5 research outputs found

    Does Investment, Zakat, Infak and Shadaqah and Inflation Infuence the Economic Growth?: Evidence from Indonesia

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    Economic growth is a measure of the success of economic development of the country, thus realizing the economy well be the main goal. Several variables such as the level of investment, ZIS, and inflation are used in this study. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence and relationship of investment, ZIS, and inflation on economic growth in Indonesia. This research method using a quantitative approach. The Data used is secondary data in the form of time series. This research method using a quantitative approach. The method of analysis using the model of Vector Autoregression (VAR), followed by the model Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), if there is cointegration. Data testing is done with the help of software Eviews 7 and Microsoft Excel 2010. The results of the study found that the variable ZIS and inflation have an effect on long-term GDP. Variable mutual funds conventional and sharia does not affect the long-term GDP. Variable mutual fund conventional, Islamic mutual funds, ZIS, and inflation does not influence short-term economic growth. GDP responds positively to shocks that occur in a mutual fund conventional, sharia mutual funds, and ZIS. GDP responds negatively to the shock on inflation. Variable inflation gives the largest contribution to GDP, then mutual funds conventional and ZIS as well as the last sharia mutual funds

    The Determinan Niat Crowdfunders Dalam Menggunakan Model Wakaf Crowdfunding: Integrasi 3 Model dengan Kepercayaan Sebagai Mediasi

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    The potential of waqf is huge in Indonesia, but it has yet to be optimized. One of the developing waqf models is cash waqf. With the development of technology, it can be an opportunity to maximize the collection of cash waqf funds in Indonesia. This research aims to provide knowledge for waqf institutions to adopt financial technology in developing cash waqf as productive and social waqf. The research assesses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 3), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Unified Theory of Acceptence and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2), Perceived Trust (PT) as a mediating variable in seeing the behavior of the muwakif. This study uses a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis model to test the hypothesis. Based on puroisve sampling, distributing questionnaires through online surveys using google form from various regions. The respondents collected from this study were 126 from the questionnaires that had been given. The results showed that TAM3, TPB and UTAUT2 had no effect on crowdfunders' behavioral intentions. PT has a significant positive effect on behavioral intentions. UTAUT2 has an effect on behavioral intention mediated by PT. The results of this study provide advice to the waqf authority to increase waqf collection by integrating fintech and promoting to the entire community.Potensi wakaf sangat besar di Indonesia, namun belum dapat teroptimalkan. Perkembangan model wakaf sangat berbagai macam salah satunya adalah wakaf uang. Dengan perkembangan teknologi dapat menjadi peluang memaksimalkan pengumpulan dana wakaf tunai di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi lembaga wakaf untuk mengadopsi teknologi keuangan dalam mengembangkan wakaf uang sebagai wakaf produktif dan sosial. Penelitian melakukan penilaian terhadap Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 3), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Unified Theory of Acceptence and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2), Perceived Trust (PT) sebagai variable mediasi dalam melihat perilaku dari muwakif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis persamaan structural structural (Structural Equation Modeling/SEM) untuk menguji hipotesis. Berdasarkan purposive sampling, penyebaran kuesioner melalui survei online menggunakan google form dari berbagai daerah. Responden yang terkumpul dari penelitian ini sebanyak 126 dari kuesioner yang telah diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TAM3, TPB dan UTAUT2 tidak berpengaruh terhadap niat perilaku crowdfunders. PT berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap niat perilaku. UTAUT2 berpengaruh terhadap niat perilaku yang dimediasi oleh PT. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada otoritas wakaf untuk meningkatkan penghimpunan wakaf dengan menintegrasikan fintech dan mempromosikan kepada seluruh masyarkat

    Percepatan Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Investasi Pasar Modal Syariah

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    The purpose of this research is to explore and examine the strategies being pursued to achieve economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic through the Islamic Capital Market Investment sector. The qualitative research method used in this study through a descriptive approach. While the analysis was used by conducting a deeper discussion based on the information obtained. The research results obtained are aimed at accelerating economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the Islamic economic and capital market system, strengthening public literacy regarding investment, increasing public trust in Islamic capital market products, and strengthening regulations on Islamic capital markets.The purpose of this research is to explore and examine the strategies being pursued to achieve economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic through the Islamic Capital Market Investment sector. The qualitative research method used in this study through a descriptive approach. While the analysis was used by conducting a deeper discussion based on the information obtained. The research results obtained are aimed at accelerating economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the Islamic economic and capital market system, strengthening public literacy regarding investment, increasing public trust in Islamic capital market products, and strengthening regulations on Islamic capital markets

    Percepatan Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Investasi Pasar Modal Syariah

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    The purpose of this research is to explore and examine the strategies being pursued to achieve economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic through the Islamic Capital Market Investment sector. The qualitative research method used in this study through a descriptive approach. While the analysis was used by conducting a deeper discussion based on the information obtained. The research results obtained are aimed at accelerating economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the Islamic economic and capital market system, strengthening public literacy regarding investment, increasing public trust in Islamic capital market products, and strengthening regulations on Islamic capital markets.The purpose of this research is to explore and examine the strategies being pursued to achieve economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic through the Islamic Capital Market Investment sector. The qualitative research method used in this study through a descriptive approach. While the analysis was used by conducting a deeper discussion based on the information obtained. The research results obtained are aimed at accelerating economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the Islamic economic and capital market system, strengthening public literacy regarding investment, increasing public trust in Islamic capital market products, and strengthening regulations on Islamic capital markets