickness. However, lead concrete showed a higher attenuation coefficient and lower HVL value compared to cogon grass fiber. Despite that, cogon grass fiber concrete may have the potential to be used as shielding material with some improvement

    Determinants of bank lending in Malaysia: A Malaysia case

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between the economic activities and bank loans in Malaysia. This empirical analysis of this study is to Malaysian banking institutions during the period of year 1996 until the year 2010. The total loans were used as the dependent variable. The three variables including interest rate, inflation and industrial production index as independent variables. The main objective of this study is to determine whether economic activities have a significant effect of bank lending in Malaysia. The result indicates that only industrial production index have a significant effect to bank lending in Malaysia. This shows that as increase in industrial production index will increase the bank loans in Malaysi

    COVID-19 Crisis: Challenges to Human Resource Management (HRM)

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    The pandemic COVID-19 crisis have affected globally in every areas of economic businesses as well as the management of human resource in organization. This studies aims to explore in the challenges faced by Human Resource Management (HRM) functions during the COVID-19 crisis. The method used for this study is by reviewing literature of previous study by exploring how COVID -19 impacted HRM and how HRM cope with the situation. It is revealed that the pandemic COVID -19 crisis have impacted and give challenges to the HRM function in an organization. In conclusion, the challenges arise from these pandemic has disrupted human resource strategies in managing the workforce

    Radiation safety based on the sky shine effect in reactor

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    In the reactor operation, neutrons and gamma rays are the most dominant radiation. As protection, lead and concrete shields are built around the reactor. However, the radiation can penetrate the water shielding inside the reactor pool. This incident leads to the occurrence of sky shine where a physical phenomenon of nuclear radiation sources was transmitted panoramic that extends to the environment. The effect of this phenomenon is caused by the fallout radiation into the surrounding area which causes the radiation dose to increase. High doses of exposure cause a person to have stochastic effects or deterministic effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the radiation dose from sky shine effect that scattered around the reactor at different distances and different height above the reactor platform. In this paper, the analysis of the radiation dose of sky shine effect was measured using the experimental metho

    Buoffant cap

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    Bouffant cap is safety product like a loose cap net that can secured around the head with an elastic. This product is usually used in cleanrooms, food service and medical field. According to Personal protective equipment, frequently referred to as "PPE," is equipment worn to minimize exposure to risks causing severe injuries and accident in the workplace. These accidents and diseases may lead from chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical or other dangers in the workplace. The personal protective equipment should be designed for safety, can maintain cleanliness and also reliable fashion. It should be comfortably to wear and safely covered

    Health Risk From Radioactive Iodine (RAI) Therapy And Medical Imaging- A Short Review

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    Different role of radioactive iodine (RAI) has a different dosage. RAI is the effective treatment for cancer but has a short or long side effects such as xerostomia and loss of taste or smell. Ablation, adjuvant and therapeutic is the role of RAI and all of it has risk. RAI tend to increase the survival for the patient on progression-free survival and disease- free survival.  Aside from that, computed tomography radiation has been associated to a small but significant increase in the chance of fatal cancer during a person’s lifetime. This review aims to promote public awareness and lead initiatives to eliminate unneeded computed tomography scans. Despite evidence of recognized hazards of radiation-related computed tomography and cancer induction, the usage of pediatric computed tomography continues to rise. In the United States of America, more than 60 million computed tomography scans are projected to be conducted each year, with 7 million of those being performed on children. To decrease radiation exposure, pediatric radiologists employ the ALARA ('as low as reasonably achievable') concept. This idea is reinforced through education and lobbying directed towards recommending physicians. Clinical strategies that restrict computed tomography scanning and encourage non-radiation imaging modalities like ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging might help decrease radiation exposure even further. Although individual risk estimates are tiny, the widespread use of computed tomography in the community may result in future public health concerns

    Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Biosensor Based on the Conducting Polymer Using Self-Assembly Technique

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    Biosensors are in principle fabricated by immobilized biomaterials on a detector membrane and combining them with electrochemical equipment. The applications of enzyme-based biosensors can be explored such as in the process of gas detection, medicine, pathogen detection and detection of toxic levels of substances before and after bioremediation. In this study, H2O2 detection was performed using HRP/PANI, HRP/PPY, HRP/PT and HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layers. The HRP/PANI layer from Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM) image exhibited a dry surface. The HRP/PPY layer exhibited a surface with agglomerate molecules. The HRP/PT layer, on the hand, exhibited a layer surface with almost the same molecular size. This is confirmed by the higher surface roughness value for HRP/PPY compared to other layers obtained via characterization with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The increasing current response for all three layers was arranged in HRP/PANI> HRP/PT> HRP/PPY. VPSEM and AFM images exhibited surfaces with molecules being in an agglomeration state after the H2O2 detection process. In terms of current response, the response rate of H2O2 on the surface of the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI electrode caused the current response obtained to be fast. The roughness value increased with time due to the reaction that took place between the surface of the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layer with H2O2. The day-based current response showed that day 1 to day 14 exhibited a uniform graph pattern but from day 21 to day 30 there was a change in the graph pattern due to the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layer undergoing degradation. The activity of the HRP enzyme was studied by looking at its absorption effect for 30 days. From day 1 to day 14, there was a difference in the overall rate of absorption. However, from day 21 to day 30, the rate of absorption remained constant which explains the slowing down of HRP activity &nbsp

    Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Biosensor Based on the Conducting Polymer Using Self-Assembly Technique

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    Biosensors are in principle fabricated by immobilized biomaterials on a detector membrane and combining them with electrochemical equipment. The applications of enzyme-based biosensors can be explored such as in the process of gas detection, medicine, pathogen detection and detection of toxic levels of substances before and after bioremediation. In this study, H2O2 detection was performed using HRP/PANI, HRP/PPY, HRP/PT and HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layers. The HRP/PANI layer from Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM) image exhibited a dry surface. The HRP/PPY layer exhibited a surface with agglomerate molecules. The HRP/PT layer, on the hand, exhibited a layer surface with almost the same molecular size. This is confirmed by the higher surface roughness value for HRP/PPY compared to other layers obtained via characterization with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The increasing current response for all three layers was arranged in HRP/PANI> HRP/PT> HRP/PPY. VPSEM and AFM images exhibited surfaces with molecules being in an agglomeration state after the H2O2 detection process. In terms of current response, the response rate of H2O2 on the surface of the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI electrode caused the current response obtained to be fast. The roughness value increased with time due to the reaction that took place between the surface of the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layer with H2O2. The day-based current response showed that day 1 to day 14 exhibited a uniform graph pattern but from day 21 to day 30 there was a change in the graph pattern due to the HRP/PT/PPY/PANI layer undergoing degradation. The activity of the HRP enzyme was studied by looking at its absorption effect for 30 days. From day 1 to day 14, there was a difference in the overall rate of absorption. However, from day 21 to day 30, the rate of absorption remained constant which explains the slowing down of HRP activity &nbsp
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