759 research outputs found

    Casimir force calculations near the insulator-conductor transition in gold thin films

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    We present theoretical calculations of the Casimir force for Au thin films near the insulator-conductor transition that has been observed experimentally. The dielectric function of the Au thin films is described by the Drude-Smith model. The parameters needed to model the dielectric function such as the relaxation time, plasma frequency and the backscattering constant depend on the thickness of the film. The Casimir force decreases as the film thickness decreases until it reaches a minimum after which the force increases again. The minimum of the force coincides with the critical film thickness where a percolation conductor-insulator occurs.Comment: 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Van der Waals torque induced by external magnetic fields

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    We present a method for inducing and controlling van der Waals torques between two parallel slabs using a constant magnetic field. The torque is calculated using the Barash theory of dispersive torques. In III-IV semiconductors such as InSbInSb, the effect of an external magnetic field is to induce an optical anisotropy, in an otherwise isotropic material, that will in turn induce a torque. The calculations of the torque are done in the Voigt configuration, with the magnetic field parallel to the surface of the slabs. As a case study we consider a slab made of calcite and a second slab made of InSbInSb. In the absence of magnetic field there is no torque. As the magnetic field increases, the optical anisotropy of InSbInSb increases and the torque becomes different from zero, increasing with the magnetic field. The resulting torque is of the same order of magnitude as that calculated using permanent anisotropic materials when the magnetic fields is close to 1 T.Comment: to appear in Journal of Applied Physic

    Variations of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between metals immersed in liquids

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    We present a theoretical calculation of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between two metallic slabs embedded in a fluid, taking into account the change of the Drude parameters of the metals when in contact with liquids of different index of refraction. For the three liquids considered in this work, water, CCl3FCCl_3F and CBr3F CBr_3F the change in the Drude parameters of the metal imply a difference of up to 15% in the determination of the force at short separations. These variations in the force is bigger for liquids with a higher index of refraction.Comment: 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Reduction of the Casimir force using aerogels

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    By using silicon oxide based aerogels we show numerically that the Casimir force can be reduced several orders of magnitude, making its effect negligible in nanodevices. This decrease in the Casimir force is also present even when the aerogels are deposited on metallic substrates. To calculate the Casimir force we model the dielectric function of silicon oxide aerogels using an effective medium dielectric function such as the Clausius-Mossotti approximation. The results show that both the porosity of the aerogel and its thickness can be use as control parameters to reduce the magnitude of the Casimir force.Comment: to appear J. Appl. Phy

    The role of magnetoplasmons in Casimir force calculations

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    In this paper we review the role of magneto plasmon polaritons in the Casimir force calculations. By applying an external constant magnetic field a strong optical anisotropy is induced on two parallel slabs reducing the reflectivity and thus the Casimir force. As the external magnetic field increases, the Casimir force decreases. Thus, with an an external magnetic field the Casimir force can be controlled.The calculations are done in the Voigt configuration where the magnetic field is parallel to the slabs. In this configuration the reflection coefficients for TE and TM modes do not show mode conversion.Comment: contribution to QFEXT09, Norman, Oklahoma 200

    Spatial dispersion in Casimir forces: A brief review

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    We present the basic principles of non-local optics in connection with the calculation of the Casimir force between half-spaces and thin films. At currently accessible distances LL, non-local corrections amount to about half a percent, but they increase roughly as 1/L at smaller separations. Self consistent models lead to corrections with the opposite sign as models with abrupt surfaces.Comment: Proceedings of QFEXT05, Barcelona, Sept. 5-9, 200

    Pull-in control due to Casimir forces using external magnetic fields

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    We present a theoretical calculation of the pull-in control in capacitive micro switches actuated by Casimir forces, using external magnetic fields. The external magnetic fields induces an optical anisotropy due to the excitation of magneto plasmons, that reduces the Casimir force. The calculations are performed in the Voigt configuration, and the results show that as the magnetic field increases the system becomes more stable. The detachment length for a cantilever is also calculated for a cantilever, showing that it increases with increasing magnetic field. At the pull-in separation, the stiffness of the system decreases with increasing magnetic field.Comment: accepted for publication in App. Phys. Let

    The Use of Rock Shelters During the Early Neolithic in the North of Alicante (Spain). The Site of Penya Roja de Catamarruc (Alicante, Spain) as a Case Study

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    The first Neolithic communities settled in the East of the Iberian Peninsula developed a complex strategy of land occupation. These strategies evolved as their social, demographic, and economic bases were transformed. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of archaeological sites located under rock shelters, which were recurrently occupied throughout the Early Neolithic. To deepen this analysis, we reviewed the archaeological record of Penya Roja de Catamarruc (Planes, Alicante), as well as other sites of similar characteristics. This information, combined with different spatial analyses – prominence, visibility, and capacity of use of the soils – allowed us to define a series of patterns of occupation and exploitation of the territory of the first Neolithic communities. This study highlights the importance of the forest as a resource related not only to hunting and gathering as traditionally seen, but also to shepherding.Part of the results of this research are in the framework of the doctoral thesis of SMA, who has a training contract with the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Alicante (UAFPU2018-045)
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