15 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang sering dihadapi guru adalah bagaimana cara agar siswa dapat meningkatkanminat dan hasil belajarnya khususnya pada mata pelajaran memelihara servis sistem bahan bakar bensin.Peneliti mencoba menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team AssistedIndividualization) dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa.Jenis penelitian iniadalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini akan dilakukan Di kelas X TKR 2 SMK Negeri 3Boyolangu. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI TKR 2 dengan jumlah 34 siswa.Objek dari penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team AssistedIndividualization)Hasil menunjukan perbedaan aktifitas siswa pada putaran ke 2, yaitu siswa cenderunglebih aktif berdiskusi dan memberikan masukan terhadap materi yang sedang dipelajari. Hasil post tesmenunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa meningkat dibandingkan hasil belajar pada semestersebelumnya yaitu sebesar 93% siswa tuntas belajar sedangkan 7% tidak tuntas belajar. Minat belajarsiswa cenderung meningkat dengan digunakannya model pembelajarn ini dilihat dari hasil angket yangdiberikan.Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe TAI (Team Assisted Individualization), hasil belajarsiswa.ABSTRACTThe Problems that often faced by teachers are how way the students to increase interest andlearning outcomes especially in subjects maintaining gasoline fuel system service. Researcher try to usecooperative learning TAI model (Team Assisted Individualization) in hopes can increase of interest andstudent learning outcomes.This research is a classroom action research (CAR). This study will be done inclass X TKR 2 SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu. Subjects of this study were all students of class XI TKR 2 bythe number of 34 students. The object of this research is cooperative learning TAI model (Team AssistedIndividualization)The Results show the differences of student activities on lap 2, the students tend to bemore discussion active and give feedback on the material being studied. The results of Post test show thatthe level of mastery learning students improve compared to the previous semester is equal to 93%completed learned while 7% is not completely learned. Student interest is likely to increase with the useof these learning model seen from the results questionnaires.Keywords: cooperative learning model type TAI (Team Assisted Individualization), student learningoutcomes

    In-group favoritsm pada mahasiswa aktivis ditinjau dari konstrual diri independen-interdependen

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    In group favoritism phenomenon occurs in almost every group. Individuals in the group has its own characteristics in any aspect, including one of which is the orientation of cultural values ā€‹ā€‹in the domain of the individual in this case is called Self construal of independent and interdependent . The purpose of this study is to know the difference ingroup favoritism on student activists in terms of self construal of independent-interdependent. This study uses a non-test the in group favoritism scale and self construal scale. The number of subjects as many as 100 students involved in the activities of intra- and extra-campus organizations. The results showed that the average value of in group favoritism in subjects with interdependent self konstrual higher (88.65) than the independent self construal (80.86). Based onthe results obtained by ttest there are the difference in group favoritism between subjects with self construal independent and interdependent self construal (t =4.611p=0,01)

    Desain Pelatihan Tata Boga di Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Kurangnya sumber daya manusia berkualitas, termasuk pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan, adalah salah satu penyebab mendasar kemiskinan di Kabupaten Pemalang. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan menyediakan program pelatihan, seperti pelatihan tata boga, guna meningkatkan keterampilan dan daya saing tenaga kerja lokal. Efektifnya program pelatihan merupakan hal yang penting agar bisa memberi dampak positif bagi peserta pelatihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kondisi faktual pelatihan tata boga dan menganalisis desain tahapan pelatihan yang diimplementasikan dimana nantinya dapat diketahui apakah pelatihan tata boga di BLK Kabupaten Pemalang telah menerapkan aspek-aspek penting dalam pelatihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Triangulasi sumber dan metode digunakan untuk memeriksa keabsahan data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan model Miles dan Hurberman, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain pelatihan tata boga di BLK Kabupaten Pemalang dilakukan secara sistematis melalui tahap analisis kebutuhan yang terdiri dari analisis kebutuhan organisasi, pekerjaan dan individu. Perancangan pelatihan dengan menentukan tujuan pelatihan, metode sumber daya pelatihan, jadwal dan lokasi pelatihan. Implementasi pelatihan terdiri atas persiapan pelatihan, pelaksanaan serta monitoring controlling. Evaluasi pelatihan terdiri atas evaluasi awal peserta, evaluasi akhir dan evaluasi penyelenggaraan pelatihan. Dan transfer pelatihan terdiri atas persiapan, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan tersebut dilakukan dengan memperhatikan aspek penting dalam pelatihan yang mengkombinasikan model Mathis and Jackson secara keseluruhan dan Dick and Carey dalam perancangannya

