16 research outputs found

    Panduan Pengarusutamaan Gender dalam Siklus Pengelolaan Program

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    Naskah ini berisi konsep-konsep dasar, langkah-langkah utama, dan perangkat-perangkat dalam pengarusutamaan gender dalam siklus pengelolaan program. Naskah ini dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu bahan rujukan bagi Kemitraan-Partnership for Governance Reform, secara khusus bagi Program Forest Governance Program phase 2 (FGP -2) dan secara umum bagi Direktorat Sustainable Environmental Governance (SEG) dan Sustainable Development Governance (SDG), serta bagi organisasi-organisasi masyarakat sipil yang merupakan mitra kerja FGP-2 dan program Kemitraan lain yang terkait

    Gender equality in the government water, sanitation, and hygiene workforce in Indonesia: an analysis through the Gender at Work framework

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    Gender inequality remains a persistent challenge in workforces globally, with the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) workforce no exception. This paper aimed to investigate gender dynamics in the Indonesian government WASH workforce at national and subnational levels and evolve conceptual foundations for this type of study. The Gender at Work framework (Rao, A., J. Sandler, D. Kelleher, and C. Miller. 2016. Gender at Work: Theory and Practice for 21st Century Organizations. London: Routledge), provided a framing to support critical examination of power relations embedded in institutions and communities. In-depth interviews were undertaken with 52 government employees in the districts of Sumbawa and Manggarai and two national ministries. The findings identified four important themes which hinder or support gender equality in the Indonesian government WASH workforce: (a) career progression, continued education, and professional ambitions; (b) gender equality and gendered social dynamics in the workplace; (c) family and institutional support; and (d) gender-based violence and safety in the workplace. Our findings also generated insights on intersectional aspects, including people of different ethnic origins, pointing to the need to explicitly account for these in frameworks such as the Gender at Work framework. Through the identification and consideration of ‘gendered substructures’ this research provides a basis to promote greater equality in the WASH workforce

    Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia

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    Gender and generation in engagements with oil palm in East Kalimantan, Indonesia: insights from feminist political ecology

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    Across many parts of Indonesia, investment in oil palm has brought accelerated forms of land acquisition and market engagement for communities, signalling far-reaching implications for equity and well-being of current and future generations. This paper uses a conjunctural feminist political ecology approach to explore gendered and generational engagements with oil palm in Indonesia. The paper compares four communities in East Kalimantan that form part of an ongoing study of the gendered impacts of large-scale and independent smallholder investments in oil palm in the context of corporate zero deforestation commitments in West and East Kalimantan. We show how different pathways of engagement with oil palm – adverse or otherwise – reflect the interplay between modes of incorporation into oil palm systems with landscape history, gender, life stage and ethnic identity. Whilst our findings complicate singular ‘victim’ narratives, they also challenge the ‘cruel optimism’ that is accompanying the current oil palm boom