    Determinants of Web-Based E-Training Model to Increase E-Training Effectiveness of Non-Formal Educators in Indonesia

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    The industrial revolution 4.0 era creates changes in all fields, including education with internet technology usage and the implementation. Electronic training (e-training) as a training medium is one aspect to achieve effective and efficient training goals for educators. This study purpose was to examine the web-based e-training determinant model to increase the e-training effectiveness of professional non-formal educators. It uses quantitative method with survey approach to 120 non formal educators who follow competence improvement training. Data was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS software. These study findings revealed that e-training model is more effective than face-to-face training. It is probed by the improvement of nonformal educator increase the professional competence. The SEM usage confirms that e-training providers leadership, e-training work climate, e-training learning methods and e-training principles learning indirectly have positive and significant effect on e-training effectiveness mediated by e-training implementation. Keywords: e-training model, e-training effectiveness, non-formal educator competence DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-24-05 Publication date: August 31st 201

    The Impact of E-Training Model on the Improvement of Professional Competence of PAUD-DIKMAS Educators

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    Theface-to-facetrainingthathasbeencarriedoutallthistimeisconsideredincapable to fully improve the professional competence of trainees. So, it is needed an E-training model which is based on the needs of the trainees. The purpose of this study were: (a) to ļ¬nd out and analyze the E-Training model implemented in the training of PAUDDikmas Educators and, (b) to analyze the impact of the implementation of E-Training models on the improvement of professional competence of PAUD-Dikmas Educators. The subjects of this research were the management and trainers, 8 people in total, to reveal data related to model design and 120 trainees (PAUD-Dikmas Educators) to reveal data about the impact of E-Training model implementation. The data collection methodsusedwereinterviewandquestionnaire.Thetechniquesusedtoanalyzewere descriptive-quantitative statistical analysis. The results of the study showed: (a) the implementation of E-Training model follows the ļ¬‚ow of activities: training problems and needs analysis, training socialization and trainees recruitment, training planning, training learning process including independent learning, assignment, unit evaluation, and mentoring, comprehensive evaluation through independent assignments, they are given a certiļ¬cate if they passed, and follow-up in the form of competency tests, and advanced training; and (b) the implementation of the E-Training model had animpactontheimprovementofprofessionalcompetenceofPAUD-Dikmaseducators.     Keywords: e-training model, professional competenc

    Analisis Pengembangan USAha Ternak Itik Di Kecamatan Banyubiru Kabupaten Semarang (Analysis Business Development of Duck Farming in Banyubiru District Semarang Regency)

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    This study aimed to know duck farming management, supporting factors and their inhibiting factors. Also, this study aimed to identify prospects and strategy for developing duck farms in Banyubiru sub-district. This study was conducted during November to December 2014. Research location was determined using purposive sampling method and sampling methodology used in this research was quota sampling methodology. The value of Location Quoentient in Banyubiru sub-district was 14,15 which meant that duck farm in Banyubiru sub-district was more expert than the duck farm in district level, Semarang. Based on SWOT analysis, total score of internal factors was 3% and total score of external factors were 3,24%. The conclusion was, duck farms growth and development could be done through upgrading quality of its human resources,optimization of natural resources or food in order to minimize cost of production. The conclusion of this research was, duck farm in sub-district Banyubiru was worthed to be developed


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    ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang sering dihadapi guru adalah bagaimana cara agar siswa dapat meningkatkanminat dan hasil belajarnya khususnya pada mata pelajaran memelihara servis sistem bahan bakar bensin.Peneliti mencoba menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team AssistedIndividualization) dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa.Jenis penelitian iniadalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini akan dilakukan Di kelas X TKR 2 SMK Negeri 3Boyolangu. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI TKR 2 dengan jumlah 34 siswa.Objek dari penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI (Team AssistedIndividualization)Hasil menunjukan perbedaan aktifitas siswa pada putaran ke 2, yaitu siswa cenderunglebih aktif berdiskusi dan memberikan masukan terhadap materi yang sedang dipelajari. Hasil post tesmenunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa meningkat dibandingkan hasil belajar pada semestersebelumnya yaitu sebesar 93% siswa tuntas belajar sedangkan 7% tidak tuntas belajar. Minat belajarsiswa cenderung meningkat dengan digunakannya model pembelajarn ini dilihat dari hasil angket yangdiberikan.Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe TAI (Team Assisted Individualization), hasil belajarsiswa.ABSTRACTThe Problems that often faced by teachers are how way the students to increase interest andlearning outcomes especially in subjects maintaining gasoline fuel system service. Researcher try to usecooperative learning TAI model (Team Assisted Individualization) in hopes can increase of interest andstudent learning outcomes.This research is a classroom action research (CAR). This study will be done inclass X TKR 2 SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu. Subjects of this study were all students of class XI TKR 2 bythe number of 34 students. The object of this research is cooperative learning TAI model (Team AssistedIndividualization)The Results show the differences of student activities on lap 2, the students tend to bemore discussion active and give feedback on the material being studied. The results of Post test show thatthe level of mastery learning students improve compared to the previous semester is equal to 93%completed learned while 7% is not completely learned. Student interest is likely to increase with the useof these learning model seen from the results questionnaires.Keywords: cooperative learning model type TAI (Team Assisted Individualization), student learningoutcomes

    Cracking of open traffic rigid pavement

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    The research is done by observing the growth of real structure cracking in Natar, Lampung, Indonesia compared to C. Nikenā€™s et al research and literature study. The rigid pavement was done with open traffic system. There are two main crack types on Natar rigid pavement: cracks cross the road, and cracks spreads on rigid pavement surface. The observation of cracks was analyzed by analyzing material, casting, curing, loading and shrinkage mechanism. The relationship between these analysis and shrinkage mechanism was studied in concrete micro structure. Open traffic make hydration process occur under vibration; therefore, fresh concrete was compressed and tensioned alternately since beginning. High temperature together with compression, cement dissociation, the growth of Ca2+ at very early age leads abnormal swelling. No prevention from outside water movement leads hydration process occur with limited water which caused spreads fine cracks. Limited water improves shrinkage and plastic phase becomes shorter; therefore, rigid pavement canā€™t accommodate the abnormal swelling and shrinking alternately and creates the spread of cracks. Discontinuing casting the concrete makes both mix under different condition, the first is shrink and the second is swell and creates weak line on the border; so, the cracks appear as cracks across the road

    Cracking of open traffic rigid pavement

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    The research is done by observing the growth of real structure cracking in Natar, Lampung, Indonesia compared to C. Nikenā€™s et al research and literature study. The rigid pavement was done with open traffic system. There are two main crack types on Natar rigid pavement: cracks cross the road, and cracks spreads on rigid pavement surface. The observation of cracks was analyzed by analyzing material, casting, curing, loading and shrinkage mechanism. The relationship between these analysis and shrinkage mechanism was studied in concrete micro structure. Open traffic make hydration process occur under vibration; therefore, fresh concrete was compressed and tensioned alternately since beginning. High temperature together with compression, cement dissociation, the growth of Ca2+ at very early age leads abnormal swelling. No prevention from outside water movement leads hydration process occur with limited water which caused spreads fine cracks. Limited water improves shrinkage and plastic phase becomes shorter; therefore, rigid pavement canā€™t accommodate the abnormal swelling and shrinking alternately and creates the spread of cracks. Discontinuing casting the concrete makes both mix under different condition, the first is shrink and the second is swell and creates weak line on the border; so, the cracks appear as cracks across the road